Frid&r. way ?' 1022 THR DAILY IIWB W . II-....... ., . (j 1.Tier-Owl to liW? CATARRH In the Letter Box Local and Personal BLADDER of the lilt.SeotnM Picture rai.Miiisv sswirTBW Each Ceoaule luitfA Terrace, II. C, U. C. UnM-rlakcrs. Phone 41. If betra mm tT2s Fdilor, Daily News: firtivtr tifrmtnffrfeiU There are uile a few returned Maynera, Undertakers. Phono hoys along this line who are otri 351. if of work including theyrjlers of Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 64$. Framing (his letter. I'honc 210 for Cody's Trans-fur, We, left Terrace n week ago lo Cash for Victory Douds. Thos. if load lumber nl a mill not far : . McClyinont. tf from here and we just worked a I'aiisle, ji.oo a ilojien. (Jily week. We went out to work f Having just established a Picture Framing De Market, if. 12. I'. Cornell, of Kilclmer, Unl. Monday morning and found three arrived in Hie. city last night. partment, wo are now ablo to offer to tho public a Chinamen at work, so ,we asked II. F. Wiliuol, .if. Vieloi ia; is a for (due. our first-class service In this connection and at a reasonable Iiilnce at the" Auditorium Fri visitor in the city. Could you blame us? We don't dayMay 20. W'eslliolme orches prlco. ' see whv sonielhiiiK' can not he II. I-;. Sprall, uf Vancouver, is tra. , 123 doiie'lo give the men along this Bring In your pictures and have thorn framod. in the eily on Intsjucss. lines some work. II. (I. Olsen, of Sinilhers, is ' TWO lltMTJHNKIl HOYS. If you have a good negative, havo it enlargod In our Tlu'e! dozen egg for $1, registered at the I'rinee Ituperl Enlarging Department, then framed. guaranteed. Oily Market. If. Hotel. , Kdilor Dally News:--, . - I want lo commend Aldermen Judge F. Mcll. Young relumed You will bo satisfied Thoro's a reason, Wo Senior Baseball Opening Collar! and Montgomery on their gamo tonight... S.O.C. vs. K. of C. on last night's train from up-. stand taken In regard to dayliglil know how to do It just right. IVffi -- saving al Monday niglil's 'coun Hoys' while running .shoes, II ,r cil meeting. Someone lias, said lo 13, SI.Of). H.iyal .Slim; Attire. All women's ; and children's llial whoever sees and profits, by Classic Shoes at cost price. Hoy. 123 past mistake. is a wise man, al Sho,,. Store. 123 ' ; but Hie genlleinen of (he coun (.. (t. II. Turner, of Victoria, cil who refused lo repeal this Archie C.N.II. master is registered at llie I'rinee Ku-pert Wall, unpopular ael seem (o think thai mechanic, arrived in the eily on Hole). to rectify past mistakes is lo lasl night's train. appear ridiculous. If these g'-n Charles Provost, of ViinctMiver llemcn are so sensitive why did Miss .1. Lee, of Fraserburgh, the Westholma Theatrn. II, Starring toulght at I registered al the I'rinee Ku- n't they make sure of what win Scotland, is visiting her brother perl llolcl. on llie other side of the fence James Lee of this eily. On her before they, took the leap? l'ar. trip west llie journey was broken 5a sxry Kga- Concentration SALE! n. i. powers, or Vernon.was enls complain that they have nl Fori William where Mis., Lee an arrival In Hi,, city on last trouble getting their young ones visited friends for some two iilhgt's train. awov from piny -mid to sleep an weeks. hour earlier jn the evening to Win. Muir was : ti iirrival in say nothing about the confusion H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD Rexall Hair Tonic Hie city from Mellride on last JACK MORRISON AND caused by having an hour's dif niuhl's train. fercnee in Hie time of llie city $1.00, and Emulsified SERGEANT MCGLINCHY and the railway. An extra hour DOLLAR DAY SALE $1.00 Mrs. (icorge McAfee sailed HAVE BACKYARD MIX of daylight in the evening Is no Coconut Oil lasl nitfhl on llie Prince Ccoi-ri doubt advantageous lo sporl, but for Vancouver. after all, sport to llie majority Shampoo both for Police Sergeant Hugh MeClin- is merely a paslime while bring FRIDAY & SATURDAY Hoys heavy llrown Canvass chy and .lack Morrison mixed it ing up children is a serious bus. for this week. Shoes. Heavy sole and heel, in Hie lane back of l-'ri..ell's iness. If -our evenings Under May 26th and 27th 1'.50. Iloyal Shoe Store. 123 butcher shop lusl night with the standard lime are loo short for EVERY ITEM A GENUINE REDUCTION rcsiill that the latter was taken them why don't the sport lovers WONDERFUL VALUES. GUARANTEED. GOODS. F. ItraiMiaw, of Surf Inlcl, to (he police station an.I relcnsed arise an hour earlier . in Hie SAVE MONEY BY STOCKING UP AT THESE PRICES. ORMES LIMITED was ,'i passenger for Vancouver later on ."(l bail. Morrison was morning? F.xcrcise at Ihat Him1 Canton Flannel ...... . . 5 yds. for $1.00 on the I'rinee (ienrgit last nielli. to have appeared this morning lo of Hie day is said Jo lie very Curtain Scrims , . . 5 yds. for $1.00 Phones 82, 200 and 134 r answer to a charge of intoxica beneficial wlieii the' digeslive or Striped Flannelelleji . . B yds. for $1.00 .I. C. McLennan was a usl at tion but he failed lo do so and gans arif. at rest. The" early THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES Chauibrays, all colors . . 5 yds. for $1.00 the lliitary Cluh luncheon' held accordingly llie hail vva -Ml real- morning sun iilays on, Hie dew Unbleached Cotton, 50 inches . . 5 yds. for $1.00 yesterday aflernoon in llie St ed! drops ami kisses the fragrant MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. Prints ..4 yds. for $1.00 Kcgis cafe. The troulile -arose- afler lips of the marigold and skunk Sheeting, 72 indies 1'2 yds. for $1.00 photic call had been received- at cabbage. Holler Towels, 2 'j yards. .......... ....... each $1.00 SI. Andrew's Society' ' ' House tlie. police station last evening LOUIS FOHKItLD. " llrown or While Turkish Towels,ft:;, . . . . per pair $1.00 warming Social in llie new from Hie Huyml Cafe Ji!it.iutinlt Cingbains .3'2 yds. for $1.00 rooms, Sixth Avenue and Fulton thill a. niau was Irjmin ling til. . "it. L. llrown relurneil from up. White Table Damask ............. . . . . yd. $1.00 Lli.lllilkrnlihilffll'hl'kl Street. I.ailies' Auxiliary, nieiii Hie .door for. aduii.tpince. .SerJ jiver. iuj last night's Iruin. , per Window Shades v. . ... ....... each $1.00 tiers and friend's,.- Tonight at yen n l MrUlincby proeeede-J-- lo Cushions, frilled ....... . -,'.'. . ; . each 11.00 p.m. iiiM'slfyale. nn.l, upon arrivali .'l o 8 o bushes and bedding GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Chinese. Crass Mats, 214 x 5 ; ....... each $1.00 found Morrison' in a stale, of m nlaiita. City Market. tf Stamped Goods, a big selection. . . , . each $1.00 S. S. PRINCE QEORCE AND PRINCE RUPERT will sail Thursday Mr. iimi .mi-s. unoine. wiin a loxicalion ami disorilerlii(e.s. On Women's Knit Vests 3 for $1.00 party of five people from the sighliiig llie officer, Miiitiaoh iiml Sunday at It' o'clock Midnight fur Swanson Bay, ANNOUNCEMENTS (2ombiuatious -. garment $1.00 Fulled Slates who have heeil made foi'Mhe' yard back of Friz per Ocean Tails, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Corset (2overs 2 for $1.00 Hie.' inlerior .ell's sllu-e aiid, off his visiting Ihrotigh Ihrowiiig I-or Anyox cilncsday, II p.m. 'Fur Stewart, Saturday, 8 p.m. Cinderella Dance in De Lu.M Whilewear; Assortment, including Drawers, Fnvelopes, country with a view to pennah coal, declared Hint no policeman S. S. PRINCE JOHN I'or all point Northern and Southern en) settlement; returned smith could arrest him. However, lb Hall, June 2 from to 12. Ad etc., values to $1.50, for per garment $1.00 Queen Charlotte Islands, May I3lli ami 27lli, June loih and on Hie I'rinee (ieorgc last uighl sergeanl's intentions wens mission 50e. Silk Hoot Hose, leg. $t.r0 ...... for $1.00 Hh, July Hlli and i'-'nd, August Dili and lUlll, Sept. iind, lOtli . - and Hie challenge was aecepl'vj Cashmere, reg. JM.H5 ...... for $1.00 Cotton Hose, white, brown, black . . 3 pairs for $1.06 uml JOlh. A display of boy' work will willi llie result (hat science eoui- Children's Collou Hose, taii 4 while, for Train Service he Mil mi at Hie cvhihiliou i lied Willi a goodly gift of pairs $1.00 mlbling on Friday, .lune V. hy strength, prevailed and Morrison EARLIEST White Cashmere Hose 2 pairs for $1.00 I'a.-cnger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY ut 11.15 llahy lUbbon, 18 yard bolls ........ 2 bolts for $1.00 the Hoys' Work Coiiimillrc of the was duly landed in the Chateau a.m. For Siiiilhers. I'lince (icorgc, Fdinonloii, and Winnipeg, Ribbons, reg. 35c yard ,. . 4 yds. for $1.00 llolary Announcement to do events, culmiuatiii Club, Viekers, inukinif direct connections fur all points in Kuslcin Canada Mercerised Crochet (2oltou . 9 balls for$1.00 this effect was iiinde iy Presi this morning as reported. anil L titled Slates. leu; Johnson, at the luncheon with the Latest Torchon and Val. Laee.s 12 yds. for $1.00 ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TME yesterday afternoon, (2liililn'n's Middys, Wash Skirls, etc., very special, each $1,00 Agency for all Ocean Steamship Lines WIRELESS REPORT We receiving Ladies' Lisle Cloves per pair $1.00 are new S2S Third Ave. Phone 260. Plain and Corduroy Velveteens per yard $1.00 Ticket City Office, Tlii- new Canadian Pacifii goods all the lime now. Collars and Neckwear to $2.50 for , . each $1.00 8 a.m. coasler Princess Louise. Captain Come in and look around. di:ad thi:k point oiomiv These and Numerous Other Bargains on Sale Slater, Is due in port rclurnlii See llie new thin model frrom her maiden trip lo Skau wind soulheasl fi-Csh: liai-oineler Waltbaiii Men's Watches in FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY way and oilier Alaskan ports, al 2SMM; lem)ierature, 12; sea niod while and green goldj j SEE WINDOWS. CORNER OF 3RD A FULTON. I t o'clock standard lime. 12 rale; New Necklets of gold audi o'clock dayliglil saviiig, (his eve- IIFI.L IIAHIIOH . Overcast beads. B.C. Coast Services lillig. I lie vessel will not b( wind soulheasl modei-ale: liar New designs in Silcrwure here much over an hour. ouieler, 30.30; temperature, 18; New China. sea moderate; K:I0 p.m. spoke New Far Kings. Sailings from Prince Rupert s.s An VI ix jihcaill Safetv Cue -vpr- - Art. Mansiui was lo have s.nil. All sorts of tittle new Lumber & Lath For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway I lasl uilil for hi:i home in iiorlliliouud : K:20 p.m.-. spoko s.,s tilings. April 21, Way 1, 12, 22; June 2. Vancouver hut, during his two lefferson, a miles north of For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle days .stay in (he city, hi; has Seattle uorlhboiiud: 8:25 n. John Bulger, April 25, May 5, 16, 23; June 6. found the business (,f renewing inike S.s lt.4,if i.l... Shiplap-Boards and S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, old aciiiiaiiilances so pleasant ibeam Pine Island, iiorthliouiul The Jeweller that lie deeiifeil lo sluv 8::ki p.m. sjmke s.s. (iriffcu. 10. Alort Bay, Campbell over nn. Namu, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Dimension oilier week and will nol be going miles from Tacoma, soutliliuuud Saturday at 1 p.m. River and Vancouver, every GIFTS THAT LAST. on to Vancouver until next DIOHY ISLAND Clear, calm: -1 Lines. Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover all Steamship i Agency for Thursday. Ail Is, studying medi liaromeler ;jo.1 0; I mu pern lure, Full infm-mallon from cine at Moliill L'nhersity, Montreal, SO; sea sinoolh. I: W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, and has lusl succcssfullv Noon. Kiln Dried Flooring. Ceiling. Siding Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. O. coiiiili'led his second year. DF.AD THKi: POIN T llalnin wind s.nulheasl gale; barometer. and Finish 2li.PS; ciiiiei;ature, 12; rough. Maple THEO COLL ART, LTD. PUBLIC NOTARY Hl'LL IIAHIIOH Overcasi, SPRUCE LATH wind soulheasl; luiroini-ter, 30.- Manufactured in Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices FOR SALE; Six Room House, 5th Aye. lemiierature. fill: .sea miidei'. nte: ln:.lo n.m., spoke 's.s. Prince East, $25CO.OO terms. (.eorge in Milhank"Sound, south. Syrup louiiil, ' !S PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Rentals Real Estate General Insurance IlKillY ISLAND ll.,lni... I -- -n I Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 Phone Bjue 69 Westholme Theatre Blook P. O. Box G6 wind soulheasl light; liaromeler. and ;io.vo; loniperaiiire jh: sea smooth. Sugar BEAUTY OP THE SKIN NOTICE. Ladysmith-. DENTISTRY . .. ... NEW ARRIVAL la II.. A (IOOD FATS 1 7 "V""1 ue.ire or every woman, TIIK CAFC will Md '','"'nbta br tlie uw of l)r, he under Just Received from Eastern COAL Wellington reopened new UiaiMi-iOlotim-nl. riiuplo.. bl.cltr.d., manage. .... . . Don't neglect your Icetu. One decayed or missing tuuth roiijiUiiue.rrllallnn end and eoieinii reitnoaa dlanpiwar.of tbe end kln. ii lr 1 1 1 on eiincyiiuy. John i Canada, pure Syrup of this and lowers your vitality. '.!? 5kl? 'l;'vnft, unootli .nd vilvoly. (leorge, will be in - charge year's run. All duulerii, or Hdnn niton, nutre Co., Yellowhead Lliuiud, Toronto. Hainplo frt-a if you will maiiilaiu Ills high slamlmd DR. BAYNE iiioulion Mil iianrr. of cooking. .Patrons of the Hood Uuulily guaranteed, ut EKMBEvaaHMaaaaaaanaaaDaH Mills eun ileneild linoii li-elMiwr lowest price in years. -- - Rooms , 8, 6, Helgerson Block Phone 109 1 what I hey w aul douu right, tf. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Olllco Hours; Mornings, 0-12; Afternoons, 1:30-5:30; E. EMAD Evenings, 7-9. If you would collect, deliver! Office, Hotel Central Phone 15 Mi