CJ P. R. TAXI For 99 FISH Market Phone Third Avenue Red Cod Fillets Fresh Alaska Herring unci neit"Srvlce PRINCE RUPERT Best Cnra In Ilia CHy Crabs, Shrimps Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 671 v ji, .MM no- piiixui) in I'inir, it. (;.. fkiii.y. jam aiiy zi, m VMKrdir't ClrcuKllMi 1.S03. Strt 344. PRICK KIVK (jKNTH Omineca Member Slated for Cabinet AMERICAN BOAT OWNERS PROTEST AGAINST RESTRICTIONS P.-2 NEGRO DESPERADO. KILLER OF TWO, CAPTURED. EDITORIAL! Speaker Manson to Succeed ' i IMMIGRANTS PHINCE RUPERT WILL PUT B.C. AND KETCHIKAN Farris as Attorney General AS FISH PORTS ON HER FEET Turn nit' two port ill III" Works Sutherland Public y ii Parilir where frosh huli-i.iji to a-: ..ju- sbbsbbsbbsisbbsb" -m s- .m. t .nnjx:: rt iHon. T. D. Pattullo Says Stuart being old. Prince Ituporl Like Colony Only Beginning of K:li liikiill. Hmull quantities luki'ii lo oilier port, lul unl VICTORIA, Jan. 27. It was Intimated last night that A. M. Immigration Movement. . sumal sliipmi'iil. Prime Manson, M.L.A. for Omineca, Speaker of the House, would be the FUNERAL OF VKn OltIA, Jan. 27 The immigrants, I) .ktI ii ii Cnilinlltlll irl Mill new attorney-general and Dr. W. E. Sutherland, M.L.A. of Revel-stoke, to Htuart Luke colony on in Hie United i h iiikiiii minister of public works in the provincial cabinet. Premier ARCHDEACON Ithe Nechaco (liver will be only Hie Tin majority nr Hits llbhiK Oliver is expected to make an official announcement at the end Icoinmeiiceiiieitl of flii liilltix of lllrilisli si'llIeiH with individual American ami Ihe of the week. in-lint C-ZsillSsSSjs I Irapital, the cITurJs of whom will H part ti T I In- ciiniituplion Mr. Manson succeeds J. W. deB. Farris, who resigned Solemn, Stately and Impressive evenlually pul llrilish Columbia Ceremonies Attended Laying to h n-ii m hi American filifr-M recently, and Dr. Sutherland succeeds Dr. King. : on her reel llnaiicfally, Hon. T. 'D. Rm1 of pione,p Mionary, ut Ihe llh is -shipped by ririKi buyer here in Dr. King has handed ir. .his resignation as minister of public Pallullo told the . Chamber or iiit . ru Ut the Kuilern Hlulr. works and member of the Legislature and left Vancouver today I Im- TuiktuI nf tin- lute Vener. Couiiiierve here yesterday in an Tuo-c are Iwo iniHirluiil rflrecl for Ottawa to Assume his nortfollo of Dubtlc works In the !'! An liili-iieiin W. II. Ikillin. address, llewas speakinx gener ...I.:..! 1. 1.1 ..a If n'l-.lot'k ally or Ihe lumber industry, front Hie IJli liiisiiies, BV iy f ..1., W II irn a II('III HI I 1 Oil mr- iii mHbKCiiAiD rimy vamnou Kuieolilli. wbich hull or the revenue or the mill facilities. fl WfiliH'ilay inoniliiii at proper province was derived, he said. . ing from Prince ltiierl Hie TO BE ATTORNEY GENERAL 4 wa a -nli'iiin. Mutely ami iniirii- ..he murkel several ili" .sflssSW 4. hiv r'rMiiiiy. I In iM-atllllill im- r in limn if U wu shipped ARTHUn MEICHCN tie i-liureli ai lllleJ U nve'rllow-. ELKSELECTION inx mul uuuy who i-ouhl not kI" ni .ny inner siri. iv muuer .ssLLLLLsm. GETS BIQ HtVlORlTY ii" IN BY-ELECTION I'lilry w cililff lril lit lum: lnHlllie utv put in oilier orl. SsSsHPHSsSs nii!iii'. IMf;:alioiis front out-itli- hY bikini r any OF OFFICERS illaK!' iiumltereil I j imt- ;iu compete wilh tf Hir PltKsiMiTI-. Jun. - in matter of !peed Th I-Mill: llll'lla III t(ir (irll ii- ami Mfllakatln an.I 1'ort lo lie increased as aiII tjv--oriimi r'-xiiHti! SiniiiH. mi Hie cuaiit. ami I.akul- ipreil ! likely (Milton Gonzales Is Chosen to Hie mihviiy rompmivr ssssHsrVsKlsi , in li- I'.'iiirn of linn. Ar-Unt xai. nun way ii jik- auuh nivrr. .Lead Order During the BBSBSBSBSsK-vtWSsatrSBsl l m. ,M iIii-ii lanie wi'if represiMileil.i Oilier place. lyu f: it uuuy innu nenirr. mr Coml.ngYear.y,, :;"ii Hore will m iluily hih-Ikiii iiiajorily nver Hie I'nitrreK- nil iirroiinl r winfer Inividliimj (1 Kl w ii,iii...i.i i-i... .riinilllnn.. xtere tjliafle lo In; n'p- ouTecMV Here mill iliiily liipnicnl -ui ILmU. la . IIiu, -ivukl. will lei jTjnin for Hie yi-ur al Hie. uiiiiual meelius Meiln'ii IUM ami 1'aU "arel isuo rM-4-ivri rriu A i un-li. lather Boddy, conrpssed jdSr of two New York detectives night .::. b Hie puenger train. or the order las inv their I2har-liitt.'. and probably the (layer of another, photographed in' the Philadelphia llu Tin' llaidai., oT 'Jin-"!! ssLLLLLlssLLLLLHTdk 5 R ' Trr mold nut he daily lri of ' leruii -KID police station where he was brought after being Captured by hoiiie on Third Avi:nue.i:Miltoii liurgv across Hie ruugli ssLLLHr ''sssssW 4 -r- alu prfveiid-d finm a nccro magistrate. Boddy's escape from New York was a miracle. Gonzales was cloisen exa)edtulcr in Chatham SimiimI. Ihmou in allenilanei-. IIecommandecrrd a taxi at the point of a revolver and was driven and supporting li if 11 is a strong fiervlre eoinluelfd to Philadelphia, where he went into the lodging houhe Tin- u by where he was list or ofliri-rs. Tlie meeting Good Facilities. NEW DIRECTORS Arelibibop K. II. lu .Vernel or later captured. The young flesperado is probably the.worst that the was ' Itiiprrt ulieiub h Hie (olice had to deal with in yefcra well attended and, while Mr. Gon llli Prince Ituperl, who wn uiled ... . zales had there i - tor bundling Hie , ? no opposition, was liy Ilev. W. K. I2ollion. uIho or thi There if here the spo-ited competition lor the other nh cold storage lsiii) in FOR HOSPITAL cilv, utid Arebdeueoli Henry' Ill- CHARGED WITH BANK CASHIER olllce and it was nfler midnight son of Vancouver Icland. torn o: t mul Jlie largest cold- when the lodge udjotirneil. The the ileeeaed. The adiln,. wa .: ml ormiv kind on llu Chosen at Annual Meeting Held new ollii-ers will be itislatled ut a Tli- llxli buyer an- lo Last Night D. G. Stewart Is delivered by Ihe Procession.archbishop. IMPLICATION IN WAS KILLED rutnre meeting, the list lieing: Long Kxnlted ruler Milton Gonzales. -re ni periiiunrnl. well-; President. MANSON Re-elected M. HON, A, From Hie church the Ioiib pro-i-e.ijii Kxalled leading kuigltl It. V. provided t ""'siM ' UIKl ' ipon-ler 1 Hi If Klr ak iiturclteil lo the head of The iifllei'i-s T the Prinre llu-prrl EMBEZZLEMENT) G. I.epiue. lilnnilnu. nii'iii ul llriliuli Trcd Defend gainSt Wl.,. i ii ir in a, 1 - uuimI iluckiigc mid ever ; (teneral Ihpilnl Aueialion the vitiate, iaiii; under live Five Robbers Who Escaped. Kxalled loyal knight M. 51. Hie f!- Mo- yew- IW22 chosen at laul ieraneii an-be wlb appri.ipriale Mcl.acblau. - in handling produc! r (limp lurking i n suit-jGERMAN POUCY nwhr uniiuul ineeliui; uie a Miriplurai U?aI. Front Hot.. Hh. A. C. Townley, President of the IMTTSHI !Hi. Peon. Jan. 2. lixallnd lecturing knight W. F. und the iiinuruerH were ear- body rulhiwit: Non-partisan Will Be League, Itooerge. 1 i ii'. lor the hoiil to tie H ' Five men rubbed the First National "1" huxe ilin-lliirgeil limn Hon. irniil''iil -.lude Vnunii;. ried by launch to Iho ei-pielery. Arrested When Out of Jail. Hank of Uraflon, a suburb Secretary V. F,. VilIscrurt.: IS OUTLINED Pri-MiJ'-nl 1. (i. Sli-warl. l-'our bund, Kim-iilith, Mella-katlali. ir this city, and gol away with Treasurer .V. A. I-2usun. 'In Iknhrriiitiu wih lo ell Vii -I'liuiiiimn 1. Meltai'. LnkaUap and Port Situp-oii, F.MKiO. N. I).. Jan. 27. No Uo.0U0 in money and Liberty r2siuiiv William llcid. ' iti'lie here anil Ihe Dirvelm-M tdi-eled by nieeliiiK played, und while each respective wurruut ha yet been issued for bonds after killing Humid Muss, Cliuplaiit Or. II. It. Grunt.. 11 " .ii (lli Imyvrx wish lo do Chancellor Wlrth Thinks Position Col. S. P. M.'.Mi.rdio. M. J. .McNeill bund wit playing pult-bearei'H Hie arrest of A. C Townley. the tin- cashier who Iried to delend Inner guard It. It. Arthur, Sr. and J. I.orin- MrLuri'ii. from the Mime villutie or Hie Nou-parlisau Tyler Win. McLemh president - here. There are. iiow--oiiii' or Country Not Understood Hie instil ut urn. litis morning. properly owner unit by the World. Hliee4ors njipiiinied by mayor bore Hie cakt. lliui;e lieinjl- lour Leugue, .who is churned with im-plorulioli Tlo- men eseuped ill an aulo Trustee for llirinj years 12. II. Aid. A. MeLfod mul Aid. T. rliaiiKC. The comiiiillul prnyer eiilbezzle-uiflit -- men in Keleliiknii who II. ill Hie alleged after a sensational gun right. Orme. Iir.MI.IN. Jaii72VAiinmiuetnif Collurt. weio luken by Archbishop lu Ver-net, or a,tl(l0.()lin rnim the Benefit Dance. liiiiuo 'in (ike have lic o II.r iinveruinent'K policy o one or Dirt-elurt. aipoinled by proviu- the Purl Kimpsoii baud buv. Skyjidinuviaii - American Hank. II wu aiinouiieed ut tin) uicet- en in Hint jMirl.llnlieniieii'n Already u (lilllllliieiil far a posnilile of olal Kovi'i-iuni'iil. Itev. V. 1-.. (.ol- illg pluved befon1 "find lie With The wurruut will be served when UNITED STATES SEEM iug that the Ladies of Hie lloyiil f"- ileal of Hie nl Kelclit-n-'i ioriuaiiyJ fc Uealy .ililiKulioii, INnil mid K. II. Mori inter. You Till We -Meet Again" und Ihe Townley is rclc4ied from Jaeksmi, GENOA j Purple would be giving an Infor-jmul - ii- purchased TO BE AVERSE mut-" ClmiKTitliur W'irlh oiillined the Ilireelor iiiMiinlfil by l.a.lieK' .Metlakatla bund "Shall We Outlier .Miuneotu, where he is in jail dance on Tuesday nlglit, to wmil it ull. " wlml Ihey iiiroiiveiiieiu-e no lo the poliey follows Auxiliary- .Mr. S. Hatlon mid ill the lliver Winch I-'Iowh by Ihe serving ninety dav' sentence on CONFERENCE JUST NOW ,which all Elks were invilud, fur loan or billion Jnri .Miil.fod. Throne ol Uod?" 'tin! of funds for ' nt what col lo Hie A ciiiii'iili'i"J Mr.. , a charge or violuluiK the Hspioti-uise purpose raisiiig nieii or piihl murks. The name ir P. I. Palmer and At the rliuit-li mid at Ihe prave Act. lone of the members who iiad.suf- Tli iui'i or ll.Ii in Hie eni. Aliiiii'liimiii'iit nf the lut on J. 12. Mclrfiiiiiun were put up for tli1 caste! wa iiias'd ui with WASHINGTON. Jun. JT. -U-fii fered u recent financial loss. iiii'i.lion nf prnvidiiiK Bno-J piUvviii' prulllM. iiiiiiiiiiulion by the uieelinK, but many llorul Irllmles which .had iul !i!(j!ra!i:ni." seen! lo l thai linilnl ARBMLE CASE IS Hie H ui Hie ieople of The linpiwiliiin nr a two per eneli requested Ihal Ihey be with. been eut f ri mi various places ol 'lie I niled Slates is uveese lo AVOID alTeet FARMERS THE On dm'!, nut oeeni to il. ImimIiioh lax. drawn on account of pross or the North, three huviiiK gmte up NEARING THE CLOSE iiarlic ipaling. in Hie (it'lioa l.U-nipean ienph nf Kulclllkun. An iiicieae or I he iluly on eoiilLljiy-jlalie from I'riuce llupert. Fi-oi.imic Conrerence, al-lliuugli POLITICAL ISSUES Business Relations, lo 10 feiil. and on juk ' G. Y. Kvitt was le-appoinleU Returned Nome. il would took with favor pur 1 e- beeitining inure and more .'0 inarJti-r liumlreil krj'oiiruiii. auditor at ji atipeiul of ?t00 per Archbishop Hu Vernel. Ilev. W. SAN I'llANCISCO. .Ian. 27. -ut the iiohling or sucli a pur-ley VVNCOIVKII, Jan. 27--The :'l'iiri'iil (hut Hie relulioiiK lie-' "Fully" Arbuckle's Irial enlered at la'.cr dale. The chuiicrllor oxpieed Ho' year. I'.. Golliiioii. Ilev. Archdeueou a I lilted Farmers of llrilish Columbia '''' I'nhre lloperl mul Kelehi-niin.1 its lluul stage Imlay when Hie defense hflirf Hint If Hie world better Henry Collioon ami.J. M. Collison spoilt yesterday discussing xlendlly iniinve. iinderiitnoil (lerniany's eeononiie FOR PUBLIC WORKS. re I u ri ic.l lal uishl rroiu Kiuev-1 rested its evidence. The AUSTRIAN CABINET rtuiliite business. They passed ' In' (nwiis will have In do Inii- evidence during Ihe M'cnliil trial llolli.-Oil cnlltlllll- il would (live her reuKou- 1 1 It. Aiclilleucoll minor resolutions on technical Hf ' Willi Klll.ll llllll.K ill lillill' lit poxilion has covered Ihe same ground n ''" iurlr. iiiK on lo Vancouver Island, accompanied RESIGNED BUT LATER subjects and dealt with game luw-uiiiuudineuts. o l Hud one i In Aluku tintl iflBsS?JBsBPRTt- by Hie two sous of Dr. Hie llrst. It is expected ihwill g" Tl,( ulliiti in lliMli.li I'.nlniiiliia. PURCHASE -SbHbW Macdonalil of Kineolilli, who are to Ihe jury w ithin n day or.wo. ARE CARRYING ON Ihscussioii or political uues- 1 u mutual iul nn luge to GERMANS to .sclioid at Miuwnii.ran (lir no jiioiis was put over until loduy. lukuii hir Ihi i in Un-'iinliinil diiinir hiiHineH purl MANY BRITISH SHIPS SbSbSbV) c'iSssSS NEGRO SET FREE VILNNA. Jan. 27. The cabinet Sunday AiTlihUhop llu of Chancellor Schober. whjch tlllllll II mI.....I.I ....i I... Inlll DEMONSTRATION OF i..f. i . i HI-III.IX. .Inn. .'(.- A IUK tu'l- Vernel will conduct u nicmoi-ial Charged With Sedition in North sttftied yesterday, resumed office -"Inn-.1.i............iiinr i i.........u regular i....l,.m fit-in i mud lo hae pui slslsHKrslH erviee Tor Hie lute Archdeacon Carolina but Not With Crime. , today with some change in UNEMPLOYED BROKEN llHUsli wurMHpn; for (iolllsim in tt. Andrew's Church. the list or ministers. l"'rt. hnl il would l.e roolih for el.ae,l Ihlrly j7iu7"27. The H lv..l..l.n. ... ... i.... i.. I.... mul a hu H million IHIUIIU OTTAWA. - government UP JY OFFICERS -- iimilll 1 M'Olll t III II J "!" has grunted freedom iliii.11 i ...i.i .i i... ii.. - t.t.rii'lri me lu be d olisbeil CHINAMAN JUMPED BIG HAUL MADE - "ihiu won i ik j isiiy iioi-j - - raw malarial without evjrndilion I" Matthew LONOON, Jan. 27. Nine ur-i-ests for Hie ak,. .,f Int.imviuir in order lo provide (he inihnili'ieK- FROM A STEAMER Hullucl(. a negro, wauled in N0.1II1 have been (nude In Houlh-wurk Mlllll. lit ...l,.l.. I., II i..It. fur (iiTIIIUIl h'WII. Carolina will insist on the e.xtru. Bobbers Hold Up Glraut Motor by (bo police .following un SENATOR DIES. VANCUl'VKlt, Jun. 2T. -An uu-iilenlflled lion. Co. and Take J1 80.000. unemployed deinuiis'tratiou, The Jun. -Heiialor Cliluumau uiouuled I'.ie II is understood that North olUuers hud to use Imlrtns to restore '"'III ieiiiu Memorial Hurviee will O'lTAWA.Ili.Wl.muville. Onl . died lop ileok or the nrternoou boat Cuioliiiu will insist on the extru-dllilm IIAltlllSUUna. Jan. 27.-Tlie order. 'Altliough the iiuiii. in 81. Ciiureh lleilh or ",'J, AiiiIiw-'h lined 70. " fiuiit Vieloi-iu and Jumped into the or Itollnck, who is allowed (iiruull Motor Co. was robbed her tr unemployed has been reduced "' '"'k Sunday moriiiiiK lit II liric yi-steiilay Senule siue ' "", Dr. Sutherland of Revelstoke, (lulf or (leoi'Kiu and never reup. lu remain in Cannula because Hie or 1X0.000 in bond, paper and by u quarter of u million, when IIUIiop Hit Vernel in Hie Hie tei olid wiouuoy Who Is Slated For Memebr peurcd. There i no clue lo his charge against him is politicul notes tins morning y two men there ure still uvurly two millions y Wmth on tlio lire of Ateh- ileiilh leuvea of Provincial Legislature. uti utily or Iran 'if lh Ltid. mol ii' i 1 imiu.i1 1 li" In lit up lilt UltftlU'ltil'k. or workb'--. in Hull' ltod f