Wrdii' liny A TBI DAILH IIW8 G. H. Arnold, Notary Public BRITISH PUBS ' NABOB I he YANDERHOOF annual l're-.b)lerin WESTHOLME THEATRE NOTVERYBUSY llluirrh Sunday Sehool plrnir will FIRE INSURANCE U carefully wrllUn by us In reliable COFFEE be hel.l toinorrt-w- to NtiUI Lak-. 1 omgm nnu loninrrow companies. We are permanently engaged In the business and a our records are accurately Kept so that when your policy ei-plres Temperance Advocate Says Coun-! It. II. MrWe and J. W. Ilolfonl you will be notified In sufficient time to keep your property try Will Go Dry, According to Im1 a gone riiventlHi to Vaneower nf the Sldier l al-iftid Teddie Gerard protected. We solicit your business. Despatch S.lllfinrnt llrwtlil. H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. a - Tho Famous American Actress m Rentals. Insurance. Loans. I'rimv Hiixrt pnplr tio oiiin Aim. tirke aJknl lal week at from r.njilaiitl will be inlrrmtoil in rerefcral hemiiMir-ihiU'v ;i;tnlro frMii a dfupalrli urnl mil to Amerii an hereanetl 13 iar of Sh.r, iy tile AfOflatfil 1'1'i- The Cave Girl" I rantr nurrar hid district. nx- aod leaie a wiiarw and Imhy ! MSTHICT (r OUST RA.IUE . orrerioiifnl In rrfrnrtl In the !"li. jfl Tik nolle thai I, 0. T. Monrkton. of li'iunr ustiHi hihJ dated from i . . a - ftaanirh, f.- ranther. Inlrnd lo apply to Lindn : I Stipporlcl by nn All Star C . llw Minist.r r l.nta tor t lirenre Ihrre l a great! trttprmemeitt lu prosper!aiarr the tor fnllnwlnr nl oil tlrarrihei and natural linlt. 1'rttlilbitlon is nvareliliiK up tin lll llir rnliditforl "f the rrop. in BUSTER KEATON COMEDY THE PLAYHOUSE i.onimenrlnt at. t uwl planted it the ruAilwnyn of llie Hritlli in I ml to the Nechako Valley and III" nurtbertt corner of M tilt): thenre day, and these rmtdNvuyii rannol Admission, 15c and ;5Tr the winter r. rhalna; thrnr. snath so rhalna: piMprl for are tiwnre et so rhalna, thrnre north b cliwrtl." iinirh letlrr than hail Irewn ei- rhalna. to point or rtmimWf ront Com-prialnr about arm. This i the defiant aniiounrr-nifiit led before. i Loratra April tlrd. lilt. inadf by John O. Woolry. per a W. MMSn.f. stent. IfiiijMjranre aduele from the Kalher NVulf ha been ap rtiic.r nfrrnT lad dis-tiuct. I nited Hlailee, who Is busily at imlilled priraelpal of lite big WSlKICT 01 COAST rUMGE I. work driing the "demon rum' i.nlliollr Indian fell""! al Kra-'-r Kaanirh.Tile entire B.C., ranrner,that t. O.Inlrnd T Mnnrktnn.to apply ft to out of hl haunt Into the open lor Lake in .uereiMtHl l t at her Printing Um Mlnlalrr of La nil for llrenr. a flnUli right in the "light little Allard wln has been lranferr.-d lo prosper! tor mal nil and natural THE GENUINE ra ovrr I ho folios In tr tfearrihed landt: lle." 1.. the Yukon territory. GEO. A. SLATER. nurthwmt onimrnrln earner at a nf post lot planted tilt: at tnenre the Murh a they would like li - - north ts rhalna: thrnr raol rt chamai roff at NVimley Ihere are a whole Mr. J. U. Mclirnl.. ntwlher Ihrnr soatb a. rhalna; thrnrr et aft iNVICTUS" rhalna lo point or commencement. Com lot of liritinhera who are afraid f Mis. V. lira SlrMt. ha re. CONSULT US about next print, prlaJnr about arrr. your that he Is right. Located AprU tlrd. ISM. turned to VanderliHMf afler au TIiik wn when reference lo the ' 1 . abence of nearly three year In ing order, W. MSgo. Arrnt. Shoe Is our Maple line. All tiBht little late" wa more orlesCT yijebre. slcs and shapes Every rnncE DISTRICT ntrriiT OF CO urn VST RADIOS pitrict.I. double-tilire-t. for about half ofjM. DUNIrAlt LIVIL a Whtihtr il be Ltlttthtait, Attaint Formi, Loom Ltd pair guaranteed. Take nolle that I. O. P. Mnnrktnn. of the inle less "Unlit esliUMT af (be wan more or V J. Hiine-. Saanirh, r.C, rancher, Intrnd to apply lo EMPLOYEES GIYEN Forms, Enrtlopts, Window CorJt, Fotltrt, Visfi in rammer or utmi jot a nrenc after nightfall. Hut thinst tiavo Vanderhoof tinniMe, lias left SHOE Store lie prospect for mat oil and natural Family ri orer tbr rollomlnv described landt: rhanpml in liritain inre the war. NOTICE TO LEAYE for Vernon to attend the annual Cardt or WeJJing Stationery. Cnnmtenrrnt al a no I planted at In The old "Hibllr liouice" that llrlltsll Co. of the P.O. Box 166S. Phone 357. north ril corner of lot MM; tbenre convention LEGAL FORMS. son 10 rhai; tbrnre rati rhalna; tand on the rorner of the stree! Ittiirbla and VnkMii 1'resa Aasor-iatlon ,rhaina trwnre lo north point or rhalna;uxnmeucetneni.thence wral Com at and einitit odor of xlalf lmr WINNII'Kla. Aok :M. All per whieh ojn lmotHw. Tht Bett Equipped Plant in the Nottk, !ipnunr Located tti April arrra.tlrd. 1llf and nlaler toliaero emoke is not manent eivie eniil'.)ees of the eily n. r. mncro?!. doing ait well as it urd to. or si. iiniiiraea are to ir taerveo Mrs. Warren Jdisin a It-1 Url w. M!to. Arret. BIG Workmen Discuss Issue with imHIn Ileal Ihree mMillij1i4U)I,itr re-n, Mrs. TtMtete aaul QUAUTY SERVICE The "pub" in fwtttl the "poor iruin me eim 01 .vuausi itieir ser. ,'dauuhter Vrlma. Harold John man' rliili." ainl the Uworing fra-t.-rnilv rcts will 110 I on re r be required ami Mr. Atkinson have left foe m Barg ains gather nightly to dl(ti This ilraslfe measure was adopt motor trip lo Washington ftUla. the affair of the world titer an ed by the rily eouncH afler the ROSE, COWAN, LATTA, Ul iiMt staMling revelation bad arfapintalMlter," whieh is the PRINCE GEORGE rtuivalen) to "nehooirer of beer," been made by J. I. Heail 1 (Wa Fourth Street Phone 234 Prime Rupert, B.C TO EUROPE but they rail it a day when the leeial aifilitore. who kad 1m-h BENT'S LINGERIE "arfaplntahitler" l eonaumed. natmrtrd la isnake a thorough l- lr. It. A. W1W011. of VancoH. and the "IlobbW are not kept estigallon nf all lite eHy s bik vrr, laid the iiiriierlii of the SHOP HUE 8E5EBT1TBXS HOW! buoy helping I lie "elubmen" home. nl areounts, in an itertrM re. Haw I'l-s-diyterian t'hureli here LADIES' READY TO WEAR ward. Mrt nubmilleal to Ike elly eamneil. last week. lie. A. K. Mitchell, of 3rd Avenue. QUtStC-CHCRS0UftO-SOUTHAajrT6l- Along llegeiit htrrait. Oxford Kvery psiible error atnl ixill. Ike .satire elly delivering thv ad HAMsuaa roil had bean mad in lite Iwtokn,'drees JUST ARRIVED MEAT DEPARTMENT S. SOct. S Oct.SI tmpr.aa af Franca Street ami in tit envlrn of I'ie. Further Reductions on our Sap.IS Oct.1T Nat.14 teipraaa af St4ld radilly the "Hil" bgtn to liMik 11 fact ibey were in nurti a eim- fresh shipment 100 remaining Spring and Sum-mer MONTKIAL-tOUTHAMrTON-AaiTWtflP lonenome after :3tl at night. lilioN that Ihe amlitors wire! In rtt meaiiHg 1.1 lite ,,1... Keryone eeems to ltae gone Itewrttrally uHnJde lo itUin any metal jrame baard. il eip.. ei Suits, Dresses and tt-so Sap.ri Oct.t Mnaa GINGER Coats, For Monday, Tuesday Sap.IS Oct.11 Nat. S MallU hontf. and (lie tuiriuard ptiwder of the 1 11 format io ittey rwtulml.'H i Hl eiljr. Chickens .. . . . 1 i 1 1 1 11.. said Mr. Ilefl.. and Wednesday. MONTR SAL TO UVCRP00L "lr,r ' "Wlw i.r,riiii7. "'e rhysieal tlllure girU re- ss. Ilia.notl.17 aaamtlara awaiung I lie rloelDg luMir. Hie inventlgalora had foiindl Sae. SOct. S Nat. Manlraaa Along Klrel Street tlte "iHibn the rity'n lHt4keerta in sued n lurneal l Ihe elty last " alier SNAPS Sap.1SOct.1SN.10 Vicurlan are buoter, for there are litany hss tbrmiali uleer Iae4 of sys-.having smu a lojinuni ramping lb. 29c BENT'S Sap.M Oct. SO Mat. 17 Montcalm night worker who are antiou la lent, that they bad in nwBV ea.ee" iainwtt HMer. lite eamp was X lbs. 35c, lbs. $1.00. per MONTRtAL TO OLASQOW get a bit of ntiiiiulanl to rarry (u rnllrly rMilmrt them. under Ihe direction of Mrs. lira II. m is a -i i. Third Avenue. Sao. SOct. ISO, 4 Tlal llietu through until morning. ham assisted by .Mr. Fulton and CHRISTIE'S ARROWROOTS, pi i e on )oin ii Sa.1S . Caralun In the renidenlial districts of Miso lawMMi. Pee lb. 40. eigbi from - j APPEAL TO TURKS Sap.fS Ocbtl Nat.IS Matatama New slock, fitiaranleed fre.h. lbs each. the better rlasn the pub Is n QUCBIO TO LIVERPOOL dreary place, patronised mostly Aid. J. M. Mel-ean is In Van. Pork Bleaks, ! 25c Sap.IX Oct.1S Net. 7 Kmpraaa af Britain by itinerant taxi drivers. Constantinople Nswspapsr Urges corner wtierr he alleniiej tiie GREEN STUFF PRICES. ll.se Leaf Lard Edson Coal Co. OUISIC-CMIRSOUaa-SOUTMAMeTON Things Are Dull Revival of Industrial eoiiveiilbni of the llauadian liar Jetetable Marrow. wi lb S 3 ll. pail-b (U Sap. 7 tmpraaa af India Down ill Uat I.oiidii. through Activity. Vesication latl. wrek. lrfrn n I'. per do. (Oc. Ik. pail-in $1 OS psty ta Aatnla atarywhara, t. I. l.iinrlioiie and I'oplar, where IJOXK'I .W ll.Vll'I.K. Aug. 3S. IJirjje Olery. 2 foe 26c lb. pail $2 0$ Mr, Famous rORSTIR. aanarai Afant, C.PJI. SUIIaa, the "pub" used to be the scene of -A eamuaiKii for the revival of Ilenniiu Anderson, son of rticuinlera. S, 100 and 15c. 3 lb. pail $JM . il Mm. A. I'. AnderMin. leave 3amur SSSO IU. Vancoutar, Talapltona nightly warfare, things are sur Ontario Chess, i industrial activity in Turkey ha Ilrea-n Have Plum. er basket. CANADIAN PACiriO RAILWAV dull and tininteresting shortly for Vaneouvrr to lake Maid of Clover Crssmarj prisingly ihe Turkish 65c. been started ky Traffic Aaul. Lascars. Chinese. Japanese, Mal rolleye eour lo business and ButUr, in I 3 lbs. far EDSON COAL pres. Tti,. influential llerl. a arrhileeliire. Mr. Anderson t laket crale. $2.25. ay. Senaicalee mil men of all the morning newiuaper, says: Idtrire I'lMiklllK Apple. In--I $1.25. Thsra Will B A Coal Shortage nations of the earth couwn off "I'le lrw el tnclion of Mo-em lauvhlrr. In?a, are sndinT the pialitv. mt bit $3.50. I In. I. in. I -nil. Now is Hie time to gel sumiiMT al Vancouver. This Winter their ships and wander down et'ouomii- aelivily has been (iravrustein Appl - .,l'nlit i Id winter your supply. Kast India I locks lload and slop 2 lbs. 25, day going mi iinw for several years. of ration tpialitv A SPECIAL PRICE FOR Be wise! in the "pub" to get their beer, but I'liis ran only serve ihe interests Ifciiiald liaaklll. formerly AUGUST DELIVERY. this eily. is here on a Mit from the old night of brawls and mur For further information, ders and the like seem to have of lamentable our eiieiinrs,eeonouiic who observe eiluatton our Vancouver where he l employed Rupert Table Supply Co. World. l'lione Order Your Hi the staff of Ihe 58. gone. ami rain the Wlea that the day Office of Prince Rupert Feed Kngland won't stand for prohi. wtll soon come when Ihe Turkish Phone 211 and 212 Co., Cor. Second Ave. and bitmn if it knows it. Hngland de naliou will die ihiI automatically. ALICE ARM Seventh 8L Coal Now tests "Pussyfoot Johnson am "We must arouse ourselves to hi band, lint Hngland seems to this danttei . I ray by day our The Kierania Mine, winch be consuming less alcoholic slim etHiiiiierce ami indusJry are bid was rerenlly purchased by a Don't get left ulanN and putting itself on a vol diu? as (ar.-Aell. ar sell syndicate of Anyot men. is work untary semi-prohibition basis. iHg to strantter our bouse prop ing nine men and ore shipment PACIFIC C E We have arranged fur delivery lo the smeller beiiia made The "tight little Isle" Is no eHles and our real estate, ami are uf 3.000 tons of longer "tight" in the bacchanalian very son we shall begin selling again. Another rich strike wa AUGUST 24 Limited Nanaimo-Wellington sense of the word. them our furniture and moveable recently nude on Ihe property. THURSDAY, property. lurks must awake 4 Phone 93 Coal Prosperous advertising means from their lumler; they ntusl The death occurred in Anyoi Furniture, Piano and regular continuous advertising link tbeir private life to the last week of . II. Ilromley. an it our Hvatiunal need. They mual old resident of Hie Alice Arm Safe Moving Phona 118 or 664. eetaiioHiiie and nave aiul work, and An)il mlulnir camp. He i frm Ganaral Cartage. Albert & McCaffery mi remembering llaat lo waste a survived by a widow.- FALL MILLINER! VUdl Sand and Crarel ingle pm-lrr is an attack upon LIMITED TIMBCR SALI X4114. the national destiny." K. F.Ue, former owner of the kMlrd Irixlrra aid l rrrrltrd by ttr hsperauta Mine, la driviiijr a Minltirr of Landa at Victoria nut lalrr 35-fool tunnel on the Shamrock Ulian rssMi un 11m- Slat day or erpK-mbrr, EDMONTON NURSE ivy. ror in iHircnaM- 01 iitr, a tut and Arruva claim, on Mctiruth DAY rl'nili'k and RaUara. un an arta allyalnj GOING TO MAYO Mountain, owned by I.. Ness. OPENING Dr. Geo. L Barton LADIES al iat Hir lud lakr lllalrlrl.Kllrrtllc l liamul. Hams Tlirr 'i jrara m 111 Lo slloiaed fur r A. Maxuire has returned from litoval r umber l.i.liiM'u, Au. Mis Vancouver annouiiee the and (Palmar) iMrltiei irti. Mlara f tlx I'lilrf i Tsll Attention! trr Vxtoria. h. ut Uiairlil I'ureairr Martha Mikm, who for some formal ion of Ihe Hilver liar Milt- Wa haa already racalvsd two shipments of our l'i in' Rupert, n.i years has li.-en mi the l:iff of liu and development i.o. wtiU'li Winter Hats, and on August 24 you will have th opportunnr a Chiropractor I am a specialist In Ladies' Ihe proMh. ,al department of will do work on Iho Silver liar of Inspecting the Latest Stylos, the most popular shapss, lonsorlal requirements am! heallh. Iia Ireeu offerfil a posi- claims on the northeast fork of the best shads of Uia ssason, . WALLACE BLOCK am the bolder of five French HYDE I ion us malum of the new lo. the Kilsault lllvcr this eaou. Upon viewing ths Hats you will admit that the pries Phona SCO. Medals and eight UiHornas tilinioii if.iscriliiienl hospital al vsry reasonable. for llairdressinir. Mayo Landing, Yukon Territory. Mrs. i:. Ilowlaiids, Mr. M. My specialities Include Marcel TRANSFER It is a twelve bed hospital and Ziitwi, Mrs. N. Illooin. Mr. and The Important Point Waving, Face Massags, Miss Morlim lias practically decided Mrs. Wharlou, Mr. and Mr. I. Shampooing, Slngslng, Hair EXPRESS AND BAOOAQE, to hi eept ttie offer, lu Iiuelle. Mr. and Mr. II. Armour. As usual w buy our Hats on approval. Our ",n"'W Ladies' Dyeing, Scalp Treatment. Day and Night l'lione 580. which case aba wilt liuve to leave Mr. Uane, Mrs. Uarkins, and r supply us with twlos tha number w ordsr from tn Toupees and wigs for gentlemen shortly for her new next a she Mrs.'Teabo, of Anyot are stay-liiif that w may choos and kssp tha best, th remainder will liav,. i'i be un duly Heptein Alice Arm stock you and transformation this week ut the turnsd. In sslectlng your hat now from our Ready-to-Wear for ladies, Switches made Best Coal ber '.'(). Kite will vii by I'riuee Hotel a Kuests of the Anyot portunlty Is doublsd, llup. i t and WhUahoraa. The Ho. Community League suiumrr up from ladies' own comb. HAVE YOUR CHOICE FROM ifo HATS. Lowest Prices Ings. inini'ii, giiMTiinitNil lias found it can hi, Wood Wood necessary lo eslabliali a small Advance Am at service tune Styles your any hospital at Mayo. II. duller, goveruuienl lele. ly appointment. Phone 091. Slova Lengths, Spilt. Jabour Ltd. tiraph operator, left on Thurs. Bros., Mrs. R. Goldbloom Chas.LeClercq 139 2nd Ave. West. Take a look over the classified day lu visit hi idd home al .-..nth- column today. There Is sometlilnb .North llatlleford, rlaak. Ha i Phono 845. Cor. Third an Third Ave. 320 Slsth Strsst. Phone 5S0. fur sale liter that may interest beina- relieved by If. J- Hicks, nf you. I'1 near Ilupart.