PAOE TWO t; TTTTI HATTTT KBWB NEW GOVERNMENT BUILDINQ H The Real Flavour WAS INSPECTED DURING THE EVENIQ BY MANY The Man in the Moon .of the genuine."CRBEAT Tea is in every CITIZENS; FINE STRUCTURE SAYS: packet of. . WINMPKii i,m.r says n Our January Sale nMniieit from (i"pf one llaplier wild n m irl i n Tlic panel iiri of quarter rot slower. Hsi he ws n man. SAIADA" oak and over Mie jirdye's raised iienrli are 44ip ,.(i of arms nf A M KM 1 1 Kit or the Hillary cfuli the province vvrlli imkiirv i yeslenMy lis ihe t off Ihe IS STILL ON either side. 'I In- ruriiitnrc. in. pefwr sSfakr and Intd il lift eluding Jh ii'Misi car's. canirl on Ihe Imlile m iu iile. -'Mial GREEN TEA lemimiiiMf' twirlcs, i f onk Is Hie wny In start .nm'lhina al vvMti relil leather hftme,',' he reumrki'it. Ami Hie covesritiR mild Superior to the best Japans, Gunpowder or the iirlinrV thick, willies mot wfseJiead All aroiiihl him tieimn Further Reductions Young Hyson. Sample Free Salada, Toronto. fury box and till Hie Hmirs are l war. "Ves. Dial's ihr way.'' nf oak, the elm Irs also iHive-renl they ehoe, lenHirvr Vliiir. 'It w rioted, IN PRICES however.' I twit ik iirnlsiou tinri HANKS are phllanllirnphic in. The Daily News been inade for Hie press in the s4Uullons fr IsoitHiP monev lo All Our Mini- nut Hves'i oats 3Cfand 1-3rd per cent off. court room., To 4w rear of Uie pimple who do IhiI iieeal il. Slaiifo'lil's I nderw tyai . Bed Luin l January Sale $3.45 PHINJ2K HUPBKT - HHITISIl COLUMBIA beniii niMl open s 1 hilo 4v m oer Pure Wool I mlei wear. rcg. (la January Sale $3.45 Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hufl . noli Ml firs nolireri m the ninWI'.ViIlt .Ikt Ite do il," wn. All Our flaps on Shelves, values up to :i iio January Sale $1.05 Hupcrl Doily News. Limited, Third Avenue. ak luintwslliitsr. t I be judge's the queslloii niei) two eau- Men's Working Socks, all wmd. rcg hoc. January Sale 3 for $1.00 I'tiniiiher. a hndAmly tiirnisli. diitales tawt evnlne. 100 per cent Pure Wowl Sweaters, rcg. 7, on Janaury Sale $3.95 II. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. et and 'iHifortnhle nnur that JumlMi Knit 'im) tVtnt SwriMrrs. o in lot, mc .in oul ttrants' all eoniforls iiwlti.tlu WHAT wImuI Ibe IVme lrsnl- .-j To clear $5.45 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. fifwfilnce elHls, Mint rows nfl"''" 6"r e defeatot PJanuel Shirt. rcg. up lo January Sale $1.05 tssik-sfcprhes. A privnte still k-Kle dales Men' Dre-s Shirts January Sale $1.45 DAILY EDITION ifsjr Friday. .1 miliary IS, I9S3. way lehd fnmi Htle' Boys' Dre Shirts. ? duxeu onlv To clear 65o r4jliitHrs nfMsiile Hie ttuildhig. DAY hy day in every way I'm All our llos" Suit .nid Sc pemie Piint- t 15'. Discount lf ie1l jitry cooui nlsti gellintt losinirer ami rumai'i. All Si M.irgiice.t Jersev s ami stocking- 15'. Discount New Mayor ' rewhed from the murt nM(i 4 - And Council. , Willi-ml tMissiw;, -II is IF Hriw uneatiHiy way of Hie The new mayor mid council ha Jiecu chosen, and while (lie raileil off from Hn fiiihlHv This Archbishop tisleoiiiv In wlim we 9 Blue mayor s iml 1 1 choice of h majority of the voters he lid a room is wfillet out llftil Imig are ibiftkisva alMMii sImhiI.i con Suits, Serge, $36.95 good jiliunlily which sets hitn out clearly and mieptivcajly a the "ckwhiii ray it sAnl tliM hy tinue, we shall have In eul Hie choice of Ihe,people. He has with him h good cimnril and there Mm- jnryjuen mIIInhiI lenvlti? aeqnniniaitre .rf the archbishop. A balance of blue 9 with 2 is every reason to exj:erl from them such work as will he in the even Hie rnom for it Im loiWs, Suib, serge, pair Im-vI interests of the city. 1 ehlnne. aihriMiiis and nil Tlli:N vIkiI witirht 4ie i,? We all look forward to seeing much progress" this year wiili olhir rttnviMiH'ivvs. 'Hie irrand - - of Pants, January Sale, $36.95 steadily improving business condituttis. A I such a lime it is de-(Mrahle jury runtii wud hrrisler's qtNir- IF you iton'l ah firs4 stieceed that Hie city council he alive "to it- duties, working in har--tiiouy ters hm Itheary irMliy Ihe ifote. Cnue, mo atram. Get Them While They Last if not in uui-on. iood team work is the basis of all good Mtrlliensl corner. f Hie lloor. If Hiee's niiylhing ynu msi. government, and il is good rivicgovemmeiil Hie people want. convetrtent ti iltie rnnriVifKM,, nH, I oe. (tiie. cisi again. The result of the election is mi indication that the peoph MiniimtmtHy oimosite lis naii Should vwi feel down in I lie want ffHinon.iv in administration. Thai was dearly shtwu t enlranre is Hie ollir of 4 he mo r ilufot. lllir action in chousing a large majority of aldermen who were resrislrnr ndf ties wMnws nsmi. In nrr iser vmm feel ibe liMiips. ACME IMPORTERS pledged to retrenchment and aJo hy the heavy volt cast for the The (Hibtir wirks itfwrtnteiil Say ysni'if sure you'll mil have ' retrenchment mayoralty candidate. totalling a vej-y large nmjor nccuiHes u llrte siyte or fur mumps, ily of thee-lector of the city who ral their hallots.ln viewif this otWcs on Hie nNIwes1 side f lloise. nie, eoo nmim ;it is In lie expected that Iherewill lie 11 general curtailment of Hiis floor -anil the resident tnin. - : Telephone 359 A. W. Lipsin, Manager P.O. Box 667 civic expenses and that, as far as possible. Hie tnxitayers will In-given ins enjriniser's ofl'iee are on Hit-i:rllM'as4' AS hosts o (he I'reticb Ihe Mich relief as will make for Hie progress of Hie rily. mrvier. Oermarts rack 4ti?h. Such a lot V lo entertain ni lime. ne School Trustees Heatln; System jmportant Work. " Tile entftne twwl lsiler nirii fWfl Idts on itollar is The school trustees hove important wrirk lo carry on. 1 1 in Hie basenieni is tmsjemly fn-fl every a lttleiitiarn 11,'i-nui- I Inl of to earn (nun was mailer for congratulation that Dr. Kergin, last year's chair-:man oul. Ilei-e an- txi twre draft IIKMiey sup-1 J of rtic wnkei ciit- (dyiutr Ihe village of Smilhers" of the hoard, was rc-elected, lie has served the city well furrmees w4i toller Inssirmw s Kami - aie ilrawu a! DENTISTRY; X-Ray Service w1li lisht nnd twnver. I Hirok : in that capacity and the people coirtd not afford lo allow him Imstdes Hie veiil ilalioii nd 1iot lexis- Mist. f Insliirv riTeals u-serf. ' I'll quit wrrtmz und go iitlo Hie The only reliable nnd s,,pi,r,,. mrihod of ' K 'JW to drop out. While the old Uiard wasftiirfortunate in regard lo water iuvlin? sysleii. The there Wfll le- some nf Ibe Hie building at llays Cove, il was not specifically the ftuilt of vacuum rbwnins- syslm. wtiieli swer business myself. firl leaguers 4iilmi; Hie ils-t. exact ronditiMM 1,1 ihe teeth and -urr s - mcniiers of the hoard who took the course they thought whs in is m femlure of 4e new huMdin. 4. . .. bon sirui lure. TIIK -llies tin,. bit the best interests of the city. The schools are today in excellent Iia-s H 1mh hsre nd is opera Im1 upon a The rnnrptele ilivw fur !-morrow's shape the work guhig on well under, a splendid staff with super-vjsiug fnnii the isirler rrm with con novel querrellinjf plan(lels-een of stoppinit Turkey and the nails' is osms DR. BAYNE J'uicjpal who tut shown goi id capacity, tact and eiierjrv. nerlitiur piws Ui te various e?r- TJiefhO'n-lard, - jtv.ynstllHW-fl. Ti ve4MTiiMl ifnd riitors on 4 he fVnors. flrecre. They are ieltinsr mrli Mrrltiyr v. U'otvisrtjwuofil'on. Office Hours: 0-0. Tue-Dental Thors., Hat. RvenuiR l"i sly from Ibe oilier. should,be thoroughly representative of Hie city. Iso MWThMrs .re a feature away iltrijtldnn ti CortirHrittn. Nure Aiwav in Atleuibiiiie. On the Whole the results of the election are very satisfactory. and Isave a er' pleasina- effect e jlluidlersfiehl vs. HiruiUstrtimu Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk. Phons 1W. No one is ever quite satisfied, but lt(is a good compromise inrtVed wilh their fHoshniK in Sport Chat ATssnwre . ( reason body and all government is a mailer of compromise. antique ileijiins and quartervil hesr vs. ItoHierbain. ak whirh is issm here well V I'lyeiioulli vs. Noliis. I'ouiily. Must Always Be Defeated. as in IJie cmirl iroom ami lnmr'. Three yesvl 1iakH4aM ineme Ierby vs. IHaeiisHi. Many With Ike 4kiliv over of Hie are Hsam on tU iiro-xram al the BrudrMrd ;rty vs. MnHiesler DA IT "ur froien herring ball is conceded by flaheroio There must be always defeated candidates, anfl the defeat J' many Imifchflir yesterday, 4 be ilsiarl-metils Fxhirdlion lk.ll loniirhl. In Ihe t nitMt. lo be Ihe flnest procurable at any PaclSe Coast is not always- the faull of the candidate who down. One of the defeated candidates goes will cimune-nrip to rnve mi KMijor latrue the Sons of Canada Oueen'si Pisck IhMSferw vs. IVrvs- Port and it Is Fishy." Price. 30 per ton. veslerday was (ieorge Kerr, a man at Hie wsek end, and by the end and ICIks will neel i) rf -Ihe tal Palace. IfPP The beat way of insurlnr a rood quality trip Is who has saj on the council fur nine vears. lie was here riirlil al of lied vvee4i. sIkhiUI all lie es- fonoer win they will have Kvertofi vs. Bradfonl. to have pleniy of our hard frosen ire. price. the tunc of Hie birth of the cily and he had a place n tlie -econd-L azwm 14 ton. .iji in their nw nuarlers. one game lead ovevr 4tie 4iM in C.tiHsn Or sent vs. M Hp all. per council, wououess ne win lie kiiiii oi a resl lrMn lux labors fur time. Contractors 4be standiiur. The firnll,. uml Swiulon w. llartisley. OljffijS "r '"-''1",l,l'ed siore can supply flshlnir gear Trustee Mi-Mekiii wlio has been on the sctiiMtl lioarrl fur two Atbein & MeirTwry, of prUee Hie l-aks will inee4 4(, ier. NiHis I'oresl vs. Slsenieiil Furled. and hardware.flttiermen a r loth iiik. groceries and provisions years was neglected for new members. The Booth School trouble HinwnT. and VclMusnall & Mc-Nerll, medkile League. A win for Ihe Liverpool vs. Aretml. doublless bad a good deal lo do with, this and il alo affected the nf ViMieiouver, ennwhit'Uted foiK-r will lift Hwm S nf Hie Aston VHka vs. ItlarklMsrii. NEW ENGLAND FISH majority Which Dr. Kergin would otherwise have received. Ihf OTeecal eotfiraHNifr fiiw for reHar vliile the ktHer tiave a t'jirdin" vs. Wialfiml. Company The defeated mayoralty candidates put up a good fight and Hie buihtitiir nd I4ie various chanee 4n 11 to l.lse 1i ayain BlyNi Spartans vs. Stoke. nticnisan, Alaska ranek firuirs 4Hnl Willi the Kniirlsts of Odunbiss if jsouHi Sliields vs. Ilattfax. had nothing rf which to be ashamed. They conducted a clear iisrsnnii soeiu(J ciimoiiigu and laid the issues clearly before (he people. Thai with its 0tns4ielMii were as Hiey are vii-lorroiis. In Ihe VVtvlaesday vs. Niw Itriwhlon. lliev were not elected was nothing lo their discredit. Both loot fol low. Ladies' game Hie Ailanafts. ix Hull vs. UVewl Hans. Sub-Contractors Mflple l-afs ioee4 in straight U Wan vs. Haiti. their defeat philosophically. Mr. Montgomery is still aide to a serve the city us school trustee and Mr. Dybhavn has bis varied I'HMifirtciK Kt-en A IHigwHl, leonle-.l for first ltaes isrtli lie. Sumleriand vs. BuruVy. business interests Hint will him from Pritiee ItiMient. injr liieil Ihnre now. OliHium vs. .Middb4sirrMiftii. keep repining. Kleetjliesrt W'mrk V.. II. Wil- - - . We.i itisMtisrh vs. sialyforida-e. Good To See Interest - ftiains 4 Oo.. Ymneouveir. 'ilaimn's enik-ae tiueMll play Norwich vs.HoHjmi W'sMiderers. "The New Wash Way" Taken By The People.' Slnie 'r.. and II. Mue. ers re easily 4 he eriual of Hie Bury vs. Luton. H was good lo ee the interest taken in Ihe elections ,y Hie' dHU)l. of VaneoirviT. average imn'adiuu un AmeriMiii ,MHnrhes4"r 4Hy vs. 43uiKlon. people yesterday. There was a good I union I Ut the polls ut I'lalening (3. Hlylli and Kon, university player etenfMiiur in Bi-islol 4Jlly vs. Wirexliani. until lale last night inquiries were made us to the lesiiltx. Wumei: Prince llupert. pitehins strength, niwiiliny to Newciatle I . vs. Soul liiiiritoii. took ns ti 1 1 1 1 1 interest as men and there mendiers TolleiUiam II. vs. Worksirfi. was a geueVal awakening Patrstiiia- nisi f m 1 1 ny P 11 ver of Hip All-Slar Ameri. to jhe re.qiusibilitjes of the ballot. This speaks wvHI for future sifies Bros., I'i wce Ituiierl. ran imll fen in 4 hat Juis teeu Leicester vs. I'uHiiim. Everything vVashed coulesi. Niiiliinilly Hie city hull embroglio was a big factor in Woislwork ami Inlerkir Fin louHiiKJapan 4hs winlw. Al-Ihniiirh the niayoruley decision, Hsstly the determining factor, for ishing Le Moiu & . (HiiasMOi, nmsl f 4 lie Jaimnese Kulisnrihe for His llnllv News. judging by expressions 4if opinion the cily employees and their VacJlorii. (dayers lire wonderful . fhdders. Everything Soft Finished friends voted almost without exception for the mavor elect. Surh .Marfile I1eMHMir & .., rial- they ihave oncenti'alC on de a bderminiiig factor seems to indicate a danger in municipal or nairy. fensive work and (snupiinillvely 80 per cent ready to use suiie ownersinp ,, Mrge utilities. Carried lo the extreme il woillU ItMofhw II. 1clouriu-nii. lew of them are consistent hit-lees. TinaCR SALS X 41S. mi nins.r Mir siaine couoilions. Many 4 he I'urltilure fttr (Jmi'rt lUwmi i(f Japanese The election is over mid now, we have nothing lo do but gut fvil SjMMN-r & rsons, Victoria. liuversHy fdayers would look Mllllalsr Hialsd lr Teiulsrt Lslids will SI lis Vlrliiria.rsrslved im,i liy Ulrr the buck to work lo niiike Prince llupert a factor in the lire i,r British Wewix- A. J,..MaleU. Prince well tHJ any inlii'M leairue III- limn on Hut I Ml! any ur Irliruarr. Colunihiii unil one of the hip ports of the Dominion Hupeirt. fW, airdiiw lo Anrerican who lu ivri.rul iur 7,blS,i'uu his piirrniMi Irrl ur uf i.irsure surufr, iUsr,4111, Boiler Volcmi Iron Vrks. UiBve seen Iheui in iiHiou and llrliilisk ud lul.iiu, oiuslsu tu inn en His t.ssi sIhiiv i,r Hsrrnriiril Arm. VaiHKHiver. it Is JicvUevcil Unit in n few years Ousru Clisrhiiis IjihI ln.lrkl. siso m rr sin , allowed (ur r 41k' when Itinliafjrs has -- ((-imiey Foundry value ipiNr?rwcd iihivsI or tuiilsr. On.. Ytmnilo. furlihef In Japan that u Iraus-I'acific turllsir bsrlli'Mltrt of tlm Chlsf lorn-Isr, 7c Virinria, H.C., ur limtrlrl formler, A Clear, Beautiful Skin tlHieir I teal mik fijluiw J. . chaii'pionshlp isi'ries between rrmr huis-rl, H,C, Duni1iau A 4Vi., 'CstrvMilo, and 'Hie 'ruck Irtiins if ,H h TIMBta SALS X 4440. Taylor & Forbes, Vancouver. America "ml Asia would be suf-fkdeiilly sdaImI TfiiiSr. will li reivlvsd by Its There LiiMeuui WHIer Itrnw., Vancouver. fjoseiy 411 lie sled to tin vllulMsr or l.iii.l. at Virinria. nut Islsr millions of re tiny opening! worlli watch iiiK. Ilia 11 iHam mi list sili Ha) ur Harrli, lr. or porei in the kin and thete mutt rur Ills liuriiiSM' uf I irriM-s X 444U, lu rut Ilai'dwsvre MiiHin & I'liilay-niii a.asu.uiHi ii spiiiri-. Oilar sihI m-iii. Le kept open and clean if the beauty Iis'k. Iliislr ml mi ars siljiillillir Tllnbur sill interested or Vuneouteir. Si enliusla4s tu l.irrllrr I1II. I lllli.lissB llllrl, IJurnll the ikio it be to maintained. :iiarluis Ulauil. I.aoil lualrui. British sver will watjih kienly Officials tsii m sar sill Is- ll ed for r tomorrvw for Hie resuHs in Ihe lisial ut 11lnlsr leinral Because it cleamei these pores and Kuis'rimlenilcnt l urllH'i' iiarin ular. of llw Chirr lon the healthful Hohert Bryson. firs'! inn nd of il,h faueais liiiK-llsli lr, Virii.ria. 111 . or In.irlii jurranr, plus lc encourages action of the I'rllirs lniw,il. h.i:. skin. Dr. Chase's Ointment it most AccliiliH'l li.ury W'hi talker. AssM'iati.iii fiwiMiiill cup. per piece This oisms what is called Hie effective at a tkin beautifier. Rough-nest, ItiMikkeepor W. Fidy. umi Oh ck of WWks .1. W. piHer. competition lumiier ftiiemg kin blemishes redness, pimples and all tolh off the cdulis which will be represented More economical than hiring a laundress. disappear by in ute, will 4e twelve minor and the skin it left clear, imooth and I TIMasa SALS X4T04. Phone and be ANNOUNCEMENTS clubs w ho Isave wim I heir way us convinced Phone 8 velvety. Uiroutf-h unuuds. tsaliwl Iriidsr. will be rsilnd tit Hie su (pialifylug rn.lrhl Ion irr, itiuh' Iiiihti, mil UUr Presbyterian Ladles' Aid. Bym A f eal(lie of Ihe roi)peUlloii is I hau 11..41 oil Us smul lUy or Jaiiuarv. It, Iur ilw iHiri liaM- ur Liu-ins X 7 m . DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT phony Concert. Kiupress Theatre, 4hal every club ill the country mmr S.T.I.., 4i',ll' (iransta lulrl, (imH l&. lianrr . hi rut 41 M lioard reel of llnu Jauuury from Jilie most bumble up has u Si's 1 llaLaiti. f.'iai ami hM on- CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY 0 Cruu boa, all dealm, or Jklruuii, flat. Co., U4 Tunuiiu ell U lice In meet wilill the most nioval una uf. 1 iiiuiwr(.ar mu allowed for rr rini fiuide- LO.D.1 Anmmn fuioous chilis .111 flia laud sunh 4Ui S'urilHir iNiril. 'iluri. ur lh rhisf Krirsf l uucy Dress Bull Junuary l'C. lAhlon Villa, N'ewcasiln lulled, (sr.I'rlura Vewla.llliirrt ,,1 .C ibs j.