tJ.B.'IM.'U N? iDfttOfTOHf Alright . mild. mMllll laaatfoa ta illv CooatlMUoa and Wlk- wa ,rv4 kM tb oJiaaUM and dinluU'l funttlona Dermal. w ,r,3& uteti lor oxter i m nii -i. Nao year Chips off the OW Block J u h i w w -k gj L M JaV Ooa-O.lra it f .fn B 7-a-npf7V- tfM. Mat el -Bj al ImixlitEii, Bft thmt tiodr 14. HJ Fr cHilduM "and tillBW I r-ri a i I The Famous LA DY8MITH-WELLINGTON Lump and Egg Sizes. STERLING Stove and Egg Sizes. V deliver tit sard; or hulk. Phmie u your order dny or night. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. Main Office lota-l Central. HOME FROM HOME. MOCH1DA ROOMS 714 Fraser 8t. Seam Heated llt and V.I.I Water Rate l.y Day or Mnnlh P.O. Box 75. Phone 059. LOGGERS' CLUB Sjl.uale In the old Ktnprest Hotel Ilull.Iing. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or theiMonth. Steam Heated," Hot and Cold Waler. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelii - Proprietor. ANNUAL BAZAAR OF CHRIST CHURCH AT ANYOXSUCCESSFUL (Over $400 Raited at Event In Elks Hall AN VOX. Nov. 27. Tho Ladies' ;Al. or Christ Church scored a social it wvll an a financial snc-re. when Ihey lo-lil Hi fir innual hazaar and dance In Him F.lkT Hall, which watt kindly loanc.) for ,0m occasion. From the moment Wln'n Hip iitKirx opened early In Hie afternoon, until shortly afler Midnight. Hie sale and dunce continued, nml ronsldcrahly over four hundred dollar wan made, over and altove all evpciioe jn rurreil. Th. committer of ladic having Hie alTair In hand left nothing undone to meet Hie up. finrval of everyone who attended, pally deroraled hoo(h calling attention o the ware on wale. ; 'I'lie ten room were well patronized and did a iliunl offjre htijuc. TliU fea ture wa presided over hy Mr. Ji'iiklicnn, who had a numher of ounjr aitanl pouring lea. At the ijoll lioolh. Mcdamc Selfe and Heitderxou were lit cha.-ge; fancy work, Medmc Krihlit. Wilkinson and WiNon; home iking. Medam Kve, Vincent and liar! : randy flail, .Mr". Kelly and Mi (Iroiran: fili pond. Meiatue llooth, Fruley and llawke. Added novelties were the mirror drawing. huHerfly and puzzle contest. These were in charge of Mr. Unison, who hail a her nlde aitant Mr. Crane and Mi Waile. This trio of guc. mg anil drawing novellle fur- i(hei riitioideralde anhiemcnl ami were largely alrniilzcd, among he winner heinir Mr. Mclnlyre nml Stuart Mrl.arhlan. Then here were Hie raffle. Iwhirh are o Miecc.fiil in con- neelion with church hazaar. Idl. randy and a monler Xma rake were provided In Iriii'pt Ihe I'liauee. taker, a well a a l'nn-pitenig eonteot. Tlie Xma rake which war a real work of :i r i wa made and donaleil hy II. ; Clayton, It wu won hy J'.. Slmpon. The fancy ' dressed fdoll. rafflnt hy Mi Owen, -wa (won hy Mr. Venerlrnm: the halet of randy hy Mr. Chain, jpion: while Mi Owen wa Hie roel tiieer to the numjer of liean III the hntlle. Allocether hl affaiit'of Hie l.adie' Aid wa a nit eiijnyahle one. and n ri-difto all ronrernd. ANYOX The following lelter h;i heen received from llrilih lumhia YOU CAN EAT ANYTHING YOU LIKE AND NOT HAVE HEARTBURN In 111 re of hMrtlnirn or I. a rruwliiK and biirnlnir aln In lli lornarh illfnilcl ,y t dlMurbrd aritll. fin umi nmrn vi m ukrn into iti iK.niarfi II l Ualil in fcrini-ril and mtiiii t-lrniily wmr, n.niiiln inriir., and what la llirnwn ii la tfiwrally amir and blllr. Whni riMi arc In iliii riitnliilim von ulll rind thai Mlll.iirna Uia l.lrrr l'll wjJI rivr jtmi ruin rirm away. Vlr. Jr-.h . .Marliririald, r.lirllina Uriel, XJ., writ: "Two )car r I aufri-ri-d all ihe U(im rroin iN-anbiirn. I ik on trial i.f Mllliim'a l.ata-l.ln-r rill and have twr tn Ironlilcd alnrr. ii f. i.pi1 ..i.-. ... i -i.i . . . . ..... ' - .... ... trr mttrr r. auj Ihlnr jrou like ami not liaW licarlhnrii any more." Mllliiirn' Uta-I.hfr I'HU are tie. a rial at all Anrt. or mallrd dirrt mi rc- rcl.t of l.rlrf by Tlw T. Mlll.iirti rx. I.liiill-1, Toronto, Out, lleaduarter of the lle( Cro: Vaiirouver, H.C., Nov, 15, 11123, The Mamryer, ilranhy Con. Min-Inif A Smell intr Co Anyox, H.C. (ar Sir Throuuh Waller (Sale. l'reidenl of our I'rinee Ituperl ft.. i iiranrn, we nave rereiveil film of 1 225.5 1, heinft the amount ronlrihuli'd hy Hlie itii-fdoyi-c of your company on he-half of the Japanese Helief Fund. We would like to e.ipre our apiireriaiioo for Hie manner In which you and your employee have n'iinieil to Ih.i Ited Ori appeal hy ronlrihut -intr Mich a uhlanlial amount toward Hie Fund, and hould he jtlad if you would convey to your emjd'iyee our very inrere thank for their aenerioi con- trihuHoii. Your very truly, Sinnedl A. .1. For.'Vlhe. Ilon.- !st. -Treasurer. The ittilpul of Hidden Creek Mine, Novemher II In Novemher II', wa l,:.'r. wet Ion. Tolal loimase for the month lt Nov, lir. Wl.H.IO wet ton. At Ihe sineller frotn Novemher 12 In Novemher IK, 2I.2.'U wet' ton of ore were treated a! Aliyox. Thl wa made up a follow: Anyo ore, 2lMKt ton: otiUide ore,. t2K Ion. Average price -of copwr for the week, I2.0or.3r. At the Ooke I'lant from No-veinher 13 to Nnvemtier lf In clusive Ihero were I.BSI hor! ton of eonl eharpeil and I.IOrt fhorl ton of coke pnnluceil; :i..ino imperial srallon of liplil oil were recoveretl ami 9.741 imperial gallon of tar, while II,-115 lh. of ammaniuni ulphaie were manufactured. 3hherr tnr . Ilallv New WATCH This Space TOMORROW for our Big Bargain Offer Thursday, Friday and Saturday Selling only Coats Suits Dresses at Remarkably Low Prices BENT'S Ladies' Ready - to -Wear Third Avenue THE HAItY NPAVS. ; PAOE PIVK. BURNS LAKE AND LAKES DISTRICT On Friday, I'etg Hull, of liecker l.nkr, killed one of the Iafiret huck pver ren in lhi dislricl. It weighed 275 lh. and I'ete and hi hrolher, Olaf Hiillkranz, had Ihe time of Hicir life packing jl in. On Friday Mr. and Mr. Hay Fell, and Ml. ilte Shler arrived In Burn ""f.ake from Czar, Alia., and on Hfllurday Mr. and Mr. Fell left fof I)ankih. where I hey expect toliaake their future home. Mi heeler ha acrejild h poHinn at the Ornim-ra Holel, On Sahirday T. I), Conner ho a splendid huck a few mile to the norlh of Hum Lake. With Ihe aid of a home .Mr. Consrer and Hicliard O'Hara hrotixhl Ihe hpoil of Ihe rhae to low'n and when dre.ed and put no Hie ralefe II lippfd the iieam al 223 Hi. The animal ha a splendid firead of horn ami Mr. Conner intend to have the hem) mounted. Tlii i the third huck dial ha fallen to Mr. tlonu'rr' rifle thl eaon and roiililue lii hagr lirnil. S. N. Imn, who wa attending to hi farming inlere! at Franroi Lake ln.l week, re turned linnie o Terrace on Monday morninir's train. I'. Holfren. of I'atliii(r, leave here I hi week end for an ex tended trip l Ihe llnjleil Slate and F.urnpe. Mr. Holgren I well known in the Lake hi. Irirl where lie lia heen a- ocialed with Ihe lie indulry. A iim in Ihe neighborhood of tl.lrt wa cleared al the liecker Lake Hazaar. "tipper and dance held on Saturday. A larpe crowd attended. Four car load were in allendanrj from Hum Lake and one load from Fran roi Lake. Mr. J'iehe and Mi X. Mallol are to lie cnnizralulal-eil upon Hie ,ucce of Hie eveninjr enlerlainment. The proceed are to he devuied to Hie V 1 a uia ir" runu. , On Sunilay annivernry--er vice were celehrated, at St Paul' Union Church in Hum Lake. The Itev. E. H. Arrol, of Vahderhoof ronilucled the service iiinriiiii? and eveuinp and renderetl violin selection., alo accompanying the hymns on the violin, Al Hie evenp service a larpe numlter were present and a special male-voice rlioir, comprising C. E. Imesnn, O. H. Ilohli, M. T. Henderson, Dr. J. W., W. W. C. O'Neill, ,1). A. Til u and S, Jniin, render ed special music, ineluiliiijr St. lieorxe's Kiliuhurgh with Ihe halleujah rhorti. V On Friday even inn: a nuniher of the young folk jrave a surprise farewell j.iarly for Mi Lucy Aslin al Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. II. (. Slearn. Mis Alin I leaviuc shortly for Spokane, Wahinglnn. OiMtrge Smith wa a week-end guest al Hie home of Mr. nod Mrs. I. Shaw. A rumor is rife to Hie effect Hint Mr. Smith i contemplating: matrimony, Oof Hanson and A. Hood. enough, of Snillliers are week end visitors at Hurn,Lake. A few inches of snow fell here. last week, hut it is now prac lifnlly all melted. Harvey Iiavies, of Houston, wa a luisiness visitor al Hum Lake on Saturday. ' -- Fred Fraser, Government Lam! Agent, at Fori Fraser, was n visitor al Hums Lake on Friday. Mrs. I'ercy (Jarr and Miss M. V.. Currico, of Ilurns Lake, made a trip In the Indian Mission School at Fraser' Lake on Saturday and were ,Very ini pressed with Ihe splendid liitlld ing and appointiuenl .anil Tncili lie for education In h found there. Eddie Erlcksnn and slMer Jennie Ericksou, of "'Medicine Hal, Alia., are visiting under Ihe parental roof a( DAnskln, - -- P. S. Honney, of Prince Hu perl is a Hums l.nker visitor. Win. Hlckle, of Hickie, was a vlsi(or in Hum Lake on Sat unlay. Ha came hr'wilh Ihe sleigh hut on account of llu' ' I'; Cti;i)ijiUn.jiiuLJ.V';'oJi of mithers, are huilding -the new Fore.try Speeder garage al Hum Lake. The reiil"iils of Wistaria are erecting a fine church, the material and work i- heing provided hy Ihe local settlers freely and Ihe Hev. J. ,11. Mac- Crimnion' i giving valuable II .1). Mac Neil has heen lept. husy on line work keeping the government telephone line in re pair. NEW HAZELTON Mike Oeorse is employing quite a numiier of men in hi pole camp on Nine Mile Mountain and will he one nf Hie hig shippers hy way nf New Hazel-Ion I hi winter. The prospect: at preesnt are I hat n record will he made for New Hazcllon this coming year in Ihe shipment of cear poles- and piling. A. Hoy McDonnell has lefl for Vancouver where he will viH his young son who ha no heen well lately. Ernest l.orln; has quite recov ered from his recent illness and will resume hi dulies on Ihe Yukon line afler spending a few lays in Prince Ituperl. . - i. Oeorge Mcllean lias taken a contract from Ihe Federal Min- i H7 and Smelling Co. o supply mine Hinder and wood for Ihe ramp on Hudson Hay Mountain thi winter. Prosperous advertising means res-ular continuous advertising STOMACH TROUBLE GET QUICK RELIEF Try thisl Just a spoonful of Dr. Tnacher's after the. next lw meals. Notice, the improvement In appetite, digr at ion and the way you fed. "hote-ionx vegetable tonic end canaltpatwn and nervouaneaa and tncreaa ur atrengnh.ener- aad vivr Uuleaa yoa ara eotnpteMy iatiafled. drugjit are authorued to return yor nwney. Sold by Orme. Limited In Prince Ituperl, and hy leading druggists in every city and lown. snow disappearing n rapidly could only return with half a load, Fill jour pipe wita Y&V4 " packet & lh i;a CUT PLUG ItScdL&fi&s" sirBaaH In 1 I If VDU roll your om t?0GQB EOT Where the Sun Shines Most of the Time THK Union Pacific System and SOLTHKRX PACIFIt: operate Through Standard Sleepers Seattle to San Francisco AND Los Angeles THE SHASTA and CALIFORNIA EXPRESS Leaves Seattle 11.15 p.m. Arrives dan Francisco 2nd Morning 11.30 a.m. Arrives Los Angeles 3rd Morning ....... t.oo a.m. THE OREGONIAN Leaves Seattle ....... 3.30 p.m. Arrives San Francisco 2nd Morning 9.10 a.m. Low Winter Rates on Sale Dally. Connections from Vancouver: Q.P.H. Steamer 10.:u and II p.m. 0. N. Trains 8 a.m., i p.m., 12.01 a.m. For Rates and Reservations Apply Any Railroad Ticket Agent, or write F. S. Elliott, W. H. Olln, Trav. Freight and Asst. Gen. Freight and l'ass. Agent. Pass. Agent. O.-W. STATION SEATTLE, WASH. Premier Gold Mining Co., Ltd. We Have a Few Shares of above at $2.80. Since 102 1 this mine has paid in dividends t,i72,125. No tdher mine in the world has made Ihe record of this H.G. property. All Issues of Government Bonds For 8ale. Phone Black 85. T. McCLYMONT Third Ave.