esday, August 7, 1923. i at Reduced Prices New goods will arrive shortly. lleiiiiiunU iimsl go, discontinued linos must go. Prices Cut in Two Away lcluw cost. See our window. Now is jour opportunity (o got Mimdliing Tor Hie children at ery small coil. One fourlli off on all toys and much mure on others. sMaeMm.JM Ml mm Coast Steamships Sailings from Prince Rupert- S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince George FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. 8.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Queen Charlotte Islands Aug. 8 and 22 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Imt I' -lm llufwil dally rirrpt Sunday at 64 pin ! I'rlnr nronn, Frfmnntn. W.nmrf. dlwi .itine.-tiuna ill nninit tou-ro Canada mil l'nlld. Malta, i: :nw liii at rurl Arthur and tiuliilti lln .Viilwrn iiiilion traiiM-ri All Or. at Ukr City TlctaV Offlca, BIT Third A., frliita Rtiptrl. Phen 110. X' '9 f CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAK B.C. Coast Service! Sailingsfrom PrinceRupert iS.SPRINCE8S--LOUI8E,fcr8.S. PRINCESS ALICE.-' For Viftcouver,' Victoria and Seattle, fytfi August 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 29. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, v. August 3, 6, 13, 17, 24, 27. S.8. PRINCE8S BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Fills, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. llln I run ITlnrr liurrt, for VANCOUVM, VICTORIA, Oci Fttlt, and Bwanaon Bay, Tueadar, B PJH. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Banean Bay, Saturday Nhh, for ANYOX, ALICI ARM, STIWART, W.I.I leland, Sunday B P.m. Per PORT SIMPSON and Neae Rlttr Cannerlae, Friday A.M. 613 fnd Avrtiua. J. Sarneley, AaenL I'rtnre lluiwrt, B.O 10000 I B.C.'s Million) Xhj Dollar Brew-- U IfL Order today from 9? any Govt. Vendor 5 VANCOUVER v M V M LIMITED MrW SheBctr without ikcr This advertisement is 6t rmblisheil nr Isplayetl hy the Liquor Control Hoard or by the (lovernment of 11. C. TBI DAILY NEWS " FAQL THMg Mrs. Jensen and children ar rived home" lust night after a Local and Personal visit to Queen Charlotte City. li. C. Undertakers, Phone 41. tf May uers, Undertakers. Pbone 351. , tf it it Hi nt her Hills. May Heid for irnivul (Jueen. - Ice, Wood or Coal, l'liunc lied 23. Casey'a Transfer. If 4 Oluf Hanson returned ou lust night's train from Sniilhcrs. Save Money! lluy our Nanalmo Wellington Nut Coat at 1 3.50 a ton, Albert 4 McCuffery, Ltd. If - Mr. Wallace, and child of lelkwa relumed last uighl from visiting Mr. and Mrs. lticliardou hi the Islands. 4 Morte Craig relumed lo tin1 rily by I lie steamer Prince Hu peer! yesterday afternoon from a brief huinc trip south. lifgfnuld lte'aumoul, local 'su. periiiteudeiil .for the Canadian (ioveiiimeiit ' Merchant. Marine, reliirued from a hiisiuess trip to i lie iutefiftr last night. H. S. Muuro. general manager if (he (iranby Of.; ' was, a pas cns:er .khiiiz IhriMigh lo Anyox fFOfrVrVHiintvcr oh, lhe Jeatuer Caid( j$K SumUy x'veniiigv - l liKliext tiji.M..M Ai-se lit come here fur tiimlier for the Orient will, il if iiiul'TsliMid, lie the Canadian Imeulnr. She i ilue in Yaiinniw-r in a day or o and should ln here uImhU August .'U Mrs. H'Mrien. nf the lireen litiiix'. ia lramferred Iwr pi mid 'U I fliiwer to UTi SeiMunl Avpuiu,' wtlere hlie will he pleas il In ineel her old eitumers and where new "die will he eotirte oiily reeeivpd. 1K5 - Opi-ntiig nf tender for tint nrfai ing uf 1-iiurlh uml Fiflti Avenue. eclinii 5, wa deferred hy llif rily I'ouiii'il lal hikIiI uii til rinnoilay night nf tliis week wliep a ppwiHl im-eling will be hi-li( fur the iiirpne. ... - .. -. . . i. Mr. ami Mis. Alitianl 11. Crow el I nml. ehild left hil night for Kilwumtu where tliey will spend a fiw nimilh Intlidayiiig. Mr. r.r.iwell is severing hl euiinee-liuti wilh Itie l-V H. Hunt Co., I. hi ami is ilipoitig of his interest therin. Mr. Williaiii lliillie aud un arrived fnnii Vaiiruuver eler-day ami will spend miiiu- time In-re vi-iliug with Mrs. l."Mcl. Ilnnler. 0IM l-iflh Avenue Kiil. Mr. Ilaillie is the wire nf Chief Kugitieer Ilaillie of the steamer I'rince Ituperl. K. C. Manning, formerly district forester hero and who went south several month ngu In lake uii new diitie in the head ullirn of the Finest . Hraneli at VieliJriliV Was recently fn Hie in-lorit and Svill he here shhrtly for ; brief visil. He Is on it lour of Hp1 iirnvinre on ollicial btisi-. uess. I A lenort fnnii City Treautiar (MalhelMiii reeiUutuendiug thai .eertinii Vlelnry Hnnd in the city's 'sitiking fund reserve be dipos-i.i.t ..r i-,....i i... ii... ...,n..,.ii ' Mil MVM IJ IUV V'BI. last night and referred to the Finance Committee. The city holds t 1.70(1 worth nf these hoiidi. worth from IUI.10 to II:'. tlnly in.HS-.' are required to he lield in I he winking fiunl. Id Plus ,1o r Per Piece. 1 a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service Alt of your washing 80 pat cant or yout ironing v.rythlng raturnaj dry You almply touch up a f.w outar carmants such a waists, blousaa, houia dr.sara, with hand-Iron. Phona ua today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. Jlev. Father ,. L. DcLestcr Is visiting (J. 1. and Mrs. Ueatlie it (Jueen Chariotle'Cily. F. Hicks, of Port Clements, is I vjjddng Hie cily4oday, having arrived last night on the Prince John. . C. W. Homer, provincial asses sor, arrived last 'night from an oHIcial visit to (Jueen Charlotte Mauds. W. Splatie, owner of the J ockeporl cannery went as far a .ockeport ou the I'rince Joluil this lri. M(s V. Walton of Cohhlc Hill arrived two days .ago on a visit I lo her sister Mrs. A. Mitchell of Cuiushewu. Nels l.arsen ami J. Munii. both milling men, visited Lockcportl this week, arriving north ou the I I'rince John. !. It. Lous of " Vancouver left for Stewart last night having made the trip from Vancouver on the I'rince John. )'.. Xhaw of .Muckley Hay is making the round trip to this city on the I'rince John return ing tomorrow evening. The city council K,0uu lem. pornry borrowing bylaw was re-1 enniili-red and finally adopted I at lal night meeting. II. F. l'ullen relumed laxt night from a lour nf part id (iraliam Ulaml inade in the in-1 lerel of the laily News. The Ladies: ''Auxiliary of SI. iidrew'' Society wjjll hnhl a sale! nf work in St. Andrew" rooms. I Second Avejititui leci'inlcc 1. Ceurue Hill of Ihi city re- lunieil lat night from Maett where lie has been making a holiday viil with' Mr. and Mr. Ward at .North Iteacli. Mr. Marled, father of II. II. .Marled, manager nr the Huckley Mill arrived Itiglil mi the I'rince John '" aipl " leaves thi eveuing for his homo at l'orlage b ii : : Mr. Iaii McKinniin, wife nf the chief ollicer nf the I'rince John, is makiug the round trip mi die leamer with . tier hus band. She arrived here at mid uighl lat night and left for Stewart later. r (ienrge A. Woodland, manager uflhe liniierial (lil Coiimauy. ar rived Inline .last night on die Prince John from a business trip down the coat. While away ho viited both friend" in .North Vancouver where Mrs. Wood land Is slaying. - The city council,' on recoin lueiiilatioit of I he finance com mittee, 'last night authorized the payment nf $10 In the Ureal War Veterans' Association to partly cover die funeral expenses of the late Cant. William Sdltoti who died without means. . Klks Flag I lay, AuguM V, at rrnpolis Hill. Children's Mas. ipierade Uauce in Klk' Home in evening. Six valuable prixes for die best dresed, inunle and ori ginal couples. Adults lake the floor afterwards. Special music and refreshment provided. 18(1 I'AHAIU: leaves F.I.KS' HOMF. at I p.m. ou Thursday, I lie Klks' Flag Hay. to Acropolis Hill, with (he Clowns' Hand in the lead. Musiiueriule dance for the kiddies from 8 to 10, for die., grown-up kiddies from til lo I. Special muic and refreshments. I. el's pul it over hoys! Among the passengers making the northbound trip from Vancouver on the I'rince John were Mr. and Mrs. Walt who are louring the country. Mr. Watt Is in business near London, Kng-1 ji it I, and his son is a sltnlenf at the University at Saskatoon wilh a view to becoming an Anglican clergyman. ; s II. 0. Hell-Irving, president of the Vancouver salmon cunning firm bearing his name, arrived from the Nans lliver un the I nlou steamer Cardena this afternoon, having gone north on die same steamer Sunday night, lleforo reluming to Vancouver, Mr. Hell-Irving plan on visiting his interest on tlt- Skecna river. I our pipe 5: (i.W.V.A. grneral ineelm will he held on Tuesday, Aug. 7th at' 8 IB" Cipt. II. It. Itabiugliiii arrived nn Hie 1'rinee. llui'irli xelefUiy afternoon tr&MvBhtW! u Mis Andrevvs, nurse ii' tliej Skidegale Indian rierve, arrived! here yesterday en route east fori a holiday. . I. S ltuiil.ui m:iii:i'-i!' if Hip Pacific Mills, was a passenger as far as Ocean Falls on die steam er Prince Ituperl nn Sunday. Mrs. II. H. Un ,-ind daughters who have been holidaying in the south, returned to the cily on the Prince Ituperl yesterday after noon. .Notice. High th Avenue, between Conrad Street and Seal Cove School will be closed for repairs from ? a.m. until - p.m. each day llu week. 185 II. SI. (J. Lee returned to town uu last uighl train after spending die week end al Terrace with his family who have taken up a summer eami at l.akelso Lake. 4. .1. W. .Nicholls, comptroller of die Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. vvlin has been . ou a business trip lo Vancouver, relumed ' on die Prince Hupert yesterday afternoon. Application from II. Douglas In purchase 1'its 13 ami It, block ."i, section I for still was referred lo die finance committee by die cily council last uighl. The lots are located ou Iteaeh Place. Col. aud Mrs. F. A. Kidd were passenger arriving from the south on the Prince Ituperl yesterday afternoon and proceeding east un the evening train. Col. Kidd is a prominent Toronto sugar manufacturer. (i. V. Hull, manager nf the main branch of the Canadian Hank of Commerce in Vancou ver ami a director of the UnhHi Steamship Co., is' in die city this afternoon. He is . lfluking the round trip north on the steamer .CaTdena and is accrini-lloll panied by Mrs. and Miss Holt. You at not GZEMA when E t'liuWa you usa Oint Ur. ment for Ketrmiw and Sklu Irrlu-tkHu. It rrllf Tra at once and. gradually bct Uta akin. Nuuplo box Dr. Chase'! i nintinrnt Irre If oi mention this and aend 20. awinp forjswwr. v. a Kiwr X ttll dealers or Ktlnum"1". ? & tVi, Limited. Turon'" it with. ItScdufks" Rupert" Brand Kippers SMOKED DAILY by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Our plant is equipped to lndle all kinds of Marine and Commercial Work PHONES CUT PLUG If you., roll your IFODQH EOT 43 AND SM Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Store." WE CA8H CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 91. - " i j II tft if I ti-nij 'iiD 'tlU t M . t i. i !-t ' ...,i .11! I