Thurvlrj-Cf"lt):r 20' 1023 Ah out of the ordinary BIG VALUES In all Dolls, Toys, Fancy Goods All pn.:e lire ilowu lo ruck bottom uikJ Mieciul sales price hi many line. (iie us u call if you wili lit gel llie biggest vulu-s in (own for your money. Tlie goods ami prices speuk for themselves. One us u enll ami joij will not lc disappointed. We have mtit-ally everything in llie gift line. Specials in doll today. Si" our Window. Open Evenings Till Christmas. Special Tlie (ieuuuie Thermo llf t! .ire tr-uully dd al a prfre tliruiipliiHit Canad . Icl we h ie permission lo it U-r one elvle ut lug rcdin lion. (it inline Thermos Hollies. nkle -. pint mip, regular price :..".. Spend . $2.00 (Juarl sie. reg'dar pro e oo S jm $3.75 OUR BOXES OF CHRISTMAS CANDY ARE EXTRA NICE AND THE PRICE3 ARE LOW. Gift Suggestions W.d.rmaii Pen-. Waterman 1'euriK Scwuig Sei. Slmwng Cl 1 1 1 il. Perfumes, Hru-li Camera-. Kverli,.n le :i 1 1 -. Fren.b Ivorv. Mani-, ure Sets. S,.fet ILuor. Toilet Water. Sl.itioner . F -ellf ll S;t- ORMES LTD. DISPENSING CHEMISTS. The Reiali Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th SL f, We Prepay Mall Orders. Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER! Real Satisfaction Cheapest In Long Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. Phone 100. Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. ' (If fire Hour: (l ,0 ,l l,m- Open Kvcmiig ! Special Appuiuliiient. Ha mm Now in your own town you can select SPLENDID JEWELLERY GIFTS 11 m h quality is aipreiaied .leslred here ill Itupclt just CRutNTt.iti.mi In any oilier large city. JuiTdrop in at our stoic and look hi tlie splendid Diamond Kings we Ji t show you. Some nw slimes J it L iiuilintod till. Wo vutri also a slork of uiiinonnteil ., i i.. .. luailionus ami run "i"1 1 tliiie mount up any alone in Hie HiiMi styles and at llie same price an in any other city. ,,Ao our Silver Sloek Is splendid this year. ami as it Bulger & Cameron, Ltd. RUSSIA AS COUNTRY HAS CEASED TO EXIST Soviet No Longer Uses Name But Includes Bulgaria Inr Union of Soviet Republics LONDON, Dee. 20. "There is no Itussia," says a news nrtirlu in llie Daily Mail. A strange stale ment but true." Ilu.sia lias officially ciiasoi.' lo exist as a name in the mouths of (hose who new control the destinies of thai country. About three months ago they took a decision which has remained strangely secret. They notified the various nations with whom they have trade relations thai the title of their government was changed from that of the Russian Soviet llcpublic lo Ihe "Union of Socialist Soviet Kcpub lies,' contracted afler Kussian fahioii lo C.S.S.It. The word I to .mu was dropped con- fpletHy. Hammer and Sickle At the same time thu emblems upon their official notepaper, the crossed haminer and- sickle, were now surrounded by a semi-circle or labels bearing the names of the various pari of the country and its adjacent territories, wherein independent" local Soviet governments have been formed, such as "Ukraine," Azerbaijan." and so on. But not only these, for Ihe name 'Bulgaria'' wim astonishingly added, tlie name of an entirely independent Slale! From Ibis it is e4ear that the authorities in Moscow regard lliem-elves as potentially the matr of everywhere, and not al all limited by the boundaries of llussia. Needless to say the Urit-ili K"v'-'nnifni in its dealings wiih tin1 Suviel government Iras never accepted or used this pre- datory idle. WORKINGMEN'S HOTEL UNDER SALVATION ARMY Edmonton to Have Finest Canada with 57 Bedrooms F'.DM N l'uN. Dee. 20. ! In iwpen ?M.0lt and 4'J.OUO is ii.iw Iw-ina sneiii by tlie Salvation Arniv "i Ht-4-eHov4ion -intl -tin pruving "f llie VM.k Illock, on Nainavo 'avenue. where will shortly ! eslahlilu'd Hie fiuesl W.irkiiiamen s Hotel in Canada. Alliorily was given for Ibis ex-ieiuliliii-e by Commissioner llod-.ler and Ilniradier Sims on Iheir recent visit here, it being Ihe of lliese officers to make the IMmonloil eslablisb-inenl llie fines! ill the wesl and a I vp. of home on which other similar iiislilulins can be moulded. The new hotel has 57 bedroom, in ench of these there is hot and eojd water with also a bathroom on every floor. The firsl floor will be opened on January I, Ihe second a month later and Ihe other two floors ill Ihe spring. NO WEEKLY HALF HOLIDAY BEING OBSERVED TODAY C.ilv si .- are no! observing Ihe weekly half-holiday today. H nol being necessary under .the VI. Neither will the bnjf-hoH-dav nexl week be observed. In stead I hey w ill close all lay next I Wednesday . well as Christmas (Day The most of the stores are remain mu open every night Ibis week unlit IH o'clock. Phone 84 Cash & Carry Here Is a chanco for Anybody who wants to save Money ' Pork Chops 35c lloast Pork 22c Pol lloast 12'iO lioiling lleef 10c Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens. Apple, extra fancy .. $2.45 Apple., fancy S2.35 Apples, jumble pack. . $1.90 lap Oranges 70o All Orders over $10.00 Delivered E CONOM STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East rptin nilt v Mfttra - . iUCi 1S11U llOTIOi - i I 1 Local and,! Personal D.C. Undertakers. Phone 41.1 Hayners, Undertaken. Pboue 361. . If If you study economy China- ware and Dinner sets at reduced! prices at Tile's; ' If Try XANOOSIS-Wellinglon or Tclkwa Coal. More beat. Less! soot. Pbilpott, Kvilt & Co. tf Full range of Slippers for everyone. Ualj ami see lliem.l Family Shoe Store. Prices low- est in cily. tf llalepayers Association meet-1 inx F'riday al o'clock in I Council Chamber. Speaker, T. Hoss MacK'Hy. All taxpayers welcome. - O. Slevavig rclurned to the cily or- the Prince (Jeorge yes. lerday aflernooti afler enjoying holiday I rip liv Vancouver audi oilier points south. Adam Mackie. inspector of fisheries, returned, lo the cily on llie Prince Oeorge yesterday af- lernoon afler atrip to Vancou ver on departmental business. SI. Andrew's t.Soeiely l.eclure.j The f'hilosophyiand Teaching! of Robert Hums.' by Principal! C. Krady. F'riday night at K.3II. Members and friends in vited. Mrs. II. X. Delmonico and lit lie daughter of Sliawallansl Lake relumed lo the .cily on Ihel Prince (ieorge yeslerday after noon after spending a vacation! in Ihe south. t Provincial Constable Harry I Marlin returned !o the cily froiul Ihe soulh on Ihe Prince Oeorgel yeslerday afternoon. He accom panied prisoners from the inter ior lo Okalla. Miles Donald, well known Alice Arm mining man, passed through Ihe cily on he Prince Ceorge yeslerday afternoon' enroute north after h fortnight's, busi ness rip lo Vancouver. . A. II. Wall, editor of Ihe Fld- inonlon Journal, passed through the cily yeslerday 'afternoon ar riving from' Vancouver on Hie steamer Prince' (ieorge and proceeding F'ast by the evening (rain. I. D. Calloway, resident mining engineer fur the provincial 7overninenl al llazcllon, arrived by Ihe steamer Prince Ceorge yeslerday afternoon from Victoria and look Ihe evening train on his return lo the interior. Miss Inez lloss. who has been away from the cily for the past two or three years, returned bj Ihe Prince Ceorge yeslerday afternoon. During her absence Miss lloss held "stenographic positions, at Honolulu and in the Orient. .1. A. Hfiiman, assistant chief engineer for Ihe Canadian Na tional Hallways, and J. (irarcy comptroller or llie company, passed through Ihe cily yesler day afternoon enroute to Winni peg. They arrived from Van couver on Ihe steamer Prince Ceorge and left for the east by Hie evening train. For the "Kiddies." in Toyland at Tile's. Ilargain tf Says the Victoria Times: Mrs. W. .1 Alder, of Hampshire Iload. I left on yesterday afternoon's Iboat for. St. Paul. Minnesota, to jallcn.l Ihe funeral of her mother Mrs. C. V. Sawyer, who died suddenly on Thursday. Mrs. Sawyer had been n frequent visi lor at Ihe home of her daughter in Victoria and will be remembered by many here. t F'or Holiday Shoppers. Xmas surprises for Values al Tile's. Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Howie. parenls of Mrs. John Mitchell, 20 Ninth Avenue l'asl, and Mrs. M. O. Johnson, sister of Mrs. Mitchell, arrived in (he cily from Foremost, Alberta, by the sleam er Prince George yeslerday af noon and will spend a couple of inonUis visiting here. Mrs, Johnson is accompanied by her two sons. . Toys and Fancy Goods. Spec ial reductions at Tile's. If PAGE THREE. PLATERS .ii if , ,11 J; :!, li in!! i!!:i!li , Ml "ft ; CEiiliii, ; t:':l I' 'Hi' NAVY CUT CIGARETTES 10 for 18? 20 35? and' in tins of 50 and 100 Basketball dance Friday night. Tile's Store will be open every evening until Xinas. tf Ilev. rather li. Allard, 0M.l. was a passenger for Terrace 'on I a i night's train. ("eorge Derrington is sailing toiilghl by the steamer Prince Ceorge for Vancouver enroute lo! California. I - ! Mr. and Mrs. II. P. l.ipsell ami family, after spending a holiday visit in Vancouver, returned lo the cily on Ihe Prince Ceorge yeslerday afternoon. llaskelball games -and dance Friday night, Klks Home, West-holme Orchestra. Usual admission lo games, l'.xlra for dance. Ladies 25c, gentlemen 50c. W. (i. Wul son, formerly associated with the l.akcUo Lake hotel, reached the cily from the Interior yesterday afternoon and is sailing tonight by the steamer Prince Ceorge for Vancouver. The cily council last night authorized Hie purchase of 27.-Illin feel of cedar lumber a! 42G iter thousand from Ihe Hi? Hay Lumber Co. It will be used in connection vvilh the grading work on Filth Avenue l'asl. Miss Mary Kaslhope, school teacher al Kitwanga, arrived in Ihe cily last evening and is. the guest of Archbishop and Mrs. F. H. DuVernet, Fourth Avenue Kast, pending her departure lo-itrbl for Vancouver where she will spend Ihe Christmas The annual concert of the pupils of tho Prince Rupert Public Schools was repealed last night before another record crowd in the auditorium of Booth Memorial School. The High School concert takes place this evening in Hie Kmpress Tbealre. on Tile's Slore for Special Prices all House Furuishines. ANNOUNCEMENTS High School Xmas. Concert. December 20. Hill CO I.O. D. K. Tea Dansanl in Klks Home, New Year's Afternoon. Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.K. Dance 'on New Year's Night, Jnnuary t. H2i, in Elks' Heme. HPS CIGARETTES .HEDIUM- Mor Sold than all other brands combined "The Hoover" IT BEATS, AS IT SWEEPS, AS IT CLEANS. Jit BUY YOUR HOOVER NOW FOR LESS MONEY! By ordering your Hoover now you will save money. The first of Ihe year the price of The Hoover will he increased. GIVE A HOOVER FOR CHRISTMAS. The Hoover us a Christmas. (Jifl lo your wife or mother will kcip alive the memory of your thoughlfulness for many years, diirinp which it will be saving time and strength and keeping Ihe home immat'iilate for her. Only $8.00 Down! Easy Terms. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Tel. 3. We Deliver. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant Box 1646. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, November 30, December 19, January 4 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, November 26, December 15, 31 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Silllntl From Prince Ruprt. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Oen Fll, knt Swtntoii , Tufrtty, fM. Tot VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, AUrt Sty, tntf Swtnion Bar, ttur1t! No. For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wilt. Itlond, Sun4tv S PJH. For PORT SimPSON an4 NM Rlt.r Ctnn.rloi FrMlj A.M. IJ tart Avroue. J. BtrntUy, Agont. Price Rupert. B.C I nana V ni iiW ft tilt t? r i u is is I t I