FOR : TAXI Si.139 Phon 35 i Phone mtley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT ROYAL Taxi SERVICE Helgerron Northern and Cehtral British Columbia's Newspaper Ernie Large l'MINCE IlL'I'tillT. H. C. TUESDAY. FEHIUAHY 22. 1021. Ur4if'i CiftuUU 1S24. Sll-Mt . PRICE FIVE CENT8 XII. reditors Lose in the Shipyard Case EENWOOD TELLS BRITISH PARLIAMENT OF POSSIBLE INVASION OF ENGLAND ivernment Wins Out Against Sinn Fein Urged to Creditors in Drydock Case fv-. Operate in England Covers Material as wtll as Ships, All of Which. Goes I Rich Americans Advance Tunds fcr to Dominion and Must be Returned ! Foreign Operations with Liverpool Suggested as Suitable Point peal to be Entered on POLITICAL n LONDON, February 22. In the House of Commons here, Sir jHamar Greenwood, chief secreUry for Ireland, warned the House Behalf of the Assignee CONDITION that the Sinn Fein conspiracy was spreading to England. He read a memorandum captured at the Sinn Fein headquarters dealing IJuitice Murphy Hands Dow i Judgment This AT OTTAWA "with an appropriation to Sinn Fein of thirty thousand pounds, Morning at Vancouver Against People Who mostly from rich American citizens, emphasizing the Importance of large scale operations "abroad," suggesting Liverpool as holding Supplied Goods Affair In a Turmoil With Return out the greatest hope. of Roger' Machine Method iNCOUVER, B. C., February 22. Mr. Justice Murphy's demanded and An Possibility Election. .of SOLDIERS TAKE TfflGAT.ON.IS down In the Prince Rupert Dry Oocli case repre- a sweeping victory for the Dominion Government. The i.-A.. Feb. 88. ie-ia) OVER STORES OVER BIG iNE ihlth the Government hold for the steel and material I'oiMirai affair urv in a ImiihIi id Is recognized at coming first on the ships and on all the ivwui-r MigbMi ha. .ome required to finish them, which would Include the "V " ' ' Success of Returned Men Under ATLIN COUNTRY SUII Unpaia ror, wnicn was removes oy ing singnig irum ..,,,.. II HI UI ,IT IO()Vl lt Land Settlement Board rdt and stored uptown In Prince nuperU this material iim m Hi. t.. i i.m . f 1,'tiion V:i hi '"I i M inli : of V" 11 Minis I ali Encouraging. lie to be returned. ,iy-iimi.m l sUp- (Attorney-General of B. C. Takes , .Air.,. nf lh Orlnrn rtiinert rjrv rn.-A and Ennlneerlnn l".i-d ! have --- iillilml. YlirrolllA. Feb. 88 -Addier! Part-in Case Against Executor y, who are thus left out In the cold by this decl.lon of ! '" ,Lobbyj3n Liquor seltlcrs under Ihe provincial land of Estate. friend riiT"!! .rltli-iii'iil lojnj liaVr done so wurpny, inicno u appeal tn ... ) liraj.MiaiiiAllhyayli.aUH! 4w.-lf-Mtnl lln ;enert-.k.e;'f v.m lilMilr from I line ! lime- i tx-mlnl !. Ilir are- tu b- (0ri lor I! purpose or thdyiu;: ICE CHIEF NEW CABINET .rente a L'llloOl;! liiu-hin1. Ill', Bill is Starting lran.-rrmJ lo Ihe sclllers" xnan- into Ihe real lifslorj of the famous M-if w iti in the liimior frt asi'inrhl. Kngincer srroup or mineral claim II and ll k aiven il. i .nc- Hie iiirfptitxi of ,ihc jn il,f Atlin d!lrlcl lian J-'m ANCHORAGE IS COMPLETE.. hem" r Mr. Meisln-ii ' rliriiii- 3111 loaiiM aiiMiunlin lo luinii-li.xl uiih ih. l-'n-i Ihuiit liuf rlians 'Unseemlv russ over Introduction otr 0 ' Kranira. or jns tu,. ami thr .Miurne-;imi iinr-r mint Ihe patronage system I w nu ll ;io. .30 lia In-rn ronrfllrd f rili.U iVilumliiu iiamnl a IS MURDERED Harding Select All Heads of Departments in fitll .ulnv I li. t Ai l. ' Moderation Bill; Effort Being Made or illnlrauii. flainlilTii. l Imintr H niM nnlj for Hi Ad i.i;ii-liiiu- Tlif rlaim in dipulr an ministration. v -L 111 4MB mmhIic i ItrirtK iltl J . to Pass Beer Amtndment WANT A STOCKYARD i-li'M-n on llii al will of Tan le Have Been Slugged . ir'un- fur nrf Hrrlliih. If no Arm on Iikr Tnili and aro Thn Shot w.lh Own HOOVER BECOMES ilii var, til i.iri ar in l'JJi. VICTOIUA. K.-liruary SJ. Willi Ihr near airo:irli in llii ' ON PACIHC COST jxaluril ron'rvatiiFly at S.i",- In Loot. Bring OUU. Weapon COMMERCE SECRETARY '' "i" for onlnil uml ulf Ilir oiiuii lia liiH-n lirlil ,yi I.,K,''' Irrtidin; povrniniriit diMiHilnilr or tlkc Mrivhrn fnll.mrri. thai sealed Jiarkapc- of lliiir lo he uilnxjiirpij TliurMlay or 1 rnlay, Yai.rx..r. K.I.. 2f. -The 1ml- '-. "'' ia" Ji"''"" Alrt- .1 I ,-. 1ST. l l.l STIM Kin. IVI. J Kanio-r ...ei..l llo-ir roiivrn. i ..I ltl'l (ftTitriil vtoiitU ! "trtina ji t. oniinir rinur Hitoaronl that a keen llglit over the rontrn- ". irovvn, on n.e , I'llf full raulH'-l liu M'- lion ll.i forenoon. Aid. Mi llar if -ri..iA I,' I jleI.H Ux l',..i..iii-r I Ilier-Jisix -"''' "' "" '' '"V'!" i i'0'"' "' -nl'' ,,,M'r '",U'N- rfsUun,is and ,l,iug- Biviiis III- ad.lrer... of welcome.11 '. " ,,,u w "I f . follow : i ... i ...i ..i..i.. .. .ii i .i ... ..r li,- : .iiiai ueiriiuaniM iiaxp ui uienu an I.hIIoii. Mui li a Hie iMixerniiienl; V. . i. ' ' 'allesalion that there wa fraud ii -l ill- I i f (Uinrlr K .; i Hrrar, j-uip, .., i i nirmliiTK or Hie ll..ui iiiivs Ilia I Miouiii. me oeer ciail.-e mailUffr iiirnt of a half million uonar iwi i. hrh. ..l iluuli' of .Vrw Vrk. llfc' lite il r,r i - obtaining crown grants to Ihe the Purilic roast. I uml -li .1 eii'i..n iii Hie ml, liny HVe ln gel Ihrougli. it will he ! u narrow margin. In fuel present on 'claims whk'li now- luml in Ihe r. nury. A. Ilritall. Vinn.jr. i me men oi -on Hiei 10 : Irxllralioo iotni I., a lnajoriiy na:iini u ana in.- oriiooiliun lit noi Iname of Hie late Mr. Alexander. ! MllllU.War, JnllH k,-laMfllu. i;oiiiilr Willi I lie .eole In lliei.H.liliral for all I lie arlir are IRRIGATION COST II is ulleired thai the latter slaked I i r ' ill r(. ini.eiil eriliral iiio.mI. 'iiil.' .Tli lolby for and aeniii"! a "lilrar' measure i ularling in the claims in 11107 after they had I iImiioi, Au. iiify-Ooufml. M. I"M- before uil rlecllon I" held lUere ranie-l. I..I.-Iiii-ti jitney liar iiroiirielorx, ii wvll as "anlis" will Large Sum Paid Out In Loans or slaked by other parties and nill le h uliort l-riiMl of Menlil)g', in rorre .. fnre the end of the week, to MunictDalities. s'dsned to the Kngineer company. r ney ill orler li Kel Hie ieoile ill lliel Pintitin4hr i&Wal. W. - rolU(ilUrlM.'tiM III UihmJ. liUHIor,I U TlIIfl IIIhyk, iuilloim YHTtHtlA. Feb. A total of AWA HOUSE Meinlier will reltiru lo.llieir illi- PROPORTIONAL V -Nattt, U. Iiil, MielilRtin. lriei willi a umiinI i'r lru'niefiif-hernlilinu ALEX. HENDERSON 07ri.7j7 was paid oul, either as ! MlilcMwr. A. II. Fall of New Mux- loi.n- or direct outlays Li muni. Hie rojuiim of u wni-j IS TO INQUIRE l Ii,v": . .. queror wlitJ lb Iik.: COAL SITUATION GETS TO WORK ciil eorjH.rations in installiiiK REPRESENTATION , .iHricuiuire, Ilenry Wnllarf. Liberal I7i I hi ll 1 wliu,liav'rf. e . irrigation works throughout he lion. I. I). I'allullo Itm provinre. ftueil lo I'oll frmu (lie "reent VlinuillA. Kelt. 88.- Ihetle Reference to Lain Coin Mir nr. IIciIktI IIihIMT. i;otiem.iie poM-rmneiil will try Alexmoler llemlermin, K.l... Chcnge In Land Registry Act A, slates in n report submitted lo Ihe People of Victoria Do Not Like I.Hlior. J. J. ai. Ii-tinluiila Legislature. PL Tom Wallace In to ullf llieir uClioilN oil Urn one of Vaiieomei InsuiljUK 4 : O. Paterson Introduced Method of Voting In Parliament uroiiiiil of expeilinicjr. The eoile harrller, ha heeii ap- ! to House. PARTY AMBUSHED a 111 he uitkeil (o forget the put ioilt'l colllllli-'-lillllT lo MORTALLY WOUNDED That City. Tli. ileulo an.I liMik forwanl In u glnriou inquire into ll iai ilua- J VlirtDllIA, Feb. 32. The lime Soldier ver iimler the tieiitsn iulhiPiire lioli. IIU rein'il tJMH-t he VltrrolUA, Feb. 88. The people ' Hi.' lllHl)U Officer and Three (future, of Hie Iloue i beiiiK taken in Party of Armed Men Set on Ten up like of llii" do not !.hi(. ,,r Ochiu Wounded by 70 Armed Men r IhhIi oroli-llon and iaily la- in hy March -jr. hk lo be t Soldiers Near Famous city iro-portional roiiliuillee with e.iiiiiloral.iui of representation its a i I ' 'IV ilrofillUP. nvallabl"' for lli iim-of Ihe hi' ieaiveri lir. if. Iil III.I.V. 1 ... A pnlrol of, Lecinlature l-fore hJ-joiiruinenl. a new t'oii.soliiialioi ami revision Cat Town. ntelliod of elecliiiK aldertneu, J. " II. M. Mi4'. liiiliiarv uiih aiiitiut'l near Lill- IMPOSE INCOME TAX of Hie Land ItcpUtry Art. It Iim Fr. Si. A scIohiI trustees and police com. liraek In- 10 armeil men nrnied; .t- I... I .: I KILKKXNjY. party Illlssioners. They have tried the . Willi ImiiiiIm nihI rillei.. An olTli ei-ami THROUGHOUT CHINA y,,IHril uir rniiiuililltni .ciirr ii.yii of armed men attacked ten sol. system and Ihe claim it made thai 1 li'' I IM I li I. l three miiliem were wuuiuleil. women xigned u eonvi'.VHiwo it diers neiil- napiirhiii l'riry. Two II has failed. "f.'lell..- ti, pro'rj' o refuse lo permit Ihe of Hie altiiekini: iarlyere mar. 'I'd run till some lecbincalily ' i ref.'irii- MARKET First Time In History of Country SPRACKLINIS husimiiil In the saute room lest jUlly wounded and onk'roldier wa there is 1o be another election for "'ailill-. MONEY Money Raised That Way there miiilit ! a simgestron of wounded. police commissioners here, and a II lie V li.'iil j ('.ourli'iiy T. McCbinoiit. undue inllucnce. Ily Hie new bill petition has already been largely t ITKINii. i't'U. SJ. China ha BEING TRIED Oils disability will be removed. OUT ON STRIKE signed askinvr for a referendum in I .1 llel ir I ..I..i . Exchange fulleii In line with other iuUoiih Yesterday, A. I. I'alerson of regard to Ihe method of voting. ' ' upl. Tuiiij Xleirllnir. 1.5.3.- anil for the 11 rt lime in her llella (iHik bis seal for the first VANHOL'VKIt. Feb. 88. Two The people decided by vote llial ' .neiii. n. H-Mnr,, hi: lory has imposed an Income Parson who Shot Innkeeper while lime, lie was introduced hy Hit' hundred eliflrical workers cm. (lie system should be adopted. 1 . r.r. i iir. rronc (llelglil(ii , VM. tax, daiiuu front January I.. The Acting as Liquor Inspector Is Premier and Mrs. Halph Siullh ployed by the II. V.. Lleclric Ily. Co. They have tried it and now they " Mm ileriij Lira. J.f.O. 'M'liislr.v of Finance has ported Before Jury A report submitted to Hie Leg. struck, this mornintc. rejerluiit (lie wilt hat a chance lo set it aside. Mark, J.13. hinlieus nlioul I'eklug aiinouuclng islature showed that the rost to arhifrution board award. The election is lo be held about flrervV.. Ihe racl. HANhWIi.ll. Iim Feb. 8J. A Hie province of printing Ihe March in. VANCOUVER HonR l 1 1 iiir, flUfi. , Merelilinls wth cupital invested I rue hill has li ' ll relili'lied voters' lists llirnimhout Hie province ATTACKED TROTSKY. I lllleil HtiilfK, I Vi A iiuioiiulhitf In SO,000 or more affulnsl Itev. J. ( . L..tpracklln. last fall was 70.000. l5WND COAL LAND Victory Bonds uiiil wmlrihule one per cent of who is charged wiih,u.ansaui!hti'r IlKIA. Feb. 88. A train rarry- DEATH THIS MORNING "HIV lUiiS, l7. ) llieir ne prollt al Hie end of euch followinir Hie killing lust Novcm. FUNERAL NOTICE. ini; Trotsky was attacked by Hos- OF RESIDENT OF CITY Inn I "'HI, W,. i'JU, V7. ' - , year. II Is sCeilled Hint thu her Of Jlexerly Triiinjile, nil lun. ack troops. Several ministers I""lll' i.. 1MI." iu:, us u. 1 1 ii m-i !I s ran (hi used only fur keeper. fhe funeral or the laic John and trainmen were wounded. !v and killed McLcnd will take place at Ih.e.H.G. The death occurred this inorti- l. r ii H nioi-ough. I1IU7. 07 U. I'i'ucailiiiiiil ami ludiislrlal pur. HiiiHiklin sh " iiereii. "Kf lU-'U, 7 i. IIHB.'rt. ' Tiuiiihle wIhIh ii' i ng as u liquor Undertakers' chapel at 10 a. lit. HOCKEY, imr at the Oenerul Hospital of iuai. ys. license luspcctol The trial is 'tomorrow. WVdni-sday Ihe rcT Vanctiuvcr 5, Victoria I, at Van. Mrs. Clementine IJoliia of Fulton '" '"'HUH. tua;. vhh. dvtrli lu tue Dally News, plocccUliig today ,niuin will uo lu uu Ilio train. couvcr. Street uild 7th Ave