AOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, March 25, 102;. The Daily News COMPLETELY FREE OIL COMPANY GOES -TO The Man in the Moon pnixnn hui'Riit' - British Columbia KETCHIKAN WHERE SAYS:- FIRE OR THIEVES Published Kvery Aflernonn, except Sunday, by The News FLOATING STATION OF CONSTIPATION Printing and Piillihinp Company, Third Avenue. Till'; girls here are tint very II. P. PUM.KN, Managing rMilnr. KKTCIIIK ,. March 25. Hie cray over' beauty specialist. 5E&v May rob j on of your valuables If kept fieneral lei-fii'(iiii (Iniiipnny said They do nht need" I hem. A&$M nthoine. - ' Tried for Years to Find Relief (o be the firth largest oil company SUBSCRIPTION RATES: nprriilinir in the slate of linil K I WARDS' beer resolution A SAFKTV DKIOSIT UOX will City Delivery, hy mail or carrier, per month. : , . . .91.00 i.'.aliforriju, plans to enter tlie At was defeated by Ihe Alherla By mail to nil parts of the HriHsh Empire andjthe Uniled Stales, aslk.-t field iiiiiiiedialcly. W. J. legislature. Thus lire Hie hopes Rivc.yott every protection, 'Annual in advance, per year ..$0.00 ."FRUIT-A-TIVES" GAVE IT IlillMimrp, of Scuttle, district of the thirsty ruthlessly crushed. rental fS ntul tiiwards. To alt other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Chronic Constipation or insvfifient manager for I he fieneral Pelrn. Icnni tln Kelehiknn arrived in anion of the Lowels, i one of the TELEPHONE 98 last nijfhl ami to.lav was making Till' Wes'l is already making of Aitmt. .Some authorities ROYAL BANK OF great rausr THE CANADA arrangements for n temporary hi Hself heard in Ihe legislative frflnaient Display Advertising.'. .... .fl.10 per Inch per insertion cannot e?en be claim permanently that Constipation corrected. calinn. halls at Ottawa. Voir can't keep lYansient Advertising on Pront.Page .. .92.80 per inch TfiU is a great mistake, because here Ai first tlie rmnpifnywHI lo-iie a true weerner down. LoeaPHenilersj'per insertion. .... i ....... . 25c per line In the proof that constipation can he' a' burse alonpi-Jhe- waterfront, al Classified Aderlisirig, per insertion. 2c per word currd and the boel made to act Ihe oh Ifghlliouse dck. which Is SKVKRAf, westerners at Hs-sington Legal Notices, each insertion -I fie per agate lino regularly and naturally. now owned by the Tonga Dock found they could not. Contract Rales on Anplirflfinn. Yjanorrn, Jf.S. Co ii i pally. even keep "still," All .advertising should lie in The Jlr.ily News Office on day preceding Mr. bin-more said today that "For I u troubled with ,fWK dress our chickens" was' QUALITY CLEANLINESS years,, station would be the opened publication, All advertising received subject to approval. new Constipation, and had to take laxative the sign in a Vancouver window. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. within .vfew weckVii .-oon as ar and. purgatives all the time, "It's Better when Baked by Electricity" rangemenls car? be inado In gel if I negleole.1 to take thee, the Ottawa eonsol- ! Till: people are the barge here. Tin fiencral Pe DAILY EDITION Satin-day, lwets would refine to do v their tlmiu-elves with Ihe fact that, March,25, 1922. troleum Ijoniiiariy is wrl known ing (DC Gold Piece (tC work. to many of the halilnit vessels if they bad won Ihe right to! AJ-out two years auo, a friend from play Vancouver for the Stanley j Prince Rupert Is which have been btivinu aJciseJ me lo try "frait-a-lires", which I run they could mil have done tPt GIVEN AWAY K llo'iii Soi:nd. 1 hey Ihem ort Pugel Heard In East. .. did."The Ik heled mf wuiuoh much than did the SI. f' loive a large plant al Harbor Isl worse A $5 G0LJ) PIECE will be placed in our TJutc were not inany members of Parliament look part in that 1 olilalnnl further (iippip of Patrick's. theremlj-lnl continued thn treatment. and, . QUALITY MJLK BREAD on FRIDAY or the debate on the address iif reply to the speech from the throne After using alwul eight ho set, AXOTIIJIR consolation for the SATURDAY but among them was the member for Skcena. Fred Sfork liowel were all 10 perform their COUPLE my HAYSPORT. Ottawa people 'is that even if TRY A LOAF and TRV YOUR LUCK- sounded the prajses of this north country. While we have onlv jmrtieular funejiiia without aid. I hey had won Ibeywould have Electric Ask Your Grocer for Bread. a short summary of his maiden .-peech in Die House of'Commons, Thf relief in my rate his been lasting, MARRIED LAST EVENING had Vo ice on which lo play off ua up to date, I hat j;tef lut any Ihe finals. Note We will pive $0.00 in cash for the we riiay be quite sure (hat he made the people down (here realize further trouliler" I ;aii recommend return of the Gold Piece. Re. O. a. Hacker Performed that PriiiV.'lUtpert was'ou the. mapnnd,was ti place, to he reckoned "Kruit-a-tire" to all suffering a I Till', difficulty' 'with Hie St. Methodist Parsonage. did and I tin "sure they will derive Ceremony at It will pay you to buy Electric Brehd with, fti season ami out of seaoii it is sure llnl Tied Stork Patrick's is 'they shouM have will speak up for his constituency.,"' ' . 1"" ' ' equal benefit". played before the seventeenlJi. A. V.'. FRANKLIN. The mariage look place last Dlscarnate - , ,lFruit-a-tlveV , are sold by all eening at the Meliodisl parson ONK of Dickens' similes, that Electric Window Bakeries Personality. dealers at 50c a box, 6 for t rial age in this city. Rev. O. Hacker is seldom iuoetf is "proud as a FruJt-a-tives rficialitig. of Ricliard Kelday, of of llanuockburn. "Where Quality and Cleanliness Rule" is Every person has his own point of view and the point of size 2jC., or sent postpaid by Scotsman Limited, Ottawa, Oat. llaysporl to .Miss Margaret Herman . view vitally affects the conclusion at which Tl'ie VALUE Phone 667 SERVICE he arrives. of the saiitr place, iicst man WHISKKY is hailed Scotch bft- following editorial from the Nelson News in regard to the Anli-gonish wa Walter I. Heniian while Miss rausp ii ieniiH to make a man ghost is interestiiig: SUITCASES IMilh Itirckow of iMmonliui wa light. lii-;deiiiaid. Thev arrived here on - "l)rv Prince, has Jnid HiejVova Scotia gho-l. It isn't a ghost TRUNKS the train Thursday, am the' cere II' Shakespeare Was right at all, but a Vliscarnate. personality' which instigated a girl in the mony look place last eening al about , Ihe world being art Canadian National Railways now notorious farm lo start fires, turn the cows loose, make CLUB BAGS stage, Mime in the audience do mysterious noises and strike blows against the bodies of newspaper Mr. and Mrs. Kelday left this not1 think Ihe play, is worth the morning for their home at Hays- idmission fee. rcporers and other seeker after truth. Large Stock on hand. port. ' . VThi 'disraniale personality' theory may explain a lot of Price vey Jow. The Russian alphabet has no Prince Rupert things and contains possibilities beyond calculation. It might well I R MAGUIRE SURPRISE PARTY Ml", That is about as well As in lead to a. complete denial of personal responsibility. If one com-' some countries where (hey forget mils murder, not the murderer, , but a 'discnrnaJe personality' Next the" Prince Rupert Hotel Enjoyable Affair at Home of Mrs. !o use that letter.. x Shipyards which instigated it. is.lhe, criminal. Alf. Christensen Last Evening.. No one. minds the Knglishman , "If one breaks a window in a fit of alcoholic.exuberanceit A surprise party was held last who leaves out .Hie. aspirate, hut ,not the window breaker', iihr-vMi tVe government boozrtotvhich SM1THERS evening a! the home of Mj. Alf. when he slips il in at all sorts - Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry DoVff" is responsible, but a disincarnate'spirit. If one riim'mils a good Chrisfenspn, ?3 Seventh Avenue f places where it does , not be Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern action it is rrejilable not lo the person who commits it, but to The ismithers Athletic Club has Vest. A number of friend raid-ed long il is lime, to call a hall. makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. prisljioncd its big ball until the hnuie and a luosl enjojy-able the disincarinle personality which is in control. Electric and Acetylene Welding. SOMr:0.H .April 6. lime was spent, instrumental lakes exception To "Dr. Prince's report is bound to be the subject of warm con music, singinir and dancing pass, the dictum of ie editor in re froversy. Psychoanalysts, for examphy will find the phenomena Rev, V. S. A. barter, formerly ing tin time pleasantly iiulM uboui gard to the right of majorities (o Our plant is equipped to handle ell kind nt . with which he deals explainable by Ihefr theories of the vagaries Anglican pastor "hero, is now in two o'clock. Tea was served by rule. He says that in the lime of of the subconscious mind and will not admit spirit agency. The Alvinslori,, Ontario. Hp has relumed Mrs. J. Sherman and Mrs. Kry-kevsky. Xoah there- was only one man MARINE AND .with his family from who knew enough ,lo come in out advocate.- of the spirit theory, probably almost as an will numerous, of Ihe rain. extended visit lo thi Old Country. COMMERCIAL WORK consider Dr. Prince's conclusions merely further proof of estab- J. I. Maguii-e has received a ijsneo fpiniuai lacis. 'J', a. SOMM terrible.' things are PHONES 43 AND 385 Nichnjson won he Km-prcss reply from J'red Stork, M. P. in Four Power Pact Pool Room billiard chain. regard lo the opening of Seventh eaughl from kissing, .lusl look Safely Passed pionship last week, when he c Street to the new dock. Mr. rilork ;l soinp of the huhands. Although ,i great deal of fuss was made"over the discussions leateil J. n. Stephens bv a safe says thai Hie mailer is under way ! of the Pacific Pact margin. and he able II:' I might borrow from a great between United Stales. Japan. Great Britain hope (o lie to accomplish and France it is writer. I would suggest that I now safely ratified by the United Stale.- Senate something. am Will becrnne an established treaty. It will replace the Antrlo The Telkwa Dramatic Club is Ui there is no reason to lose faith We have oh ha rid a very limited in There humanity. are over six Japanese treaty and thus gel Hrllain out of the difficult position put on a fe'iie'lfttoiL of its Hi BENGOUGH COMING Patrick's eorieert'Jn SmithcrN thousand people .right in this lit to -o MioiK io jic aiueu wnn japan as against me United Mlales next supply; of tle city who have; never played Mlli earn of these powers m the same pact there can be no Thursday evening, r HERE NEXT MONTH you a nasty trick. irritation from this source. - With nations a- with individuals, it is well to be careful not At A public jneeling lal wek Arrangements Made for Famous lo hurl the feelings or Iho-e with" whom we have to live. It is Ihe residents (it Foresldale dp-ruled Cartoonist to Qlve Entertainments BANK PRESIDENT Edson Coa necessary omelirne Ut talk, plainly but nt the same time it is to refjuesl the pp.stal de In thl3.Clty well to avoid iiiuiecessarj.irrilation. If war is to become a thing partment to change Ihe. name of IS PROSECUTED ru me past, nations must keep from any action Unit will tend to that place Jo South Itulklev. Arrangements were made yes. cause rriruoii. . lenl.iy bv F.rle s! George,, ad-vance Sir Hunh Montagu Allan to be which we are offering at the V. SehehJeriip relurnerl asl week agent for ,f. V,'iiPngough, .Tried of Magistrate on Delayed Prosecution ,-of lo Hum Lake fully recovered Ihe celebrated earloonist and entertainer, March 29. following prices Bank Officers. from an operation for nimendi to give two entertainments The delay in prosecuting Kir Montagu Allen and the nihil-ager cilis in the SmilheiH llospilul. here in connection with MONTRJJAI., March 25. After MINE RUN, in bulk d f ntL of the Merchants' Hank for their share in the Merchant the local High School. a cousultatiorr. helween repres. ton, delivered. ,P A V H.UIK seanuiu nas caused good deal of adverse criticism. It is Mr, Uengough is well known enlallves of the federal departments per PRINCE pointed out py ine man on the street that a less important person GEORGE throughout Canada. He Is a of Finance and Justice, SCREENED LUMP aacked O CA would have long ago been railroaded lo jail for such an offence. newspaper earloonist and ha Judge Cusaitii, distrlel magistrate, per ton, delivered, . . . . P A OoOVJ If company presidents and managers are to be relieved of resnon- II. P. Hansen, prominent in the Worked on some of the Toronto yesterday isnijcd sum- v -uiiiiij m t iMiiircuou wuir me. work iney are supposed lo do, the strike of lumbermen' at the ,Vi. paper and done work that ranks monse ti Sir Hugh . Montagu First Come, r4t, Served public will lo.-e all confidence in biff corporal i mis. " Arthur tie camps, Aiild .River, was willi Ihe very best. He is a Allan, president of llje defunct The commencement of proceedings in the police court look's arieslcd and placed in'lhe lock-up Canadian mid a huinorisj. He Merchants. Hank and D. O, Mnca- ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. like a bowing lo the popular demand. The odd thing is )iat the tins week following a disturbance will be here about Hie middle of row, general manager of lhal In officials mentioned were not arrested instead of being reluctantly which he created in the Iloval;' next month. slilutlon, to.yippear In the public Phones 116 and 564 summoned to Hotel. . appear. court to answer charge in connection with the October report TlieOgilvie Rink won (he White Ten Years under the Hank Act on behalf of Horse Shield from Sleacy' last Ago the Merchant Hank. week. It ,was the final curling In Pi'nco Rupert Allan's case is set for Jffirch match of (ho season. 29 and Macarow's for March 31. DENTISTRY March 25, 1912. Xewlands and Stuart Lak, rum. . William Manson, Alex. Manson RMKiMAurjuuuusuaiMkai Don't neglect your teeth. One decayed or missing tooth ENAMELED niunitles in this district, have and Dr. W. H. Clayton, candidates lowers your vitality, made application for the establishment for the legislature in Ihe .forth.) of schools. School Inspector corning election, returned yester.i DR. BAYNE fiordon II, flower has just day after campaigning personally Cooking ; relumed from visiting these iii-river. Joint meetings' were Rooms 4, 6, 6, Helgerson Block Phone 109 i points, as well an Mape. Meadow-:dale, held al several places. Oniee Hours; Mornings, 9-i2; Afternoons, 1:30.5;30; Stuart -River, .echoko and Kvehings, 7-9. Utensi Is Chilco, Sir llodolphe Forget, Fdinulid IJrislot, M.P., and Dr. Alfred Are always clean, because I Construction work on the Thompson, M.P wailed on Prem. wr r they cannot absorb dirt. I southern end of the Pacific Great ier Horden recently asking for a prince The smooth, glassy surface , iKaslern Hailway has commenced, subsidy for the building of a railway eorge THEO COLLART, LTD, ZSZul washes easily and is lasting. Ibid as yet there. Is little activity from Haines Mission lo Fair-hanks. - aim uom tins end, Be ture you get McC'laryg TOUONTO FOR SALE One Lot on 6th Avenue E., near In Centreof r MtClmry1,, In ImnJjn (.an. Max Alberts, Je known Fjred Angers, the well known and Business Shopping District McBride St., $600.00, terms to be arranged J"A. otg Arm mntk r.ii.n. 41 railway engineer and ball player, French.Canadian Liberal orator. 250 ROOMS At All Good Stores bus returned to Prince. George arrived from KifeJaH lust night BURuf'tAN 100 f rinlt HLAN Balha Rentals Real Estate Oensral Insurance ra after a long abjure, on ths to take part In Iho provincial I. WINNtTI "n.. L3 Phone Blun 9 Westholms Theatre Block P. 0Bo 8 J44 Umk prairies. elecliri campaign. ir-TTTTHISM-.r I