Ucitlttrre I Art 17 .l NenPCO Ftaxi TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP J. hKUZfcLL GEORGE PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Auto LiM.rktl Kulton Market Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 707 8eond Ate. Prince Kuptrt PIMNCK IllPKHT. II. C TDKSIUY. JAM'AIIY 25, 1121. VMMrtfiy't Oircultllon 1.6S0. lMt 4t. pnir.K kivf :knth I, XII " " ire uestroys inaian Vairis ocnooi . v v in7nTin cr ah rwiTT Arn tit AH7UTA nnAif nnnvrnn WTrnTT-i m nmmtT rm a k i 'i'i 8 - m ni h a a h - a p b i i mi imii . i i nn iiiii nun it mi hi i m i i' in n if mshv Indian Girls' School at TO THROW OPEN Largest Shipment Premier Simpson is Destroyed by Fire SOLDIER ON MAY LANDS 1 NEXT Ore Passes Through Today d FrHv f ki!d t n Ann ! Piince John after Short Stop Here Sails for Tacoma with . . Order In Council Pasted Allowing " a. k - m was Valued at $25,000; Belonged to Methodist Civilians to Talis up Parcels 500 To '; Had to Break Ice in Landing Stewart Kot In Ust. Musion Board Ore i i-itniiug mil from the Premier Mine at Stewart taller O'l'I'.WVA. Jmnmrj. :Ti. My mi JEWS ASKED tliun i't before ami I lie Prince John .ai!eil fmrii this port thi iiItT SIMI'SUN. January 2!V Tin t:mli Indian girt' t orlr In rMiiiril (riv ! ..n Kri-l.iy nuiriiing t n:::nt after a .liorl lop here, villi St' tout of ore, , i i w.i-.. iiiitiplclely a i destroyed tit II IhU morning-I l...!....,.!..,.by lire HON. E. D. naRnow irllclllrllt Hit h-tmIIii nf ui! lliillllllnll fur H'Mifrn IhiiiN TO TAX SELVES I he larK-l cargo yel, for Hie Tacoma 'nirllt-i. Sliiui.cnls of Ihis I, .. hi llll! ..iciocin. .111 111c M-ronai im Hoinif IS SERIOUSLY ILL ill llir wrlern itnitliW'v williin a -titc will likely ronliiitie rcg ilarly fnuii now 011 eei two 11111I llii' f Kirl iiimIit Mi S. M. Ilcncou, 1 1 ,r'itu f IS mil of a miltAity weeks-. 111 III 'ililili'ii dctroilion ir I In- liNi. Tli VIOTrtlllA. Jan. S3. will lie leriHliinlnl rn M:.y I Willi -" of 5125,030,000 Required for Tw increase in amount of ore roming mil al Hie proenl iui-.l .ll I'.'i.OIIO lllld. il l bl'licxcd, 1- .m ll..llf Hun. V.. 1 1. Itarnitt. injiiio. Hie esreiitiou nf Uul mMlie lor- Reeonslruetlon of Palestine time, i directly due to the -ucccf-iful oera(iun of (he culerpillar fnrf rui$L ttiitititr - I tint hi ft In trr of In nl II III' e. Bdi H-i'lluri'. MiMinlMin w.ete. the HikIviiVh IjUXIhiX. Jan. i'i. Jcwn IrurUir llml were taken in several muiilli ago. The.-e Iraclor ttnw lu-re Willi rrimt I , .. I I it ill I In- ohlcl l In -I k 'MP ! li.'l- In . May rr.er. the IMnkln-lM.r r(.. Miriiuvli'iut Hie norhl were ukiil are now liein? rk-l nilit ami .1 i'Ii - Hin i.i ui Hire. I' x l.ibliiil i'S tWlllV ll - . 1 . Or. 1 lllljlll'm.ll.: 1 1 fi "4ITr. 1 . rr- ! conwiil l a form if M-lf-inxa- Ju- lirinfin Hie eoiitimial flreain . :. 1 .J11 J f HITII, . I.. Ill'- HVHomIi-I iTI ill Ii) alli'llllinM lhjrii- 'rrtri .fur. the purpie f tlaliiu ,!"M 'J' ,i'h',' the maiiifrlo of ore oer Hie iiiiw. DEAD MAN WAS Mi. l'lilli- Jeim-, nf ttM hi Iv t Kimii lav I'tiliini iiui fl tial T9mwai Il..;inl and " -nl... formerly 1II1 ! of i.ililleri uIim-Ii are 1 .-'.irl incut ' ( Iiiii llll- U' .! I I II'"' ' 1 1' -. Iiu -(ll peiuliiiK. jfiHiii'lrti i..'i KiiikL akiii(f fur Plow fur Ho- arrj.nl tramway FOUND IN COW )' ui .1 a 'III lfl ' ' - . ' i Afl'-r May I. exilian- inn ae. Sj.Omii.imiii for Hie ni-nii-lriir- ftmn Hie Premier mine to the I for Ht '-' ip ir.- tlieoe laii'N vmHhii the l'"'l f I'ale-I lie. Tlie mauifi-.t'i tx-arh at Mewarl are ner.rly roin- MINISTER OF AQMICULTUnE i.hIiiio riaieil lul Ml!i'i eltler " -la'i'Mi n iniiiiiirr 01 nn.- t..-e iml are only awaiiins ap BAY GAS BOAT . , .. f Mil .lll.- u ill In j:n.'ii one iln' in "fily. linvuielieil Jew, i iirlihlin I.onl iroal of Hie lionrd of ilireelorii ,,iii.iii- 1 -ain'- UoIIim-IiiIiJ. Sir Alfreil Moiiil an J m New York, it it iimJerolixMl. The 1 ,i Iim-hIio',. I'll' lr - n-iim iHiitu ii. Ukinx in of Hie calile mitl othrr :i , af 1 nw al - MORE RIOTING The iiiaiiifpolo ollti) n big equliniiotlt ill roiimirlice bi-fore George Ross was Loggjr and . ,.,ii. ..r lb.- 1 iicorani of irripalWoi. .IraiOnSQ, ;r iiow i poun. .' . Prospector and had been in Ii -j.ilulily f ir TUP I 1 aIiPfl lorelry, ro,.i..i,,niiixy I'tjoaf - ijjir .W a,,101 or irevin rorj Essondale Hospital ' . vi.ml'ii tiy i i -H. .-iiii. UI ,1 llll UrlilUiiViirM oait IK- aCloljr.lhe tttrli;$ fail .lealr W-k W iioH. a prvpecnr ami BflBsHsi-H?-H !eif silMiut StCwa founj iiniiT rnnw Trouble tn Fyzaard District Near Ive .i produce' Hie fuiul il'-- Uiiil ns nl Stewart'. There i aliu ileail in hi bunk 011 hlx launch insl. ..1 .t l.uarl uilli 'a lot l dui ruum Allahabad, India. .- Ilartel Iliime in (jiu Ikti- vester- LH3svBiKlliK' !gM II n.M Dial the fi'irpote "f Hi imii ti iimv ill ilir nurn'unijin? ' - r..u.n,. enable iinui'xui- day inoruin?. and , afec A- Pt ii'ii'i' I"'""- ik Iji hills. fii a ii'i' in 1.1 iM MIX. Jan. . A Iteuler" LJ1 1J ilr..i.nl-l. fr..ii Vlli.liul.lall III.Iiu. lion into I'nlf.line lo liepin ith- lilorlem exainilialii.il it ha.- tu'en w .ay. fre.h rloliior h- br'u,, out n"'' I'" !-,AUSTRIA IS RFINfi derided that ilealli wat due lo ARRIVING NOW ill I yzaitau 1 Ol-irii-i.ii 1 roui mrr eciiiHiiire ....iiejEPiiiiinieiii, 111 .1 in1.. nnimtnnnnn- Trr 1 ir cardiur failure. ami"'" !.--tUHJlULRLl The discover)' made by isiiiliit there from I.oekmeA "';, IUUAI , t ... r . it.. rioler. eotiioaletl 111 iiiiinlvr Ml IU.Oiim are pouring into l-"ialiiJ a-M'flj. BY SUPREME COUNCIL llire.l lloiii', wlncli he sold to iv ri r tan wnarvvv 1 v in nli th't'liilfiilioii f nmtihilaliii ... the deceatcd. The police were trtailng With Spring lie police. PAItlS. Jmi. j:. (".oml it ion t in iliimeiliatefe- not i lie, and i:iiif SOVIET TROOPi Fithlng, The hiIiinIi"!! it 1.-Kaitl'-tl liere Aii trn. which an- detcril-d a Virkert pertonally iiitlitul -d a ll' ACII C. lit t'TI'IU-. itn al are beina l oMtiden-U ly preliminary exaininaiit.ii. i u SiUiifioe Council here today. I"idy vat ren.uw.i to the U.C. .'llf I lLLLVBsVBLLLLLLLDHm. BHBstealMr'adBllllllBBBHaSi KILL OFFICERS v;: II k-ooil j a possibility or utter Lnueriakcrt anj i.uriai win uu CRACKS IN WALLS .1 iHHiki'l 1 ' i..iipte of the Austrian (toxern. place tomorrow. Cl'l) II (,, NEW ninii wilti atleiidunl danger of From SL Catherines AND FLOORS OF Soldiers Were Hungry and Ill 1 l"T O nl Clad, Hence MutUty. uli in liy hikI Holthevitm. loiter in the afternoon Warden UttH oi MANITOBA BUILDINGS lUilcy went to Hie gasoline boat Ml MiMMix jao. . -soMe. iH.tJoN STRIKE BECAUSE and collected the elTi-ytt of the Ui.anu.1 ! i.m Im 1 1 ul-w r.tnriil il .I Him II nn ; WTXXIPKU. Jan 25. - New tlan IriMipt near Ihe I-lltth iron. 1 l.l III !i tn-' tevrral WCES WERE REDUCED t.r- n.. a ...h e r rjirkt are iI'-vIhj in III the Wallt Her millinied and killed I'.i-. I'll- 1. r' ........i..... r.,..ri.l.... i i rl. ijiuieruiet, uiuunm wiiiti- u mul lU.rn or Hi'- in'.' parliament 1 i'nr 111 I Idine. line lo faulty roiitirtic-'iiolld !id hnxe it. backsrouiHl ill Ihe Va'.ternmakers In the MeUITrades rollie.-, John lloyce now lues, 1 ( j - nun.' Mill I of eniton oinl'T the rlrur-tu:e, led hint Ihe tnldiert wen- htiitjry. Went Oft Yesterday at j iefl l-ajheriiie llurty II I H 11 I. Ii w k wtin penoii-ly S. (',. IMI1111. ilri'ilty minitler aid ill clad. Vancouver. ,'i" a!"J a,"J w, nl lo ""' souU- 1".lay M 1 1 al lona. 1 ern Slalet. Later he came to jof iihM' work", tmil iMiy. "I'lie rraekit are benertli the ilome in V1..V.UVER WINS, WMUll VKIt. Jan. S3. The Hn'lish Columbia and in l!13 was -"" iiiMiiiib-. mihI the tniilli wiliH of I lie bilililillK, imii-rfiinakert in the uncial Ira.let jconllned to the Ktoildale Mental " " 1 !uiio. 'll Ait City Taking Steps Towards wt.lle 11 iiilimr erack hat apeareil Y.V.i:orVi:H. Jan. IS. The went 6ul on tlrjke ytlerday llotpital. Kvidently in I'JIU ho ,ii ir.ri- anil &e. 111 the iKirlhnett winu. Slept will hiK-k.-v match Iftt liiht rftulted m. rniii!i following a reduelion ..riwa relei.ted from r.oiulale and "... ..... . . .1 . .11 'I.. -Iiim. I.d,i ill lli.ltnli1lll mul ."iiilU; AHMle Cameron Cove Settlement he laken lo repair Hie ilain.iBi't ir ii h uin ror vmieoiitep over Me. len Her I cm 111 uieir hujjcs. i no io.i- .-i..vi- - ii'l-. .'ill In (iiu . friiii day to 7.30. ,tli Inlet where l-e biased for tint Hie crack rontinm- lo preml. lorni by a ecoro of 3 lo v:t wat a iii.be Cm. Whalen Pulp and Paper to. - .ii hi mi The biiililiiiit hetllinv hat caiiteil l'"iini ; I.iiii( Committee Appointed by Mayor will Draft Propositi) lerpe limetlone hloekt hikI nmrhte About four inoiillit u" in' lioiijsht " I- ami TIu'IiimW Ihe launch "llanel Home" from Hour ernek. Tlie cnickt in (0 Three Steamers " 1 1111 i:i.U Place Before Railway Board and Provincial. tome catet lire ten lo twenty fi-et are !J hu Toner. i".t H :.. II it thoiichl ii .4. d'-aili osj-'cbrred Government lonir, luil mi far are not very wiile. 1 .mi .iiiiini in r'ltriirc hae been roinpileil by oioelime n Sutmday h . .! Ii" mill H,fte. On Pontoons ,uiylit or Suud.iy sn niiwr. Ii- workt Iho ilepHrlliient of imhlie Today ilitciitMnu laxl the cily council ilc-culetl After a lengthy oviuiiug, I for tiilimftHioii lo He leUatiire e very wat made h''ii urfluaint-luncet V iiniiinilli'e appoinled by the tlraft him and ni iu e.li- lo lme a tpeeial major mi-teil KNfUVN deBlllItT villi Ihe eott of Itsa hullil-Ins-, uij 11 11 1 11 IV leltert for Ihe toar! of llailway OuniuiN-luliert and the Provincial furnlthlnpt atiil KrouniU. iii tiolt hem:: v riinl out the (ioM'iiiiiiciil ettiug forth the cily'w tlamU ami demands to-waidt ' Furnishings Prince Albert and Two Trawlers are luli..kin. -' i.ot". . m mad. MAN MISSING a telllemeiil of Hie Cow Hay ilipute. The appropriation of $l5ii.no(i 'J'Jto,council HJM'J.rtl ilteir iulu duiiiiiilUT uMh.ii wliolo willi.mado IV the lejiitlature three Up for Overhaul; Wallace Here PROTEST AGAINST . 1 fernia1.. Kerr in ll.e chair. Kach of ll..vnl,ler,..e enlvrf.1 into I';; 'V.' ."Tib.."."! Tomorrow DEPORTATION OF Ihe feeliiiK Dial Ihe tilling oT liw Hay bo t4 tilt III H' v.iiooipn the dlHciii.ioii and Judgt, Qone Nln. n..J The cotl uf fiirinlure for tho CORK'S LORD MAYOR allowed uo iilmg U"Ht milalile ami ailei;iale ynterfroiiliiKi! be Ahole bnllitim; will not total much "l Found, VAMKUJVKIt, January i'.V A. NVallace. iiiumijfiriK director Kiven 1 he city jy the Provinewi ocr l 15,tt(Hi. Int'T-'tt mi liumls 'I I' Jan '.'ij. -Juiiiiis (lourunient In lieu ir il riparian i'!ommiiii, with proper nafely uiea- rharifeil lo cott of ihe buililiii of flic Wallace Shipyards left here on Ihe Prince (ieorge lat WASIIIXt JTOX. Jan. S3. Sena- 1 mil luolliiT of riulila In 'a May wiu einlniioHl. Niiret entuieil, he could neo whero .di.ritiv coiittructioii will iimuunt nighl for Prince llupert. Hit rip it in comieciou with Ihe dry "or iMiemu. nemoc. ai. mnu puo. ' i'in nf Ynneuuttrr, The uuenlioii. n far at Hie oily lie oieiiiiiK of the KOXCI'llllieut (o I.IS5.IIU0; wink' oil the dock Iheie, which Ihe company,, has recently liuited for Ihe com- lie Imlay a lelti'r lo Aclins Secre .-Hire Klimluy, Ii concerned, now neovei iltelf whin f lo I'lilnl Axeiiue by ineaut Krouudt will cotl 1110,00(1. the plelion of Ihe iwo Koxcriiiiieul liiis, and the docking of tho Prince tary lavl proletlius of Ihe a;:aiiist Stale lert-inenl Ihe deportation I' ll - I'I'"m.m lulu what millalile and inleitialo" nf -ih'Ii a ci'OKMliut mul a roadway (.He -.'iiil.(i(io. hiu! willi tlm,cUin-vviinlil hill while, lie the north, .Mr. Wallace O'Calla- Albert. 11 is iliiderslood dial, it in of Lord Mayor lie advuuliiue. ('.nn. a KriHil the Kelly ' "I '.V oil HlU llUllkg wiilerfrunlnHe hiihoiiiU to. aled relurii from Tltci, 1 -" llixer few Rival Plans. MiIim imm I'urkrr and Alderman utructinii t'ompnny for faulty will Mll!e.,lhe matter of wages in the Piincij Huju'll shipyard. uhau of (lurk. a be IIioukM it wnubl Phelun said v.i, I ! Hie limil. II The old plan or Hie- railway Ii; uIiiimi were Ihe iuoin fai'turn woik on the bulltliny will briiiK lull, coiu in tin- couucira act ion. (he acluul cotl down to approximately Three Steamers Up. lie h blot on our escutcheon if we "V Ii.im- fallen into company or July 3, wu. deixirted the Lord Mayor of Cork, Work the three Ihe pouloons al llierc on dcnuied unaiiiinoutly at n-lia!" $3,11011,000. on Till iiflernooii are stonier M pin u '10' of I ho III'.I if iieuollatioii while Ihe Hoard of Mr, ili ewe't weekly dance prov. buildiuit hat practically- been the. Hays Ureek dry dock. The Prince Albert was luken up at H.-'dd both of of wlioi the predocestor Kittdisli oolicy were of of lntl Klllllllll'l' U 'Ml a (ical furcett lii.l uisthl. completed with Ihe exception of a Kelly l',..I.. ..Inn this morning and was dry at 10, Ihe trawler Andrew V?nlj iviclinit and reprisal, and 1,1 ' at Uk,. favoiiidly. Mayor lliiWHul W liiti' t itiiiii ti'lte proviil- few iiiinor detail'. .Architect' ,V lMUv ut looked upon will aniuuul up at 1 1 o'clock and Ihe tl. B. Foster nils aflcriioon. Kach vessel life, he was told, waa also ,1 .1 .: it. (.tiii.'d that. aUli"iii:li In' I Mi' iiiiinh' iiiul about 11 fly, feet paid l W. Siiium " "nlul, O llll' II'UI Uoclu-tier '" v ' 1 . ,i.'. .in, int. .I. to S30,000. Mr. Oxloii MhinA jis to have annual overhaul. tin fc'ravc dant'cr. lim 1 1 Imii. V ;.. .it lift rl"-"l