M fill! DAILY fflWB Wr !n..i.. .. l LlJ-.t 1 in 1 1 ii imn n i , , , , "i i,. HOW RAILWAYS SHORT OF BREATH FINANCE THEIR Could Hardly Walk Westholme TheatrJ ROLLING STOCK Without Resting. en i ma .e I r e V loaay, matinee ana tvenirjg.--une Uay Otly inn yvu .i in piiyirien l he MONTREAL f-tiniltieil for any imn trouble wm of the Interesting Lesson In Borrowing nr.1 quMlMi he k i "Are u taorl Shown from Grand Trunk nf urea I h?" Double Header Pictures - Operations u. wln I no thirl brenmea affected lei Uie re en nee fretlne 'f rliukinr ' PRICES REDUCED OTTAWA. Mar. Irt. An m-lcit:iMnB hat, thoftneea iif breath, pdlpuauon. rddelighr on the manner thnitl4fl, IrrenLr Mlwr, enmliwrins The Famous Western M-mxlkm, tfittlnnM and t weak, ainkint, Star, their llnanre In which rnil'wtyia all-re reeiitir or n..rrekm lid intlrty. rolling idoek r.ime up 111 Hip on I lie mil mm r live heart Imwimn Assorted Chocolates Hun when Kiminee MlnUler Sir weeki-artl or the rxr" uiwlrmt TOM x Henry Drayton I" answering n kurn'i llrirl and .Net.- I'HM are jutl IIm MIX Half pounds G5c nnfel ).m i-niutrr 1hr ntwlele and scrip of iiuesUon aked " A. II. limulale the heart, and alrewflhrn and Chocolates Mt Master naiJ tluriitu (he llnenl lolore IIm- Iw4 ImiTC rtrl. arc Centre year iy?n-2l I lie rttuu inun Mr. Mr'lHI l.r-Mtf . r.a4 ClnTurO. !.. IN write: "I wricrrd 1 Vn yrttt wit Half pounds 65c; pounds $1.25 Hallway imrrmvnl li.ooo.min mi heart irnuMr. 'I rwii.l harJiy (lk fnun equipment trust ecrlinralf. The Dm- Irww lo IIh turn (IIMMt mini i "The Assorted Wrapped Caramels rerllnatp were not mmrnnleed I nnl tn $rt (.rl ot tsfrHU lMWr Untamed'' ly Hie ioornnienl. They were rwild Hul IhI lim. Mir wift kild nx- It irri but vt MMtmifi ll'r sihI rtff Half pounds 55c: pounds $1.00 i.iioi ly the nulli'rily of the I'M M I fill lirlirr arirr Utt Ihrmi I ; One of His Best Western May Cotcrnutcnt, Infl (he (iitxerllineul thrrr lnn nudo nw qwl HL I tni Scotchee ' 40c; pounds SOc na m no way rennir, MH4tir mjr m m rt num. BURTON HOL.NUS TRAVELOGUE PARAMOUNT Punas they were a morlpajrc on (he roll-in? wl ran truthfully M) I ffrl lkr- dmrr- MACAZI.NJ nil iikh." dock imreluird. They wT rnr awr. a kn al all thwart or luaikral Hard Candies in Jars 35c and 70c sold al Ol.rto rikI realized !.- irtrrrl rreHfl ar pric tj tlte T. J.-twni Also Last Appearance of 9118.000 in New Yrk fund. In-lere!l jo.. iJimiMl. TurKk oni. Add. ami pri ir.pal were pnynble Sole Agents n Xew York. National Hulling Sloek OniiMiiy, Joan and On Irloher 1. IVHK Sir Henry a MibaiUinry or (he I jtnailintt Northern Jacques Muncy QKM5 Limited went on, the Om-i imii'itl uuurfin. Hallway, .ito-t eerliDeiiteM red Oram I Trunk Hallway tnuni lo the amount .,f l5,00O,0oi. The Complete Chanpe of ProRrr-rr, in Popular, Classfe un 1 Character Sorjrs. Seutu i) lh exlenl of 25.O0n,0O. I lie rerltflralP!) were nl ' Knariintped The Pioneer Druggists bond were old at 0 . ami real-ied !y (he (iixfiiiuiiiil. ai lliey wri Ole Olson, "The Suede," will make you laugh whether yc.u wantorccL 2.1.5!5.:'05 in New Yrk a iliCtH'l eluire on the rollitiK f.i...i.- toek. ' The wrdlie'tte were sohl Picture twicf. Vaudeville onre between hon. Price'-Matii r V.t Sr F ti i On May I. lflL'O. the r.anmliiunl 05 ami renlUe.1 H.S5t.oilii in N. Y-i k fiin.l-. or l l.saa.WII There mav lie uiiei limit IwanL Sew the cl.i.in1 enliimn i Synopsis if exjjelisei..net after tletiut I nil: llt.5il in Empress Theatre, Tonight and Tomorrow What About 1 LAND ACT. Liid Acf Amancmanfs Community lir.VTI:E ourrn UF Charlnttr l.TKTIO.LEA5-L Iuni1 LA.ND.TO Land APPLY Oiitnrl To! MANY RUSSIANS ALICE BRADY in - "A DARK I A MTPD1! Itrntrrtinr DlMrlrl of fHrrn. and Situate i aflalaoui pel SrtlM lauad Silver? al f4a.adrn Harbour artjotninr Lett Hi and II r4o4l If aa ta aora.(t u au : aaocodoifc ta WORK IN TURKEY A storj" of u girl who had two loverc, ono the Prince of a Euiqtw TAkE MiTlCE mat I, Hum H. easinr- ' lraamptlon aww eonfla4 ta awr K.n or rnurr inirxri. ortvpatiun Mailer Tayadanda cat. Principality, the other just a Prince among Men You can buy it from us .Mariner. Intend in apply for PrrmiMloo Raeorda U rraoiad ertB( aly at the standard price the lo cmnmencinr lrae trie rollovlnr at a pott dearrtned planted landar at toe i and Und which aultabla la noftunbar for aificultimU land. purpoM Cener.'J and Admirals Sell Decorations, COMEDY and MUTT and JEFF iKirtbweM enrner or Lot 44J. on Ueorra same as in any city or l'ttni; llience aoutn t.0 rbatna more or. Partnarablp pra-ampuena aaniuhad. rocket Pride and Ie to the low water mark or Mrtea but partlaa ot nt mora tluui four may Carn Living even from Eaton's. Harbour: tnenee aoutbeaderljr and foilow-mii arratifa foe a;atant pra-tmptlona ibe Mid tod' water mark 19 cnatna with iolnt raaldaac. but aaeh makli.f We carry a big stock in nx.re or leM tn a point due wen 7.40 eJatma.waaaaar7 LanpeaTaroaata aa an raepacUre aiNSTANTINnl'M-.. Mnr. 10. main rrnm the uttiet corner of Lot Adam and Sheraton, besides 441: tnenre em T.4u maim to tne aoutn. Pra-amptora moat eocupy clatma far ". -IM,l of Hnlilr Bntl llitfll I " l.ft I,. , i.. a: i wet rorner or Ut 441; tnenre norm. Sea yawn and maka Improvamaata ta lai kh' tin- Ii (if the Par plate which weMerly and following tne mm water raJue of lit par acra, tncludlnc cJau-Inf rank ar- 11:1:1 Ulj; Ho- olf from pr..c it Fresh Stock just nrrived mark or Aaden Harbour I J cnatna more or . and cultlTatlaa of at laut i acraa. (heir 1 1 f. Hi in. -.((ill. '..f is lower in price. lent to tne point or romroenrrroent ana bafora racaltn( Crown Grant. jthe d(Hi-.-i in I lie uniform of aintaintnf t arret more or leta. Whara pra-atsptar ta occupatloa na 'Mirtei - mo inev. -i nurrn In 4ill-Ntunluii'i eimu-h l" en l. HUME B. BABIUTO. 'a tbaa I year, and baa made pro (SeniTiil- uu.l u.luiiral Imv. FiveRoses John Bulger Per Fred. Aaah. B.t.L.S., areol. portlonata Improvement, ba may, ha I... cMiln' of I he mini-liled nixt the am rta of January. y. eauaa or Ul.kaaJth.r other eauaa. ba Vld I heir dvuruli na ul a llltl" McCormick's KmtureV. Some iffinree-a. armatad tatarmadtata certificate of lza Jeweller proTamant and tranafar bla claim. at -1111111 -hniikeeperM and nlaiiy daily nui.lioti in (he r tirlyunl of Hacorda without permanent raal-danea (he may ba laaued. proTldad appll-cant who kni-w rnurl llftf in I'etrosrruil Moetjiie A::hadjami in Slnin-.houl, TORK'S makaa Impraramanta to attaai of where women nf roiirl IIM par annum aad recorda la e waiter and Wttreiir. aama ah Sodas s SELL year, PaUuie ta nU Improeamaau W'raiipirl'n remnanl of au-uriny 'uirclew 'ic4ie nf fur. Jewel and Family Flour or record aama wtu operate aa for. llheir Inel bit of littery. failure. Title eaaaot ba obtained ta is iJiitintpralliiK and many rout- TOVES. aaa tbaa i year a. and Improtamenu Hall Porter of 111 ( per acra. Includinf I acraa iiifnder are drifting Into Hie oil;-, f iWorated 6 lbs. net weight cleared and cultivated, and realdeaoa Admiral Oickerl, Willi af Pre-emptor at ;! I yaara holdlntr are required.Crown (rwat LAND ACT. (the lirand i;rtn of (he IKion of j Big Vajuc f-f PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD may record another pre-emption. IT he lltinor, won itlad to set a pure n w . TV 1.1 Fred Stork's Hardware farm,requlree without land ta actual conjunctloa with hla Notice af letaatlae) le Ape4 U iliall Hrter in the lrrli Ii hoeptlol. KifT H pa nil oecupatlaa, provided Parchaee 't.aad. aUPS- w 1 Pbcme 93. S. & Parker, Mgr. atatutorr Improtamenu made Jl'rince iiotiliil. en, mice rirh and $1.25 Cref ul ftttentioa givet .to alt order for Second Avknue . and realdenre maintained on Crowa t urmiiars,frri bt. b Mtx or Ur tranud land a In Skerna lend iHetrirL Irrurdiat M- HiV.rrflll ill the trovernim-ni Bread transfer work PHONE B'ACK 114 Unaurreyad araaa, .ioi e treed la f t in. i i.r iwi, Mann . and annate al brail j)rt. js ,,Hi ti tf eaiioacea ill ORDERS ta&cm rott COAL WOOD ft, may be leued aa bomeaitaa; title to be obtained after fulftlllrf real, "'"I"' l'" liarler. fat denial and Improvement oondltlona. Take iv.i.T that orn,.n II. Hr.1hur.l. Tot craalna; and Induatrlal purpooa r rriixr HutwYi. urrwpali tnar tuan (leiieral MiolanlK'ky, fnrmerh This is CONTEST WEEK areea axcaedinf acraa may be iirr inirMi to aupiy rr irrmitH klrommander if the Ciarina - Looks BwMler leaeed by one pereon or company. for Window Display. Watch Mill, factory induetrtaj or altea oa timber land not acceding 41 acraa our windows. We w ill have Cuts Better may ba purchaaad; oondluona Inoiwda un linear k.1 t. ihenre rati tu ' former premier Stunner in payment Natural of eturapage. liienrr aoujn to rrumt; ineare watt la a txiothlaek. five entriff. in this contest hay meadewa Inawoaelblc Bete by ailattnt ro4a may ba purshaaed .liaia to h.e; liver ,hM tivire lo po.; K'Hir li....aii KetieraU orr Eats Warm conditional upon conatructlon of a road .it.j r.wiatiiinr iririy arm, iitnvv or ma, to them Rebate of one-half af oet of MlllMO ft. MIIOMILHST. lili kilip; their liillK ly eulilllllB We Buy American Curreney, road,price, not la made.aiceadlnc half of aurehar baled January It. 111. and rerllliiK ll-.li. Jttueit vt Sliver, Oold op Ills. Pai.IMTOR' atialora and oflleerji are waiter-. ACT.rein' ORANTb L..M) ACT. Officer Chauffeur Underwear . V". ,h, Aet enlarad ta rout or notici. uih iiuuii oincrr l rliaiilleui time ln with wlthla Hie which Mi Jeety the a font The AHMlAII Lu nisTmcT-DisfitiCT orir,,r "", Ameriean mililary alliielie Rupert Table Supply Co. John L. om he Ira or devtaeee of a dereeaed pre-emptor may apply CtkMAIL jlierr. Other a"e dork luhorei PHONE. 111, tit. fr.". Rep? for 'title under thl. Act la attended n, or Telerrapli creek, H. C ocrtipation Utlil elalllelllfll. ,r j.mr rrom the death of wmllen AaenL liilendt lo apply for perona-i r-.-w.l. erly, until one i -K.n u, leae the rmlowinr dearrtbed landt: ! ."Oil IIIMhI liuxelail Women are year war.after Tale the conolualon of the or moi I OriniiM-nniir al I ipol plenied ne'llnjl" flowern ami liew-iiliet . prlviiWfe la made re in. re or leee iHirinwrtl of the northweit troacttve. Ne feee -nrtier of I tie TrM-trtpu Creek lowntite.i ITilieexK OulilMln. frilireon Shah-n.jrked relatlrg to pre-emptlona are Initial Ptl: tnenre ivrrtn 40 rbalnti due or payable by aoldlera OIkOI anil ItUltena III lllliera ore on pre-emptlona ilienre e.l 40 main: flieiico aootn 40 Taaee are recorded remitted after for rive June yeere It. fill nam, tnenre w,rtt 40 cnaina to me poini .. in.-apa (lounlea Vera Tola- THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURD.All For solid comfort this I'rurlelor. for return of mooeya accrued Imore or leae. toy I leaehinir l.tlKliah. due and baea paid alnca Aucuat WEflHTin SC'lTT SlMPtUiM. March 17th, 18th and 19th 1114. on account of parmante. Im. i Dale. Iwetnber ilia. tltO.I Their former prealiienn iloen changable weather you or taaaa on aoldiera' pre-emptona. not count when there are thou-, Interaat on acreama. iu to purrhaee ci.htii-ii;ate r imph'ivemests. need warm underwear. V.rL. ciXf k"" .h,w mamhera of and in the eaiuo idlghl Und lhe ft Pcrcea. or dependenta. acquired .NOTICE or AI'PLICATIUM. Patrick's Day direct or Indirect, remitted from ea-lletment Ill HV and iNuinil MTAH PMAI.'Tlo. are nlarllnu life over aiiain. enrn-itiC to March, II. Ilia MINHilL CLSIM mluale in tne Anyot tliplr own' livintr. $St. The well dressed man is SUB-PURCMASEP.S iMVIeimi of the llullr filttrlrL Where OP CROWN V LANDS. the loraied.Imlly on Vtrderi Hie kuianlt linxip. luvrr, artjoinin SALE f more particular about ProValun made for Ueuanee of l awful htilder: Fdward lwin nf Seam. TERRACE crown panla to aub-purchaaera of in Uie Male of Wa.hinyu.n. Iniled blatea his thrown Land. acqulrtr rlfhte from I'.f Ariierii-a. .Iimibrr or Ivilrtera Krre underwear than JSitS any purchaser, who failed to romnlete IMllier'a Orlinrlle: I074.lt,. Ginghams vurchaea. Iryolvlng forfeiture, on fal TAfcK vmi t mat I. inward lewm. Mr. Cook, of the lluii-mih other part of his wearing nllinent of condltlnne f purchase In I'rra MltH-r'e Ornnrale .uu.Ur Ittll-t. manager White Fiannellette.-l yds. for 1.00; yd. tt tereet and taaaa. Where intend at lie from . aub-purchaa. I end r alary D diya Co., n iu town ihie week, 0 era eo not claim whole of original oar he dale hereof In apply tn tne Mininr JrJannellctte a apparel. cel. vurchaae prlra due and taaaa mat Hi-i'nrfler for Crrlillraie nf Improvement! acrompanlpil liy Mrs. (Uiok. striped 3 .1 :. 1 for the puriMiar or lamln Crowa a Towelling . . iiHeiione muet lirinl hf earn or I tie above rlalnit. , ba maee ey atay J, lljt) AMi IIIITIIUI TAhK that irtion Viil. Cardiiiir ami family have Sheeting .1 " " km We have the best under Mertion ir, f,t the "Mineral Art" mined into the houe very QnAZINQ tiiual lie rotrirmtved terore I lie latusnc lately ueeu- Cre tones Oraalni Act, till, for... . . nf eurti truirale of Improveinenit. 11 d by Mj'. "'id Mrs. I.oiik. quality procurable in the development or i.. inqiierry pro liAlr.b tint tut tliy or HOruiry, A, D. aaa Indies' Summer Vests light, medium or heavy vtdea admlmatratlon fur irailng under diatrtcta Commlaaloner and ranae mil. (Slned) MiWAKD IKWIX Mr. (lonlon, pro)rlet,or of the Ladies' Dlooinera, white, blue, link rrt tnrl Annual gr.ilrf permit, laaued baaed holcl, iiihiIm a i lim t vlait lo l'l lnce 'ai 100 an numtra ranced; priority for eetab-Uehed N 0 T I 0 E. black, weight owrera. Stock oa-nare may lluperl iltirine the week. form Aeaoeiatlone for rartt nuu,. IX nil MaTTKIi nf an Spplirallon for the a o Corset Covers . . . , ; t1 f0r w menL Pre, or partially tr. pwiuu l.-u. r a fre.h eerllll I., or una M Worsted Hose i ,L(fl Mrs.' I.nalie Skinner Woollen aattlara. of for bawat oampera or TiTillaia- i lil.M-k - tjit . Iilwk T and Lot Copper Boys' Heavy w ii. Blork it -Town of Terrace (Mip7t). City was iu town (hla week. w. a t 1 T a..II a SeaO 'lid II 3 V ull-fai-lort 1.1.ml of the loaa of the a uoys' ueavy kiducu nose, n'rtinrale ur title noverlns the, above landa Ladies' Cotton Hose, black, white iiavinii lireii ndu-l, lill la lrfnby W. Hinllli Is riitifliitd (u UU forjl Dyeing - Dry Cleaning nun ll i'lilratlii Ilia I u It of in)one intention hhhiIIi from lima the after Aral liOine (hrutlilll illneex. and pink v iiiitihi'.iinii iHTinr a rreah rertlllcate nf a Ladies' Silk Stockings, white j and $5, $6.50 $10 ror good work, prompt service title In the name .f Alfred t. Morrlii. wbirh green, and reaaonable prices send irmids I'.'rtliiiaii- i.r title It rtalrd 1 lib Jul II4 Mr. und Mi-g. 1.0119 huve moved red, purple and pink eoooftf to CITIZENS CLEANERS 4 and I. iiiiiiil.i.ri.ii AiAy-l. Into their homo near Hie hill. Land llellrv iimre. I'rlnre llurl, D. , . UYEItS. 2037 4th Ave.. Vsn-couver. i :irl 1U1 t I'Hl.ruarv. Il. a ui. unrv oiwuvm a Suit Irviulrica solicited Ulilrlil II. P.lirslalnr MAtl.KDf),it Titles Mrs. Sparked hu returned from Monarch Knittfng Wool, all shades, 3 bot0 u sliuit visit Iu U"k. Crochet Cotton , . n.rMinin O. Ouvcr Iiuh lx'uii at Anueluiry See Our Windows! A Special preparatory to the oponiiiK of the Ladies' Skhta and Children Dre OUR COAL WILL PLEASE YOU MARTIN O'REILLY mill there. I Clean Lump. Clean E.tr. Mine Hub. IT'S HOT. NO SOOT lid Consumers Coal Company, Ltd. Two-color window cards take Jabour Bros., quickly. See them the the at eye 11 Smith Block PHONE 7 J. Lome MacLaren, Manager Newt Job Dtjpartuimt. ii