f. r?139 s8tto Phone A T & Hale x 67 X Huntley PRINCE RUPERT J Joe and Fred J Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper tfiT ",n I'HINCK III I'KltT. II. (i, S VJ t HDAY. MAY 31, l2l. fliltMii'l Clrculatta M. trttt Sltt S04. PRICK KIVK CKIMTji iffElMATIlAL LEADER SCATHES M ffilb mm BUILDING OF THE FISH EXPRESS CARS WILL BE FINISHED BY NEXT MONTH v"- Hanna Wires Refrigerator i A SNAPSHOT FROM IRELAND. One Big Unioni&ts Cars to Arrive Very Soon; I Howl Down Moore Order Finished Next Month Winnipeg Meeting WINMI'Kli. M.iy 2l.Tbm i..Mr?, j.ii.Mjpnl f tlir Tra.lrs liaO"'ll.in t l .Mill Cold SI..I.HI II "'"' .'. Ill.lll.lgrr T BIG INVESTMENT I iiiiil L-ilmr 0iir' of (jiiila, wm liowleii ijuwn y One Wig iveii llit following li'legr.ini lln morning I iiimi fjmpiilliizr l a meeting here lal evcniiiK- til llif IrfiiPHili.m N.-ilionul H.iihv.n-. In " m.i. president ! IN IMSTOCK Mixire nlaiidTii(l llir moeling alleging that tin! ()M Ug L'nioir I" n'lrigerntur r Mvliieli hi.w Ueen nrg iilly .fill wa Jiam;'ring llir ran'tkif llxr wilh JiieMsii.n from iU rtifik4 .rl I' ii-li Iritllle anuig lbi H. The llegi-:uii at I lie lime IImI miily wu fitu-t needeii. ,. . Hon. 8. F. Tolmle, Minister of He rliarai'le rizeil Ilie romJiicl at the meeting a lypk-al of Hie , ! rnmni' i'. -.i iii-iiM i w Agriculture, Talks In Big IMiliry of the One Uig Union. They were living on lle cllorU of ....il in l' -r ire ininiedoili-l). Figure. ' I he trade union and were i-eeking to get Mimediing for nothing. . ir j I uinplrted during ni' i.'ii ll "i V. A. May SI. Il.ili III l II. II s v H I li.liiui-. f.-derul tiiiiiiiii i "f ''iilliiif. sluled in an aildr. .-. . u-i inirbl dial U' l Hta. fcfi 'II Hllll i-V'll('-H till- SETTLEMENT GETS FURTHER i '!"'' .r ai iiialml in !.'-.. UQUOR IS in I ii lulu Plans Aealn Under Way foe LIABLE TAX Settlement First Day.Fifty. ls Most Honored American ORIcee AT TURF CLASSIC LONDON, May 21. .The In Great Br'taln Canadian V Kmrt Drayton, Mfnlater of BKt'sh mine owners have -Born iik, Mr will Mot Affect reportoil that a new plan 1 1 rurpote Oul.e intf Ouche of Dont!rf had been brought forward I.OMKIX, Mays I. When Hear jEsViTk "IBaBf'aBBE aaBBSi which result In the set- United Qrc Jockey Club OaUier- may lyHiiral piiitViUie lrS In, Toronto. j tl erne rt of'lhi.mlners'.etejkof Halts XavV and' friiier "etm- lfr--i"i' i!. M. if iV.in which this morn In" entered inaiiiji-r of the Amrriaa n-Oal ... I H. i .'.mi of Hi' . i inyfli; " .' iHa upon; Its flfty-nrjt day. The furee in the tar vm. arrie in laW" ..( ill. niri' .il W'II i. ir INiil Mrf wlll-Ti i I - details have not :yet. ben il-'asUnd Imnorrow lie will reeeie, lifo&ll ' . I,,l.itt..i III !!. . run I i uull'-iiiUHir al llw divulged biiC It fa tftlleverf' Hlei decree .if ll-wlur if Ijiws at iiii ii . nit "f Im Onlart' Mr. od Mrt Rlrlurd Cnkrr. vrnttiajr m-rent photorraphH that a cugeestteTn la being fii in lirii.Ki' t nieril. k i. I' .iv ii. min i.lir .if i. , n' 'JMni. Ili SMar ar4 Ufir lua Inh Mh bomr.4iefvmitv-y mbrrf hr'ry ritlnr tpfniinf hat He a w rjratlort anablr Hia er i one for made whereby wages would ' Hear Admiral Siiu i Uie re. ij iilH ?h' lilfH"' hi . l'i.. n ai.il n tiuarf- Ilia bWf -at w.ir. iv r irr Croivrr. woo d jinlirrilrd h be "everned by the test ef eipli-iil of more nfllHnl lniiiir?t in . ' lll' "III-- oa ana lata left for Ireland mltta hla wir llvlnq. Hrilain than werr rxe'r hf-fore f I. I j( ,,v i in I- minimi Ti i M m r i.i. W'i " ' IIIIK'il I i'.i v Ir.l.l.-. (ml would V . . It : .-I lilt' llV'l1 i .in I-, nl niti'iti!' tf-tiilrd lo a natal ollieer of the t ' ,-i i.i irnil' ff-f - -f i HI Hi:- ..M 3rifenta! Question Will Be lnii-l Slalri.. Ile-U a member ii- , -.ihli'd mil Ihul nfll" I l--H jof tin- lira ml i:rof Order of HI. , Il t - I Mill uhli' IlKlwr Mirliael uinl SL limire. (hi Mi'i--. .i ;i. i wiiuid i4 i- i .... lion-, nl III. INSPECTED AT Kill t.lil ii. Ilii i .ii i' wliirh l-'llllllHl Subject of Test Cases in Il IMC A II ri flCCVi:i,,",,"r l,a'"ff lw" e-'ilferi.l tiM.n .;- ' is.- .t UM-!- ni I" 1 1 1 1 --- it I nlil lllivl JUllLiilU LLUlJLrJihmi by Kins Unf.rre iii till, lie I"' , ....I llii.lun iii omarin. Kifiy jjnni'-an lin Farris t alii olTered.tlie Iti-linsui'vlinJ Courts, Says " . ' ' 'i.. nl . 4H ll III lin n duluUnl by Kliitf i-irti- uiu High Will Srrxiee M.-dal in IKI'J biil thin lie Four Hundrtd Employees Mil- lia Wn niiiiiili-nii'tiii'il l ,di-elined. ''". -i.i .-.i '(,.i I r ..iutft 7.:iimi giru by Hi' JM-k ;iuli. VANCOUVKH. Ma 21. The Orienlals and llnir righl in Be Thrown out of Work. ( The h'liiurs slvi-n ACiiiirat Sim 1 ...... Tlir iKikiv ami Huclir uf lxmi. llorl be ciade legftl liv llrilaiu are in a nn-H-iirn ai. '! Ill Mt and Aldirmen Back; Plan the niviiire of HrilMi diimliiu will a ' Mayor -Inn- will b among I how irc-iil. Jl'MlXf. May SO. -Th- AlaU ,,r,,riaiP fr 1C xva itll j .rl 'In- oev lit of ReconnaUance. ifisiie in the foiler! rourU upeonling lo n slnleiiienl nwule jert-terduy (alineuii mine and mill will in Canadian ' " I.. Hope, Ontario, i-o a -I' I. liy J. W . dell. Farfts. rovinrial iilloriu-y-geiieral. e..e ,.,wii permanently (he , fcj u co.I(.. .roi., UU Wm.t Iliwi(ler loai-llier wild Ti-l rne! vill lie made on Ihe onli-ru-lf Hiiiellt jjaed HW.or tin moiilh. Ihrowinx outi. (;rnllJ KIt J.f lirilain in. ij.f tIGHT BETWEEN Iiitiii.-ii I'urker anil lbiMi WELL KNOWN BISHOP ,iinii lime to lime by Hie provim ial goveiiuneul iijid th,alT,lal-nig of work 100 employes, aeeord.ni (p d of - h W4H ' I r ;ui :ii-i fnuN lher et"raii'ni IN CITY YESTERDAY A' l ied al Ihe n-. eiil esion of llC jf gis'llitifrej ,; lo aim.xiiirnirnl made by!uper- n(iwll iiitendi-ut JarkK'in. Negotiation , - ili nmliufv lliver rmlrr. .; in ii hni i in - . Tli.- Iim al Jai..uie!.e roiiMil lias iroteti-d to Ottawa ug.tihl are.under way fr other intercut Kill ll liM L M A Mil i .v. wh.ihl i lliey Ji.unM-y.il TTITI fat fIsT1 'VMbLHIlill iYJ' t&'Ji.ani.-.l l.y (. -at I lilily ailir apenoinn osverai inuiHin, mi' in--iiiv in nil- an in .iijm ii to develop wood pulp and paper VII I H Kill I I fAII-iiijnufaelurliitf . .1.- lijlJi ......I....I r I- iv . in in tail, uitncp airinger is wilh a view to 1UU VII 1UU Illlli Returnlnq to -Yuken. , iii-ing Ihe Alaka lia-lfneau power wlilUVL l WJljr i... er fur .llilitiiMl eWlrica ROPE APPEALS BIG FUND TO development. PAST FEW DAYS " lli-lnii. and MK.'I. fi'virfiis Mr. Jai-k.HOu -aid I hat uch 'j iiii..i-- iv tb ,nly- - " " w .- r e - inarbinery a could nol lie u-ed ilettiil ,BJil.iir llJ'fl y?ei5.v- ii'ii'ill TJti'l rty P u. In New York When Big Illlli. r u r"'ttrM wrallier,' . IRISH PEACE in the inper and pulp mill will Soldiers and Demonstrators Clash wiwe'er AcquiUnla Docked mil a il id' lrriiuii exi'i-lion leir be aio.rml.led for liipuienl and In Alexandria and Cairo Yetlirday, IiiiIiiIk..! in. rliiiibinir I hi- irr- arrival here I hey w.-r- inel by will be sold. , In Egypt. liMilkn nl llir lii-ail walrr !.relibilioi I Ml Vern.'l. "f th-jdniiia Writing to Cardinal Logue Sug Ten Million Dollar Fund tlelng II. I.. Faulkner, alturney for i-lnli.i dioeie. gests Basis of Settlement. Raised In America to Reestablish Ihe rompany. said he thought AI.FXAXKI1IA. Fjtypl, Mnv St in iurutl f Inow-iiialiiiii Moy llif SI. 'Ilie of ner a. ( 'lli. Mi.d A liKiii iM-ivvei'ii 4iie police and fur-lh.Tttii.-r I jtiaiti MnnjfiT. wii i in Business. u..it ,-ii pupr 1 '"I- -Irtkti and kiHittlede in tftupti- Li'liarire f I In- lUinadian Yukon plunl w-.uld probably legiii lale demonstrator resitlled in many Im-IhiI Iht.i yoalriilay of II"' obircln f llteir lil'MiAI.K. May SI. I'op.' m it. ' 'in,ii il linn i i ...i mii V tnlf Hie n.uiilry i "f a iliNe, i tun- .if Hi.' In l knowii Ite nail let lui" will!ru in Cardinal Ul ill.IN. May SI. A thim.aiid in Ihe summer or early in the drill li and Hie wounding of one lllrilish soldier. Arising out of flii.a HI.iiih lliinvi- .lii-i.li-illy nmnh italure Hint many jrhtntli men of lUnada. Il- dan L.iL-ue. Ihe nrniialp of Iri-land, Iri-.li iirotpntant of lviity-evi-ii fall. trouble there ha been f, -inii.k...l-.. ii. ... .. I.i. lie CoilieHiled ent Hi Ial eeral n lb in wilh um npiieal Ihul lmUi )jilih eounlie have sent a nHisasi' t" Jpofitieal ,r arr itlai-i- nrw ui mi' Cairo deal in of riot ing , -in a in i,,-.. llmiian ....II. Il.n.- Imv illllltv iuinaiiiii ITiiroilIn rt8.) oilier parU "f east and Irish abnil.n (he vtolenee Aiuerira l. ll n "f (heir uppie-in I a great wn Willi, iii BANDITS GET the few and during past day j"" '"l Hi., crowd dt. i.M-riali"ii "f Hie fmalbllily f ern liana.I a fir hi liealtli whleh Irj-lnnd. Il i p"roMi-d thai j i-intim. ..f Ihe etTorlj to raie u numerous rusuullie have result- riierliiletidenl im im.w ipille improveil. Hie nueHli.m Ih- - IIIMI by a tiiMly .im iiiitln.n Mlur land. They ' llii'I lllllf iiiii.i-llliin. He I now ftoinii into Hie north eleeled by Ihe lush, nalion. proniine Ihnl lh- money will be AWAY ROBBERY I eJ- --' v r. i-onnlry lo n-mmu' Iii work. In iiihI in iv-lnriii;.' Hie buinei. STRIKE lull CONFERENCE,' AGAINST SELF - mi 'I'uittvdity, SwIiiMt.'hK will -tW.- July In- will I' j niied by a num. MILLIONAIRE'S WIFE llfij of Inland. The userliou .......i in U .....Iwiii'lli Lake and Iit-r of new usitlnlanla for Iii vai inaili' thai tin- damage to M-:W YOIIK, My SK Marine . I kI lit f...!. Illl'l-fl III llU'll lllO iniineiiKe lleldi of ChrUlian endeavor. ARRESTED FOR THEFT properly in Ireland a a "result Seventy Thousand Dollars' Worth leader. deny that Secretary l)ai' DETERMINATION illlli parly fl workiiip?rfl".l V-l.-from Hie-r.ir--Thuline of Ihe (rouble tlnn' U many Goods Taken from Freight is empowered to settle Ibe eu- river mid on Hie preliminary time dial amount. i Train Early Today. iiinn'ri -triLi.. A rjitifi.i'iii" is Niirt.-y. AMERICANS WIN Mrs. Joseph Hell Taken Into still goiiiK on ul W'ashigloil. MEET HALIFAX Custody by Chicago III t'FAI.O. May SI. Maked RE-ESTABLISHMENT MOST- GOLF EVENTS Police. men held up u. freight train near VANCOUVER WW FIRM REPORT THURSDAY Xorlh Toiniwiinda e,aily today and Skeena Lodge 45 k --i,k... Hinance., Taking SUING SMITHERS MEN English Amateur Champion Defeats CIIICACo. May il, Mr. Jo. carrierf.iwuy' Sillil.) kliiies. Moth, Knights of Pythias. and other M t( Vevenl Corresponding American, Ileil, wife of Iho millionaire Will lug. uulmnohile lire Convention,, Commiltse Nt However. banker and investment broker, Parliamentary freight, wolill STO.UOu. I he ban. All member and v ufllng i Month. Wilson, Whealler Symei Claim hu been nrrt"dejl. al her home Then Present Findings to dil eseaped and Mie urn nw brother reijuesle.1 to alleud U,,.'",.NX, M" A $1,26 for Services Rendered UliYliAKK. Knxlaml. May .'I. by Ihe polie charged wilh roh-bingiialf House of Commons.. on their (rail. Hie regular uieelinu Monday, i tinu 23rd. limine.: Noin. w.hero May doren jiinii.-M today wmi nine u '' Aiueriruil golfer hun"'l ,U Alltaiiw VAMUIl VKII. May Si - WiUnn. virlorie aifuinsl the l'Jltfll'H Nhe Iiluiued eiuptoyineiil as u OTTAWA, May ;i. Tins report BIRTH. inuliou of OIlieiT. Ileport Nu'," "U-oiiKly of iniuid. . , of Ihe parliamentary of r.ruiul Ili-presetiUlhe and PMf 1 1, b,'u,K 'v" Wliealler A Syiui-, a l llrtti Hire.. mittee on noldler' re-etald!h There wa bom 'at Jt. t'aul' Hunk of Page. W "i" ll'','tt,,'m 'WKiie.of IliU Cill'. ha-e lurle, nellon Cyril liiiiiiiiiiiti Twlley, Ihe ilffealeil lliilioh l.uario amaii , johii Moritson, tho.wel known nii-nt will he pres.enle.1 In the lospla.'Vaneouverv on May 10 F-. J. Ctlllll, t:.a Win ,." , 1,1 11 iventlon in UKuiniil IV'i.'r .Hiiur-r (in.i l.iiinim linir i Ihe Aineiieun nmlcuilN i'iatai-iu fanner, returned this House of Couiinoiis nesl Thursday, to Mr. and Mr. II. S. Delnionleo, II. M. liAtKIK'lT, K.lt.S. Kvan. (; m um iH bWiiir Wood, if SinitlMT. rlainilnir muniing to Oolstt Luke, , of Shuwatlaus Lake, a daughter. "i i he Kutlicrlinj. I,25U for i'iii'i' reuuereu. cUaniiiiou. I