When you want a THE NEW TAXI 99 YOKOHAMA CAFE in a harry HOME BAKERY ' The Best of Everything. PRINCE RUPERT Phone Try our service J Phone Black SO ', ''III.. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper I'M vor, xiii xo. ys. PRtNCH RUPERT,, H. C., TlllRMUV. APRIL. 27, i22. YtiUfdij'i Circulation 1.C67. Street (!, . PRICK FrVK CENTS May Convene Allied Council at Genoa TUG MXULLOCH LEFT FOR SOUTH WITH 250,000 FEET SPRUCE Ultimatum to Russia to be LEAVES PROMOTING CARES BEHIND. ASSIZES ARE STRIKE MAY Given Final Consideration ! OPENED TODAY BE AVERTED Called at 11 o'clock This Morning Vancouver Longshoremen Favor and Adjourned Until 3 This Further Negotiations No' vot by Genoa Delegates Friday Afternoon. Taken. The Supreme Court ' spring VANtiOL'VFR, -April 27. -Tlio liL'NOA, April 27. -Premier Lloyd-Gcorgc of Great Rrilain EXTREMISTS AGITATE ii.ssi.es opened Ibis morning at longshoremen al a mass meeting II o'clock with Justice Mor ludjiy invited Foreign Minister Scliunzcr of,Holy, Vice-Premier -Mr. hold here yeslerday favored ll.irlhou of Iruncti and lorcign Minister Jaspur of Helgium to CITY OF FLORENCE rison timnle presiding and adjournment favored further ncKotiiilions with was until 'J o'clock Ibis meet him ul Hie Villa di Albcrti lo reach an "understanding over afteri n when Hie only criminal the shipping confederation on the IhC document which is lo In- addressed lo I lie Itiis.siu.iis in reply to Shots Fired Into Train on Which case on Ihe dockel that of Ilex, question of vajfc redilclions uud The llirir eounter proposal. '1 he dociimonl will contain nol only Cabinet Ministor Riding vs. Musi;)no CarmeMo. charged Ihe open 'shop, promised what is asked of the Russians hut also what tin Allies ore ready No One Hurt. wj!i attempted murder, will be si l ike ballot was not taken and It to olTcr them. The sub-committee on Russian alfairs will meet proceeded wlUi. In Ibis case W. is frenerally believed that Hie on Friday to discuss the. document, and approve it in its final form. ROMK, April 27. Unknown men U. I'ishcr, of Fisher A Oughlon, strike is unlikely now. Convene Council. 11ml on a Irain near Florence lo is. iipxeari'ijr for Ihe crown and PARIS.. April 2 Prcmier day, shot pcnrlraliiig Ihe window I., S. Mcfiill, of Smilheis, for Ihe SUBSIDIZING ENQUIRY TO Piiincairi' today submitted lo tin near which Hie. minister of works defence. The (iraud Jury Will cabinet the proposition offered Whs sjllin;:. No one was injured first be called upon Ibis afternoon Premier l.loyd George Hull Ihe Oilier disorders are reported from lo briii in a bill. IT accused EMIGRATION BE SOUGHT;'; Sujil'eine Council be con Florence and several workmen is indicted I lie petit jurymen vened al Genoa. Official circle have heen killed, The extremists will be selected and Mc trjal here are of Hie opinion Ihat there ,-,. much agitated ami Ihe city is will proceed. British House of Commons Qlves Trades and Labor Council Makes is lillle prospect for an early being palrolh-il; The wo civil actions and two Request of Labor Members meeting of Ihe Council al Genoa, divorce suils, which comprise the Favorable Reception of City Council. l.alesl, iuforiuatiiiu received NEW SOUTH WALES remainder of Ihe docket will be, to Bill. liere from Genoa indicated Ihol j taken up on the conclusion of SETTLEMENT ON QUEEN Hie rcpurnl Inns question and the! IS CUTTING DOWN I criminal trial. The following LONDON, April 27. A bill to CHARLOTTES DISCUSSED Poiiicaire speech ul llar-le due fx Ilie list of jurvmen: sulisiili7i; and, eneuuraKe, Hi'itish u-ire Mie iirinciiiul IliiuL.' I lull- Grand Jury. einiirralioii to' Ihe' Dominions George Casey ami II. Walker Premier l.loyd George wished hn Reduction Legislative Salaries and Hubert Rnherlinn Arthur, )ar passed ils 11 est and second n;:td-iiiKs were present ai ine Trades uud Supreme Oouncll lo discuss all Increase Income Tax ry Atkins, lieorKe llryaut, Joint arter .huviim- been given a Labor J:ouurjLiuecllug. hddiiu Jenoa v r,usenen lym'Wiiljr.. "Vr-S DyWiiivn, jl.ra" tl.TLaTra'ce. doliii faviH-abljT.epJIhm lltiRjuse Tiiesilnv nlghl for the lli( lime , Poineaire is reluctant to accept' - , Doii.ild Mcl.eod, James McNully, of l.omiiioris'. "FncouraKement .is lelegHlc from the newly formed Ihe proposal. LO.'IO.V,. April 2 7 - ft e u 1 c rs A. J. Phillip.s.m, llufcdr Alfred chiplly given lo intending farmer Hivic Fniployec.' t'nioh. Sydney correspoiiilent entiles 'h'a I Pbilpoll. .losepli V, J'otter, in the bill. A report made I Ihe mcrt-j the New South Wales Legislature was a ,llines O, Seeil,Iiivid ThiinlsoTl MANIFESTO is discussing a bill lo rcduev the Mr, and Mrf. Tex Klckurd. .snipped on board the fori Hamilton tug or a conference with lion. A.j and Charle.s Leonard. Younamaii SENATOR THOMPSON salaries of iiiiuNlcrs and uieiii- jupit before their departure on a vacation trip to Mio Itermudas. Klck- M, Malison, ailnrucy-gcueral, alid rd refused to comment on the much dflcussed proposed Dempscy-"WUU Petit Jury. fiii-inhcr of the council, mid a ibers anil also a bill for providing bout before tulliai. Aiilor Jlasso-Rert, William A. DIED IN OTTAWA cDMiniillce was appointed to ilrafl OF BISHOPS lor an increase in iiwomc lax. ReR, .lobu llersman, Harry A. II resolution asking (he gocril reive Members a salary of the of assembly 8DT pounds pow stcrl-re Overseas Lumber From Big Bay Mreeif, Ronald. Urowii. Joseph Was Father of Mrs. Gregory of mi'iif o establish and announce Itrown, John Marcus Ruckley, Between Ireland iiiK annually. . Vancouver and Mrs. Wlnslow from time lo lime what shall In; Favor Treaty llcriuait dipstick,' (Jeorge Rer-liard 'egnrded as Ihe standard rales of and Britain Want Mill at Georgetown is being Casey. James CtU'rie, Robert of Victoria. Civil Peace. pay Tor virions classes of work LORD SHAUGHNESSY Davie, Rolierl Frskine. John lliroughoul the province. Walker I'.xley, Oeorge S. Fit.-maurice, OTTAWA, April 27. Senator Queen Charlottes. DUBLIN, April 27. The SAYS REMOVAL OF Shipped Direct to Vancouver Fred J. Fuller, fliimes Frederick Thompson of Frederic- The council Is lo write lo Fred Catholic, bishops have Issued llamplon, Frederick W. Ilenning, ton, New Hryuswick, died here Stork, M.P., uskiug him lo advise a manifesto endorsing the EMBARGO IS SOUND (iKOIRlLJTOWN, April 27. -The. dig MeCullocli left for Van John Henry Kelly. Josepb l.ind- this morning afler a two weeks' Hi'1 lo treaty with Britain and calling Jolot W. MarDonald, John illness, lie has been-a member of immigration department " couver ibis iiioivung wiin a scow load of ou.uuti leci or clear refrain from recommending I lie. upon the people not to LONDON. April 27. Lord prucc from the Rig Ray Lumber Company's mill here. The. l""1'"! Moony, .loini . Moc ire-. the Senate for Ivvertly years. Mrs. Uneeu Charhdle Islands as a suil-alile allow freedom of speech, the ShaiiKbnessy in an interview in lumber is for shiiniieiit In I.imilon I.ivenion nml OlasiriiW house. Man W. Morrlssey, Albert Oregory. wifrof Mr. Justice Gregory, and civil life to be ? X't..l...l I ,. , 1. Vancouver, and Mrs. R. Wins-low, farming location for intend. press the Times expresses Hie bopi thai Owing lo Hie excessive freight rules governing rail ship- " m-r h. ill- sdll,!' from (If,Mil lli'ilnili stifled by a few who think the Rrilish Parliament recoui.cs mi-ills anil Ilie exueiiM- of lianillinir Ilie limil.ee ovee Hie dock nt "nffeoui, lienjaiillll r . fte. Victoria, are daughters. -pecially from f 1 cities. that because they have guns Hie .soiiiiilue.ss oT Canada's position is William 1 v Prince Rupert, il the irilentioii 'of' the .Rig Ray Lumber Coin-lV.'".1!'!'." ,um!M.'I,,,11!I; 'Hie lidior representatives oil they are acting as champions with rep u id o Ihe embargo li:inv flHOil now nil" In m:liak,l l!m clp.'lt to,nli,u ctvfM'sitiis sliin. 1 "oonalU, (ieorso LOW RATE OF MARK I lie city council an- to he asked lo of liberty when they are avainst C.anadiau cattle and Hie nieiils mil ML' liv Mnu' rrmii (ierirL'clnu-n In Vmn.nov.o- nml llience Janus ,( mur Diilllll, nil urge Unit aMiiihlic enuuirv he held really digging liberty's grave. justice of her complaint against ia Hi,. I'mii:,,;ii f,(, Ii m ii I Min-i,,. 'II,,L L I,I,.,,,., I .,,,,, ' '"I .1. Smith and Charles It ENABLES GERMANY TO for the purpose of locating Ihel The bishops say that the Ihe embargo. i seats 15 carloads. Similar .shipmenls'will go forward periodically ' Stewart. use of the revolver and other COMPETE IN INDUSTRY responsibility for the aliened tin- luring Hie season. nil factory coiiililimi of Hit offensive weapons must be SWEDISH jlED CROSS SAY BLOOD DROPPED If self-determination Hoolli stopped and that Memorial School. PIONEER OF DAWSON LONDON, 27.- is April Is to be permitted MULLINGAR -There FROM CHURCH CRUCIFIX DISTRIBUTES FOOD IN no doubt that Germany has been at all It must bo free from HAS PASSED AWAY able .during the past year to at-Iraet ICE CLEARING violence. RUSSIA FOR HOLLAND . IN CONTROL Priests Say Blood Fell From a large part of the world's Louis Cadieux, Aged C3, Built Crown of Thorns Official trade in manufactured goods be YUKON RIVER HUNGER STRIKE BY STOCKHOLM. April 27.-The First .Hotel In Yukon City Investigation. cause of the low rale of the mark, Swedish Red Cross contiiiKenl Funeral Tomorrow. says a report by the commercial RAND PRISONERS IN Two Hours Fighting Between operaliiiK in Samara, llussia, luis secretary to Ihe Ilrilish embassy TIIRI'.F. RIVKRS, Que.. April 27. been requested to distribute the DAAVSON, April." 2;.--Joscph Free,State and Republican Diocesan here in Berlin published by Hie Hoard authorities Break-up About Ten Days Late LONDON, April 27. Renter's large Dutch food coiisljfumenl Cadieux, aged 5:1,, a ..resident of Forces This Morning, are of Trade Juurtiul. iuvestialiiig reports Ihijl drops But Boats Will be Running Johaiinc-sburi; corresp lent. Ca recently shipped lo Russia and SI. .Lunelle, Quebec, before coining of blood have been seen to fall as Soon as Usual It Is bles thai a buiiyer strike is re. ciilculated to feed 10.000 per lo Hie Yukon 23 years ao, i London. April 27. The 'pro-Visional from a crucifix hanglm in the WATERWAYS DEBATE Expected. ported anion;.' several hundred son for six months. The Swedish dead. Deceased built) the first Free Stale froverninenl presbytery of Sle. Cecile de Trois prisoiie-'s uwailinw trial in connection delegation lias, ufjreed to cooperate hotel', in Dawsoiij tin. Ollawa, gained control of Hie town of Rivieres. OCCUPIED ALL DAY DAWSON, April 27. -Ice begun wilh Ihe recent rebellious with Holland in the work. and also one al Lillle .Paris, Do. Miilllnut following two hours, of Tim crucifix Is in Ihe room of 10 break on the Yukon River ut Hand. The pris. 'fiiihtfug Ibis morning. The irregular outbreak on (be minion Creek;, lie leaves a wife Abbe Amedcu and HOUSE OF COMMONS a priest. Wliilcliurv! on Saturday and it Is oT indiscriminate Republican Army forces young oners complain CHANGING RULE OF and family. The Rinenil will Abbe Lemirn and others: declare expected Rial il will he out at arrests, excessive ball and hud lake place tomorrow. hail been stationed there In 'anticipation Dawson between May 10 and 15, conditions. ROAD IN NOVA SCOTIA of .De Valera's anti-Heaty that they have seen blood fall OTTAWA, April 27. The SL So r.ir Hits season Ihe break-up jail mccliiiK on Saturday Two from he crown of I horns resting .Hwrence waterways: debate occu 011 Ihe river Is about eu days DAYLIGHT SAVING were kfiletl aim six wounueu in on I lie neau or 1 lie figure or mo pied the lloure of Commons ull behind the average year but It is HALIFAX ELECTS HALIFAX. N. S April 27. IfJ (he Titfhllug. Saviour. day yeslerday. No vote was probable that bonis will he run. Ihe Turn-lo-lbe.Rlglil Hill sues IS DECIDED UPON People in Ilie neighborhood of reached. nine north of l.uke Labargo by ITS 1922 MAYOR through the local House success" Hie presbytery are already crying Muy 20 unci that I ho through fu)ly, the N. S. Tramway and Nelson City Also Ratifies Bylaw GOVERNMENT SHIPS' "miracle"; the official investiga. PARIS TO HAVE boats will be operating about the IIAUF.W, April 27. -Aid, John Power Company will demand $50,-uoo for Expenditure of $60,000 OFFERED FOR SALE Hon,, however, is not completu. usual time In the first week of Murphy has been circled mayor of Rir (he cbaiiKes they will necessarily on Street Paving. BASEBALL LEAGUE June. llallrav, dercaliny Aid. John llc-i!nu have to make in their TEXAS DEATH LIST. by u majority of nearly 2500. cars, tracks, etc. The company XKLSON, April 27. ,Thij ratepayers Dominion Government Puts Up 1(111 T WOR I'll. Texas, April claims Hie above amount will be of this city vptcd yesterday Cruiser Nlobo and Yacht 27 - The death list in the Tcxms PARIS. April 27. Puds is to needed lo cover the actual ex. in favor of daylight saving Hocholaga. floods now numbers sixly-four. have league baseball this summer. SCHOOL NOTICE. OFFERS BIG SUM FOR penses. They staled that when and also ratified a bylaw for. the FORT WORTH, April 27. The The opening of tho .season was DEMPSEY- CARPENTIER the cliuntrn was made in British cxpendjture of if 00,000 .on street .HALIFAX, April Ships held search for the dead or missing Is se for May 20, al a meeting held Mrs. Walker's uud Miss Columbia' Ihe power company demanded paving. . . for siRe, by the Dominion (5ov-crnment slill in jirogress, Reconstruction lust night. Thornley' classes will report LONDON $350,000 and got it. include Ihe cruiser work lias already com. The league is composed of four ul (he Rooth School B0UTJN Lveryoiio is keen for Ihe roal rule SIXTY PEOPLE, killed. Niobe, formerly llagship of the menced. teums: the Amerlcun Legion, Vet. tomorrow (Friday) al I) PAIRS, AprTll7.- A llillish to be t'hunged, as the rest of Canadian navy, uud I ho Roche, e'rans tif Foreign Wars, French o'clock. syndicate bus made u bin offer Canada has adopted the right-hand MA LAO A, April,; 27. rTho fire lugrt, which was formerly the private BIRTH. Ruuelagh and the Independents. Secretary School Hoard. for Dcmpscy to meet Curpcntlrr drive. which destroyed thV. eusloins yacil of Archduke- Ferdinahd There was born ut Ihe (leneral Thcgumcs will be played on tho la London Ibis summer provld-U3 house Jierc ihu11hI in the deulhs of Austria, whoso assassination Hospital on April 20 to Mr. uud beautiful bagatctlu grounds ill tho Carpuntier beat Kid Lewis. Advert Uo In tlm Daily News, of i.ly people. direclly provoked 4lie Great War. Mrs. II. C. Hcllg, a -daughter. Ruts do Roulogne.