1 Tuetday, Frtruirr PAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS j, WOULD ELIMINATE Tonight Onlj G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public LICENSED PLUMBERS Westholme Theatre - - Tuesday WE ARE AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF 237 LOTS IN THIS CITY which comprise the Thorsch holdings. Board of Works Brings Report to There are many very dcirable double corners, both business Council With View Reducing and residciilial. Included in this piticrty. The prices Plumbing Costs. are fight and easy terms can he made, lite Empress llolel properly i inclurJcd in litis offering, as well as a Hue double Amendment to Ihe elty" comer on Third Avenue near the l'ostollice. Prices and iiluuiblnir lolans rliimf.siiiiif I In term will be given on application to our office. necessity of plumbinc work lelng H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. done liy licensed iduuibers iru-vided that sueh work jjasftil Ihe Charles Insurance RenUts Real Estate iniwiloti of Hie (ilunibiiiC in s;ieetor were brought to the roimeil last nislit in the form of a report from Ute board of wwls Chaplin "The Store of Satisfaction" Aid. Ilybhavii n.-ked or an ex plauatiott of the reeonimcndalion and Mayor llocheslcr referred in Seasonable all wool Ihe boanl of works. : ll.MlKtlS lit M. ilaor ill SMTlM- ! Tl'here are several propositions "A Dog's Life" 1 erin.v Miiprri e w- ill ana l-iau- SWEATER n fool ut me prcseni jane jyr HliTiiriitt- if th Or;.nwiiiml .if flu- vij ' serviiie f ' anuria mid .ilner I'jwilltn iiv Hie-exteitsion of the sewerage limiMll li lartllli til. Mh .- In Stilts -if Ijir liuiet-ial itvrrinnriit al tlirlr niiliun. syntems." eiplained Aid. Mont,. ifiKifm. amirr!i4'ff in inr unarr ffoinery'- "If these go tbrotigh t . Admission, 15c and 35c GOATS lnird. will in- rerett-rd tip In twnm un Ihe ,as in Frtirnary. !. fur supplies of ttxr will be necessary for mam rel unueitHi'lifliiiiecl lleou-: dents lo connect, 'up, but the 'For period f threa menlht, from 1t April anc a. Freli to sgin Neala.wtina, lszz. prices charged by Ihe plumber' b rnnh Hti. are terrillc and out of all, propor. 'il. Fi-e.H I reh .VUk.VerrtaMe-i. lion. The present eily bylaw precludes MACKINAWS .f ItrHti and tanf. anyone but licenced i r Bread. i r i Kuttrr. plumbers doing1 Uie work. II is at 1 1 In lee.NiwreHaneui rutlr. fell that plumbiiijr col eonld W FIRST NATIONAL it rrn. reiueeil ifotliers be allowed to do ATTR-ACTI ON ror tht Fiacal Vtar commencing lat April, Reduced Prices. 1 9ZZ. he work providUiK always that (I k i VaWnr r Jta-iMletr. liMtiinr. rtr. d. fie snip. ns-'n (he eity. in-pi-clioiu , , I furs:-. ! jMBt-KaBrt all fefwmsltea rati Aid. Hybliavn .-aid lliat ft 'iw (Attained lir iniMnr U the tinder- 1-llfiHHl. Annttra-ii for r"Hn in reMeled fem'd a ver radical lp run) hel . -late iWnlW) llr Item. r Mmt. tm really ln-Iii vc.l (hat il r not fair iwmrii nwv wimi r iMirr, KIRKPATRICK rrrfitHl.Tl lone an)' lender not ngrfarM) iijii-ik the eily council for a snap ; (SIPMtt) il STI.1 .1111. udeiiflil on the niallvr. He nin-ti gt'irv Onjrer, tlial-il be lefl.ovi-r for a wn-l. II. M. C. tyartranL'ElUiiuafSt. n. :. ' uiti r4aT. . Hi is wa reo-jcd liy Aid. l'frr' LAND ACT. iinl cnrril. From the Farm SWrtict of filtration to Appli to Laat Land. In fan'tia IjkI nintori, Iserurdiuir l-':nii to the Table if I'rlnrr Bfrrt. II. :.. awl "itiiale In CITY IS NOTIFIED :K tmlc Inlet mvuMd Uirt fnii rim-awr 4i ' Tale ir.Ii'.i- thai i:lr HaruM Crarir1. UNEMPLOYED RELIEF BulkleyValley :-rf-nifal'n "Ptw. Hlf1 t" II!T f'" i-niiil'.ii In k-iw lb fnrfHir leefitiil laiMl: "Himprtifinr at a wl etantnd tn He rwiwt tlil rri tin -Hlraix"r ft Atd. Silversldes o.f Opinion That BEEF -ulf -r WIkiu Inh-t. tlwiiT T rlMIll Recent Orr!;e Means i-.mll! Iti.-lint rtaln -al. tlM-ftrr PORK rhain- urn ill. tlirurf- sit 'lam ! ana Little Ulere. MUTTON iiinlalimir 4 i't' fli'ir l . EllGMt fltliol.n CiltWI'iiKn. AppiwriDI VEAL A llter from J. H. MeTCiveii. FRESH KILLED POULTRY WATER NOTICE. , proviiM-ial deputy minister '.if Skeena River Farm Produce " alr. eiirlosinjr the rwlit oriler-1 VANDERHOOF CREAMERY t: 1 Mi'K Sii'TlfK TlllF..!Itut It- Oranliy Omi4I-irtaud n-couueil frmu Ottawa for Ihe quarter earh, ITALIAN GOVERNMENT l. I'. Ltd.. hr (ldrr n.i mivi.i-.i.i, . tal.-il thai It BUTTER uuiii. il. . . will aiHli for a limi fur estenion of government parliei- . -iiw had concluded M. H.e d. r dt.l TROOPS LOST HEAVILY inn- ilorar f SS.OIMI arrr tfrl if palion in tinempbjyiiient relief, NORTHERN INTERIOR ..i! if Fall i-mm-i. iin Twiwa wHiin-nj not anything as far t tin hind draiix into bt-rvairr InM at was received by tfi'ei 3ty council mean ; i Mum. TIk- Mn rim- dam will If latl c-iiy was ranrrriinu ... SUGAR Fill COOPERATIVE i.iu.ui r.Mim bi mi.trraui from lmrn! last iiiplit ami referred to tbei Twenty.fUe Ked nd Hundred ' 'dam Tw rapartiy of llw rrwrvtr la br bnanl of work. (Uwi jicw order wWl be filed. U would have ex- , , rn-f.u ii i akMit i oun inr IwL and it the was """uocu ,r.P., , the tune city Phone 81 pired by I will Itimd abrnit itMi arm ut land. TUe plovide for the loininion !ov- Rebels. nur mill dirrtd fnuii tUr ttrram at take a'hantage f the i ! i..mi anttviriird uiidr Omdttkinal erumenl to pay 30 Mr cent, of the pn-pared l.lr-! Jm. Tlwt lirrii- ailird fur cost over normal of relief work. serilinn referring to retorn"l men. j nr llli.MI eti, I a.- r milling lie- ! In iull'lii. a nnu Vt j .w an inr OnMlUknial l.li . with Ihe provincial government JUST ARRIVED I Ihe llnltun ioernnienl wwn M. T.LEE 3;armiiHl mi Till iwltrr SHI day win:f flwl January.n tlw paying one-third and the trniiiici-pality NEW MANAGEMENT troop and rebels in the Tripoli , a o.v W Uil- m.tlr and an aiifliralliMi In Uie case of one-sijtth. Tea lbs. Valentine dilriet resulted in the fiuvern-; 2000 .iil--iiaiil tlH-rJ'fa and In Ibr "Walrr Art, CAFE ETS Ladies' & Gentlemen's 1014" lM.rilf-will lir llliil at lHnrv In Hi Itmwrl.unirr of fbirr.IIh- discharged physically lit soldier-.. GOOD liienl troop loniiil '.'5 killed audi Hums In tlw aMrtlratMiniHiv 1 filed wttli not provided for under the Sol tuu wounded. ! Price 60c lb. JiIm; 5iaid Uilrr lli.rder or Willi tin-'r.imintrolliT diers' Civil Ite-etablishmenL Hie Regular per with J. M. Nelson Today TAILOR IlirliU. I'arlialix-ul Reopens Mil Water ,T io!r...;ui 41h w-- m,0 bv FOR ONE WEEK Uinlldnur-. Virtiiria. ifblo llilrty day ikiminlun pays one-half of relief In Charpe. All White Help. Fit Guaranteed rifior tl- fir I appearaiirr nf Hit liotire In FISH ARRIVALS In Iwal ii.-wiaMT Tlw dafi t llir llrl work provided arid the provincial liniliili-allim "f Un- nmlw ii- IVIruarj- tn, srovernment and municipalitv me- JimwI Kills I'.afe will re-oiell i 2 lbs. B. C. Granulated Sugar Tuesday. February t t. St. Valentine" Third Avenue, opposite P. O. I ""if liiMMiv i:i"i.iii.tTi:n ni.o. Price Paid by Local Buyers Has) I 41 r-:i tim; m i'vi.ii ixJMrAAV. llav, under Ihe manage, Phone Red 138 ' u.VITKl) i.ii'am Been Steadily Increasing 1 with every two lbs. of Valentine Tea for 3Sc lu W illiam V'Hinr Apfiit. nieni of J. M. Xelson. I'. f Wa i wvuuore SPECIAL! Wr solicit your patronage and Past Few Days. J . BUY NOWNO LIMIT TO QUANTITIES can asMirp Uie publie of the The priee of hnlil'iil h w-m S00 Tins bci.1 alue obtainaite at moderate sleatlily t-oiiiK up ul tin- Fi-li Fx-; FULLERS, LIMITED prices. Under new management, rhange dtirin-; the vast few ila now but white help will be employed. Phone 45 REPAIRS ROOF Singapore and this morning tw rai lnil-, ihe Imial were purrliaoei! iy buy-j iie ii a trial and you will Ion"t put thai it'of repairing job off any longer. Let us louk find our fil anil servire the ers, p4l)illg mei- lite for ISrot-ela--- Ush. , The arrivals and sale, were il ov.it and give "u u ijnoUition. Sliced beM in the North. us follows: ; MATERIAL FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ROOF IN STOCK PRINCE GEORGE pounds,.Mary und Chriloidir,Maryarel T., in.inin IS.niMij Rowe's Sheet Metal Works pounds, sold to the Pacific Fih Pineapple The I'rinee Ueorge Hoard of cries at 10.1 e and HSnc. Spring Phor.e 340 Trade has ei'idorie the reeiuiu "CrcscwiL IS.ODU pound., ami uiendal ions' o01he I'riiiee llupert lilueler, itMMiy poon.l-. -.old I. 1' , lb. Tall Tins Hoard which lure nuw being the Oaitndhui I'hti and tVtld Slot, j pressed on llie Dominion (iov auo Vak "at I0f l4d 0.5c. ! for eriiinenl by the lejeg-atlon from 7 tins $1 local Hoard also Ihe Coast. TJie O. F. Johnstone, C. X. II. eii ' aks for inti liaion of !tie I'aeifir ticket agent, who lias been tm-, SAUSAGE Ureal Kasteru liullxvay into the Millinery joying a holiday uf Several week-in WATCH THIS SPACE FOR I'eare lliver ,Biiutry, arid Id- the Fast, is espccled re. 1 WEEK-END SPECIALS iiioiitoii-I'iiiite (ieiirge higliway, turn to I'riiire lluparl by Thurs-j an exierinieual form for I'rince day niglil e Irahi, We buy American Currency, lieorae district, Ix-ller housing with a Flavor. Highest prices paid for J funds, and impriived telephone .Leslye Ilnb'-rl Heldoli. uf Fori Advance Showing Bills Silver Money Orders, or and telegraph fccrvice.- Fraser, und Ilames Calr. of I'hU. have been made justices uf Hie Table Co. Herbert I'orier, a yroiniuent the appoilitmeilU bcilM THE NEW SPRING HATS ARE READY Wholesome and Economical Rupert Supply peace, local fur buyer, believe thai the aunouueed in last week' It. C. llnr lir-l Klllpllieut of liiO hut- II" I Wit aliK-We Food Product Phones 211-212 open eaon for beaver will bring liazetle. iuki- ilml iiirl prule lu uniting ion In m-i' at leant 5000 pelts, worth estl.-00. LITTLE PIG SAUSAGE, per lb 35c into. I his city. Trappers to PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Newest Fashions GOOSE LIVER SAUSAGE, per lb 35c from here are already taking Hie in nuinberi. TOMATO SAUSAGE, per lb 30c wogds Tueeduy. Fcliruary 1 1. WEINER SAUSAGE, per lb 30c .Miss VAna Muifet und II. K. High 2:fi? u.iii.. i.?.;i feet. Leading Shapes BEEF SAUSAGE, per lb 25c McKeen were married here !ut, 15:11 p.m., ii.s red. LIVER SAUSAGE, per lb 25c week, Itev. Up. sAjci officiuting. Low j.of,i a.m., 3.5. reel. Charming Col ors The cereinony, i;ok place ut Ihe 21:32 p.nf., ;'.i reel. SWEDISH SAUSAGE, lb 25c per home pf (he bridef jiurentse. Wednesday, Februiiry 16. Thecl60 huts, out of wlilrJi von will rliot"" V BLOOD SAUSAGE, per lb. . . . i 25c V o , High-- 'JH3 23.3 u.lii., feel. ehuic-e af 300 hals i H us by the luukera I md BOLOGNA, lb 25c HUhop Huuoz, of. I'rince Ilu. . 1(':0S per p.m., vo.h ret. ' ' the inu""1 dilious lime succeeded making we in perl, vlolled in IhU eily , laul Low V:0fe a. HEAD CHEESE, Jb 25c a.m., feel. per . us aoo lulls to chootiti from und keep what w week. lt y 32A(i p in.. :i.S feel. what Therefore hut f-nery We don't. by buying your Made Fresh Each Day ir There willbe a K, Jrul of Uepurtinent you'll be liuving u good opi" .illU uellvlly In placet iuiitlpg, in the nice wide range to choose from under rigid sumlury roiidihoni- in our own suuxugc kitchen. We curry jurge clocks ol district till year. it Jtj PA'dictfU. Less Than Lt Spring Millinery Prices are B0 Per Cent. Would Biiprt'ciule showing you bow fcausuge is made. clou u pcrccned Lump und One of the pHricIpaU of U com TIMBER. SALE X26S7, COME IN-pTHE EARLIER THE BETTER Uoul. It's hot, Order from your Butcher or direct from us ligg-biieil pany which ia looperafe ut Snalrtl IMidrr. will In' nti'elvfd li Mm less tnuokc. loss cob Is - - (loverniiienl Greek south of here .Mlnl.lrr uf l.aliiln al ViKtuiia mil Uii.i.ril,ii You'll like it. is in the eily awulllug the arrival iiikiii un llm IHIi day uf Manli, lv, fur Uie- iiiirrlnmj of l.lci-iiwj JmSaT, in nil of dredging machinery und u l.lia.ooo feel uf lli'iiil.u'k. spruni. HaUam Ltd. Consumers Goal Go. Ltd. tuar aim eiiuiir, nil un a. Allen Aim Jabour Bros., P. Burns & Co. Ltd. Phone 7 suwiiiill outfit. iiiiiial Ca.alar iim tit II)Land llMilinr.year lu.lrirl.will In. uM.iw.mI rot- n PhOU J. Lome MacLaren, Manager There may be eoinettuug you Klirtlier liarll'llluri uf tlw ' liltif 'iin-v tlnm,! TIiIpH m nt SA.Anlh ler. VlrlorU, II. C, m liuin.i foruifi want. Be the elalfled enluniD I'rline Itupert. tl i