If Manson Bill Is Again Turned Down. when pure, delicious SALADA" URfK is used, is a satisfying and refreshing summer - beverage. The Daily News PH1NCB KUPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES; City Delivery; hy mail or carrier, per month $1 oo By mail to all ports of the British Empire and the United'states in advance, per year. . . , . 4 , 50.00 To all other countries, in advance per year. ..." 87 rn TELEPHONE 88 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION It Thursday, July r, 1023. School Report Refutes Pessimists. Some local people have been knocking their own town in the south ly telling Hint nil the people; have left and that there ne oiu) a lew people now m Prince Hupert. Yet on Saturday ...... ... ,miimin .in unii-i.ii report riowjng that the school population for .May, this year was only thirty-lwo less than for May Inst year. Thus (he pessimists have the hard truth rammed down '.heir throats and the pily is il .would not choke them It is not pleasant to write this way, -but sometime it is necessary to use ralher picturesque . .... language ... in 'order . .to- pet IlltMAfll h Ihii .1.:.. ..t t iivu.ii me .-Mil in sunie people, rne s in .May this year the school attendance sam moilthJast year it was MO. cAlil..l namt.l . ...... II.. I i ....... IVUIJil .M Ul.tl was or8, and for the Owing (o the action of Ihe Canadian Senate the bill givinc flip nmv nta lha . 1 :i.i i i ... ., .. . . e""'. .... 1C iijsiu m n.oicue us own liquor business was umj.peu oy me House or Commons at its final session. woie mere may i.e a difference of opinion as to the desirability of pasting such legislation, there can be no two opinions as to the policy of allowing a lot of obsolete politicians o control the destinies of the country. The men who rnnsti- V 5 cViuld .7 ' : mg generally. lot of discarded They not in most cases secure, election a' repre- iSl hffc' "' nalelo bLk : " '"- representative would rnrrv iiiiijiiii. -? Very Few Places , Compare In Beautv. - r,.i...X;V ffw Pwmnare with Northern and Central British ' ,, " "i,.u,,i" '"-amy. Those who spend their holiday I'6, Va,r"-'"S l'.a,,,,,s nl heaters of river, or rui. p '""V "f arms oi me sea become .nc- impressed more nml mi.ro ..ni, n. t..i it... . . injucs'.eii hiJ V . 1 mni Iew Pines " compare with m. 7 " 'pieness oi me more ruirired tvne. Sir Hppv Z"Z m'Lfe ry along ,hc ever 7. "mep man anylbing he had n l ::e lo.a neater degree i some of the V T gorges nnu mountain lakes. , nnricV r,,M.',e w" ".e mTrr"" wi(h 9"risls from all ' 1 looKing ior beauty and freshness. Wealth And Poverty Y ? Denenri Unnn c.l.nj. ll.ino- .i ii. 'J '. :.' V -""-" i"- aose ne lacks mat ono ......0 ....... ,r. rssi-jiimi io Happiness. CnnvorsU- ll.o n,... wno lias rr piuK w. mn,.. i.." .. ...... rv .... ,.v..-..u is is one oiip or f the i, V.V iii ",u,,c' "me money he may. possess wealthy men of the world.- There are thincs Mmf nintlon ... .... I . . ' nnnl nam mm. . u. i . """ " m money, Her-. hiinw lo tbe contrnrv. vet I it i.. ... mn. . .... IKS'- E"""" ,, h?i; s . So far as. cash is concerned, anv person can ncquire enoiiKh id live (hev ,1 'nJ " . c, f r!; I" Penl eyery dollar nninnJ . I ' ",l,""v inmK iiiemse ves very economical SKS "sr"r? ' 'i moil"!'. JijJxuLLLLUii ii j j m 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 rr EDDYS in a few years a reasoiinblp TWIN BEAVER WASH BOARDS made ofEODY'S famous INDURATED FIBREWARE outwear all others 9 0NSALF RYfionrcDc AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS 8M nil m NEW BOOKS AT LOCAL LIBRARY No More Can be Purchased Until Money Is Raised For Purpose At a meeting of Ihe library boaiit held Inst nicrlit in tlm li brary. Hev. . ft. Hacker presid. ins, It wjijs reiiilrled that Ihe Iwn hundred dollars donnteil liv Die provincial Rovernmenl for Ihe purchase of ImoU had ben all expended nml no more hooks could he pnrrhnsed until money was ruisi'd for the purpose. Miss fJrnnl. lihrarinn. renorfed that 2,H;J Jiuoks had been loaned ilurlng the inoiilh of June, nu average uf 1)0.5 a day. Darin Ihe month I bore were It iipw borrowers nml IS canciMod Iheir meniherships. leaving 1201 active borrowers now mi the list. Hooks donated dtirinsr Ihe month numbered 19; purchased from the i:oernmenl crant lit and -them were now available on the shelves or in the band of borrowers, 2.U95 volumes. The mailer of ways and means of raisinp funds was discussed al somo Irnjilh hul no definite action taken. Following is a list of some of the new books purchased will: Ihe provincial, government pran; Fiction Hlark Oxen, by (i. Atherton. Hoiii.'h-llen. hy l. Canfield. Knchanled April, by "Kliiabelh.." ChaiiKinp Winds, by fl. John Kr. vine. Faint Perfume, by 7.. fiale. Ihe Middle of the lload, by P. Uihh. December Love, by II. llichrns." Sea Hawk, by It. Saballni. Desolatp Splendor, by M. Sadleir. I'lie Judsre, by II. West. Biography Creative Spirits of the 19th Hen lury, by ft. Brandos. Book of KsrapeA and Hurried Jourpeys. by J. Hucban. . Al in a Lifetime, by II. .Arorjron than. Mr. Lloyd fieorpe, by K. T niond. Travel Nishts and Days on Ihe Trail, by L Brown. Londr.n Spy, by T. IPirke. While Shadows in Ihe ' Sons, by F. O'Brien. flips, Soiilh Other Side of Ihe, Lantern, by ir r . I rev's. Science Nature of Matter and F.lertrieity, iy i). t: i;onsiock. rinciples of. Electric Waves. ,y J. A. Fleminp. from Newton lo KoisIpI II l.V It Harrow. Creative Cliemixiry, hy K. E. Slos. son. History of Aeronautics, by E. C. mian. Qardenlna ' House Plant-, by p. T. Harnes. Hay. I'anleninK With Brains by H. T. Finck. The Little C.ar.lon, J.y Mrs Kin?. Tk a Mon : L u I f iuv iiiau 111 IUC mutlfl 1 ( SAYSl. I I THEME are fiflv hniiknn oijf iieie soon. 'IJip unv I.. ..... .. ... . , lenain lliejn WOU (I he In tanM. each one for a loan. That woui.l be a novel Mea and aluw ii.n... Mini Prince Munerl. is nn I.. II. a last second. JAKE remarks Ihai is loo touchy himsplf louclied that easy. NOW. I hat Ihe fitrhl U banker to he what about a game, of nuirbles?' AWAY oVwn in Oltawa there is man Diking a crack at Fnrd tin says dial cans. mosquito breed in tin IF -anyone wishes lo bel wild me here is Ihe chance. I hot I am asked lo nay taxes nei and I bet I do not pay them. Who is ready lo put up the cash? THE best method of savine money is to pay youp taxes on lime, according lo Jake. I.nf t pul the money In mv oocfcei nn.i let il stay (bore unlll I get down town-and pay Ihe dues next year or the year afler. THE fa vo rile sport f elect nrs is grousing iiboul poliljcinns II. V. Kergin. M.L.A.. noeom. pnnled by Mrs. Korgfli and famllv. arrived yeslerday aflernnon by the Prince Muperl from Victoria. .mix. herein and famllv nrn e... Iiirnlng to Iheir home in Alice Arm afler having spenTlne past year al Vlclorla. , THB TOUT IWB. ' MINING ACTIVITY IN CASSIAR DISTRICT Claims Being Worked This Sea- ton and Heavy Machinery Being Installed There Is H cikhI deal of minimi nrlivlly In Ihe J.iard division of Cass jr district acconlooi lo io. ports broiutht (o Ihe city from the .norlli. N'vornl Oulfils are In. Iftllinji mnchinerv while others nre working on a smaller scale. Already this "spason some irold Is belli?, taken nut' and nroduclionj will Increase as Ihe season ad. ances. On Doase'Creek Craitr and Boss of Seattle with four men are ont- liiiK in a series of drill holes with a key-stone ilrill on placer lease which Ihey hnhl at the moulh of Hie creek. .This work Is welf nn. dor way. Further un th creek Henry Cole nml Tom Bryan are prospecting and doinir preliniin-nry work on four leases Hint they holil. tin Delolre Creek. Oeo. Hull. Boh Oninn, Frank Finn and Oeo. Finn hae amaliramated their leases ami have 'o or 900 feel of bed rock flumo constructed hul have a lillle further lo carry on. II Is exoecleil Dial lliev will ho bovellins pay about Ihe middle of July. On Thihort Creek. Ihe- Dense Syndicate are jioinjr lo replac their wooilen flume with iron pipe ami the manager of (bis company, OeorKe Adams, is ex pected in at once lo install llu. plant. ' On Mosquito Creek, Ocorpo Adsil is rioinmc a tunnel nl H e upper end of bis claim' and eel. line some coarse sold. Al MrDames Creek. Amos ft ml.. frey and associates are doinz assessment on their leases. David Wine and J. Hniearl are Inkine In to MrDames a small hydraulic planl wliich they bone lo install this summer. The l'emlfclon. Knelif Co. are lakinir in 15 Ions of heavv ina. chinery consisting of a ?auerman comhiiialioh1iuckM ami secaper draeliue cableway4 excavator sim ilar lo those m use imlhe Yukon Ibis is In be used on Ihe I'emlle-lon lease at MrDames Creek. where IJiey ex pec I to hae il land. i d the cornice fall. , A. St. Clair Brindlo of -Vir.lnria, with a couple of men is makine a reconnaisance of the Haskin ourilain mineral properties - at Ihe head of MrDames f!reek which from all reports appear very promising. ; Ten Years Ago ) in Pilnce Rupert Jufy V ne is accomoanied hv r. il Josephs, manager of Ihe com pany's branch at Astoria, Oregon. I lie American and f !n.i.li-.n froveriimenls are making ar rnngemenls for Ihe freclion of The Secret. of f Its Success tj IrlE SALVATION ARMY not only believed that there was hope for the wortt, it went after the wort in the alum. in the gutter, in the prison- It is still doing this all over the world YOUR contribuu'on to The SALVATION ARMYAm.ual SERVICE APPEAL i a wiie investment in practical Christianity. Annual Senrice Appeal Thurj1tjr, Ay x . ;: flgjQ' Package of 1 0 now an Inlernalronal eacp arch at Blaine on Ihe British Columbia-Washington boundary line. E. D. Paul, superinlemleul of Victoria cily schools, arrived Him morning on Ihe prince Muperl to preside at Ihe Blab Srbol exam inations which open next week. J I, f Fi HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Miss Irene Mr.fe ami Miss essie McAfee, Alfred llarey Ira lie I m Millenl W II V..n. f. W. Harrison and II. W. Hunt. D. 1912. 1' . n If. . I t . ,. ,, ,., . i iiiii'iiiM rr, .ir. ano .irs. r. it. I-. hlevenhnuser. head of nn.. nf n..i. n i. .. . . ,1 , ... . , I'l.ini, .IIII1M-!I'III, If. Iirillll, ine largest ilshing Import 111 if IM M Willi tn Pn.litriit' Lni 'l.i companies in Oermany. arrixe.l In cago; Mr. 'and Mrs. Oeorge'Ll'ltle Hie city on Ihe Prince Muperl lb., n,,d family, Terrace; Molly , mane arrangements;. Murphy and Augusta Mnaterole.' or i in- uenvery tr rish from h.'ie.,liegin: A. B. Lam.oil. Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Marshall, Lo Angeles; T. A. Sandisoq, Bays-port; J. C. B. Illchanlson, and C. Williamson Mllno, London, England; P. Hanson, Clly. Central I John Unok, Victoria: Mr. nml Mrs. Ja-rkson Duck Lake, Sask.; F. Daniels, C.N.Il, m TIMBER SALE X 524. Malral TiuUr. ulll ti r.i.l....l I., n- than iKHin on tli I9ili illy uf inly, ml, for the Mirrlii.). i.r Llrriirv JL t fill n.l nil nii.Mo 'fwl uf hprnri., on in un. i nmf(1 IhUiiiI In tiMt Skrriu lllnr. 30 rhinit nurihwFM or Aldfr nivfk, lunre s., Col outrlrl. I TWO Hi VMM li lll.mr.l t..r n.. iiiovnl of lliiilwr. InrllHT f.arllriilars or ihn Chirr r..r. tff, Virion, B.cM or-Hiiriri rorrmrr. I riiir loipori, ii.c. TIMBER SALE X5146. C It'll Titular, a 1 1 1 l.n .. .. . .. MinlMcr of l.irul. n virion, ik.i l.urr Ihflii nrM.n on ih itih .f.v ,.r iniw ,a.. fop Hie purihOR of l.lrewe Xtl'ld, in' ItiKled hImiiiI 4 miiMi frnrn fainvl rri.i.ini. II- I.HIIKff B. I.fll.l l.tlil III.. iriri. Thrrc 'Jj fpirn win i. n,.iH r... u IllllVfl itt IIiiiIihp. I'lirllirr narllrnliri nt il.. rhi.r t.... ler. Vlrtoru. Il.c. or Pimrlri i..m..i. I'rlnre linpprt, II. C. TIMBER SALE X 5082. f lutrirl lorMer not an.r uml n'u on Hie Ifth iy of July, tin. for II.- iwr lue jf Llreuro X tonf, on .'North jtcn. Arm to rui ntt. r,-t of ci"u", sprur ami ifHiilni-k Hawlom. Ont M( vrBi iii i.. .ii. .......i .... """ru ,ur re' n.ov.1 of tlml,,r. i.; Vi,",r ,"'r' nt Ihi. Chief ForM. BaaBSi?!. jii" "f ""t", TIMBER SALE X 4730. ftlal.fl a. Ill ... . . in... ""win u rrrr vfa uy tlm IImii nwm on l 'mi, day of July', mi Adjutant 'Kerr' fltmnelnl ...-Nut eio.ooo r.fi of n,ri. .J.'sri. reseiitativo. aks nnlv ll.ni i. i. S" 1'" Tcmn,,,,,, M,n given Hie flllldn with wlilnh. 1.1 Two (f) yi-.r. u ill i 1 servo the community for .nolherliffr1!'... of u cm.f for,. year. ir, ntorl, lie., or DIMrlrt rniire lUilftt, B.C. 35 Canadian National Railwjays Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND , SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. (0,000 Ton Floating Dry Do4k Engineer, Maohlnltta, Bollermahere, Blackiimlthi, Patterc maker. Founder, Woodworker, Itfl. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Our plant la equipped to kindle all kind' of Marine and Commercial Work PHONES 43 AND 385 MR. FISHERMAN! gSS&S? Wo have been making tanks for boats duringiUm pat ten years and we have yet to get a complaint of faulty ' workmanship. WHAT WE HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS WE CAN DO FOR YOU. ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS 8econd Ave. KING fiEORGE CAFE First Olasa CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnlehed Rooms to Rent. I'riceH lleasonable Phone Blue471. Second Ave. Phone 340. HOTEL HUDSON 773 Seymovp (Near Hudson Hay Storss), VANCOUVER, B.O. C Westcrgard, Manhgcr. Lato of Winnipeg, Drandon and Moose Jaw, Modern-Fireproof-Central Wo Appreciate Your Huslncss. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Magqire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Moura, 9 to 9 Phone 575 LadAsisUnt