m 1" -' PAOI BIX All Wool Cashmere Hose, Mack, browns, greys sands; sizes lo 10. Special, per pair 1 95c Drop Stitch Art silk Hose, garter lop; a dressy slacking, in broWn, black ami while. Special per pair 95c Mail Orders promptly executed. We pay de.ivery charges. H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. We Prepay Mail Orders. Phone 9. Telephone Specials Shopfcy Phone to Save Time ami Muucy. Note Phone Specials Only. OranulatedjISugar. 9 lbs. for ... F.v $1.00 ! (Limit 18' lb. to each j customer . I ' Washing Soda, il,7or 25c i (Limit 12 lbs. 0j each i customer.! .' I OW Dutch Cleanser, 3 for-1 , 35c i Sunlight Soap, carton.. 25c t'filu Vta'tlli. Cahi fifa tf f all t K n l ia . VU' i ill it'll 90c Maple Leaf Matches, pkge. , ... ... 35c Wild Hose or Snowflake i'aslry Flour, 10 lb. sack fiTr. 50c JHucJuLab! Catsup. Re?. 50e. ''Vne special . . 40c Canada. Com starch, pkge. for v.'i, . . .,,) 10c While Closs Laundry '.Starch, pkge.., 10c llojrers' Syrup, 5'sj.y. 55c 10s J .$1.05 Kvaporatctr Apricot, ft, 20c Kvaporaled OedcHeS lb. 20il Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 The Demand For Whole Wheat Bread Is Increasing. Our customers now using 11 arc enthusiastic over its quality and appetising flavor. Try a Loaf Today From your Grocer or from the Electric W indo w Bakeries You can't get thai flash he&t so necessary lo baking cakes unlc&i. you use clean Coal. UON8UMEHS COAL, ctcancd free from choking shale, burns brightly. It sends clean heal direct to tho oven steady heat which stays. Our Coal is free Xrom soot. . Consumers Coal Co. Ltd Phones' 7 and 311. m NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. URNS LAKE SCHOOL. Loggers & Prospectors BOOTS Men's Fin Shots from $4.50 Men's Brown CalfShoes, in Goodyear Welt, wide .or harrow toes, from "" $5.50 Hand Made Loggers' Boots from $8.50 f .. REPAIRING. GEO. HILL -kXn Shoeman. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. 1 Snoriah r Heather Mixture Rib Wool Hose, in brown nnd lualliers; sizes 8V4 lo 10. Special, per pair , grouii . 95c SEALFO TKMKH. .endorsed "Trnler ror Hum Lake Srhool. will be reetvlved by the Honourable, the Minister or Public Work up to it oTIork 'ikk' of Thursday. I In- Sttl day of October, itii. tor the. rrertlon and rompletlon nf a three-room School villi bar(nent and outhouse, al Bum LaVr. n the Omlnera Electoral OlMrlrt, B.C. Plan. r"lfl-atlin. Detract, and form r Tender may tx een on and arter the 1 1 lb day of Ortober. 191J. and further Information obtained at the Penan-men I or rubllr -Work. Parliament Build-lnr. and at the Offices or the Government Arenl at SmltherM and Prlnre fienrre. Copies of Plans. specification... etc.. ran be obtained rroin the Department on payment or a ilepnlt of Trn rV.lhir (I.(mi.. whlrh will lie refunded. on their return In rood condition. Tlie lowest or any tender not neces-arlly arcepied, P. PIIIJJP. Ptiblir Works tirttueer. The Department of Public WorkV.v Victoria. B.C. t 1 Ortober 4lh. I MS. ".! LOGGERS' CLUB . I f i t i aa suuaic in mc oiu r.mpress Hotel Huilding. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLE8. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. nieUttteDolirrly' Gui)iU(dwiJ' ordinary sited pianCv Sewing Muchintb, -r , Phono- gratdis and Player i-oaoa For Hcnl by Week or Month. , Waikep's Wusir. Slore Ltd. SUGGESTIONS ARE MADE ta niTru Mcirucu c OTTAWA, Oct. 23. "11 may sound absurd, bul (he opinion is being expressed even within the ranks of the Conservative party that Premier Howard Ferguson of Ontario may bo I lie next prime minister of Canada," says the Citizen, editorially. "More than the purchase of ice cream for the little Ouebeckers will l)e re ii Hired of Mr. Fcrgusou before he can break Hie solid sixty-fix c members who sit to- if-tlier on what is called the Lib itu I side of (lie House. Hut it i luuc possiuie inai wuu mc as sistance of Itoberl llogers and the memorizing of one speech in tho French language be might coin- mend himself as u likely winner to the commissariat department of the Conservative party in Mou treal. Currle Mentioned Mr Arthur i.urrie name is sometimes ineutioued, but Sir Arthur gives no hint of being ambitious to lead party cohorts with a wooden sword in the cardboard battle of politics." The editorial continues: "The schemers who are hunting lo discover a new premier uiid leader lo groom for the nonunion premiership would perhaps be really of n.-c lo Canada if I hey were to relieve Mr. Meighen of his pre sent position. A Conservative. parly leader he is lost lo the country, lie has talents, ami courage thai would he ofVrVaU service to I he Canadian people. "There. Touhl be greater public confidence in Mr. Meighen as a national leader, however, if he were to make a break with reaction himself, rather than wail mtil flie schemers displace him." 4 l.i t4 NOTICE Adwrllsers. ire( reminded I hat cotyi'ifof. advertisement! fdiouidj-fee ipdhe Daily News ofllc before i p.m. today lo ejisuVe ij-nertion in tomorrow's Issue. If FULLER ft ATKINS s Providers. rr ' SPECIALS FOR tHlS WEEK Swift s Hrt'aatC; . Ita:on, slirvd, er lb. .'. 45c H.C. Kggs. guUiiihtewi p-r iloz .'. Oc, Local Kggs. per dot . . . 70o Oullbn Jars Chow Pickles, lleg. fl.'io. Special for cash ... $1.65 tins Sardines and one tin Kippered Herring for 25c Cheese, Ontario, fresh, per lb 35o Corn tin Cob, in tins. Spe. . cial , . 35c Freh Pork Sausage, lb. 25c We have in slock al all limes live chicken and fowl. We will kill ami dress tliem for you. Apple Special, This Week Only, Fancy Mcintosh lteds. per box $2.65 EXTRA SPECIAL. 1 lb., of Cocoa and 3 of Fresh Ground Coffee, all for $1.00. Potatoes Grade "A," Karly Hose, per sack .... $1.50 Potatoes -Grade "A", while. per sack $1.76 Phone 45 and 574. Dr. E. S. TAIT 7 r DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 8 to 8. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, ano Distributing. Team or . Motor Service. Csal, Sand and Gravel. We &Lvsiallza In Piano and Furniture FSovlng. . TBI DAILY JIIWR Tuesday, October 23, jjjj iv viivii muunui no . CONSERVATIVE LEADER' mPs like the Extra Cream l"p the Fntser Valley, In the centre of a duiryinsr ditriet, is a shop which sells tremendous luanlihes or Paeiric Milk. It seem thai several prospect and small logging ranrps are working in the hills heliiud this town, lis proprirlor sas he sells about led cases of I'ueifio Milk to one or all the others rouiliined. Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver, B. C. Factories at Ladner and Ab-botaford, B. C. OFFICERS OF WAR TIMBER SALE X 5402. Sealed TelHiem will lie rrrelietl lit tile Mliilttrr of Ijiii). at Vletnrla. liut later I Imii n-xio on tlw 6tli iUy of tirtoljer, tJ. for thr purrln.e of Llrrtirv XiiOt. t rut tl.ouii Jarkplne Tien isi irtloii of sernisi io aim 17, T. I. lunre a. uan Itlttrlrt. Two (t'i leara will be allownl for re moval of tlinlr. further parllrulara of Die Chief Korea- ter, Vlrtoria. B.r.. or IMlrirt l'orrler. I'rlm-e Hupert, B I'.. TIMBER SALE X5451. Sealed Tender, will tie rreeltrd by the MlnlMer of Land-, at Vlrtoria. later than ihi on the liw ilay of OrtMer 1973. for tlw tiurrtne of l.lren.e aiil. lo cut S7S.U0U feel of lleiul.M k. Halmi.i, sprure aixl t-dar. ou Lot IS and IJ7S lunre 1. OhiiI Uini ilitrlrt. Two (f i leara will be allowed fur re tuoval of tlinber. I'urthrr parlieular of tlie i:tiler rorea ter, Vlrtoria. B.C.. or tlie liittrtrl Forea ter, rrmre mipert. ni; TIMBER SALE X 596. Sealed Tender will le rerelvrd Itr the Minuter of Uik1. at Vlrtoria, not later than ikmiii on the I ft day of .Vivember, tilt, for the i.urrtMte of Urel.re XiiVt lo rul 17,000 Jar pine Ties on an area adjoining Lot Sea, on tlie north hrr of ITanroia Mae. nanae 3, uoam umiriri. Three (J, veara will be allowed for re moral of umber Further nartletitara of the Chief Fore ter, Vlrtoria, B.C. or tillrlrt Former, Prlnre Kupert. B.C, VALENTIN'S DAIRY NOW OPEN Phone 81 DAILY DELIVERIES EDSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL 3 av-.x qusntlty. Phone 5S. aai.e.w.-, tLj LIQUOR TRAFFIC IS DOOMED SAYS NELLIE Famous Writer Tells Victorians Her Views on What Is VIUl Question n Alberta Today YICTOUIA, H.C.. October 23.- "Aii thing (hat brings so much misery and Double lo the world as the liquor traffic is bound to go. II has been found to be con tributiiiK cause of o much of the suffering of the world. Some evil conditions are subtle and (heir origin l difficult to fix. but it is never difficult to pul your finger on the woes which find I heir source in the Ibpior traffic." .Mrs. Nellie McClung, ono of the champions of temperance who has lent her voice and pen on countless occasions lo the cause. is in Victoria for a time. She will be speaking here this week under lite aupirc of the ladies or the Metropolitan Church. As she is tttirsfuur her hushaml through his eouvalesrrnce after a serious illness i rather doubtful if she will be able to gel back to Alberta in time to participate in the flL-lll ullll'll ta In 1 11 1 lilnre ill BOATS ENTERTAIN!"'"1 m on November 5. I when a referendum on the ll'pior . .. . . ' SI. 3 I I 1 .11 Dinner Given Last Nlnht Aboard ,'I"cs,h. is io uim- piace ui-re. Patrician for North B.C. Regiment Officers Liquor Organised "The Ihpior interests are very strongly organized." she paid The officers of Ihe North ll.C. vv,u'" ,,mv aP- llegimenl were et.lerlaine.l hv the V e k g. mil vvniie officers of II.M.C.S. .lestroyer 1,1 " l'"i't't l Patrician ami mine sweet.er "'paJ"'. icm.er. i-liiein.il .it iii.mor i anct people, .loo. she says. nr' Patrician last evening, the aff;,ir workiua very hanl. beiiiir Uminse.! hv Hie n.ivnl men "ut "in very lair. Ihe press They are . ..I II ...Ill ..a II. a to return various courtesies ex- ,m" ",M report-lemled Ihem dt.riiig their xj,H n h-dh -idrs of the rampaigit. here by Ihe ..frieers of the regi-.MH"lly lending news. nieul. a-iid. O-laml Weifte p4U l'"l'ers seem to i.e on ine sine oi Iriciau welctiuie.1 Hie s'll. ami ITolltWI loll. Iiolald) Ihe Ulgar) Mni.ir Ji.il.. i. i:eUtf..e v r lNIJertan aml The llmoutou lliil- ru- pliel in Ihe abence of Major J. W. Nicholls. officer coiiiiiuiiidin-'. Passengers lioo Ihe south on the i afternoon include John llogan. A. W. Gib-on, K. A. Foiret audi ,Mrs. Toll. TIMBER SALE X 5454. Tliee iMBiIirrrml r..r Sl at Public Aurlb.U. L 'U iiflillie Kn.t Aii dt ...lrlll br. tit, iji nyiirfipj r i4 nj.tnn I'oimler. Oiurl 'll4 PrUm- liapert,' llir i.imice a .i(. .11. Tie and I. Sawing Oil NaJina Hler. r. from f'raiinl taar, liur ; .Coal Land Uiolrlrt. roe il jear uill be alVri for . removal of limber lurllwr parlii'MUni of tlw Chief Furrt ter. Ylrtorta. B.i , or Um Dbtrlrt t"orrf ter. prlnre Unpen, B.C. . The women's sicietie thronghl)t . j(.llif province are solidly for pttliliilloit.jahi n Hi ¬ ked lo sail for'"""1"""" vo,' U ".ilf ",c Canlena llli,HM,,,, ''"nnl H) ' they ll all tise their franchi-e iirivilegrs .oti lhi iKeuiou, as only ubohi tb per rent of the women who are iion-rltih women are known to slnnd on the side or Ihe moder-alionisls. Been on Trial "Prohibilimi has been put on I rial. Ilecaiie i did not accuin-plish eerlliing ut once, many people have wanted to try something else, lb experiuieul with u .. . . I - t at A a i l yii m.7J Jfki.l.-"a,"-, ,'e are. in iaci. suuer- J;5Uao!Tiea it'i 'lfi,itc fro" .ni' .P'T'"'' of reaction, i4 a,pX.itmiwi' ieilrt Xfthf ; if ''oaylciird pndiibilion Sttl 'some pjOle lllpik It wn Nfixjfhl In ' 'Without weighty eiioolh, iMisldentttoii. Personally. I tbllik ,the liipmr traffic l dooiiirl.'' We may ly a single engagement in our ballle. hut we are not going lo o-e (he fight in the long run. Looking bark over perifNl of twenty-five years, no one could guin-ny the advance which bus been made in public sentiment on Ihe ipirslion. And the future would surely build up rather than break down that feel ing WIRELESS REPORT ' 8 a.m. lUUHY I f LAND. - Overcast fresh soiilbeast wind; banme ter. 30.lt; leinteratiire. Sfi; sea moderate; C p.m. spoke luif Lome 15 miles from Cuiuhewa bound for Caplaiu's Cove; H p.m. spoke steamer Slarr 57U miles from Seal lie southbound; H p.m. sxike steamer Prince John off lloe Spit soullibcxiiid; 8 p.m. spoke steamer F.l Abelo anchored inside Massed Inlet southbound. p.m. spoke strainer Alameda discharging a( Wraugell north- bouml; spoke steamer Itedoudo discharging at Wraugell north bound. IKAI Tlli:i: POlN"IV-Over cast, stroiiif sotitheasl wind: barometer. 2t.lM; leincrature,13: sea rough. Ill'LI. IIAIIHOIt. Cloudy. lighl southeast wind; barometer, '--; lemperalure, H; light swelH o i.m. spoke steamer Canadian Fanner Infl Ocean rails southbound; M p.m. spoke sieamer Northwestern 117 miles north of Sent I Ik southbound. Noon DIOIIY ISLAND. Overcael slrong soullieast wind; barome- 10.10: lemiieratiire, 50; sea rough; io urn. spoke luy J.orne oil While lock i. ..i.ii,I f..e C.i. Iain's Cove; It u.ui. .pok steamer Prince John left Skide- gate 10.3(1 bourn) for Cuinshewa UKAI) tmKK POINT llainlng, soullieast gale; haromeler, '.U.U7 temperature, 17; sen rough. "u.i. HAHIJOIl. Cloudy, ik-sIi ulhcasl -wind: haromeler. 1', ti.iiiiriiiire, r2; sen Phone 376 The House jlillalalalaaflalaflaflalalHaflaaaB mtfmmm . . " ."" " Phont3j6 of Quality Flannel and Homespun DRESSES Our first hipiiient or the-e vrv et-r i. eabl ijr- ,f went o fast thai vve re-onl "ml nt tun e ami h ,e r tirely new line, roptetl from Ihe ni'i-t up-lo (,,t. ; . journals. The colors are Sand, Peacock. Mauve. Tasi :.. lleniiii iintl Scarlet and all Miihtlily liitiiuietl to i o i shades. Sues range from ears to 2 "nr ami i v ( ... from $6.50 to $15.75 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Sole fftii ti Warner ltotproor (re Sit! e i HesigiH'r Kern- Satisfaction or Money Back. We Prepay Mall Ordert. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 and 9 Dorothy Dalton to tut Ju.oou lineal feel of I'lllna. ll.ouO inrai irri Ul l.rilir l ine., ami B.iOO p. lork Tien, on a Isirlssi ..r U4 1 17 1. r,a-lar Land lil.trlrl. Three IS. year will be alloweil f. re tisival of liinher. -ItirllN-r parllrultr of ihe hlef 'oea- lee V'lrli.rl. II J ... I.... . 'irm rore.ier. .. . .. . Prlnre UiiTl. ll.C. TIMBER SALE X4701. fcealeil Tei.il.. mil l. u , . ... .. In Wie Siren Call" A tale or iron f hesled mj-ii (Hid brave hrar r l w : ,r ill the goliluvid-. of Hie rrtueij nurh liiir h.;:;i Thrilling nb id ni-. iio ititliiig r--?ug ov -r the f.i" . .SiipMirtiiig rust m:(idi!s DAVID POWELL andj MITCHELL LEWIS. Hall Room Boys Comedy (fercy and Ferdle) -MTh Dumb Walters." PATHE REVIEW. Admission 35c and 10c Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Hcrvice Htorc." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For:- N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Hue 01, ft HEATER TIME IS HERE A Make your election early while our line is comitlelc. All stiles and sizes, l 19 7 both plain ami brick lined, priced from.'i ( $12.50 lo $45.00. Iluy now and Imvr Jpur tienier ready for the iirst cold snap. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1646. TIMBER SALE X 5482, 608 Third Ave. Mt1 T-.ul J bill . . . . Mliil.lrr of Uiul, at VMIiH-ia, Ih.I later than ihs.Ii on the lilt da of orniilirr. Ittfl. foe IIm. hurrluu. ..r I ... MlnHler of Land, al Vtriorla. is.t laler Hull OOrf Ilw .Ml. rt.- ... .1'..'.rlnV.!..:"r,.l":" it... ..... . ,,r " aw i iTHHier, x not: i ll , : 1 "' sprure. ixiar. Ileni. "o i.iaiifi, itaniv i. .... t:oat Mnd Iilatrirl. twii (ii year will lm allowed f..r rr moral of tunlier. lurlher partlriilari of the chief Forea- TIMBER SALE X 56C5. tnoVaToV'tiiorir."1 U Mm f,,f f-i..'Uv!'.'.p J'rll-Ur of the Chief Korri. I ir. Vlrtoria, fl.c . or Mairlti iVeai". Tel. J. FARMERS' Meat Market A slilimeu' f l1""1 " Valley lleef mid Mul i nrrivc for tin. week Look at These Prlcesl lloilmg lleef. per ' Shoulder Hoasl, 8c oti'l unuite nousis llib Steak Slew Heef Veal Stew Veal lloasl ... Million Stew . . Shoulder Million T.rrfa Mutton ftliSllrTd Ilninuiitv " Onlncrs' lr r.n Onluers' Hrenkfnm t1" titling tho p 12' ! lo lc le 1W tU Ii. IS