Thursday, April rAoi Torn TEM DATLT RIWB BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManuj Ir Id GW i THAsvj'M UP "WELL-DO TOO .WANT obc pardon sac- riKo irtia MORNIN AM IN REAP ME PAPER ALU OF THC PAPKhi? BUT I tSEEO OME MWtJ TO DAT-0 NewSkin! I kj -t - - HAND OVER THE. f WRAPIM' PAPER WN i s . iii ii i i ritt" 1 HAe A PART OF ' THAT PAPtCQ? 4 J" i .vesTee PAfE oat 5. 1 Nothing more wonderful than ! 1 brMIIin. I N. II " " f-V-vC-Vf sX-7 I I X bvtnan ain. Il ihrouiih tiny snomht called poies. If it l krpt whole and strong it improvn the entire bodilr health Trxnewholnow raot about the com-plea Mruc'are of the kin appreciate the care that ml le uien in tWidinr, what is the safest, purest and best thettitig to applf in time of accident or disease. Morh scientific thought and experiment was expended in the search for aa ideal nataral healing substance,bat it ha aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw I 111 I acmally been found at lat. in NiUra'a own slorebous- of medicinal herbs. '"Neeer In the world's history lias thr brea aooiher prtjurmioo like jtam bu. Amongit c;her Tirtnes. it poasesses that mi tire quality cf actually growing new aim in Nature's own way. V2o wr Iwr-t. fcTV: Schvks. 4nc A MIRACLE BEFORE YOUR ETES. " Healing tbe infarct! and diseased tissues by this preooui netoai oaira is a rrwk boiihn by pprnpiil nmrlar arp'hanil 1 h rotijtfi a hole mail in lb miracle that may I performed before j Mipprir In lhp rrnliPil rm-k rnncrrio slab. Han Hip avprap your cwn eyes. Children remember In the Letter Box whii'b in filain pnnerffp arei Itilellieul ponoeive an ram but best for .its great power In ucr.on News Classified soothing and healing their hurts, whilst liiMiriil oey by llhk ci'iiieiiliit'.'iriii2- tuip m at cnnrrplp ilab Daily Ads. in the treatment of eciema. ringworm. SCHOOL GROUND FLOOR. iprice: o illii-lrale, ti li-y sloue wilhoul inilvri)!Pil prmrTPlP lay-will i ram chronic but sotes.powertf,ulcers antiseptic aad poisoned and tissue-luiiMinii sores, JCililur Daily Xov:-- .slainl if well Imill: a pile of in? about .No, no nioiellian he 8 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Tnlcim for Lea thn .SOc Droueme ensure success; Allow 1111' ."pare in your vaU Hip amr .lmip rnbpi ean onlypan pouppIvp -awuiv wckmI wit It- - again.-many thousand Jiave tam-bak , tialiln ttaiiT In makn a f"w tp-niarks lie a pile. nit xaw ilut. Thr. niaivP auiCC O uiana jut iuc i.uii.ji jflmii? anj imposing baPtnpnt nfj WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HYDE TRANSr CR enncrrniiiji Mr. Csix' rf-pnrl Proven tir Worth. from torturing piles. "Differing fnndamentally and in action in Hip pari rHaliny In ina In rplalion- lo II... wWrplPl!1"' M:,,,0", w T"1 w .! WAXiTlO Men and wompn lo $.10.0(1 IlKWAHD if I fall to grow Phone 5S0 from all ordinary ointments, zam-buk is onry anil rniirrpn in uip innn slab.. 1 will lalp a few fju-ls lis ramification f walls rnubl learn thp Jtarbpr Trade by Ihe Jrair. Oriental Hair Jlnot Hair Bangage and Express free from It animal is highly fais refined and mineral and contains compounds. Mi iiiiirial Schooh SIppii l.onswill bad f.ilp.1 in a paily stippisri llirrp mow slrin only mPllio.l in IIip world that (Jrower. World's flrealrsl and skin Arpiorlol Hip Jural , - or .similar riuislrtii'lion, reitiee. wil save I Imp and Jlair (Jrower. (ir.iws hair on no ingredient which tbe cannot by pappp" single Mini :.l J lip .-utllli Pin you money . Coal and Wood. . reader aboib. A lifty-cent box of "lalP.-: Thp lonp wall rf jIIip t'orridor fltxir all IIip pip.'-i nil lit", to sitM'i-n. tit.'ii in mil r- and fit yo-j Tor a position bald head. Il must not be Atrenl Huperi nnd Hi ,t , , xim-rwk may save you,dollars in doctors'with. iIip jrroiinil Tlnor fn wliirb Hip tlse.l in Hip biiiblins. bow many Iren anil Iwrlvt iurJiPs ri-tierl-ivrjy. worth while. We Riinrf.iilPrt put, wberr hair is not wan led.; Globe Airless Tf'be3. preparation bdls It is a unique wonderfully wide range of usef uloess. tlprial iipI wa lopal ropk was Ions I .In not know. 'I'Imtp lliey -'J1ip wei-rlil hf Hipsp Mirrr .steady employment at pond On re dandruff and flfl scalp, Heron( Avenirn forniol of - p.tor iiialprial for lai.l for moiilhs, in "pilp lif'iny new slorips wnubl far rxrpril wanes. Write now for beauti Iroublps. $J.7.1 ppr Jar. i il'l-yinyr I be loail impn.Pi npiMi refusal to assume any responsibility Hip li?lil bolb.w Jiles anil brick ful illustrated catalogue. Molfrj Agents watitpd. Prof. M. fi. ! BAGGAGE and EXPRESS Terrace Acreage il."' in rase of .:iiiinp idle vriiper now pxilin?, that Ihr px-prrt Harber Ollepe, 30fl Alain 81 firnssp, 4 48 I.oian AveM Win-iiljpg. by In ilealii)? wilb particular In IIip rfushiiig weivbl. Thr rails bntb Hie loail intisPi Vancouver, H. C. Man. WIlKt 1- FIH'K .PACT, nMR.runm ilPin I wish Jo call lbn allpnlion heavy si ill brains useil in the anil a iihtp shell. DELIVERY Onr-nrre lot cleared nnl f Hip pnblir In IIip ifsp niaMp assembly ball wrrp ilra:-r,.M'i No Danger of Sliding, ni'MAHIJ-: agent wanted for Bnl SCI i:TIFIC SerrrU lo l.ontf I.lfr, Prompt. Sei'v.i r and lie n I i the fpar of Ihc pprt IHslrict. The SovereiRn l.op, llappiiiess an. Jlusinrss. I ga n dumped plowed ready to.pul f loi-al roi'k in our cily -incp first li IhP Jiiaiu riilran.-p, tben k Phone Blue 418 it sranlen. Soil Prst-clai-. ThH tncptilion IIip Itank of Mrm- iii nn IIip top of Hie rPinforcei) I IttiiltJi it? sliilin-.-, I fail Jo see KiTe Assurancp Cinnpany. Hrad Semi' ytMir birlli dale, month! Sland: iiV (.iB:ir si v lut is r.lne to the IowthIIp iimi Ifpal, Hip two slorps tnrrupied ronrrelp beam, r.insliltilin Ihe .''" "" nf Tt- ' office, AN'innipps, .Man. Writ mid year and one dollar. I'm.' Chas. A. Pynp, Prince fessor Till Nelson! CLOTHES Be.-rcalion Park ami in an ideal l.v the Liquor Control ltoar.1 ,.n main support of Ihe rentral en- """" h,,,,w " aIJ waM ' " lleorsr, Wood, CLEANED Im-ation fur home. Priei' "'" " " pianaser for Xorlhe'rn Hritisli Sliecl. Vancouver, II. I'. Headings 7,i)0. a I'T.rser- Street. Hip Iteekwilb and Irai.pp stairwsiv. . There they lai.l ?ra. and pressed by latt ran Terms half rtmli, balance' nr-rnnsred. IUp Killas buildiiiff nn Third Aw-' i a l.uneh. Tiles wen- slat-kp.l ,,al. :n"1 n. ,,n,n "prp- Colnnihia. 1 sent. by relnni mail. If pressing pHy Hip Arronolis reservoir. Ihe il.n !..... ,,n,l r...,r r,.iu , Httliur Iienrliinp. . Ill my Jti.l?- t t .hip. WA.Ti:i -Hotel or Itestaurniil ! ST. ELMO HOTEL S nits called for ann !. u Arre Inl till under mlllvallnn' foundaliou of Hie City Hall, pr., wheel barrow plowe.l nnl,n,;nl !'" 'lifrrrrnres of level .b. work in or out of town by : Phone 649 awl fenced. New limine, 2(1 by 22 No matter whal any pxiipiIs from IIip roiTt.lor floors for montbs. mil nllpr lhp stabilily' of Hip '--iovora! Dyer Ajiarlmenls, No. III. Booms lo let from 3 per week up. LING, The Tailor fori, lliroo rooms. Wood'ihpd It; Vanrouvpr or any oilier plare The bulblin-r was oerupied for"' ,,,,1",,,n,fr'. ?U'n "'I;nlP. I by .-- Dunning hot and cold water in liy barn in stood well. as I .1 is mi.CK wanted for rent. Apply P. all BOATS ,20. by eld, may say, as i( man Ural has monlhs. TherP has I.ePn l room. FOR SALE. 2n(io slrawberry-plants'. Son rasp, handled nothing hut rock in oilier liublir jratlierinps, jiarlirnlarly in I here.. ' I O. Ilox .0. 09 Ilalb. Strain Mealed. Moderir I fl. In. I filled berry ranes. Close in town on which I IIxie.rienpe ell remenl men Phone Green 610 -IN a u pails of the world, t'Jtn the assembly hall,. In fnll rapacity. DTUATION WANTED DOMESTIC Caille Pcrfeelioi) frond road. An hlrnl summer home lirove with first rlass referenres Illimlreils of people bnvo I bat walrr is l.pnefieial In cement e . for a small family. Price A 1 7."id from Itrilish and Anieriran pii- been s'evenj! limes walking up foundations, and iIops not lielp WOMAN wanted for housework TAXI opy tup, lu firs! rl; : it terms list i r fab. halnnce ar-raneed. s-inecrs. I will veniurr niP siaiP- and down Ibose rorridnr floors them lo slid,, lint, sin the pun-Irary, and good plain cooking. Apply Phone 693 Apply Prince B bbp. (Cnll Jeorgp Boss Phone Bf-d nil il hardens lb. reinenl. Ilia) loral rnr.k .120 Fifth Avenue Wesl. inenl nur -soiind and main sliiirway, wliirh bear ill) I foil il my duly to makp Hipsp Fivp-paspiigcr Touring Car ran rink as first rlass material all on Hip slab and reinforep.l FOR RENT Prompt Day and Night Service fpw remarks In tbe public lrr-sonully when )lsed both for com-re In r rjiiirrelp Jwaiu. TIip pxperl KENNEY BROS. & CO. I fenl that Ibp Kork I Stand: Boston Grill, Third Avenue rubble itiaiinry. .. ,v surely klHiws thai a lravrllin?f fiOOP niean fled from $l.r,n per have, done a I Hie lloolh Srlinol is Real Estate Insurance Does Not Understand. r'l'HwsJ i Hip inaxiiiitirii Jest (bat week. Fisbcrmpn's Best, l.atc HAULAGE AND TRANSFER slandat'il in ronslruclion 'Ilie experl's report in dpalin? rrfn be impose.! upon any ron- every PinneCr Booms. I(i7 3n! Avp..K. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC W0BII. II bus sIo.hI Hip lesls of Nolle Contractor!. l-pspert. Phone 189 to. vital of he with Hip most ial'l riele floor. Ii. lip mention any -:..i...... (..:..1. ii ri 1 liuililiri'-'. namely. Ihe 'main rnrri-dor slsn of wpaki.essp- nn siirh slabs 1 " "- ' "'' TO jti;.T Modprn Apartment, Furniture licinovals llrn!ri Selil Kiiiluiiiliiiiciil iriHlers. imhIi il ' ;.n wall srarryip? Ihe rnllrc and beams aflPr repealed lesls? .I, i, n ..I'niii iii -I,, i illinium furnished' or iinfiiruUlied. I'. Prompt. Service rw-Miml liy tin lliimiialii'-tl v at ion I sm no rbvts. 'I'Iip I ll.i- Works. iii in 1 - f an V. Hart. 1f Prince Bui.rl Transfer EDSON COAL weifrhf of Ihe i.incrrp slabs and No, itti.l I am positivr nohoily inili il.iy i,f May. fur thi li beams, where practically Ihe eer will, for Hie rrs,isnnff iower unfair and unjust.rritirim madp JIM STURGEON Itaiikiiirnt aiinwrflen Ii. II, ai I. ' FOR SALS sle'rl. II. i'. o II, by Ihe Vancouver expert, I entire internal structure Is rel- of these slati, and beams will al. I'laiis, js-rlllratiIIK. ...l- -t am will not affert it. WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. i.f nn.h r Iw I i-illh vn .m sure, may : COMPANY iii- .and (he balance of ihe Jniild. ways Ipiivp a martrin of safely. FOB Monarch lyfiewriler, day r April, f-.-:'. al Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th 'St. ins is anrliored,, bp stales tjiat Qualified Opinion.' v. iiasso iu:ur. ."i(l.(m; Hulrher blnrk, ijs.T0.0tl; l-'xperl watch, clock and J. I-. Srarloll. l-nni.i: 1 l A SK-wail, II. Ilii- nlll.'- ' I bey are "ill fairly pood condition." hash rpgjspr, mahogany finish chronometer maker. nithor liiMrlel t.nrlii'-r- I'o her ISLAND SETTLEMENT. full satisfy Hie general M. C. ami I In . public Dial I am .ualifieit lo ox. Itear Sir:- , 1 i 4 200.CM; Safp, ( llall-Norrisy Watch and Jewellery Repair n Vl.luiM. It. .:.lii'iiarliniMii In speakiny of walls as 4-e- jnsi.lp 11x2.1 l-t inches, Trt. specially. ct'iili-ai'li.r mar !)i .. ' Best Coal press such an .tpiuion, I will Tuesday's issue of Ihe Daily iJ.lil ami MTllralliiii-i Ior1e. in I be News, be aullinri- stae (bat I was nuiccelw fore News raised a question as to Scales, Toledo, 47ri.(i: l'ord Mail order promptly executed. (11.110 In i uhii n will r' n-rrliira kn.Nl iii'iIim alivi-ly 'T1ip ronrrele ilelivery rur- saysi man on the bi?esl liilildiii!; al whether the (.Inepii ('tiarlo(. M. van, '4250.00; lype- GEO. GIBB'h nint l. ryms Ihe front enicanre vrsii Falls; references, can amis are suitable for selllpr and . writer desk, sri.00; Willi-h-inan's Opp. Post Office i'. O. lb ix 71; an ImuI nfiHiii.if ti.iiik tnulr.-K- iw i t,. ' i ' at mile was liadly mixed and 1:1 iflreali and so can Aid. Mont- but for pprsonally hping ap-nuaintPd .clock (llarditige) and Prince ButierL If iiratil.' the Minl-ior ,.f I' ll. ' rock- wpcp pvidpnl." There . .. .. . fi''stations, Store r iim .'..ial tu Irn .iri.nn; 'ft 1 :i -1 i lhp roun. , ,t punier , i up aicniiiTi in niiirp'f with fullowinu facts ORIENTAL GOODS I. iMlcr, ulilrli sliall Im r, Vanrnuver .'xperl proved with bis lei-. 21 Iflulorlnp (terlliii' In .'iili 1 Lowest Prices reel, ijtlO.00. Apply lo ihere recommeiided to hip to I should prefpr Ihosp in author, lir-ii ralli'il nHin In iln I ' own words thai he has yp failed have particular care in puiiiin ily answering Walter Drinnairs llorie & Small, 0. A., Post Of. .Inpniipsn Kimonas, Crockery mini lrir iIh wiiiIi pinilrai'f. " !" o understand the nature of the fiVp lluilding. Phone 1 inter Mill iml lie Ibe.' roncrele slabs for Iip said ruery, Time however must elapse 3N7. Bamboo I'liiniluie, Ornaments, mailo out mi tlie ritin sijo.- ' Order Now! Phone 58 '.instruction recline Hie and basenienl method walls tise.j of in his minimum estimated pressure before he lieaTs from the various I'Oli I,K nhpap One Aniprican Baskets, Children's Bumpers, liy flip riie artnal rl ur nlnnatilri'any linilei"ir il : lire JliKilli School. I will, lliere-1 nn those floors was jko lbs. jier government departments. llalibiil hull. Killicr complrle' Toys, Mir, aerenlwl. p 'Ii: I foot. (I incidenlallj' stale Adverlispmenls falling for I.OWF.ST PBICF.S. -F. I si. nay or iiu One jdeasurp boat 2I piijilli' V, k fore, Jry lo .clear (his point, particularly riernMineiit t.f l-iihl.r W'lrk that there In .00 people la lake these lands K. AKASE potireil for the general pulilic we. up up flSe.l.; fine for this harbor. One Vli-iuila, n. r.. , yards of conerclc per day.j frpnriPiilly nppparpd in Hip London pjicti Ka Jioal 18 f.-ppl. Other p. o, Hox oi Tel. itfii m: which is not composed of build LAND ACT. Night I'honeB - J. G; Steen, .171 I'jpces of machiiipry weihin daily press be.fween N'ovrin-lier boats and engines. Apply. Third Avenue W. Longwlll, Blue 270 ing PXpPl'tS. Notle of Inlaflllen to Aoplf to l"" Up In 2o Ions, were dragged on 1920 and July, 1021; these. Sugn. Ilayview Hotel. If In Ouwn Cliailnttn HI.mhI- I ! - - Day Phone 8 Cement Hand NUxed. llrose floors; no sign of Weakness and other advertisements camp In CYCLE REPAIRS np.-nrillint rlslnri nt l-nii I " STEEN The whole of lire remenl was was shown any place. I lie? Hip notice nT Tlis Majesty's Overseas FOli SAI.I. Oris boat, fuliy Cycles of all makes pann........I nail !I altnlfn Jinta Fa III llanr.rrmif iif Itlnok A' 1.1 I I 1 &L0NGWILL r. band mixed, by Dip best kind lo stale that those floors are Settlement department and etiuipped; prgrlb-ally new. and baby enrriagrs retired. in.,- I....1.c iiin.iiMii I , " r a 1i.1t1111.1ny l.linilnl ,f I''-if at- Sheet Metal Works ofJabor juibJ a lllie ralo of d.nn four inches I hick and Ihe slcel enquiries were instituted through Suitable fdr ldling or plea Cycle Accessories. C... ciemnailrin n.h-ilenle, till. .1 W Agent for McClary Furncaes per day. The masonry, incliulins rolnforrinfr was or V inch roun its channel witli the result that sure. Snap for (iiick sale. Ap Out of town orders promptly for crllii'(l twniihtWiin lariwi:nmnietiririf lo leae ihr ai 4 t the walls that support the main type set anoni npan. imp roii- a warnina was given fo Ml ply 1' O. Box -09 or No. attended llllO fM,I III a MUllllU.-nll I IK In, Sanitary and cnl ranee vpstibulr which Ihe ex- cr-ele ,slab of the lloolh Srliool is through Ihe leading newspapprs( Dyei- Apiirtments. I J. CAWTHORN lhp No. in,nnrtliwealeilv thptire I5H rswt rei iii'U'i Ii-' Heating Engineer perl falls, "concrete" and in' six inches thick. The. reinforc advising intending immigrants of isnii1metirly rlln-Uon li 'a" I'Oli HALF. Odar, 18 .",17 Fulton Street. llienre 70(1 feel vnxlerl Jl 6tb Street and Kraser Stretit' which be lells us Jhal roeks, arn ing is linlf-iiu'lt snuare steel and Hit; risks run and of whom to mailt, tlicneri 10U rret nnfi; Prince Kupert ? 'B. C. evident, was all built by exper fl. long with wide beam,, in waifr mark, thriiri Hon fc t il is sel eifrjit itudies tiparl. apply before embarking on any SHOE REPAIRS good rondiliori. price C0. (p., MIITI iiinin I" I. in. fc ienced firsl jdass stone masons, 'f'herrsnrp, hi ftlrrnylb hPlw.'en of these and other land schemes!. ......I n...l iin. !..., 1 Tl ' 'Also Kvinrude, price 4100, Umbrella CAXAniAN KISII . 'I paid ul IIip rale of 10.(10 per Repairs exlia thickness and Were Warned. ' superior CI I II CAW I.'I'll.. Amvl day, piece by piece, row after steel Is fully -30 ' per cepl. To Those in authority lo -my Pirllen. Oally News. tf ClolliPs cleaned ami pressed. Ily Iiiinean kemi .1) row. The stones, us bisr as a niaii prove wilb a rlenionstralinK illustration knowlpilgp wpiiI. out of Ihplr'way FOB SALI "Narbfthong." It in Suits, called for and delivered. naleil Fvliniai'V IR. It For your' next ran lifbl, were hand laid in the - Phme Hlne 29 1 l-IILVCK IIPCKliT t.n hi-" HI' cement work sPtlfcrs 1n lakn that Jhr1 to urge intending my intention to lake the rase THICT til- COAST. HA .r. form; a. sufficient' Quantity of al t ho llonlir School is of bih up land scheinps npprovpd by llin into flie Admiralty Court and I LEM JOHN Tikn milli'P llia'l i T. I- M, Miiwk' J Shoe Repair Job cement mortar was spread over slundartL I will rile a fac Ilia! variods d''p;n1 incuts but to bavp need Ibe Inoney. Price $1,100. .844 Third Avenue Tprraic. II. r... iH-riiuiil..ii them lo ensure, as jierfecl a ran satisfy anyone; he two Ion nothing lo do wilb Ibis scheme lloome K. Freeman. RErAIR SHOP Imeiiil rr innl.In nn apply l ii ml Tor tn anil lire"p ' ' :" , coucrele fare as iiossihle, by diiiniins- truck iif Ihe llreiiden which in no way met with llio. riilliiwlnv (lenei'llii'il lanil ';"i try carefully working Ihe trowel be- A I KW piece of furniture for (leneral Imnl filanirtl MiH niiln ei ' 1 Transfer ?oes over Ihe coal approval of the Imperial or Do repairs, ras engines, t riirner of l.nt HK, Hi t J. C. EMERTON Iween Die facr o fltir, rock anil bin loaded with 2Ti ton of coal minion govcrnincnls. salo .including Singer sewing stoves, Jocks, keys, srr.inB; ma- rhaliis, tlieme Rti i-lwlii''li'li:''!1,1 " ' i mi rlialna. tlieni eaM Champion Shoe Repair Shop 1ho form, thus nhl(lining u and dump its lond through Hip I think il ran be safely sai.1 machine. Phono Black rliincs, bicycles, gramophones of ri.iiiiiiciii I'luriil, I'liiiialniiu, " 1 Kmad Illock, Third Avenue concrete appearnncp. when Ihe two man.boles. This bivrepealH Ihal these people who have eithrr t?2. J8 and rleclricnl nipliances. lx'aipil January M. l'1 ,-ickrtJ forms are stripped. This process protiably (en limes in one day. goup or arr going to Queen RUTH Gafo for sale, fiirnlslipd ROKKJAR BROS. pHiri: nncF.liT i.amh rn ;" "Repairs while you Walt" frctiprally covers Ihe height Then) wp have a live weight of Hharlotle I slaruls have them eomplclp. Phone .173, if 80 Third Avenue West , tiiic.t OF (JOST. n of one or two eijjhl inches ship, four ois and a half coiuvmiI rated selves rnlirrly lo blame should Phone ne.l 578 Take imllei. UmTl, P M. ""rt"l.i lap. In "plarrs the slone will on a few siiuaic feit spreading I hey find they have Jumped from BOARD. Tcrrnie, 11. C, aurvvynr, tin "'' : , show on Hie surface but nn nuf. the crusbiiiK pressure, surely Ibe fire Into Ihc frying pan, MUSIC. ami for a raturul lii-piiHA kja In llm fullo"1"'fci ,,., I firienlly so as lo sive, even lo a over two hundred pounds per In coiivrrsnllnn with fir, I.HWj, IWJABIi Inlunder, 8.10 Second PIANO SCHOOL. la mis: i:oriiiii.niinir at a i' ' Avenue, Phone 137. Mel i lialiK mm Hi or the wiulli' r I rained eye, the impression (bat square fool. I think this can lie son, when lie wan here, I was tf I.esohelizky hod. All grades l.nt I0J7, IIipiicm nortli lj iW Bell & Grossett one is fHcinir common fftiicrelp. considered ,u fair test. I wish also particular in asking um if 1ht ENGINES FOR SALE. token lo and .opecial altenlinn rant an west I'lmliK,HO clullna llM-iir-e,ii'l lo i- . i' as'iii (be cusp of (hn Vanrouvpr lo mention that the man.bole proposed settlers were aware of beginners., Terma iiienrrinetit, and fiinlninln v ii"' I'Vjici'l while it U noliiliifc' but right where. Mho back wheels of Ibe derogatory reports emanating Second hand apd in good running moderate, or Paled Im. January lMMi'I' V, Mi Painters and Decorators plain built Ih a form. wrakjiess to flrder. 1-2" h.p, CHAS. P. nALAONO. iiiasonry (be (ruck slop am a front Hie High 'Commissioner Standard; I. LKn PAPERHANQING The elevation of the. lleckwilh the slab, f will also slate that a Offices, Hie A pent Onera!') offices 30 h.p. heavy duly lluffalo; 1, Band Illock, corner Sixth and 1'iiiNCi:IJIICT niTKRT or COAST ll'P,.-1"J'' and Killas buildinirs Third could safely 4 h.p, Caille Perfections, Full on. Phone Blue. fl3 tf ' on KALSOMININQ more crushing weight and Ihc Overseas Stttlerneul Ap. T.ikn notice IliaVl, 0. f. .U' I' J're.,var I'liocs Avenue are slandlutr evidences of be Imposed upon thai fbior. Hoard and lie advised that oun ply Prince Iluncrt lloalhouse. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER viru.rU, li. miliar, liiii-nu ' "i (IreiHe fol' i'"11' I' '. Work jteally and quickly such inelbnd iff ronslruclion. f Jd 1li vxperl, bas bis judgment and all I ho men who bad Phone Bed 3'J. f ):. M. F.arl, Phone Black 329 natural to tu iirimiiiTt mi tlin full""1" at ai dopo. The best l-'renrh pronounced n siirh faclHf No, bo entered into Ihe schema ktici BOATS FOR HIRE. laiMlai i joidfiifluir Jtl P ' ' 11 Mijierlnr to rommon comeH .oul uJl I Jltt misleading the proposal bad been opposed liy FOUND a.Jt fu.ii,,..n. lui'iirn niiuiii il. till' . m ri.,.4., 318 Fifth Street Phone 477 roncrele. Hits, due o lh fact stalemenl Hint sand went lown Ihc. various departmental heads. LAUNCH -"Narbellioiig"- v .d, WTI 1ST ware h foiuid, IImhicw fil HO earn rlmlna.HO flialna Ilieiiffl l'n'"'1'I"""... i, that the inleiluckiuf rows of big sleeves whyu passing hU ANOTHEJl UNO LIS II M AX. Service. Phone Illuck 400, tf Apnly Dally liieiicenieiil, .'(iiilulnlnir V lit1'Ml '. ..Tn!i, News Office, py I'M. , V Ar"