The Daily News COMMENTS MADE UPON 0pMUi.a K. IS CViMt.rrliU B. C. VETERANS WEEKLY LTD. $5000 - First PrijT M.4nlkl, Jsiasrr M . PHINCK IMJI'RRT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ARCHBISHOP'S. RECENT , st Iks Oflle r Us FOOTBALL COMPETITION $3000 Second PrizJ B. C. VETttAKS WEEKLY LbslUi $2000 PnblWhed THOUGHT TRANSFERENCE! -.... u r-riz. the Rvery Afternoon, except Sunday, Prince r. 0. Drswtr SJS Cni Huperl llnily News, Limited, Third Avenue. Cor, Ilsiunti ss4 CsBkis Strstts 0 AMES TO BE PLAYED SATURDAY. JANUARY 27th is. "DOk'T ARaoi t ":.vr TAVCOUTEI. B. C. TEN ESTIMATES WITH SI SUnSCKIPTION Mruiy r Mr, (in II. F. PUM.FA', Manafring Editor. Vancouver Sun Mentions the Mat ter Seriously In Short I T B. C. Vmm WmI rM4tet1 C.tlU. ui sifm U lis nU s.VllW4 Ui TSs B. 0. tumii W..l. 1U .Ims fw ,tt Article rtlPtic.B ..litui ripu.r t. ob. .iiibi..i 60 Us Wi . bS l. IS. I ('. . sbS .rtl.l, II r imtu T SUDSCniPTIOhl RATES: STBU0T10MS rOR rlUJSO IM OOUrtlUS: T SIBiplT USlc.l vSMh.r U HOME TEAM U1 Kill M0SB, LESS ( IS. SAMB SUMSEK M (Nil lk. u. ZJ k tb. urhjwiIui ss- J"', J fUcu ss "X" w Ik. c.l.u Br.TiStS la Ik. CI. City Delivery! by mnil or rarrior, rer month. ........... . .Si.fii The Vancouver Sun. of reeen' By mall In nil pari of llie British F.nptre and the United .Rlale dale, c.minienis i..i.n the recent KAMI AOOtESS- in advance, rrft h .rk O.m a.l. I.l .. Mr. M is MOIB L IS EES IS SAW . per year J .10.0') Hirin.vnls of Arcliliishoii In To all olher rounlries. in advance ter year $7.5f eriiel in thoualil Irnnslerni'c a-fVillrtv: 16 B0ME Tt.i'i Aw. Yt.i's Lit Omi V. 1 Cms . CM Clfm : 4 Cnsn . r" MLS Scr S.rt MLS MLS MLS M L ' TELEPHONE 68 .1rl.1.iii.i liii Vornot of Princ CARDIFF CITY BLACKBCRN R. jJ L 7 ilnirt lake- n pendulum o AH dvortiinff should lie in The Daily New OITIce on day pre idlck, n pieee nf slrlnir find HUDDERSFIELD T. 1 FCNDERLAND Ul !. . L ' - ceflmir pulilirftli.ii:. All advertising received stihjerl r Approval Mtiall wetvhi and transfers In . MANCHESTER CITY2 ARSEXAt, i Local Reader, per insertion ,2re per lint Hlnulils In person siv ... .. Clnihd Advertising, per Insertion .2e per wor-' miles nwnjr. PRESTOK NORTH E. 2 BCRXLET t t I J L ., Legal Notices, each insertion ..Ific per agalo lim 1 1.ill tin.iikI.I K.'ii.'rMles sonic A. 1 .il WEST BROMWICH BIRMISOnAU foree . .:! l I i Contract Rales on Application. iipnl'l'' nf unMion is ranienl l)iplay Aitverti.inir per inch per Ir.sertloi iiiiimMm... In.I force is BLACKPOOL BARXSLET , t : L l rranient Advertising on Front Paee .5.S0 per inch imMtxty knows. Itnl the lime will n.nw when i1 BURY WEDSESDAT J ' ' Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. k.i II I..' .-on I rid lei unit dirc.ieil In FULHAM DERBY COCXTT i . i I .11.... un even tirenlcr cnIi'IiI than radii' DAILY KDITION axs arc i'ihiI rulU'il i.uil ilircc' SOUTH SHIELDS C0TE!tTRT CTTY I I ! e. tmla. NORTHAMPTON BRISTOL ROVERS S Willi iivelniinent Mining WlilXelp -ncli een Whole North Country. rl.e (.rivHcy of ihmifrlit umy l NORWICH CITY PLTklOCTn A. .leslinVeil. Tlumnlils may In-eor.iiin.H i no onui i- looking for Hie .North fur il mining development; pnierty. WREXHAM ASniSOTOS Ihal i dear from evervlhirig'one read mid hear. There Hut even Hint is not repuuniini i a decided impetus Inward development of mining jiropertics lo Hie ifenenil niiH i.p nf cv H CMfra Vs. T H Chms Ms. S H Chjis V. t H Ohbii Ik u The success of ii unrulier of mine i havinp aii em-oiii-Hfrnig f hili.iil ir' procrejs. Sett Sc.t. M l. 8 B M L B X 1 M L B M t. As jine poos on. the world i.i -furtiM-r icci mm iMMitre long il would seem ns if there would he enough and .away I. on CARDIFF CITY 1 blackbcr r. s , j cii -uim work (o keep Hie Anux Mueller going a gt m hI dcjil of Hi in.lividimlishi. HUDDERSFIELD T. 1 suypERUuro t j nine, i.oiiiimniy is what i nccilerl Hml Ihal is what seems likely. I:.iliili..ii is niakinir man -mind rrui.-c unpen t now siirrnumlcil hf prodm-infr mines. To the a machine thai must In MANCHESTER CITY 2 arsesai. o j j turned not to his own uihi.i norlh are Anynx, Alice Arm and Slew-art, to I lit- e,vl HiiiNim hilt In the cmmiMii trniid. 'Ilic PRESTON NORTH E. 2 bcrslet i Hay .MniiiilHiii mill posil. llazellou. hi Hie south linim Liimmou siM'ial unit was first ihe in.livnU WEST BROMWICH A. 1 birminoham e t and to the west Surf Inlet. All these mines are holding ihei. lial, 1 1.en the family, then ill stale, ami now jt is nil n.nnkinn BLACKPOOL 1 barnslet o own find in ome rases there is n sle.nly impmvemenl. The Pre The snl.jc.-l Km of 4hc individual mier .mine, mr in-iancc, has not yet reached Us maximum and BURY 1 WEPXE9DAT a ) to the "'i ics is Ihe fai'tur in ni' it is expected Hint Ihe Holly Varden and allied properties will do new cix ilii.linii we are foul FULHAM 2 nrnBT cnvurr t j heller Ihan ever when it reopen. Hudson Hay Mountain mi.' har.l.'sl to swall.iw. SOUTH SHIELDS 2 coyestrt cttt t sV . aV sV H scarcely ton. lied and "Home .Moiinliiin is a rich nnii.ecl Hossjhly Ihe greatest immediate development is likely to TRAINING ENGLISH NORTHAMPTON 2 Bristol roters s j take place nt Slevvnrt. There a iinmher of properties will ship WOMEN FOR SERVICE NORWICH CITY 1 Plymouth a. i ! j wry soon in addition (n the Premier, judging from all the reMirl-thai come mil. WREXHAM 2 ArnmnToa o j I.O.MMIX. .Inn. IT. tirn.loat-iiis Build New Church from offices, laii.i.lries. f.lsliinu and factories, t"u For Presbyterians. wniiien, after 13 ); training, MAKES A COLD A talk r III ink. Ihey jut i-lnitt." -There are two religious deuomiualions here lhat need new nre shortly to enter iliiiiivslie er- ejiurrh Lnildings the Anglicans ami the Prehylerians. Al n ire. NEEDLESS DISTRESS IKll.ll mi. tys. I'rni"'i its i-alifail. Canadian National Railways niceling last jiight slep were taken to get a'l.iindiug campajgii Thi is heiutr made issil.le l.y Ves, ami it's under i cii.trst' uf intensive tuition under what a e""il iee maUf iw way for the Pre'shylerians. A rommiltee lo prepare data is Treatment ' Which Will Relieve llie ausiices of Ihe Onlral to he formed mid it is. very likely thai a new hnildiiig will he ('.iniimillfH mi Women's Tmininp Even Bad Case In a Night NOW HmiI H Ira In-ohi.. II,. Prince Rupert .em-led in Ihe near future. The church will t,w. in mi tillemvi to solve llie ser fuslirnn Ui Vicsm-c even li'nt . me sympathy ami support M Ihe w hole communily in their work vant iriieiii. Tlii' training is I'rartli.l h. launl.l 4.l- wtial nlPHit n teeie fm- Ih hoy uii.lerlnkeii at n few renters, ami run . lu lis drtir wyii-b alinuM tsi liefiiee he can hepitl Mimkiii' DRYDOCK " ' iimmJ r.r tlw frtr'ilt tr..ri.H4ii r nail France And Ihe women will start out on Hie eijniretles. or srliM'. TIwat sr. Arperln. I'Ihimm-llw. Germany Today. new venliiie wilh smart uniform- vuiniiK'. s.hil. urfm i .:. muile un.ler Hie guidance of their r.r. .ml iimplinr M.MMtiriMii.t.-. Thr s-II.mi JONAH tne mil irM rifalrt when AND In his lionk, "Ihe Decadence nf Kurnpe,' Signor .Villi, for- al llie various or these lira. U to,' Um rever-l.h lie IrSsI Hull w hsrle alf Stolw. tint j mcr Premier of lluly. receiilly j.iihlishcd, ronillllnii di-ver,HKl, e.lvrl.llr .1 say centres. some of us don't. The mollo is., SHIPYARD " nirht. allay ilv u.n In ih kwti muiu-lr., Kit is rope already!seelliing with fresh wars; and Ihe almost hewssre! llH .V.IM.I 11! (Ikl InfMI up Us Mltlr feverish preparation of aeroplanes, of asphyxiating and poisonim ITALY'S WAR DEBT ormirf-nrf II Is s rnnnUU hii i-.hooi Operating a. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Ooc S.ics, ami in Minmariues can arouse iiotliing hut anxiely. Is not t euallsl rnr III lrr.lniri.1 of rolil. or IK wtHiKrit ever io umler. Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, ratun rrlppo. sln-ml txiiilie 4ic wttl kirow Blacksmiths, ine soiiuariiy or Hie viciors at eirtl tin even mm? Immense Sum Due Britain and This roniwU mar ) ol.latard at sit nurre HriMi itii. makers, Founders, Woodworkers, KU. l iuncp nas less- Ilian Ivvo-lhirils. men of the populalioii of iier- United"Slates lm tor irniW Ids miim or 'lrlp lu. . iii.oi. hi uiiriy years a ,11011 perio.1 in U lif,. f natioin II I a anil haislj Issue irraliiient tar Electric and Acetylene Welding. she will proliahly have less than half thai or lierniaiiv, which enlil. sod tun a renird or n-lievisr even AM. (kal i re.Hiilssil In rrder Jan. 17.- Aflcr .viussn. uii.Mi., even (hough huiKiliulcd, Ind rate. In a iilslil. It ene in rsMle Ui trel iiMrrieil Itieiae itays i-leny and still elhnic plundered, violated, is Ihe mol iini's frn.osnl for n Joint diseus-sii.u rorin. vihlrh I. i.m.h rrsivrnlenl hMne if nervs. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of nun par I organism in' Kiirone. nf (lie llrr.aralinn mieslimi Mkl H result.. The (lernians have twice won grent wars wiih France all f Hie Inlcr-. Id-Ills, the fnl Oei a ten of OH. I'll l.slav Be Mm Marine and Commercial Work ANDTIIKIl I8I.1 and in 187". They have never tried to destroy Ihe national lowing ritriucs slmwlns the njael In ret Ihe renuhie nrlp-l'ls. II nMHif In eeUrrm-iii t. imily of France, or lo kill her economically. The ai ls of France iiisiljnu of Italy in the iiueslinu a tint vuh llw ronnula nrlnlMl isl It. On emxuli nsmli li tiny n iimisj f. PHONES 43 AND 388 sle at OniM-. prus I.M. ir liejl HiimUy's .eioin'r. ire since mm ,,, non lo per orrespond her Iradilions, and her represen were made puhlie. l.oi. wnnrs iinw iiiuy iscuaieu ine uol.le coiiulry which we loved, and u AfirH .10. 1115. Ilnly nwe.l . ' which miii inve as the cenlre nf civilisalinn mid light. France fixe hundred million slerlinv to iM nan King perioiis or Irepnialinn and aiixiely. She lias seen 'real llrHaiu, one 'hillimi six The Ten Years Ago no iinmeriieii pern pa.s mcr Ihe head of her sous. She ha hun.ired and silly million dollars Man in (he Moon In Pr'nca Rupert iioi ei seniiuy uj jiKlgmenl. Mill when she feels Ihe spiritual to the I'niled Slates, ninl seven SAYS:- amnion wmcn mie goes to meet every day, when she sees llwf million dollars o llrnril. rnakiiitr " iht rcsoiirccs caiinoi lie ueveinped unless (here is peace, and that total of twenty-one and a half , . ... !I Jinn,..' -'B. .A. "The . iik. i. i. io ine n.rc New Wash .- is io nirain. Mayor "atlnlr.. ll.n- Sii,,le.l Way" sircngiii lie rnunij liy reluming lo her pa-l Ira l.illiolls nf lire in cnl.l. wild frozen meteors, iih-ii llie folUiwini MUlidinu, iim-ii iiiis ijuneniaiiie period will .e forgollen. In Ihe (iermsny owes Italy us repar c.inl ... ics.s ... and rcsi-iicil jiimJaues us well I I f.1 1 II CCM fi.p lli liie' l-'ii.f.M.... rrance, wincn u.'isi a uol.le mission in Huropenn civilisalinn, ation thirteen l.illion .ili marks we wnnl Fienchmen lo know Ihe whole tnilh. We wanl the eiiijvnleiil nf sixteen hillior. mint I cum i s over Ihr trail lo the II. It. .Ninli'ii. I. Sulherlarnl ami V ranee lo icliirn In (hose ideals which were not onlv her greatness lire in pnld. Arctic, wlraJ should w id i for M. I. MeiitlTery; Tii-e, light and hut also her salvation. The men who speak a different lan-hiihbp Hi rills if il wkiv'iiiW fr the far lelelnie. J, llylrhuvn, il. Ken Everything Washed nr.. mil II.n l.oi... ,,r n... i i. , .... . . .. north and (I. I.eek; ll.mllli, trade Ih r..; v : pm ui rrriirn inuiiiii.ii, mil rather TELKWA ii- ..cMruyers. cirsiM. and pin ks,- Ilnllocli-Vi-lsr, tlreal Itrilain Mi j wj l,e her glorvafer greal efforls MlV that sfhiui t.siver an.I H, It. and T. Everything Soft Finished Jn Ihe war, has made the grenlesl efforts for peac.. .She had l. S. U'hillen who Jui t.een In llie siosmhi of Hie I A-lfi.l.ilurc i Mail land. declared herself readv lo make eery reniincinliou. movided Hint IiikmiIom f.r the iiusl few lone, it iiih'iI It On-ill or Iwo lo r.iirnp is recon.lrucled and Ihal (here is nn end lo llie work of nioiilhs is ,aek tf is Telkwa njrain. keep ii alive instil the l.rihiioii ine nwiowiux oincers wimc 80 per cent, ready to use i.rMn.cMiiii. wnirn is noi.,.iima- the life of Hie world. Franco I'arSSIIIiMUII iljn-lis its aesol. ehs-lwl ai the fjrt siumial mv will perceive, sooner or laler. Hint her greale glory will he In Mr. and Airs. Sam Johnson r- l.itf of the IjihVji': lliclalor follow llrilniu on (lie same iiIi. Hul. ris lonir a Ihe presenl ills, Iwive troiie ilji lo I'en.w for the Hi: I' jul mu wtiil until ihe S. J. Kvwu; Vkce .iKilatr, .1. H. liv-., la.!-, it is Ihe powerful voice of the 1'iijlc.l Kittles nlonc (hat i. l of Ulf winter. civic l.n-liisius Is'iln. sitlckney: I'relste, W. k. Omii-mifn; will lie aide lo hring Ihe real word of pence. Inside Histfrd, It. S. Hiitrerj nev. . .viuwillliney ie. ser. WHAT i's (lie inalliv wtlh fjow (HiM.M dim ni, J. Iliilrhforilj vice in Ihe Oulck eluu. on Hun. Hay? It usis,.tu he Wie Hieuie I'a.l IlielaUir, C II. Vauirhiiii: lay last. for nil our cjvjn iNilitieian to Seerrtary TreMisitriT. .1. II. Mitsfc. Eczema Covered Arms - liiW j.lwiiw, 'huftlieVMr n iieen in le; Trn.leea, ir. .1. I'. Hade, . f. 7c Another fall of isiiow Iras Im- riiciird lo .Iei3'flijir il Ihmuiili S.lf ninl I'. I llnok. of This Healthy Child sleiiihliiK a lot. Hie nvenl ciamjiafsn . . The I Mil a Me1 of Hie Umpire Mr. Alex. Marshall, Sprucedle, Ont., writes i HOTEL ARRIVALS M wtntiis I ay, wilial in Hie Wuve u i.llii'lilfiil ilance lust mailer with Orw' Ifciyt n is-hi in the Mclnlyre Hall. "V. "eii my litllc ion wai three Mat ri-iic: NirlliiiiK Hi,. II. Moliley w'as of iilil-lrr cere. mootht old he Lrole out in orc on Prince Ruoert iiiauer ijia ror." lin.n ims aiiil .Mis. I'. Ii. Iiaw'sini hit chett end srmt. We did ll we K. II. Kmllh V. A. Mian, uih lira. II. Molilev weci- in could to heal tliote terrible orei, but N Miiekay KmHii, James (Jawlcr, SO.Ml'. Iliiua ins- raiiidly al- etNirtre of i-erreihmiMlls. nothinf did him much good. Final, I., r.. XcwIhou, Ii. K. Harper md JiiIIim IhciirrHveM The silarni lc ee V ly I ventured on a box of Dr. Chaie't J. H. LainJieH, Vlclortu; Miw. i. lm-k auain sw olf nl ire-wiii- a, plus per piece 01 tint nt and kept on uiing it, At V.. Mi;wen ami jr. T. I'. ttmes in i in- mnwiii.a. PRINCE RUPERT TI0E3 Jest we were rewarded by the M'.ni'..Miny, Ti.ii.iili.; -. 4 steady healing of the sorts, and ItMil, llaMiiiia; . J. .M, ,.r;ii,,, W'K Irave (reen lliinkinu- of .of t Friday, January 19 More economical than hiring a laundreM. finally he was completely reliev. HmWIwiw; J, . Hawle, w H. fering it t.i'ir lie jiNvmnlisI In Uivh .. 3:u:i a.m. -.'ii.i f. ed of them. II is now three, elloii; l,erl llewlll, (Jalcy; Ihe man who is the hinst liar 1 1 :iH, ;'ii.i) " Phone us and be convinced Phone 8 years old. and has had no rt- ieiie Juveiie, Terrace. tu town No, Hhi'i;, urn n4 a lAtw H.S3 st.m. 7.n - !utr Mariiil. turn ef the trouble since." Central . ilandiilali-. N'lo .aoiMteeleil t :I7 imii. .1.3 " A. S. rhonwss, Victoria: l. ). Willi Ihe ullUw is tlllirwed to i.e. , Saturday, January 20 DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT Mel'lniil, Kuslo; l-Yed flrule, - - 8:tS "imii. VO.O fl CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY haskai.s.n; (I. Nmli.,!,.,,,, Hinjth-e.'s: WiMK men talk a fu;i as i.hey 15:27 SO rents a mis, ilmlrn. i.r lUluianMiii, Ulr A ., Ud.. 'luroulo. '' ji.ui. 10.J naui. i., r. ; a. I.. Hunk mi. others ll.nk us fasi L'f um. J Wr.irpi'. city. as lli.'v lu i, Hoiiii' women never -'I, t.-'