.- THE NEW For TAXI YOKOHAMA Phone 'at CAFE HOME BAKF.RY Dtit Service and TllM rtxal nf FlvMvvihlnif. PRINCE RUPERT ' Best Car In Ihe City Try our service j 'V,..,. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone Black 59 VOL. XIII. NO. 71. I'lMNCi: HUPKItT, I. C. S.yTLItDAY, MAHCH 25. 1022. Vtittrdar'i Circulation 1T02. ttntt ttlo 429. PRICE FIVK CENTS U. S. Senate Makes Treaty Possible GXP. EARNINGS IMPROVE RAPIDLY; RAILWAY ESTIMATES DOWN FIRST FOSED PICTURE OF DE VALERA AND MICHAEL COLLINS. Senate Ratifies Four Power Estimates Tabled Pacific Treaty with Britain House of Commons France, Japan for 10 Years OTTAWA. March 2o. TJie eslimalcs tabled here yesterday are very complete and comprehensive and cover un immense lot .BBBH lL9bfefe. I MBsBBBBBBBBfl or detail. Outstanding, however, are Hie estimates for the railways WASHINGTON, March 25. Tin- lour power treaty tr the ELK'S RELIEF TAG BBBBBB A BBBBBBV I IIHmIHiMHbBBBBBBB and some oilier departments Ihut were discussed at the Pacific was nilified by thu Senate yesterday, Ihe vole being (17 to iasl Dominion i'leclioii. Following are a few of Iho'ligures: DAY IS ON TODAY i IS rami Trunk Pacific, I .",1100,000. ' 27 or four mure lliiiu I lie necessary hvo-thirds vole. The four iover treaty between Hrilain, Hie United 'Slates, Canadian National, if 12,S00,000. - Gool Financial Response Is Expected Frame und Japan, was designed at Ihe WaMiinglou Conference from Public for Good tirund Trunk Iluilwuy,7r,7oO,000 In supplant Ihe Anglo-Japanese alliance ami pave the way for the Cause. (Janudian Naval Department, 1,000,000. neceplanee of the United Stales proposals for naval reduction. Mounted Police cut lo $l,1o0,532. TJie Irealy is a len-year, agreement by which Die four nations The Klks' Lodge relief lugging Mcrcliant Marine cut lu $ 1,000,520. concerned bind themselves to respect their existing rights in is in progress today, young ladicn The expenditures on llie Huilways arc exclusive ul any payments insular possessions and dominions being en gutted iu Ihe work at for slock, shares, or niainlenauce. in the Pacific and In case various posls in the -city, (lood On Monday in Parliament Ihe, - of dispute which can not be sot-lied ASIAMINOR finuuciul response is expected ousc of r.onimi'iis will pas an llffAnP I A H A MI?CI? by diplomacy to agree to a from the public tor Hie cause. nlerim supply bill for one rourlh IfMIK I I Af AIl!.iM!, joint conference among themselves. The ladies committee lias been r the total estimates which have convened by Mrs. Ilalph l.eplne, l been bruuglil down, tr Ihcrc is who is assisted bv Mrs. Fred Gtl- DISTILLERS ARE Any one of the parties In Ihe '.line Ihe estimates will be dis Irealy may withdraw 'on. giving huly- Mrs. K. A. Woods and Mrs. 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBB cussed or (joverniiienf bills will; llii- other three mouths' notice Turks Distrust . Allied Proposals II. Newell. Among the taggers art receive attention. after Ihe expiration of the specified Greeks Welcome Miss Annie Kelly. Miss Itita Mo The Senate will not Ml on TAKEN BY POLICE len-year-.period. It. loney, Miss I.eona I'arker, Miss Monday. . Helen Meltao, Miss Ma(-u llara. The treaty was to come into ..CONSTANTINOPLE,. March Miss Laura Fri.zell, J Miss Alice Total Number-Arrested In SkMna effect upon Ihe ratification ad MAJOR BRITON OF cording to Ihc'coiislilutional inc-nf 25. The proposal for an Jncohsen. Miss I.tla Carrall. Alls River Raids by H. M. W. P. mtrnVtini'paftiotr TIw -rmUtlee.between-tho Groks I'MoreneciuithjMiVsDorreen only apparent obstacle was tiie and the Turkish Nationalists Woo.ls, Miss ViliaylolV'-Miss Ball Each. Vnlleil Stales Senate, Hie consent In Asia Minor advanced Winnie Dihb, .Miss Kalbleen'ltyaii, of which has now been obtained. by th? allied foreign Miss With Dyer. Miss Vcrna Officer Commandinn "A" Company Flglit fjkecmi Iliyer .tups have The siyniu? of the Irealy on ministers has been received Thompson, .Mrs. .hick Woods and at Work Point, Victim been brought (o Ihe city by the the part of the United Stales, here with -indifference Miss Ada idson. of Pneumonia lloyul Cunudiaii Mounted Police was subject to the making of a and distrust by newspapers The Flks' committee in charge to answer charges of operating convention with .Japan concerning of all shades of opinion. comprises Ilalph l.epine, .larvis YIOTOIHA, March 25.--Major stills in contravention or (he' Inland Ihe island of Yap and which In Athens, the Greek McLeod and Fred (ijjhuly. lames Capell llritlon, D.S.O., of Itcveiiuc Act. (ermed Hie mandated islands press Is taklnq kindly to Til 9 meeting ot tbe Sinn Fein Ard J'he)a at the Dublin Mansion ficer coininenijlng A company The Ih ree who arrived in ale House aroused exceptional public Interest not only In Kngland and 1 loyal I'anadian Miichine (lun in Ihe Pacific Ocean north of Ihe the Idea of the armistice as RESCUE CASE WILL Ireland but In the United States as well. Delegates (rum all parts ot al Work Point barracks charge ot Constable Martin on cuator. negotiations in regard proposed by tho powers and Ireland, Including Ulster, were present, Eamonn do Valcra presided corps Thursday niglit were Charged to which have been concluded, relief Is expressed at tho BE HEARD IN THE at tbe meoting. This photogrHph, taken outsldo the Mansion House, here, died yeslenjuy from pneu- yesterday before Magistrate Me-Mullin of Sinn and Kamonn do Valcra, lie wilh of shows Michael Collins, l'resldent Fein, uiotiiu, age, ,'1H. sei'M-d and remanded Until Tuos- ' prospect peace; "all smiles." While both are bitterly opposed politically, they distinction in Hie great war, ADMIRALTY COURT are great friends otherwise. This Is thought to bo"tho first posed picture day. They were, released- on CRAZED FROM EDMONTON UTILITIES ever taken that shows the two leaders ot the belligerent factions Joining up at .Saskatoon, A 5no bail each. These arc T. together. widow survives, Kuwahara, oT Standard cdmp, S. The Alaskan fishing schooner, SHOWING NET PROFIT Kobuke, Cluxton, and T. Kogo, Ilnscue, which was caught by the EXPOSURE ON Fisheries Protection steqmer Grand Trunk Pacific is CONTROL OF Kennedy Five more camp.alleged offenders, T.j For Months of January and Feb Thiepvai fishing Avilliin the three ' V. V. and Koseki, Inouy'e, Inmiye BOAT ruary Sum of $102,149 Goes mile limit, on Thursday is to lie FLYING Improving Financially is T. Nakihara, were brought lu tho to General Revenue. held al Digby Island pending the DARDANELLES cily yesterday arternoun on the F.DMONTON. March 21.--The case r.ourl.being The heard trial iu will Ihe likely Admiraly be to be Shown by Returns Pat'liena by Inspector Aclaud, Two Women Die and Two Other Corporal Newnliaiu and Constables earnings of Hie city; ulililies during held in Hie soillii where Hie of League of Nations Asked Tliornlhwuito ' and Davies, Passengers Jump Overboard Hie month of .lauuary and he will ficers yf Thiepvai prove to Take Charge Owing also They charged lodayt. In Ocean. February are considerably larger (heir case before Judge Martin.. OTTAWA, March 25. 'When Ihe minister of railways brings to Friction. reniaiided were until the first of the than for Hie same period hist down the railway budget in the Jloiise of Commons, the (irand week und released on $300 bail MIAMI, Flu., March 25. -Two year. Thu net profits for all Trunk Pacific it- is role. PARIS, March 25. The MINES WILL CLOSE will, expected, play a more oplimislie each. W. .1. Nelson, of the customs Hie flying the ulililies for these two months women passengers on League of Nations Is dally Itc turns: by the truiisportaliuii brunch uf the bureau of slulislics department, accompanied Miami," which left total 9ttJ2tl ID which will be car- Jioal '.Miss being asked to take over here Wednesday for Hie Island of led as taxes In Ihe general rev Eastern British Columbia Em show that during the j ear ended December (J I, Die freight traffic control of the Dardanelles. the making mounted Hie arrests.policemen who were liiinini and" which wa rorced enue fund of Hie city. Last year ployees and Operators Do Not un the (!. T. P. provided the outstanding-feature- ol' operations. The rivalry between France Constables .Saint, Martin and down in Ihe open sea through a Tor Ihe same two months after Agree. The operating deHcil 011 Ihe fi. T. P. last year was :i,!li)7,-ifttf and Great Britain In the Oibson, of the Provincial police broken propeller, died from exposure. deducting the losses of Ihe street as against $ I o, i:i1,o Ul the year before.' The reduction iu near East and the constant who discovered the stills, in the Two oilier passengers, railway the net profits were KZH,- CAI.OAHY, March 25. The operating loss on the Canadian Northern section will be shown lo friction which existed between course of a gciierul police patrol crazed, by exposure, jumped overboard 17(5, which shows, a -substantial .llritish Co- them at Constantl-, of I'.aslern returned coal mines of the river mouth, have have reduced iu 1020 lo iu been from if 0,57-1,2:10 10,-i 40,470 inlo Ihe sea, according to a increase for this year. lumbia and Alberta, will dose on nople Is pointed to In International to the city On the departmental story told by Hubert Moore, pilot 'the net profits fur Hie first April I following a decision o( 1021. political circles as launch Myfunwy. or the craft, to members uT the two months this year from Ihe the mine operators not to .accede showing the practlal Impossibility crew oT a slcunier William Green, power plant and pumping station o Ihe wane demands of the employees CRITICAL VOTE TO DISCUSS MATTER of applying schemes which rescued him last night from was 20,272 in comparison to and ask for a hoard of of Internationalization to the IRISH MEETING thu wrecked flying boat. 22,7:18 for the same lime hm arbitration. U. S. REIMBURSEMENT .straits which would suit all ' vcar. The telephone department the allies. shows profit or ? 1 2,780 while BRITISH HOUSE a TUESDAY NEXT British and French Finance Ministers SEMI-FINALS Ihe profits for these two mouths BENDER BROTHERS Aro Conferring In France WHOLE HOUSEHOLD lasl vear were only til 1,35:1. In electric department Ihe PASSES NORTHWARD Return of Lloyd George on Monday on Subject., Ihe jigtil BURNED TO DEATH IN Sinn Felners Will Go to London AT FOOTBALL profits were i? 1M,t:i7 us compared Means Vote Soon on I'AlllS. March l'5. -Sir Hubert But no Word from to iW,r08 an increase oT 'KFTCIIIKAN, March 25. The v Genoa Conference. Home. Hiilislr chancellor of Ihe FIRE NEAR PORTAGE Ulsterites 11,301) for these two mouths schooner llender llrolhers is here exclieiuer, bus ,liel'e-to English Championship to be this year. The profits made by on' her way north to trade on LONDON, March 25. I'arliu- cunTer witli the (arrived FrcucJi iniuisler POIlTAdK I.A 1'llAlllllw March LONDON, March 25. The Col - Between Huddersfleld and Ihe water works department for (he coast of Siberia. II Is one ol iiientariuns and public are looking of-finance regarding Hid American 25. Six persons were burned to onial office lias been notified Preston North End. these two .months, $0,811 .us her annual Irading trip. Hlie forward to thu return of Premier note coiiceniing Hie reimbursement death in u fire which destroyed Hut! Arthur (Irjrrilh, president compared to 3,i)gu,' will 'bring back furs and oilier lo United Slates of the costs a homo at Amaranth, Manitoba, of the Dull. F.rcanu, apd Kuiuonii GLASGOW, March 25.-The The best showing or uny or products Ivloyd tieorge on Monday from of occiipjiug illiiueland. mirth of Ibis city. Tho dead aro J, Dugam minister uf home af Glasgow Hangers defeated Hie ulililies wus undoubtedly made Criceeilh, Wales, where he lias Mr. and Mrs. MuWurliuri, their fairs, will arrive in London on Km-Hek Thistles aL Ibl'UX Park by the street railway. During FISHERMAN DROWNED. been enjoying a brief holiday. three children und maid. Tho Monday in compliance with (ho today by two goals to nothing In the months or January and Feb Hs return fo Hie House of Hoin- WITHDRAW TROOPS properly damage-is sel'ul $30,-000. request of llic llritish Government Ihe h einl-rinal gumo for the ruary oT ll2l Hie sireet runway bill IN PENDER HARBOR nV'ils is expected lo precipitate Hie FROM SCUTARI fur 11 conference on tho Football showed a deficit otl7.t23 critical Irish situation. Should Scottish Assoeiulion cup promised vote uf confidence In regard l.nvnnv March 25. llud- r..i. flu. name net two profit months of $7,313,Ibis pF.NDHIl IIAIlllOII, II. (1., March to the lienoa conference, Allied Ambassadors Think All International MEN ENTOMBED the Ulster Government accept North F.nd year show a the Invitation lo the conference It dersfield und l'restbn 25.--DoiiKlas Harris, a well wh icli the Nvrlliclirro press has Forces Should Be will meet in the rlnul game or an increase I earnings 01 known pioneer fisherman, fell been belittling and asking In have Withdrawn From There. TIIINIDAD, March 25, Klgh-Icen will lit eel hero on.Tuesday, Lhu Association Hun. emblematic 100. morning called off. men lire entombed in a of tho soccer championship of For tho month of net lebruary earnings while from a rishing skirr yesterday and wus drowned. P.MUS,. MurciT"25. The Allied mine where an explosion occurred. GUNMEN YET BUSY' F.uglund April 2l. They enter alone this year tho 5l,-U13 He. was 55 yeurs of age. J. F. Slrung. manager of Sun- Council ol Ambassadors today de Might bodies I'uve beeu recovered. Hid finiil iriiine bv virtue of llieil' of all of tho utilities was nysldo, Cannery, returned lo the rided that all International troops WXFABT, Mureh 25,-Gui(-nieii mouth viclorics u Iturnsley from Notts. und fur tho sumo The newspaper witfi the circulation Skecna lllvcr on this morning's occupying Scutari should be wilh. ' TIIINIDAD, Mureh 25. (later). are again busy today and as County, a to I, und Preston beat lasl year was 92(1.131. Is the real advertising (rain after having spent u rew drawn. The forces there now ure The tola! dead at the gopi'is u result there hayo been several ing Tottenham Hotspurs, mo cup iu Hie Daily News. medium. day In Hin city 011 business. utmost entirely Italian initio explosion numbers 1- shootings but do futulitk'3, holders, ul tihef field, 2 lo l. AdmtUe