run ram THE DAILY .WSWS JUhieday. July A. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManui Be Prepared! I WANT fOO TO o ovta AND trt how .Re WH,u I'm Ill a--!-.I l.l.blnd... J I'LL OCT "iOU-D UKC BINa MC TVO O-eUX ir fOU CAN DO AliXTHlNC FOR NR. you reeuN mocm ecrrcR cot TO CC AlN-C TO EAT Om YOO OT CORNCO ECP AH Fire Risk is always oc cax me tr vrv -bitx t I MR. DC CAY I yhc OOCTOO MO -SOME. COKNEO eCCF- BET I CAfAC- H MFLrMN r CAOOACE.1 rn too wCak. rrf AIH VA30LODOT A FRIENDS with you Y . J YOU PCK i Him TO rvC MC Ml i cant: i r our some A OtUUICTI W Writ Fir Insurant of Every Kind Let us quota you Agent for Norwegian Amorloan Lin Swedish American Una Scandinavian American Lin. Oliver Typewriter Cary Safaa FIRE INSURANCE 0 Dybhavn & Hanson 53 I Ml , IfT V fSSTWS Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B. O. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMtLt SONS WINNERS Sport Chat I III llltil iHH A . ..i.,,,. t i. Daily News Classified Ads. I.-need -lenograidc banking, rngloeeni.v. . . OVER KNIGHTS ; Soccer fan are agreed Vhe ..ill,.li t(ll, , .U3K lave Scoll, uh. made In firl 2 CENTS PF.K WOKD IN ADVANCE. No AdvartlMirwnl Tahan fur La than BOe Slenogeai.tier or S. appearance here on Thursdav Stlbtsltiiili' ..I reuni . Shamrock Last Night' Senior Bateballlnighl playing with I lie CaiHe WANTED FOR SALE llarri. 7 tie fl.-.r f League Future nesuuea in neaui agaiiNt the ilmtto, is tn Jtuildlng. Yaiicuvei 'hrilnut. anl Ihon onh in the 15 to 8 Victory for the lnf the rlaiel football Dlaver WATrHI Men and women ' st-i" Tu r fi'htMtal. Hfrnrp r HtPir maler. It va Canuck. Hint Braced a l.wnl field. II,- leant the Harbor Tradr by the lfttt?xl. 3t X. A f. envlne, HOU8EKEEPINO ROOMS. t bacon c further enjoineil that anyon T " . B at f i a brother nf Ceorga Jctt aivl olatriltff ImiI iktilttialp ,if nan only nieliiiM) in the world thai J f Oimi.imi. VIITOMS lo VaneoMje.r Ta t.HAM C Intermittent liay hilling in- jol arrived frcmf Scotland will ave yoj time and money Ti :Uxlim - a H.l. X. A H. arcmmOilat.4i-tiAiisekeepiitg Kar.len or on liar.1 n lulile In a private terperevt wild ficldm;; errHrleek. home wit hi Hnd- and fit yoj for a poailion engine. .nonjui. ytU&w Abutter j- eiMlty of A. H.. s -aucd Hi eor,. in lal night's lingln ami hl fnolball eiper. - - worth while. We auaraiilee Thlrly fia.l general Mirioa lat, privale home ..vefl'Miking eggs I Senior baebll game between lence a pained hi firl-rla ll WTiii n in Hie 10th ren- ateady emnlnynient at kooI - 5 II.I1. Yale, drrvwoo. siarare rard I Met ami flfln in t Hip Son of aiia..i and th.ninr circle there. He wn wase. rile now for beauti e eetnr light. iNoitiid. Is) elly. Niee gard.'i i a Dn tur' that iH.wtinsr ninire humid. ..f ('...lumhii In nin up .might for the F1rt DM to a pop-1 ful lllunlratr.l ealalnitua. Muler log 4; n.--fp II.P. Fairbank and ore hanl. Fl,,-i.' ... .... . ... ularit) in s. ' Ilanrf. It lu.l een at a t m n j... i-, mi i-. n in "r llarber College. 30d Main KL. emi.dipel sisafiie. Phw iavtr i''n.ioiiiii iHtrtt. Ihii tlhl nol - known lltere lttfe Hie rloe nf Kvefy efHf.r 4nr m Wliilo Hip matrli -.! Iraluml rrpt Hip offrr. Allhmieh Ih' Vancouver. It. C. wHtdla. Autilksrte. linlelay lrip arranged Hie IAIN reMury, whn the Ilia. The Empire'! Standard. 't.y w.-ai..nal of Logger tvft0 atern v.he l!n.'..l,)nyfi(Ppnlrr f..rwnr. ihi Tlnir In Meallle and Prlmr w klra .ktn rHiminaleii an H KM A III,K aire nt wanted fur Nil. lit W. neTtlirl. illlirlmv.lHv. l.f rrxrnlar iMMitlnn U row. !V0 II.I' team boHer anl I An dsy H fft P. BURNS CO., LTD. ptirt Anaint Siimlay hw in pert District. The HovereUn ier -s lti Son Iwl all lli wny wineh with hHe ?ito. May vt.le.1 rile llelhax' ' !?.'. hit (irr.'n in llio.p .lay Life Auranen (i.nipariy. Head ImwhI llipuwrlvr lo lt lil Iw oe. a canrp and ib.nkey. r.liNln Street Vancuv. wrpe few aibl far lpen. The office, VlnniMir, Man. Write tram nllhoiigli l lite ii, 1 7541. Tlio lsuo m'IimIiiI i om-ir oL.lli'j anrly Hith .li.l HothlnK lowTir.l Oba. A. I'yne, I'rinee (ieorK. BOAROw .1 II. I. Fairtmak. t Mxiiin iniiiiiK i rir nirr wi mil llrn, nir In a lu an.1 tlir arm iya- Isihhi. ontaniiinsc Ihe vante and it wsi manaser for Northern Hritirh .. egioe. Willi two! " ini mr miioiiiiniii inrpp nuirr in ir ary iMimp mm p ty- not until hh and ImIv that Columbia. HIAIII Inlander. MSif e liavinjt rotne lliroiiali wllli foiirlml. The Son nf CAomla ar (till bHmtre. pirtiitil ,reHra Avenue. Phone 137, nieelint nf the variant elitli in TERRACE MOTORS run, in thai frame. --fat !h ton of Ih MamtlnR an.1 WOMAN r.H.k wanted at the In-If avareil up. $ I' Seotland held in lo niagow were Mily, rur Hie Son, ami Harry lUtelr i.ili.n wm irellr "-- ktldcr. Pile lirlver an.1 In II.K .b.iikey SUMMER RESORTS. Terrace, B.C. .. limwilt n national a.-iatl.n. (mi Miri;t i or hp miiviu, iM.tlt -i engine, ? m. hammer. St.. illrlPl Itall lull the M1U yore, ute 'n r.n. M ,rrrlary of a,, FOR SALX Illl.l. FA MM Terrace Ar. giu ... . ian.1 ami uie i.rowo uii itae n tln Witel.ell fell 4he .lotr jMtri iltpy were arii nl eer- l.n n-UK... II.m illi. ..nut ..f ftra. .... ' AUTOMOBILES. 7 II. I. iiiiaraalee marine engine rialion f.r siiminer iH-a TAXI ' '"" ' .M.,,,. 7. M.f LM....!!,! n ..L.I. .n.l Oil. at a t .a Term moderate. K.-i lam -laap not of Hie Iiel I lodge Sedan runnins. n imii uw ioiia itr ; i .....i oOiW L'..i i,n t ii.. .....1.. ... laiiotnni iimaniHim to i-niviano S If de.ired. Apply "7 ouiT However, either tlte i ... ,alw nf Mfn.. S-tsenger FhI Titu-r- fear. an, French. m maut f he aaainl him nnt nt Knirland or lie Orotic ing asn.on In Ilia meantime twrnllna- in Kno. engieA Service in five innliix. while "qrr Iko WM(J (0,h ,)llv , ,,)Mr ri, 5-paettt)er HlHvrreL THE QUEEN'S MOTEL bad .11 land fallen into resile M. STKIMIKXH other there were only one W ,alninjr aame. and the Son nf t newly overhauled, . M. eeeKe iramltlinx but ' i thr.Miirh ;ifi, the Knivht run were would have to !e tlx with S deiaehable rlui MaeeetL, , Eipret and Baggage lite art i oe of Ihe SentlUh bowler F.OH SALK- I roomed hmie. iwe ttilriliiitei eenl' between Ijie have and lire .. .. . Open July I. lor ivur" Transfer. two fitliire in wltieli they had a Bond effect and afd the ami jack j lot apd all in garden, 91700. fourth and eialtlh' )nniii, four till lo play. One mare win for I, l-lon Ford Truck wMli half rah or l5o0 all cah. SM.rtnieit m One Price to All. twina- ma.le eachoiD", fjie vatne. Fihlng. Sh.N.iing. Iwmiing them will eineh the, honor!". ImmIv 3(no 7 ronped house with additional The aiteranee nf wvimen on Let us make your reserya. -Kitiahl had onp parlieularly It"' I. 1 1 -lost ita.llllae with. 5 Plrnie the iMiwIinit i not to be nniiii apartment, on cement green Mc nVVfiijlilh Vtfen '.ntrta Room frem $1. Meat frm fions at S Canadian citie now IxMy ,........ 35(1.00 pile, bath, Many are regarded a an innovation nf re, etc. etoeen con-III Privet Suite. VI conl rol and fieldinc error Lakelse Hot-Spring Hotel. in the throe of the great um rent day, nor an Invasion or ENOINES. ion and good local hoi 13,- were iiiadi the reult beinff i( I t(i h p. SiaHilanl en. J. 0. 8. DUNN, Proprietor. mer epidemic, lasin bowling, and Hian xrllnii domain. Tliey 000 on easy payment. for the Son. run there i Marcey a cfly, town or lotrV itart in the bowline on Ute . gfue l00j(l 1 rtM.m hnte, lot in garden TOWINQ AND FREIGHTING Canuck in Fourth. village Hin.iiBli Ihe ealern prn- Kiwn a far back a lha If.lh I 13-15 h.p. Iliiffal. chicken li.Hie, rle.. near King The Canuck alo four Cow .got "Hanaco," Bar engine Tug lince (hat doe not boat il Fjlwanl Sch.w.l. II 700. erm. TERRACE century. run in Ihe fourth. What Itoiild I 10-IS h.p. Ialier 3U0JUI SAIVM.I yuMK howling club anil green. The IM 3. Idork 30. seeliAii I, with have een a three-basraer in the -?H h. p. I'vliinide. l?vpericii-.-d dter and ! IMipularily of Ihe game increaei VI ft. frontage on llisgar rtll II I I A IMI lVidflh by Sloan wa eonvrrled to a KETCHIKAN FOURTH pracllrally new I1A.U0 fiutfit. M. AXVA M-Jf. 1 year by year and a a renlt tli Place and roooke, house lomie when Hie Knight fail- foo.od BRANNEN'S run I 1 1 li. p. Fert conrpetilion al Hie various tour aiooo ah. led to bring the ball in properly OF JULY BASEBALL I t V h. p. Oallle Inboard Ota 31 and Itloek Phone lilue ;n ami A'1 naments heroine keener. Thi 35. 3, See Five acres, firitl elas land one Ifrt.m the out field. Hol.erlon. on eomplele CO.Oll P.O. Hoi Prmee Hnpen i the big tournament conduct SERIES WAS SPLIT ?. View lots n Allfn Avenue year mile One from cleared, town. acre ; wa brought in with thi I aH h. p. Ferm will. fenced and aown to clover. Itiit. Three bagger were made ed by the Ontario Howling An. revere gear full epip- A perfect homes it r. 750. half TAXI rialion at Niaara-on-llie.I.ake ah. One lot on lleaeh Place Framed ealun i?xll ft., with liy Sloan, Anderson and Henniitg, Alaskan Won First Gam 6 to 3 menl Phone M3 ,ii.ned July 3,vhlle Ihe lo- fur 3?3, a lauly. teil AH and Hoss, utensil. Lot is situated on (FjiII Oeorge c.wiking .The Son were fully entitled lo and Anyo the Second by 9-2 I- S h. J.. Sllldebaker ... 150.00 on pood road in good lM-alily. ininion Iiwn Howling tourna 09. M.Tk IS, section 3. Flve-paenger Touring i their win. nllhougli the Knighl 13 li. p. Fairbaiil Sla. mnt. which take place on the Imiiu or 0730 mis.'i. M. M S. " Price $1,000 Oash. Prompt Dy and Night of heir l a veil without ome I The two game .aeball series linnary rink of the variou club Stephen. Third Aienvs Stand: Boston Orlll, i regular player, notably lionn. al Ketrhikaii on Ihe Fourth of 133 h. p. StudelKjker throughout Toronto during the who i ufferiug from a Inly between Ketchikan and Any. Simins High TenUn OH SAMV-Fjigl.h lyle baby CLOTHES CLEANED BROS. & C0.iK3 week of Aupii! IS, and it i ex KENNEY ken finger ilnined in Ihe ux resulted in the honor being Magneto Sea Se, and buggy al inle folding steel Real Estate and Insurance ,'?! game he r.l,v..l" n,i T..m lciea k 1 lliai 1 H Uiee ll win ite uiKKrr j divided. The Alaskan wt.n Ihe pmriellor . lllftjlft bed with piral spring and pressed by laleil KTFA" TERRACE. B.C. Moloney, who i I. out of Intn. an.l peuer man ever, first game hi IV to 3 and 'he I 13 h. p. Slu.lebiiker matlre.s. Apply I III. Sev.l pressing process. S. J. Kvnn of I it wouia oe utwieiui ir .o.e eelf Suit called for and delher. wa umpire meller boy copied Ihe evening lloch Magneto niiu .etine rai'i or ritone T ball and lrike. Jack Hatch- unacniiainle,! with the i..-iory oj meet ins by Ut S. The four game siarler - .loo.oft lllne 367. I AO Phone MSI f,.r.t ha lliowling lo llieve utai urn holiday erie reulteil a fol- I 10 h. p. Motor, direct LINO. The Tailor A Complete Stock of The team line.) up a follows: deaanl pastime could ever nave . . .:! I conneelbHi In Nlngle FOH SAI.K Furniture of four .. I i it... .i) ...i ..... r irnn: .Miyov. 3 games; rveiriiiian.i roomed Hal. Cnt f3oo. ORIENTAL GOODS Son or Canada Fariihar, "'" ''"rr .i.-i'i-- drum hott. Oml ifonil 700.00 Snap LUMINUM ah; II. Menxle. il; II. Curti. e: ie aulhoritie iiii an eiieni one. 15 h. n. Molir inojitt for eah. Or would renl Japanese Kimona. ("J1"' , r'v A l,,al would le placed ii-n to suitalde tenant Phone Itlue a "an W. li. AnderMMi, : V. Meiuies Twenty A..rlel Magnetos and HamlMHi Furniture, Orn"1" l Kitchenware it. Pwch -a the cae. however. SIX APPLICATIONS ?73. No. I Clapp llullding. It.: tlhartion ami II. It. Sr.dl. Dynamo rebuilt al half price, llaket. Children Hon ! i.-f: IL.Urton If: Shsan. rf. C. m me eany nay, a uuriiig me OF We have a well equipped llepalr OH SA l,IV For immeiliate sale Toy. F.IrT" FOREMAN ha Just arrived. X r'jiilr n. Ireian of IViward III . Iti. liard II FOR Shop for Automobiles, Marine one high grade piano, a bar. I.OWF.RT PHinFJ. Call and See Us. Knight of Colunihii I., and other nionarrli. staliHe n.r F.nsine. Uynamos, Magneto. REPAIRS SCHOOL gain, lisooo an, nne solid F. K, AKASE Wakpfiel.t 31.- J: lluiolllnn e: bi.kliffg it a fid other ort Were Itrtllene., lire MlleaiiM Storaae leather armchair. Apply Suite P. O. Hoi A I -Tel. lb Stork's Harare, Ltd. I.. Moore. : ir. Dmiata. f. .ae.l. oo the k round i hat it wa ing, etc. 3, Wnld rem Apartments. I3H Third Avenue ill. Al..ria n: V llennlmr. Shilfeared that 4he popularity of Ht api'li'-ation f'ii' the p XnarilF.HX fW.IIAXJII! Second A.. rko, BUck 114 J, u'ltPilly. lb: F. Marenlelie. If: bowling wa Interfering too much i ii.m nf WMi-kiiiir fi.i'Piuari lo un FOH KAI.IV Small bbiek of WATCH AND CLO0K RCPAIKl I I . I.:i(lap, rf. with Ihe practice of archery, dertake Hie repair to the ItonlhUoK .SAl.F.. HUty. ..cords heiol.k. . shares in prince Rupert llutld. S.'ore by inning: which wa then m important in Meminal S.-hool under Artchlteet ami ceiar; cut nn. m per ing and Investment IV). .,. F.tperl watch. eli)o,k and 1 ! 3 I . U K U battle. Ity an art passed in A. M. Jef fer'a have been reeeived j-ord or 15 f.o.b. W . Sims, Jap Apply W. I!. Flslter. Ilnsmi t. chronometer maker. Wh Terrace Son ooi t -.' o I ft Lilian.I In lit! and vthieh wa not by the ..(omiI fxKird. The term Inlet. Poreher Inland. If Smith Hloek. if Watch and Jewellery Hepmr en in Knigtii u o o l it ii o t H repealed until IRIS -artlficei vary nomewhat, some wanting FOIl HALF Two cow; fresh specialty. , IftlHiurer. njirentiee. servant rnonrhly rale and other daily. CHF.M Wiiker baby buggy near- Mail nrWa pronipU ct-e. .1 at milker. W. Him. Jap Inlet, ly Phone lilue top 35. ijh BASEBALL SCORES and Hie like were forbidden to but the offer are eonldere. on Poreher Island. If Jicw. GEO. QlktB the wh le, renonah!e. The np- linn I'nml lllrlpa If 11. ltiI ll'lay bowl al any time a' FOR RENT H Tourist Hotel KI.ITK Cafe for sale, furnished Prince Unpen. AMERICAN LEAQUE. eonipletn. Phone 173. If HOOD Clean lied from IIJIU per CYCLE REPAIRS. IU-st Room and Dining Room, 7-11: Washington. A-1 FOH HALF. liaby buggy. Phnna weeg. ruiiermen ileal. Late Service in tha North i. Illlie I'.OI. I3H Moneer Hiwms. IA7 3rd Avcti. Cycle of all njake repai"0 Rooms from 1.00 up. Cleveland, 0; Xew York, I and baby rarrlagf re-lirea kit sis from 35c up l.hiraao. 3; Pluladelphia, ft. FIRE OR THIEVES LOST FOH HF.NI- Two room suit. Cvel Accessories. F. DUUOIID, P.op. St. I.ouis, .; Ito.l.ui. ft.j. ulo arge fronl room above J. QAWTH0RN NATIONAL LEAOUE. LOST Hunch of keys, between Store. Apply Wallaces. if Has removed to rear of Princ Philadelphi, :t; Cincinnati. I. xJ5x May rob you of your valuables if Wt I'ot Office and Seventh Ave. NH.F.I.V furni.lied lluperl Music More Finder housekeeping liast. pleae leave It.mlon, Clnrago, 7. niie COAST LEAOUE. t(J5$y 01 borne. at Pally New Office. Heward llie. Apply llll SitHh Ave. F. Third Avenue Sea view I.o Angide. 5; Seattle, (I. or piione nine (f BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR. Sacramento, 5: Vernon, 1A. A gAPltTV DIUOSIT JiOX-will Plication will go lo Mr. Jeffers FOIl HKXT Furnished cabin. Phone Blaok 825. San Framii', 7: Poriland, I.I Auutial hi cx.oidcrali..ii and then Apply 311 Ninth Avenue Wesl.l'ulr,,r,,',ln". WiampooinR-. pen- Storage & Transter salt Lake. 3. Oakland. 5. give you every jwotwtiou. Ifor si'IkmiI board will ileal wllli l5-?ualnir. Marcel Waving-. Man'-'"- INTERNATIONAL LEAOUE. rental $i utl Unvalil. llheio. ,Xo word has been ywclv " .Ing, Faca and Health Trci". Company Newark. 0; liultlmore, 3. led from Mr. Jeffer sine h l OUH room modern apartment lo Above Wrathall's, Phone 777. T'.ronlo. K; liuffalo.O. Heft here nearly a rortnighi ago rejq. Apply Smith A Malletl Third Ave. Furniture Crating a Speciality Jersey City, I); Heading, la, THE ROYAL BANK OF GANADA II I evpecled he will be bar l'lAT for Herd in fiesner of week Apart FURNITURE CRATING Hyi a.-u-e. :i ; HiNahi.ler. B. tin Ihe course a or ten Exprese Delivery Idiy meni. m m. t-e,dien. If by eiperienced men, also i- ! P. BROCHU, Proprietor. I'rosperou advertising mean TO HI'.N T ll...,m mi prisuie f,un. II II HFMMIN03 Advertise In the Daily Nwi, ly Phone regular cotititiuom advertliinv, lilu,. ? ,BH I.ale IludsoiU