Saturday. March 25, 1922. THE DAILY IJEWS PAO TBRfB Local and Personal i Brunswick Fur a Taxi, phone' 07. J.f George Leek, Auctioneer. ir g Iiy be without music In your Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 648. liomr when you can own a 121) llriui: w n Hlwf (able or cabinet It. C. Unoet lakers. Phone 41 tf rtn !!. by making u small cash payment, down, balance in MJtf SJtJBV Hayuers, Undertakers. Phone 'fl:- ;i -f 1 1 1 1 1 1 . as 1 8 301. if Cabinet Model Cash for Victory Uoiidi. Thus. No. 107 McClymonl. tf $185.00 VIRGINIA Ounlen .Seed and Hue bushes. Cah $35 00 Cily Market. if Balance montK $15.00 per ltuy your green vegetable tit Or terms arruiigrd t unit Hie Cily .Market. if purchaser. Chuh; in mill let lis (a Ik il over. Cut Flowers. Put Plants in Just you heat" the Jlrunswiek. bloom. Cily .Market. ir V. I'. Dions arriveil in tin- oily last ji iiu li t rroin llalmoral Cannery. Q ROYAL 5M0KE55t X. Travis arrived frnm Juiieau lasl night ami In . registered at I he hotel Prince liuperl. . Men u Calf Working Ilnuts, mi army ,1a!. $5.75. Hoyal Shoe SI ore. nest to Wallace's. Specials in Columbia Mr. and Mrs. E. I'. Iiudoward Special services in Hie llaplist arrived in 1 lie city, yesterday (Church will be donlinued all Grafonolas & Records afternoon from Port Simpson. next week. Hev. .1. W. I.itch, II.A.. Church Notices J will speak ul eacht service. All ; ) Womeii'w-lhrec strap und buckle are welcome. to clear walking pumps, in' patent ami International Bible Students' GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY tan. Tim lasl word in style. The Canadian .National steamer Association. One $95.00 Grafonola for $75 Iloyat Shoe Store. S. S. PRINCE RUPERT wilt sail Wednesday II p.m. for ' Prince Albert Captain Xebben I.U.S.A. meet every Sunday Anyox. J'liursday at 12 p.m. fpr Swauson Hay, Ocean Falls, will return from Vancouver tomorrow evening In the K.P. Hall m 8 One $55.00 $40 Powei) Itiver. Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle. Make sure ot hearing .1. W. night ami "will sail on p.m. Subject for tomorrow evening I.iteli, U. A., in ;iin Haptisl S. S. PRINCE ALBERT For all points Northern. ,and Monday for all (Jueen Charlotte "A World in Hebellion." Xo One $75.00 $60 Charlotte Islands. 13 and 27. For. Church on Suiu'ay evening ul Island points. Hcturning from collection. Kverybody welcome. Southern (Jueen Marelj 7:3(1. Subject "1 trifling into Infidel IhciY she will sail for Stewart on Stewarl, March 1(5 and 30. 85c for for Records, 65c; $1.50 $1.10 II.v." Thursday. First Presbyterian Church Train Service. All other Records in proportion. We wish to clear Morning worship ul 11. Subject: . tts8eii"er MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY ui 11 :1B Miss Ilitifrley. the local iHir,i, i. in. For Sm'lhers. Prince Oeorgs, Kdinonti'ii and V.'Pn;,. out this line. who accompanied -Miss Amelia WIRELESS REPORT "CJiildreu of (iod tlirnugh peg. making direct connection for all points in Eastern Jesus Christ." Sunday School at Arc you in the market for Columbia Agency? Ourvjch south lasl week, returned 12.30. Canada und United States. Fvcniiig service at 7.30. to Hie cily on the Princess Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. ,(8 a.m.) Subject: "What think of Deal rice this morn ins-. ye City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. Phone 280 ORMES LIMITED ItHiltY ISI..T Clear, calm; Christ?" Preacher, Hev. II. II. Mr. ami Mrs. Mux O. Wade, of barometer, 3,0.15;, la-uiperalure, (rant, Phones 82, 200 and 134 Ocean Falls, who have been 30; sea smooth:; p.m. spoke The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store spending a few-Jays. in the .city, Anyox, off I.owe Inlet, northbound; First Baptist Church returned to the paper town on 8 p.m. l(kc steamship Morning service al 1 1 o'clock. the Princess Iteatrlce this after Sleel 'Scientist. lu'.U) miles from (Subject? "I.oyc to he Knd.V Sun-Tatoosh, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY noon. . - , Shanghai' for Portjday School at 2.3U; Subjeel: Tovvnsend; It'.' spolii,- l'rin-'".lesus cal.liuur'UbeiiChildreii," B.C. Coast Services ... ... . i . . .mi eiuzeiu suouiil make a cess llealrice, off, Clew Xuggett, I Evening servfceWat"'7'..1o o'clock. RUPERT BRAND point of bearing J. Willard I.ileh to p.m. northbound. ubject 'Drifting into Infidelity. . . . , II. A. on Sunday March i'(J, at DEAD THEE POINT clear. Hev. J. Willard I.ilch, II.A. will Sailings from Prince Rupert 7:30 p.m. in the Haptisl Church calm, barometer, 3(1.08; tempera conduct all three services. Mrs. --Subject, "JtrifliiiK Into Infi ture, 28; sea smooth. ' .1. P. McMillan will sing at the For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway HU1.I. HAItllOlt March 10, 20, 31; April 10, 21. and Bloaters delity." clear, calm, evening Service. Kippers barometer, 3(1.22; temperature, For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Aiiiiniv the passengers sailing 1(1; li?hl swell. FULLER'S SPECIALS March 4, 15, 25; April 5, 14, 25. for Hie i-oiilh on Ibis Prjiice (noon S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedaie, Swanson Bay, ueairice mis aiicriioon were: DKillY ISLAND -clear, calm. East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Camp-boll for Salejat Mrs. .1. Warner and Mrs. II. S. I I.... ..!'!-. I 1 Our Own Hraml llulter. IP. 42 zc River and Vanoouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. ifuiuiiini'i', .iu,i : icoiim'i tlllll e, I Warner, for Vancouver; ilev, E. ' ' 40c Agency for all Steamship Lines.' ALL RETAIL STORES 12: sea smooth: to "poke )( ., .... , Hudson. Ocean Falls and T. Ol Oiieen; oil" Lawyer's Inland, $1.10 Full information from en, Seattle. sotilli bourn). I.ibby's Pineapple. 3 for $1.00 W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, The Most Tasty Breakfast Food DEAD THEE POlXielear. Yellow Xevvlon Apples .... $4.00 Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. (.Inn len, Chinese, was arrest ilm; barometer, 30.08; tempera- Wlnesap Apples $3.75 Obtainable ed Pure Honey, 5 lbs $1.75 by the Itoyal Canadian Mount lure. 37; sea smooth. ed Police lust nlfihl. lie will ap HULL lIAHHOn cloudy, light Ontario Cheese, per Hi . 25c r i pear in court on Monday morn north-westerly wind;, barometer-, Saaiiich Clams, per tin .. 15c SmokedjDaily by ill? to answer a .charge of liuviu? 30.18; temperature, 18: light Eagle Lobster, V 's each 25c UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. opium m Ins possession. ' He Ill.ueberries, per tin . 25c is swell; y a.m. spoke Cainosuu SAILINGS Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. now out on S20U bail. icuiii ltella Italia south-bouud:a- Acadia Codfish, 2 ll. box . . 50c For Vancounar, mltiiix al Suuiisuu Hay. omul tails, Tuesday, t un. A King Oscar Sardines, 2 for.. . 35c For Port Simpson, (Vaa Hlvrr, Anyui and Alice Ann. Sunday, midnight. 11.53 a.m. spoke Admiral WalsoU Callluir at iM-eauii' and aa.- Ilarlior un nalllinrs Jan. SO. tcb. 1i. SO. March It. PRINCE RUPERT .1. A. Hall aml-W. T. Italcli, of in (Jueen Charlolte Sound north. Dry Salt Pork, per II . 30c S'.. CiiMiiitr at Kuiiicrvlllr.. kumcuii ond Mill Say tailing It'll. 6. til, Marcli :.. I and April llyder, who went tb .luiieau Jo lound. Christie's Sodas, per tin .. . 65c 623 Second Avanua JACK BARNSLEV, Aotnl Prlnca Ruptrt. B. C. ask lite I'uiteil plates uovern-nienl Kriukle Corn Flakes 10c to put in a win? dam on Fresh (iround Coffee, 3 lbs. $1.00 the Salmon lliver above Ilvder. OBERAMMERGAU AGAIN Choice Dairy llulter. 3 lbs $1.00 etiirned from (he Alaskan cani- CITV OF PRINCE tal on the Princess .Mary lasl SCENE OF PASSION PLAY RUPERT Dr. JGS. MAGUIRE evenin?. This mo'inin? Ihey weul 'I TENDER AMBULANCE FIRE! out the Pachcnu TIm illly Cmmcll will nHuldrr Ti'iidrr-land on returning to First Regular Performance to Be eii..uK for n Autci Ambiiluin. & A.A. DENTIST llyder. Given on May 14 by Peasants. i t'niiieleli''1'i'iidt'i'a'.and I'ropiMitl i he In b.t i The lire inspectors have been round and vc know just what p.m.. M'.ikIjv. April I u t li. 'Hip IuuiihI hi Examinations au li'iidi'i- lurl ni'i'.'iharll uri'iii.d. you need itr protect your walls, partitions and ceiljngH. for lauucli Visit his Office Rooms 7 and 8 Smith en OHEHA.M.MFIHiAl.. It , miooksilWK. a v a r i a'. We make ASH BARRELS and everything for protection gineers III Hie service or I lie Ciii-t'bahiua' AkciiI. your Block or phope for an appointment. pro Mar. 21. lly the Associated Phone 575 vincial government forestry de PieSH Prejiaralions Uir Hie llrst against fire. Olllco hours; 9-12, 1 to C and 7 to 9 parlmenl are being held today by pot-war revival of Hie passion Sheet Metal Works evenings. James II. Itlake, mechaiiicul in Pluy have progres. eil sullleicnlly Do All Diamonds Rowe's spector of the Forest Ilranch Sunday Appointments Lady Assistant to enable to commillee of elders Phone 340 who arrived from I lie noulh on lo announce that the linal dress Wednesday. There are two or rehearsal will be held May tl. I lie Look Alike three men trying. Mr. Mandificld llrst regular performances will l i'T" bait is conceded by fishermen liiMiiu i lie onlv local ramlidnli given on JUuv 1 1. o Our frozen herring To You? Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Central DAI 1 to bo the finest procurable at any Pacific Coast I Inrty-llve tliousaml 'appliiM- Port- und it is "Fishy." Price. $30 per ton. I ions for scats and sleeping ai If they do. you are certainly PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at any time, day or night. The best way of insuring a good quality trip Is eommodatioius liave Jiceu received not an authority on litis, (he There will always be some one to take them., AVsEj to have plenty of our hard frozen ice. Price, from abroad and, while JJic. local mosl popular of all gems. Prince Coal t per ton. management lias not yet received JIECAUSE there is really an Rupert Company fi , r. Our well-eiuipped store can supply Ashing gear, indications as lo ie e.vlenl to immense difference ill diamonds'. Exclusive Representatives Ladysmlth-Welllngton, Pembina, VUtntSfllj,erinen,8 clothing, groceries and provisions which (ieiiiiiins will patroiiie llij1 Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. and hardware. produelions of the 'play, il as You will have lo take some, sumes that (iermaii attendance body's word, for it and vvu ENGLAND FISH Company will more lliuu ipiudruple (be NEW invito you to put your trust Yellowhead Coal Ketchikan, Alaska Branch . foreign patronage. j in us. uliciputing an utinsual Influx We have a nice engagement ' On Dock Delivered of visitors in July and August, the ring for iOO. while pure LUMP, Bulk $11.00 $12.50 management has decided to givi 743 stone of i-ure. brilliancy and P, O. Box LUMP, Sacked 11.75 14,00 Phone 66 BEAUTY OP THE SKIN Wednesday performances during ' the latest. sc(!in;. ulso oil" MINE RUN, Bulk only ... .v. .. . . 9.75 11.25 JAMES HUNTER ti aud Ilia la nittum!ohuluabln of tbo ovary una wom.ii.ot lr. these Economic months. conditions hav for 35.0U. Others IUU, NUT, Sold In Carloads only .... 8.50 Cbaaa'iOiotun-nt. ttiijjlea.blacklieada, 50 to 85UU. rouKbuaaa tod redueaa of Ua akin, obliged the village cousiij. Analysis Fixed Carbon, l'J.2 per cent: volulilo mutter, GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND CAR BODY Um IrrlwiliHi kklo lalaltMift,and actema aniooUi dianiar,aud Talvety.and -rably to amplify their directing John percent; ash, 9.0 per cent; moisture; 3.8 per cent; sulphur, BUILDER All liluiliud,dralera,'luit.nto or KduianaoD,tSu lltn trr &it 0. sle II'. jiol so much us concerns the Bulger, 0.1? per cent; 11. T. U. air dried, 11.050, in ie you and Buggies Trucks jnuntlou tUU pauar. production tif the play us to solve The Jeweller . This Is a High (irade Uilumiiioua Steaming Coal, especially Agent for Tratflo, Day-Elder the problem of accommodating suitable for High Pressure. Hollers and Furnaces. The lump a Terms can be arranged for purchasers. m thousands of visitors for whom 3 is a very Superior Stuvo Coal. Let us send you a trial load of First Avenue and Cow Bay i lie comforts and 'oiiveiiieiit'es of GIFTS THAT LAST Mine Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your Prince Rupert, C. C. truvel before (be war are not now heating stove. av'ii!t:ilde. i