v. I For Prompt or 4 OA CALL xi .iy 1 wail TAXI Service 99 itley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT Phone Llmo-ilnt nd 7 Fturnfer fg;eron Block Northern nnc. Central British Columbia's Newspaper T(Hiring Can PMN(-K Ml'I'KltT. II. C. VW1M.-1.Y. AI'ril?HT 17. 1921: V.OtrSar't Circltln MM. ot-t Im MS. PRICK KIVK CI'-HTH If?ns Of Weakening In De Valera WORK LIMITED BY PROVINCIAL FINANCES SAY MINISTERS Fein Will Negotiate With A S-AIDLN OF UNCANNY POWERS. 4w-w Romance, Adventure and Crime Associated with I " 1-n Tr tini-iiim s g Oyu UcUIgc Iff JLlVgUill IV IUIUIC Feter oBSerbiaj now Dead HKLOHADK. Serbia, Augul 17. Ending a lire of rumanre tatus or ireiana urn unuer rruiesi ml ailvi itture SHd one rluely-aoc-alriJ with many awful crime, here iurl away hf rr yesterday King I'eler, until rerenlly niler . ... -. . nii r n rt it Serbia. ou of the oulstniidiug figures uf the Kurupau . . i.. i ....Ion. iM Ih.t Ireland til 1 1 demand. -J1U LillAJ Ull monarrhie. M lip " King Peler jif SrrMa. 70 year old, white-haireil, deaf, ill and .eparatlon frtfm the Brlih Empire.' ln.ependnc PAMrtlEDIUO rum the inllrmillr of age and .uffering from the wounds of would negotiate further with Lloyd Oeorge only to save L AllPlliulfiu" three or more warn, relinquished the rares of slate in lUIU, wheu blood.hed. He remarked that there were people wno sfnimlMi, Crown Prime .Alexander, sm-reeded him and a . - ikl rri. Ireland would naaotlala for .. . . rme lb rfer of the i.ew principle. IwCO.OCO This Year on 't if JoKulavU. He Iben . . . ... . j ill a I 1- I l.fu a m Skeena. ijrclarrU SPEED BOAT fj.rB prvnuivu vf vvhim i w ...w.. " Ww... . . . . l f?I -t ...111 "Jly brled Serbia i nw ill L.JOY utunlwi iiwrvaiifr ,iiii r win ww IJ .I...J .J ... THn rIHiTIl Mm ntiMllllf f frre and its future, I brieve. III. fclwVww. . .......ww-.- - .1 .I l L. ...J ... lb ataiaiMin. In Mltbn i Hj ill ! a Km I one. My wrL l WITH SCOTCH iwr vtfim iiimviii ww.i -r- r - - IMirt wr)teh was menl'iir.1 jr tr. I drsim naly Ibe f.Ho-ued t I a A tj. I I. "l..1 1- itrday, (-Mtante eln affrelwin and devlM. of -f Ik tk m.mKflM Kill flnl.ha.d In Enollsh htuuil tt, UartTle l etii. tlnj ..y ii.r twHilr- and, fihally a WAS SEIZED and daitoa Uhimhtow. Mi ut rae on KrrbKati il," I language wii known to few member.. ! wtbm will lMe hul Courageoua Figure. - -l-i. .1 1.r. .n- .1 lha fiilhtrlnn aimnl tnr t-"frw the rfxl of lb, v. . 1 Ir-..it hi. airr. Kin. Peler1 i-.iuni.v Auk. IT The . .. . a taj.al II.. I 1 A L... T I P.t. ., ill.!, Arneriean boat Vmlure fl..(iAMa MlttPaUtf prr-nrnted ne ef Uir mo-l eur- s-rd ... ... .w I. n..klt t-..l 4M nnl lha mil. emit. rrwriH anl br rj.in ni. fi.urr ..f Uir : On enroiil from Vaneniver to Ke- HI Ull UMW I'I M W Wl I I I. WW, W I I w Ml..... W WW-.- ,.,mf ml I Im ..er. the dar lhat Hrrbia rfjrle. lb '' of Seoteh (Im of llm raenrry maaan ' Auttrtan detnand. l'et- rr- hlkey was seiied by a eusloin. TELLER who to Ibe etty Mil uiuru iwmnrd bi iiinrarr atNiiea, lat and f wod wanlfntt elrar- DRITISH MOVE Mi.:. mM tn -HinlJ Ibe lwj 1.0 of Ibe Ihrvne, .and .ttfr-i anc pirrs. The boa! Is ,brld PfttCAUTIONARY, n Ibe rirr Itii yrr by hitn-elf . nflr"al .bra head at 'an-e aa.l the Ibiuor al DISAPPEARS r HOT AOOfwCSSIVK f Hi V.ii?fffrVne7VVinn Vieiorl asrattmB afi"inilry. MMuHttlMir- a $Mi.(Hn Blvrr-In4r4 then alhi-.t i(tbllrs and bard .nar.riison ana 4. j..n-on r.oMMiX. Aus i: Tbf It lbtgb -rmild alx.t f br.i'in. w-- ud-r Ibe who were aboard were released Tim Sum ef 175.000 NMairr lakrn Ut rrcll ItrMl. . Ttir-r had brn r conlanl care of a physician. and relumed lo Seattle. Misting. llfit.li tmtw n law i4 -ral yrar wbrpi h rannr-n When the fortunes ef wr " thfir MNila tn IrHasML rt U! tl DM; aiMt Ul rrx Mtst Eafrae Dsaats la tbs Brsttry (lrt of Alckiton. Ksa - i.m year. old. ske isads mlodt ttk .a scc.racy that Is nncaaaj .'4t till ANCIENT LAW Ulrti h(TI-.Ut. aro W a there Htltr or irfii -w rewaiaed wilb bi artnie. ersrythlag from tost kers aad frttsraltr ptas to lost basbsad Ae-cordlax . feffcVv lrraMHoivary Mtairr. II ikk in lb bteb 'mmt ml UH to btr partats. th baa bad br mlad readlnx poasr slues sbe ..reetieallr tl tasl ualts bd I 'o. twit. t. clim-ci,ltf. i pwpi tktnilpifi aaxl ibe lw prtre ai was two y sar ef ate. ssrPt drive trofn the country.; IP Irnfllf VT .f. ttsbHlt arriHr4) prrauUiHvaty wblrb lli priNrtiri wa Hi He Iheri effected an .ere J III T UIYi-i ' btau- Ibo la.t ttokiB lit. ALLEGED FOUL SINN FEIN' iinush AHkaHPa and went li t.'rr U . lntil. (Uner nm-'Wl rold ;;SMUTS ON YESSEL !al.ntkl wliere lie ire-blrd ovrr' --' Tr'al of Chief Fry of Victoria ' hi fnrre.. " An -i ) Auld In ta- any (he mtaBi-allnM f . ' .rr. Mi-. irf n broak-. lht Iruh WITH BUNKERS AFIRE PLAY AFFAIR IS AGAINST Afterward he went to Corfu "agl.traU Delay. Proceeding.. tTui r. where be established hrad(jur- VICTOHIA. Auir. 17. At the ters and teoV an acliv pari IUXIHIX. Au ? A d-.ialrh in the direetloa of his nomadic of the prose,-ulion of Chief Alt I r AH from Sierra l.e-iie llls of Chhf Mlnty of Provincial Police, ACCEPTANCE rovernmenl nt 1 Fry on rhar,rM of fa"- idiry siisPRNnFn YilKnN (IRIIKk ibe arnval Ihere f the toaniwi Recelse. Adslca of Mya-try Foccl from bis capital. llel-Mnir to enforce the law against tiamn with Ibree bunkers afire. N.-ae HyOr. de. and Ihencr fcwi Nl.li by Cliinr.e Mlrrr Imhiscs Ih case 1 lieneral Hmuis and 'ilirr is O. Valsra Say. They Will ,1 . i...iuibi .nuv r the in- as adJsHinied until Ttiursday to Vsll Use. HI. for! GF PIONEERS s.'ti(trt .re awaiiinif trantler News of en-foul play Net Have Dominion ii n.,w,, in 1.15. bis estuii. perwit the majtisli .le lo consider Wonths Onieer. I ' annlber vessel affair naar Myslrr. Vieaf&a has Status. try laid waste "by Hre and shelt. the point brought by counsel for el KiporUr. j riNtrked IImi ally MirtstMEtj a IHr- Beta. 1 1 vol to rvlurn to Serbia tbr defense to Ibe effect that the 1 Grand Loi'ie RtiuMs to .Change MILLION DOLLAR FIRE amm roari.x! )wwi.-rUy by ilbirf OU1LIN, Acq..' 17-The 'Hd e'Ua-,;-Ke1y'-frr'ihr- prwseculioH failed tn prove au - i; - lbi Name of Organlaatlon. MHity. of lis )r xtaiB-al p-lrr public meetfna of Dall Clr-eain rcaiiMalbMi and; reenH-lrttelloh.ladirtable. . offense,. lite. a.Beirut. : Ilradiey af IN CITY OF NEW YORK ff-esr UWwwMlsW S-srbU. of Hrvr-ari. adjourntd this aftr of his dooialivs. ! Ih be- law m m . .rom .uc lAVrt.S. V T . Au ft. The noon to en Indefinite Cats. ... y.: . ... - 1 Lt li.xirirw 111 ami hithrrln unrr. wnl .bia llta tMeaaw wbirb is dinntmr or me iitc. to -- - - re.iif Krand lodge of the VuVon rtrr NKW YOltK. Aur. 17. Tm rather nails 11 fMltiws: Prlvete sessions will bi held Kine enctKirasred bis trtw - .--..-. , va of l'ioer eieaiad Frank Hi.irk deslrxy. "In n r4to fnm Apivm. i meantime beqlnnlng tomorrow. despite Ibe ..H..I de f-'-ally of a fine of forty abil-prewsiiiK tsetory butWItiHs ,.pe " tb'-ir residrMl and "ttrpj wee. wialra thul several liK fr a constable fading lo "i li-aal tlwl Al by a ftr which look plnrr Hytter. law otH i.n r re.rrs and m 1 nr utwMbs Hriawsloii -frrrlary al Mumi lbre Kits iwriiina Ttte lo is a itrosassetsir n-iMirtai (he fni-iok De Valera dsclared today occasions i-rsonally led Ib-lp"'""" hi duty. . iin,-iaa. Htee-iag Here jrrsirrimy rwltiiMiwrd al niillbtn dollars. of a lN)4y fiftsj aaaW from that Dall Elr.ann would not Serbs Into bailie. 1A Inni JV lirnud liHlgr rrjerled a a rwaai PoitsA P'-sslr tkat of a accept Dominion status. Father Pstir. 'rvtHal lo admit u iswwUrr-shli nssa froM HysV-r Alus-a. Yrs-lertlsr. " KinK I'eter was tall, ereel aad MOISTUREFOR all pioneer, of Ala-ka and LIVING COSTS RISE GIarlwS MoHli, a pnw UNIVERSITY GETS muscular aad in sjle of his dp irjoctisl a motion lo ebanse !h. iveetnr. repnrie- lb fmelttia of had the appearaivee of a H KILLED ON IN GREAT BRITAIN age A DRY YUKON . . uattte of Ibe ttrKanliallun to a I ly on Portland Canal to A NEW PROFESSOR, much younzer man. He had all T Alt. 1 1 l U I U I IUC Alaska and Yukttu I'mnrers because (witnslable Drjit-n. f Aiiyox. the nueliltes af on AJ AZAl 111 I.IIVI. l.llSlMIN. 17 The Labor rugw-d " M.w lhy said lha ttkiMi Auk L W. GILL, OTTAWA ap-ullen Smilh M a.rw in I'rtarw lluntri. from from the M. Il.e sprung1 to all mIh- i4uiieere! th llatrtte. I'liiiilitrlltinit on tbr (wiiHiw4-atiHifr Hl, mt llyder. took SKde in refrrruiK ! bis UAWSOIN. Auk 17. -The Yukon . Vukoti 1-0.1 uf Iivhik lit r-iiKland bing itoYi-riiuu'nt has been noti Two Iti.e. or lie watershed requaeta you to ilrr.aU OTTAWA. Au. 17 Professor bumble origin and Ueoogbout injoml be.,ore IV AO. It Itir upKcadr. mar U due SMiilb and wirr v.ur fdwiunfs to J,. V. Swill. duiHlor of tihnleal fied that the t oiled Slates bas. I liwixWr A charter ws Kiauted llio rhiefly In the cost f farm produce til 01 as eitra-littoB Hsay be education 111 tlo' department of """"J al.- ..... li,.....- wiio wae wmoeti's auilllary club to be ooiisrqucnt n the drought. sogbt. A ."iier, Jury at Wttwir has r.i.i.d to aswpt the 1 ' 'inaKal- known ai'lhe todies of llm Uold-ett llydor now su-(M'ila foul p4r " direction of eWtriral and lueelu ZTZE ? T ,Jm1. Vukou territory ThU will allow !' deail. North, JIMMIE "MELVILLE Chief Minly rrp tried today anioal ensineerim; in the depart , 1'iuor to reach here from the s4pe. "'partUrt tJ. outside and will put out of bust that he bad lrn unable, as yet, IS TREASURER OF ''tch lo locate Sinilli Ih'Cs). iT -llrl 'blm,,M' t1"" l'rval IH mployment Conference !!.Vtbei ' lrmtlon since the CONCERN BIG COAL b. W began to be felt, 11 f Iut his royal oarcer was 11 rr - m m . a .w m J. It. V. Melville of New York is OF PRINCE RUPERT elouded by a grae and lerribl' - mmi.is " J L m. 11 in I II .r-? I IV I 111 Vdl THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY a.sasialins of Klee-trtc tragesly the ttLtDKrllt rlnUinVl the treasurer of the United Antiuun a tree L-n and Farris Is Still Sitting Companies 10 au article of ltamillc.tn the lbtn-ar-cordini; hi and predewMr.the latter mux wife..iexaiuier GOLD IN KLONDIKE ille Cioniitiereial News, lie !; Christian Science llraga- in the iHtlace al Belgrade in already removed to that town and! on June 10. l.OJ. A suspicion Yt'kiiV Auir 17 Tin. . His ;" 17. Tito unemployment conference was coiniiietieed his new work. IIY - that member of the Karageor-Uju, anulversary of Ihe discovery v lieiieral Purri al its meeting yesterday thai A Onal payment of approil-1 gevitoh family, of wtilcli fetcr of gold in the Klondike and a 'vuicow.rti such that titer, cannot be wliole-li mainly a million dollar, has been Rev. Andrew J. Graham, C.S.B. was a member, were implicated Krand csdvbrallen I being held made on soma coal properties, the in the eoospiraey whieh eiler. her in honor uf the event. The mailer of public works to provide purehusera of which Mr. Melville or BOSTON, MASSU initiated Hie rival ruling ilbreim-ilich lead is being ta-n by Ih Yukon ut. Member of Ibe HftaM of Lecture-dup of tlie Mother tUiureh. of wlikli Alexander is i-otinecled with. They are big dynaply Pioneers, Ihe Kratnl l-lgr of 'dHl that thfl government was seeking a tuett and the eoncern Is to bei The First Chure It or Christ (Scientist in Ho.Ion. Ma-saebusetts. and Drajra were repraseHta-Uvts. which is in seiwsioB Here imw. The pol'lo 1. cordially tin Hot to tin lecture, which which Peter placed and '"'i " 'Micinploymeitl with un open mlitd. era!rd In a big- way. I Mrs. Meltille and family will will be deti'-t'i mi (Continued on Page SU.l BIRTH. ' "l U nrc-. e told: There U u Until lo e. I don't know when we tdiall rem It lite join J inutile Mr. Melville Melvtllewaefortoerly at Danville in Thursday, August 18, 8.00 p.m. James Andeisuti anui'd A daiagbjior w- imrn v-,tef- -lead or there being cheaper miniey.l U 111 employ of the U. T. P at this from Alice Arm y-lrday meru.jday lo Mr. and Mr. J. gwarl. ' -lin e the war." port as I'lttef clerk to the (ti-ni'i al EMPRESS THEATRE nig and is slaying al the Hold .at their rt-.UIeiiee, FJe'vculb Avr-Priinc Rupert. nut- Kat. -Ull i iui.aU.nl. in .eskiuit. j. ujh