i..... Thai I he Prim-" lluiierl Sulphite and Kihre Co. Ltd., winch recenlly !iriiiim Ihr Heal liou sawmill ami (lie exleiiive lim- Iter Iimils going with Hie properly from Ihs J. H. Kmersuii e-j flair. Iia il. plain prepared mid ha onhred machinery for uj liu (on bleached sulphite plant lo he nl in operation within thei next twelve mouth i leanieil on Ihr Iet of authority by the llaily New. Thu pulp mill, which is In he ?slaMihed hrrr, will lie twire in large, n the plant of I he YVhalcu Pulp v Paper Co, at Adviei' n irreived here thai Ihe Canadian, halihul schooner Thel- jhwHiuon Hay and will provide ; employment for 600 or 700 men. ill will consist of Mime seven or eight new concrrle building ami the rol of lliese building mill I lie machinery w ill te anywhere friiiii Hon,0(io to H.ooo.- oon. II will lake h-vi-h or eight month lo gel the marhiiier)' I laid down here a the most of il, not being available in Can- lada, has lo he manufactured In iKiiKland and Ihr United latrs. In Ihr meantime an rarly lar' I ill I Stair- Kovrrniiwnl w;LII1,arttioiL of the llr al at ii. 1tie AiiTenr'a-ftiriltia,,-j Airfnvx.;T.d T?rlTrnfTo n!iTOcmn , maj dipt .(Icorga Krilz, .which met Umln, Willi mishap and lost two men mil 1 l.t; fishlnK banks ten day, ago, (JUEEN'S UNIVERSITY Is having I i ii i rii i'v 1'iMialrs inmlei All A J l. Jiincmi before proceeding lo I'riucH Ilupert. She may not be here for davem! days yet, The flair over Ihe Norweuiiin CoiiMilale is unfurled today in "1'servaneo of Ihe birlhday of "e uue.r, " Norway. Ihr pre- t I.l..r SllillVoVtl I llf CHWIlllll IU l- V"l...r.. ""I'"'"- IM-H.H , , ., Maru went nhore near Monlacun roium ,... Inland, laka, Priner William Sound, emi m l" and . eMieeled lo he a.P"''",',' lundier. total I", Hi'ordiuK from Cordova. Kpalch null lli'lll iiiiuih. to a REPAIRS IN NORTH rive Prom Juneau For Several Days Yet this iimulli, LEYIATHAN BREAKS in l l lie new mm u- i- vm,i-iiii.cd of WiM-ousin, Iowa- and ... mrn and ii wo of r the II,.. n.e.Mi.e ald nothing of.llfonila already in an- fate of more than Ihirly men Principal are ahoard tin, veel. It ,taled.tl.at emiver. I hey are expec Ihe tR lh.iuacon.vs had lake,, arrive in ""uZi Ihe Prince Hupert ii... ui..i..i.. i.. ,.fr n.n near future. ii" 1 1 1 1 1 r v R 1 1 M irii vi.., ,n,... i.i,..,.i. i, i r. I Sulnliile ami iiiimi i-.iiiMin imi, liv n fii.rn, unln In ilrim till' lalited freiithler nod to remain uland iiiK hy hut hrlplrxs hecaue the li'iiipi'! to plve any help. The poillou of Ihe wreck Kihre Co. I capi at 1,500,000. wnile I no ifirl auiiouncemeni oi me com- ..f nlelion of the null deal Maieii thai 500,000 had heen paid for u'lhe mill and liniher llmll, It is ni.,., i y'.ii ...n.. ......i i.......,i ,,r now leanieu lliat me nuurc ns ,.,. IIIM-n ,l 111 , ,,. ,11 ii... ii lliimacouna v. n. iii tic it nmier inan mui. ii ir im; II IIIIIHI.IMIIIII ll"l II," - , , vessel in low. The Hliinkoku went udrift No Mmilipr i on breaking her tail shaft. THELMA RECEIVING final pa) mem nianc enj ATLANTIC RECORDS :V YOUK, N'v. 20. The . . . i . , i . i MIiiiip l.i'v i.i inn en i pen uiiiu'uu . iiilnules off Ihe hesl previous i-ocsi Halibut Boat May Not Ar- ... .... t. ,llanlic, cross hiB from Cherbounr in five days, nveii hours and 20 minutes. 'i i.n ) nieviou record was made by the Cunanlor Maine DEC l3 Land and Sea Traffic Held up and Sports Interfered With In Old Land LONDON, Nov. 26. The greater part of Britain was held In the grip of frost and fog over the week end. Ports were tied up, land traffic halted and In some places sport programs were Interfered with. FITZMAURICE MEETS FRIENDS OF BROTHER Expresses Gratitude For Kind ness to Himself and Marks of Respect For Brother's Memory J. II. Kil.niaur'ieo. brother of the lale (. S. Kitzmaurire, who was here at the week end for Ihe funeral and who lias been the Kuesl of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ward ilurinu his brief slay in Ihe city, relumed lo Vancouver last niclit. Hefore leaving he ex. pressed a desire lo meet nt least few of hi late brother. per sonal friends, so Secretary A. J. Hishop of the (S.W.V.A. immediately ;iathcrcd as many as possible at short not he. The presi dent of the association, the ex- ecullve and several of the members met at the rooms at ten o'clock and Mr. Kilznvauriee, speaking with deep emotion, expressed gratitude and appreciation for Ihe sympathy ami. kind ness shown him personally and for Ihe marks of esCevni Iho citi SIX MONTHS AND $200 FINE FOR Whan Yi Want A rP5k 8Br NEW BOSTON GRILL 99 Third-Ava. The Latest in Heslauranlii. Private fifties for Ladies Pkne tt and Party Use, Mi Oar and Bast Sarvlea PRINZE RUPERT Best Food. Best Service. In th City. Rates Reasonable 'Take Her to the Iloslon." Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. VOL. MIL, .NO, 278. IMUNCi: HL PKIIT, B.C., MONDAY. N'OVKMHKIl 20, i2:j. Sturdr' OlrcvUHon 1721. Siritt StlM. SS4. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 7v,7,',r A 1 1 1 1 1 f i '"i I au Mf k -'V.. 11LTT OULi HITE PLANT IS TO BE LARGE ONE WILL HAVE CAPACITY OF 90 TONS A ;DAY BLEACHED; MACHINERY ORDERED Pulp Mill Here to be Twice the Size of that at Swanson Bay and Machinery said Already Ordered LIS. PROPOSES CO-OPERATION WITH CANADA Wishes to Prevent Uquor Smug gling Into That Country and Asks Aid VIIIMi Mix mix. me , j riperled on JAP FREIGHTER IS TOTAL LOSS al.heal lime juopiW bulld- ilinn Ibpior Jmiinglitig conference lp,, ir ! illi ttsr of a wharr opening tomorrow at Ottawa that w,c, w , ued for the direct clearance of hlp deittlnril for loadinz of ocean going steamer lulled Slate port with liijuor , , included in the Immedi-rargoe 1 prohibited hy Canada; ,c j,ftn(, ,,f n,c m.V rompany. that search and seizure of erl -pijc mill buildins will he surh engaged In smuggling ou the (ta equipment may he readily tireal l.al.Vi lie authorized: and Hj,,H fr (. iriHluclion of the that treaty arrangement he ftiwf oaper product. iiia.ln fur I In- otlrn.llllllll U Iter. i Mm accused of violating II. fll.,n.. II .... .- Cllll.ll lo 1 lie I Mar i.uirvit -., ,Me,A Kihre Ok Lid. expectn to oh- liijuor lawn. 'IhIii lis water and power from Ihr cil) hut II may eventually jinlali( own walcr and power plant. If KUlllcicitl orders can lie ob- lained lo ensure steady opera - :1 Ion hefore the pulp mill l huill. I he vprenent nawmill n' ' l. itopeiied by the new inler- Shlnkoku Went Ashora Prlnc p((i (, n euy dllU, lt j, William Sound, Alaska, Af- H,j ia) , s in ouch a tar Drifting Long Time Ui,,,,,,. ,,ow thai it rmild he cut- uim .... ri. llnz naain within thirty day. fM..vnui.. .iin. .... ...v - NOMINATIONS TODAY IN GREAT BRITAIN 1400 CANDIDATES I.OMlO.V ,'ov. SC-Anollier stage in I he Ken-eral election cainpaiuu wa reached today with the nominal ion of more than 1 100 candidate for 015 parliamentary rcnl. Polling lake iilace on liecemlier C and in the meantime the contest proiiijiT to he mo-t fiercely contested. BRITAIN IN FROST GRIP zens of Prince Huperl, the (ireahileeiiled War Veterans and the Kirst 11.(1. Ileitimeut had shown at the passing of his brother. HAVING MORPHINE iiuii i.uoe, i.iuui'se, louuil guilty of having morphine In his possession, was sentenced lo six innnlli nl OL.1II11 lrimi l-'nrm I here wn jrreat rejoicing when the Turks re-occupied Gonlautinop!e. Kii-lhusiaUc crowds cheered th- march of General Shukri Naili p.-ha and hi men of the Iron Division on their entry into the cUv. ALDER REPORTS ON CONVENTION efr In Qnsollne Tax, Prince; Rupert Road and Other Matters Taken up by Associated Boards., YV. J. Alder of Victoria, dele-gale for Prince Hupert lo the Associated Hoard of Trade convention held recently at Vancouver, ha submilleil his report lo the local board and il will be iire'iileil at Ihe next regular meeting. Mr. Alder was a member of the resolutions eommilli-e at Ihe convention. Kamloops. Gasoline Tax deporting on the mailer of! Ihe proposed gasoline lax. Mr. Abler report that a reiuel was made recommending that such a lax not apply to gasoline used for fishing and marine purposes. This was opposed n Ihe ground that Ihe propoed lax would constitute an invasion of iMiniiiiuii righls and would he ultra vire. Accordingly Ihe Associated Hoards took the view that it should not in any way recognize Ihe righl by asking for exemption of fishing inlet ests. It was also pointed out that there had ln-en no proposal to tax gasoline used for marine purposes hi)l il was purely a road measure lo make (hose who used the road pay. for I hem. deferring lo Ihe Prince Hupert road which the convention unanimously recommended should be built. Mr. Alder said this was passed in a hearty manner. One oil speaker characterised I lie lack iprairie. of a road at Prince Huperl as "a damn shame." Extended Invitation Mr. Alder invited Ihe. Associ-ated Hoards to hold the next convention in Prince Huperl lull, ou account of I lie expense ami oilier obstacles that would he involved in doing so, it was to meet next year al deference lo Ihe completion of Ihe Pacific Ureal Kaslern Hallway to Prince Ueorge and extension to the Peace Hiver nnd oilier mailers which were dealt with by the convention is contained in Mr. Alder's report. 'YAI.F. WON THE FIRST OVER HARVARD 3 YEARS CAMHHIIHIK, Mass., Nov. 20- ARF RUGBY lHAMlUNn,,1 nurd 200 will, the optUm of Ynlo won the first ruby "hnm- lU II,,.,,,, ,,,,,,, II. u l I,.,.,..!.,.,.. '..! i.i.. :.. il. i..f....l M HOMinif i-.,uii iiut'i istni- iiiiusnii 111 iiin'r jri'iw s iirifin- KINHSICiN, Nov. 2. Uueen's nient by Maglslrale McClymont In lug Harvard t to nolhlng. Hain University won the eastern rugby. Ihe police court this morning, and mud marred Ihe game. The championship. defeating the The prosecution was conducted Army and Navy learns went rull Tigers or Hamilton 13 to 5. jby the Hoyal Mounted Police who time, without scoring. In the mud Ouecn's will now play Hegina arrested accused, and Milton Oon.'and rain at New York. The trains !.).. . I . . ' .. I . I ihe Li ui!.;i- a tine. aput-a.-ei, in ! u ueitul:e v,, ft tiren . -m British Liquor Smuggler Seized hy United States Outside Three Mile Limit wnu'i.-. -r.w iunh. Adv. 2. The British auxiliary schooner loinuko was seized nner u sharp engagement six miles off shore and in hsr hold was found William McCoy i Hiimmy Bill characterized as the rum smuggling king. In his pockets Was Ihe sum of $00,000 and in Ihe safe another $.'10,000. Two hundred case (r liquor was all lhat remained aboard. The schooner's master declared he was not liable to seizure as Ihe twelve mile limit treaty between Britain and the United Stales had not yet become effective. LONDON. Nov. 26. If Ihe schooner Tomako. seized hy Ihe 4 L'niled Stales proves lo be aj British ship with papers in or-' der. Ihe British government will i probably bulge a formal protest! againut Ihe seizure outside the three mile limit. 'Hie protest, will be in order mainly to keep Ihe record clear on the three mile, limit issue pending final agree-j uienl on the rum running treaty permitting seizures outside the' limit. j ARCHDEACON MCKAY DIES AGED 85 YEARS; Pit INCH AI.HKHC, Nov. 20. j Venerable Archdeeon McKay died this morning al North Battle-ford after a short illness al the age of 85. When the veteran missionary, came west the sites of Minueap. and St. Paul were virgin I'lie Arrhdeacon's work was closely associated with mission-1 ary efforts among the Indians.! He Irnslatcd Ihe Bible and I Prayer Bonk and other into the Cree language. IINITFD STATRX SHIP works Undergo Annual Cleaning and Painting Hero United Slates lighthouse ten der Cedar, Capt. Leadbetler. ar- I It- iSwd'. early Uiis tnorning from f 1 Ketchikan and Is lying at the ud BELGIUM SEIZES GERMAN ROLLING STOCK INDEMNITY BHLSSEI.S. Nov. 20. The Belaian Uovernment today seized Herman rolling slock at Luishurg and llainliorn in view of Uer-mauy's failure lo reply to Belgium's ultimatum demanding an indemnity of 11.250.000 franc for the assassination of Lfeul. (iralT in March, 1922. FISH ARRIVALS Eight Boats Marketed Pounds of Halibut This Morning acted al the Kisli Kxchange this morning when eight halibut AT DRY DOCK TODAY " IJ? H. Neilson, '7,000 pounds, and Lighthouse Tendtr Cedar . Korward, 15,000 pounds, at ll.ftc I ,- I.. 1, 1 t!.l. IV. huh. vv, I" ine itovm r isu u". i........ in nun .. i . i i Ia YUKON'S OPEN RECORD SEASON River Closed Saturday, Eight Days Later Than Known Within Memory MWSOX, Nov. 26. The longest summer reason within memory of an old sourdough came to an end Saturday. The Yukon river closed over here at noon at (he bidding: of old Jack Krosl, just eight day later than the previous record, (The season of navigation on the Yukon opened on May 10 of jthi.s year, making an open season this year or at least two weeks longer than teorde sY.tohcLQ longer than lhev record. .November IC, 1922, and the same day in 1918, was Ihe previous late record for the closing of the river.' From May lo this dale the present summer season had yielded a mean lemperature of 57 degrees Kahrcnheit, which is also a record. Tlie mild weather is (he more amazing: because it lasted to within three weeks of Ihe shortest day of the year, which in the Yukon, is night without Jay: DANCOATESIS HANDSOME MAN Wins Trophy for Handsomest In Yukon; Contest Still Going on l UAWON, Nov. G. Yukon's (beauty contest has been com- jPleled with unexceptional weather jfor Ihe foremost place in .the !osip of the Klondike during the pa.t few weeks. The most hand- some and most popular man in Ithe Yukon was voted to be Ian Coates, a former Winnipeg man. He was presented with a trophy (engraved "Handsome- ;now is trying to live Dan" and down the title. ; Coates is president oT (lie Daw- son hockey, league and owner or the fastest horse in (lie Y.ukon "Starlight," the horse that for- 'merly held i?i Vancouver the pacing record or 2.8 rial. The contest to decide the most beautiful girl in the Yukou. js'Iess easy to conclude ind the HFAVIFR TODAY .controversy rages at fever 'ieat iiLfiniiii luunijj,, The pjptjjt Yukon born 'izirl will be awarded a tronhv of The heaviest day's business 262,500 . ......iii.,-,, r Klondike irotd nuz. - - gets and her next rouititor will get a nugget wristlet. for several weeks past was Irans- KILMARTIN FREED BY TECHNICALITY schooners marketed catches totalling 202.5DO pounds. There Information Leading up to Mis was. only mne i.anaiiiau uoa . Arrest Was Not Signed . Charged Selling Liquor Paddy Kilmartin was. released by Chief Justice Hunter in the Supreme Court al Vancouver last MMIUS, I', villi lllllllllS, HI ...!. , , lrM,,nll,,M 9e. lo the Pacific fisheries .an. , , , ,, , ,s hai llot Seattle. .90.000 pounds, at, .-,i u ,n- .... it. . ,ii.. .-i i. smnrii. niimuiiiu ij.'jc nun ve, in me .iiiu Viking. was brought from Ferule to Port Alberni ..n'vim. where ..iii., hs ,c was alleged tu a. ........ i, IKsund , at . i lo h 80ldJiqu0r, and, Hepublic, "o,000 J !,, ,,.. liu . Vnllminl ilrv iliifk liti.r' I.. . I I I ,i ,.. II... .,,..,.,,.,. ,imiiius, i i hi hiiu in., i inn t ninircr hi awailtng being taken up on ine;c.anailian Fish & Cold Storage lyfllU UIl tnlilEOC 111 pontoons for annual cleaning and painting. If weather is favorable, the job should Ik done and Ihe vessel away towards the middle of the week. A. J. Prudhomme is in I own from Telkwa. He expects In spend a couple (f months in the -culli 'In- '.vinti'V Co. : Anna J 4 31,000 pounds, at lt.Sc and Viy to the Booth Fish. eries Canadian Co. . Canadian Iris, t ,5(10 pounds, .at tl.'.'e and BIG GAMBLING JOINT VICTOIUA, Nov. 20. KlBhly-seveif Chinese were arrested afternoon and Ihe Fay Yen 9c. tu the Canadian Fish .V Society Is charged with keeping Cold Storage Co. Jihcrihi 'ir thi Dajtjr Nrvv. a gambling house. Kighty-five of the men arrested were allowed H . " I.-, it i f , a h