TIMBER SALE X 5430. - ' I ml IH-lrlrl will .w alk.wnl f.ir it- 'torn nt ,Im i hf fnrtv luirtri nrrir, TIMBER SALE X 5388. . if . will be rerlin1 ljr Ihe I milt al VM-tiWH. hl Uli-f a iih :ih iU of s,iu-.i4jrf, 1.. ,.uji.- -r l.lrMire X -!.:,au rr t Spntre. M "- in aiii nlliMb-d Ult tlir ut kiili Hlrr. al Ik ! sl ii 4l Hantv I. iju l.aisl Fit- Will tir allnwrd ft I- :inlrf twirllrtilar f Ihe fhft 'i.rr-, H - ! Iniri.-l liwrMer. I 11 TIMBER SALE X 547S. v mil . iii l. rii-d Itf Vf il Mini- l VlriH-,( not ltrr i ll iUl 'i,v ut OeHmr. i - i.'tr !- "f I.Iiih-' J ill', i ilit fevt 'r rnilirk. IUI Mil. i i.iUi m an area llualr nrar . . v kuiif imT. nure ' inn uiiini t ei- l be Illiin1 fur re- ;:uibe r turtli ulara uf Ihe :Mtt rrr- ti -ia, m;.. r imirlfl .VrHrr. HviM-ri, i.e. TIMBER SALE X 5308. T n i "will lie rerrived tiV tlie r tmiii. nui lalrr Ihan nmin nn, la nf geplrinlM-r. IVtl. fur tlv t Unmre X al'U. atsml 1 n In-jiu tnm kfl-Lili In-f u. I. killl4e IUer. OJ1. 4. ' nun tori uf spwe Silo. ' i veal lll Im ailuueri Tnr re. tl tlliibrr .ariti-iiUi .nf Oia C.Mft rnivt. V -J. ll.r . e ih lilili-K-l l'ireter. ' lert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5266. i miiTfl mil n rri-riirii iiv nil of Laiuta. al Victoria, mil later II tlie lltlh itiy nf Srplemtier, tlu ,uirrlue nf Lln-nre X l6rt, ,MT. fee, f spruce. Oitar anil 1 ami If. mm lineal frrl if Spniee 1. Mi- I.. M. Kllett. Sherman. . .. 'on. limn, i.n an nr. mi.. ... . wa Intel, yueen Charlplte Hill-Jones. ' anu uiMrirl. I tear uiil I. alhiunl for re. o llmlier. iiarlir.iliM nt .he C.lilrf rnrea. ' linpert, B.C. Pullel: . V. u i. in, n.,i uirr Pen. male and female ,! ,. s. f.,ti-r. L',.1.,.,,, ' ' it l.l'ClHf X ill., tie lir- -m an irv ihick. While I'ekill Pair Huck. Indian Hiinner- Pair: I, Ueo. Sutherland. Inick. other variety Pair: I, Harry' H'bb: 2. W. II. Sherman. Piifiins, HyiiiR Homer Pair: I.. Mr. O. Ouelpa. liin.uiil. nlliaN fniiitf n Plait' Special Vartetlea While Polish lien W. II, Slier-man. !obleii Polih (ick W. II. Sherman. Huff Laced Polish Hen W. II. Sherman. - IliifP Laced Polish (jock W. II. Sherman. While Crested -Hlack Cock V. II. Sherman. White Crested Klack lien W II. Sherman. Speckled Suex Cock J. My Speckled Puex jMillel liill-Jnue. HOIBCn 9Rkb A BMJ. I a I M..1.III 1...... ... . .ifiin-n. . .1 . .11 v .. . .. i mil Tnii,. M-iii K mm ti iv in - lla. . m ... . ... . - ... II n lll.lll ll.lnil l"..rtL- "ri in i.annn, ai iir.oria, noi lairr imm.- imiiiiiii.iu i I. r,.. .K- liZ'" r."'. ."" v i-iirriimiii -, n. .iimih. J. My. Hiillerciip lien .?. Myhill- Jone. Kuilercup Pullel t, .1. Mylilll I. W '! I. Ho. ooii rm r snrum. Balnain. nine Ainlallls an lien 1. . II inu i.nur on an in-i auuaiTu shermiilt' II Hiia ' m il l.ia.i.i ti. n i mm liulrlrl. II lie VliilnliKli.il Dnllel I. wn . . .... ... .'. .... inn mil ue aiuv.ru iu. jb- iiij j i t i.-ii-ii. . o 11 n ' HI ,f iinri. mil." . .ii, i.lirii, .iirs, w, uril,,.r particular of the Chief Torn- (tuelpn. iir.iria .1 r ... . ni.i.irt rnrai-r.' .. ... . . . . . . . nr. noil en iick. it. Alklna. I , liooil lien II. AIKIHS. TIMBER SALE X 5287. r...., r-mi-ra will lie received cy tne .i..M. i,,, i ai..,n-. it "f UmK ai victoria, not later Alkins; lien A. Atkins; pullel, II. I IK iiti ., .... ...i. rt. n. a-ntmitier. Allrlna '"UilZ Ww An.laluslan Cockerel- J S 'Ot mil JJ7... luuio , Coan t)i- Mi.,!,, M. l'.llet. hri. ' . . A. ... ' tlli.nL- l .iieliln llmilnm 7i-.Ab jean will naiioru iui . " '.- 'I nf iiiiii... - ... ti "'r ir,,eutaM .f the Chief For... ' ... 1,1 Htlliirl .a . . ... I. t na ' I , - II .'-sill'IMIiLII. IH' II. 1 . II. III'I'IIIIIII. TENDERS1 WANTID. PlirlriillfC Cocllilt le W. II. ''iiiiiri win I.. ,....i,li the cur of Sherman. ii ' HiiHrt ' fur i"r m in imirliu-e illrlin w i'i of ti ; . nnnii liaiu.i i.l Cock 11 R " W. ii. II II. Wahbirf: I Illni'k K. Six'tlmi I- nml l.nt 71. . .. ...... " sertliin . iiien, n . " ". ein,.r- ... . . ,h .... rltVl. IIukIdih Cni.lnii.1 .........j..'" : .. : ..i iiiiini- iiwiiiuh. ........ ii-i Hinrkeir iiiiiii W. Wablorfi-pullel, W. II. Wal. 'y.cl-e.r.' l'r n,,,"-t,,0pvle nnnlar,, Coekrel-W. II, E' F' Kc.'ark Waldorf; pullot, W. II. Waldorf. PERCY IS HERE WITH THE GIRLS Intareatlng Group at Malkln's Booth Where Finest Pro ducts 8old One of the most diiiicfive, arid al I lie name linie artistic display in Hie Kxhiliilioii Hall is Ihe lloolh of Hie W. II. Malkln Co., I. Iil iiinler the manastemenl of W. Ilaliih. The booth is very tunefully decorated in red, while, blue am jfohJ, the colors of Die company, which give a sinking effect. Three local and popular young ladle are in attendance HlKl Island lleiU -Hen: l,!a . k.,. ia Wio lend a charm of tieo. Mlllieflaml. Cockerel: l.'eilliceioeiit. Ileinoiillration will. Wilfrid Mcl-eiHl; 2, lieo. Snlher-Mhe free dMrihtilion of Malkln laud. Pullet: I, Chan. FoUonil-Henl lea are given daily, and Hie 2. ieo. Sutherland. ifatoralde fomiiLeiitH heard in all I.eKhoms while,piile: . J.'art of Ihe fair KroumN a re-' Havi'y. 'mini Ihe hjgli standard nf (ual- Ancoiia Cwk: I. Mr... l J. y f Iheir ,,m.Url should he Mcli.riiiack. Ilen: t. Mr. P. J. vVry vralifyiiiv to this firm. Mrr.or;iiaek: 2. Mr. P. J.,, Mc- , ft.iiiure ,tf t. exhibit M r.orniai'k. ('.vkerel: J. Mr. P. perry, the minaliire star ealcs-MHirmack; 2. Mr. P. J. Mr. ,n adniled liy Malkin. Percy, (jirinack. Pullet: , Mr. P. J. a kPa Circu horse HVirmack; 2. Mr: P. J. Mr- n i.arade. in Ion Id.I ami frock Corniark. coal, lau on the window of Hie l.iKht Hrahma Hen: I, II. minaliire slore, which lias heen ; Alkln: 2, II. Alkinc y--kerel: arra,,., j 1Ut. l00l( ail( ,Jrawi I, II. Alkin; 2, Mr. It. (',. ar- Hie allenlinn of iuers l.y to Hie! oii. pullet: I, Mr. II. C. Par-L(Mu on display. He is a regular! ,,n ' 'dandy al moviiip In eyebrow i Muff Orpii.tlon Pullet: t. J.jn(1(, JlJM P1.rlMjny Kajn(, a namei Myjilll-Jone. for lim(.f ,nauinK eye al the llandmrif. Silver Spanpled - f.,i4.,. ' ,Vrcy would undoul.led-! Cock: I. W. H. Sherman. Hen: . ,y Hb H(jir () ,e m(lVi . II. Miern.an. OK-kerel: W. I, firiname,il. lly In smile and' II. Sherman. Pullet: I, Mrs. 0. ,,, impresses you with In (Jnelpa: 2. . II. Sherman. '.ineerily and the pleasure lie l.asj l,"',"'rtl" iis"'T ivncllleil j( Mnnjt h. ihp 1U U(. , He,,: t, .11. Mierman. Cock. (lllr,M,ur,np MalklI1 (m pro. i ere : t . H. M.erman. '.h.cl, which are the. I.esl Ilia! , ..un.rK.. ...... i-r-H , t " can lie priH1lre(1. priMlured. In In conjunction conjunction II. i-IHTIIl.lll in ii il ljuLerel i .'" ':. ' ...... ...... . lnK Powder and i iii.ll.r. iti.it -fcin-i -Hen: .if.. ; , ii. j . , .,,..:,. ......itiiiiiiij III. Sherman. 'I ... ,, .,r 'Willi this booth the city has been rel: Mier- f. , II; 4,m,, wj,li Malkin's Hesi ' which are jrlten free with the air: I. Mr. MrCiilcheon; ?. MrH.!pRSIDENT NAMES .Mel .lilclienn. Iliibbils Muck or doe: t. Wil liam Murray. Ilelglan Hare Huck or doe: t, J. W. Murray: 2, Mr. O. (iiirfpa. Special let male in shoxf W. II. Sherman. llet female W. II. Sherman. He pen, riH'k'and Ihree hen I, V. II. Sherman: S, Cm. Sulherland: n, J. II. Murray. Ilest pen, cockerel and three pnlle t, Mr. "!eo. Place; 2. Mrs. 4 J. MeCormackt " 3, .fieo. Snllierland. premium President Milton (ioiuales of tln Prince ilupert in Club ha appointed Hie followfni; coinmit-Ice and officers: Civic nffairs-W. W. Wrishl (f airman), :'. O. Mill and IL I McNauRbloti. F.nlerlainfnenl contmillee Lionel llollby (chairman , S. . Taylor and A. II. .Nichols. Affiliation commillee W. J. Nelson 'rbairman', Leo Wauph and Fred llenninp. Athletic commillee Dour. Slork ichairman , Norri l'rinple nml Jack Harnsley. Team captains W. F. Hoberpe. How-nrd Pringle. C A. Hunter, K. Valentine, . Cruiksbank and J. Xelson. Sertjcaftl Waush, hi arms. LIBRARY FAILED TO REACH HALF WAY IN Leo DRIYE YESTERDAY "he library commillee rnlher fell behind their quota for the hip hook drive thai Is beiup pul'yn here. This it Is Imped In make up today and tomorrow. Vestpr. ShaVing Soap 1 ML mmM I BENTS Third Avenue '".upon conjalned in H.eir l.ra.d '"f w, w Vr , Ih .al at w I bem M,s lurley.-Male: harPH W - 'of lea,' coffee and hakintr powder. m. l-ciiuile: I, l;ha. Moin. , ,, II . Is worth while .,, f for the fen-er ami Miss stone. ineer. i, C.ha: I.I i trenera) public to call and aiii'le this well known brand of lea and ee Ihe star salesman. Percy, in lacliou. I'ercy is certainly prnv-lin'u; liiiiiself u i'rea.1 altraclion to llioHi ymintr and old, and shouMj in future be a reminder to the' lni) in untitle that Malkiii' liest are enllily IX.. iroducl. GYRO COMMITTEES Civic Affairs, Entertainment, Af filiation and Athletics ara Provldad Tor PRIZE WINNERS II DlSfRICt FRUITS Kollowim: are thr rifie win ;iers in the various fruit class Kenney: 2, I. Kohjcr. pple collection: I. K. J.Kenney. l'rince Ilupert crown: I. Mrs. Delparno: 2, W. ll.'Hecker: 3. .MunlKoniery. Pears, other than Harllctls 1. L. II. Kenney; 5, H. T. Kenney. Collection. plums nm prunes I, 7. T. Kenney. One variety plum or, prunes I, T. Kenney; ?. L. II. Kenney. tireenpaes I. T. Keiiny. Itbubarh, oulslde eityT-l, Mrs. Montpnnery; 2. ti. Jolinson; 3, Mr. Pretlyjnfin. - lthiibarb, jrrnwn in city I, Owtn White: Mr.. Iielparno. M00SEHE4RT WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE between 250 and 300 Persons Attended Affair In Metropola Hall and Receipts Were $179.30 . The whisl drive and dance held lust nicht in the Mclropole Hall tinder the auspices x, of the Woiren's Moosehearl Lepion was a success from every standpoint. Helween 25(1 and 300 persons were in attendance, and the re-i :ipls totalled !I71.30. First, prize awards nt .card went to Mrs. Lottie Anderson and !'.. ltloliard while consolation prizes were 'won by Miss May F.rkslrnm and Mr. l'rince. The Weslbolme Orchestra fur nished music for tlie dance over day Hie sum of i?lt)H was ,collecl-;which Joe Slappniil was master ed, makinp the Iota) for Uie Iwojof wremnnies. Tlie committee days of I50. coiliprised frs. 11. J. Foss, ron- The commillee In rharpe Ibis vener, Mrs, 'II. Kerr, Mrs. A. afternoon consists of Mrs. Mc-jChrisliatisen and members of the Clymont, Mrs, Slarr, Mrs. lojjor. lo.lpe. Mrs. Jack llatchford pre Mrs; MeNulty. and Mrs. l.orne .Mr- sided al'tlie door. Laren. For Hie eveninp the ,eini-i After h rich Uthcr, of- Who yMwtcl jo back ro ordinary FAIR JOTTINGS The ahnnuneenienl of winner EXHIBITION SPECIALS IN LADIES' FALL & WINTER READY-TO-WEAR APPAREL For Our Out of Town Customers For the remainder of the Fair Week we are making special concessions on all goods in our store in order that out of town visitors may have the benefit of selecting from our wide range of the Latest Eastern Fashions We have on display for your kind inspection the widest and most complete ran?e of Fall and Winter COATS, SUITS and DRESSES ever displayed in the north. Thee beautiful models were selected, and some of them wer designed by Mrs. Kent on her recent trip to Raslern Canada,' on a personal buying trip. OUR STOCK EMBODIES THE GREATEST VARIETY, QUALITY AND STYLE IN LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR APPAREL IN THE CITY. We guarantee every garment purchased in this store, regardless of price, as to fit. workmanship and material. We realise from a twenty-six year experience in the Ladies' Heady-to-Wenr business thai satisfied customers are the only permanent basis on which to build a successful, business. You are cordially invited to call in and make an inspection of our stock. We are here io serve you faithfully and well. BENT'S see some of Hie handsome babies1 were in the contest. Mr.. in a brief address, thank ed the Doctors the daughter iof the Umpire and the graduate 1 nurses, of the city fr Hie in-; valuable assistance they had ?ien in connection with the Ljudirinc. Assisting Mr. ireer on Ihe platform were President Drine, other Fair directors. Mrs. Apple -Wealthy: I.J.. II. Ke,i-!n. Hlance. Mrs. a F. Kemp, Mis. ney; 2r T. Kenney. i-ieii.sein: j.orna Tile and Mr., 11. Wood- 1. I.. II. hennev. Alexanitcr: I, I.. Uorlh, K.X H. Kenney. Other kind: I. I. n The following took prizes for, pes at the Fair: While lien'. epjrs Miss L. M. Kllell; K. T. Kenpey. . llrown bens' esrir Mrs. J. C. K. Sealey; Mrs. O. (Suelpa. Duck ejrzs (ieorpp Sutherland BOAT .ARRIVALS 'Hie followihp passenpers ar-riv.Kl from Hie south on the Prince lluperl yesterday; John Speil, K. Killen, Fred Moran, II. Main, X. Marshall, T. Main, Hill- llloom, Thor Taicher, Alex. Smith, M. Uest, W. S Smith, (ieorge Ilest, I). Johnson, T. Clarke, Henry Colney, Miss Rose Weiss, Mr. and Mrs. Xelson, Mr. and Mrs. llpp, S. McClymont, J. Killan, Mrs., llrown, Arthur Hip-ainlKilham. K. M. llippinbolbam. M. L. Itrishl, A. C. (iilberl. K. 11. Sbockley, M. II. Jackson, Miss Carter. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wood land, Mr. Iluckley, II. 0. Johnston, Mrs. L. A. Tlreen, Mr. and Mrs. Iloss, Mr. and Mrs. L. Peno-line, Miss M. V. Ashcrnft, Mis lloitller, Mr. and Mrs. Westover, Miss Carter, Messrs. Woodward, McOrepor. lion! It Monlpomery, I I). Ilurr. A. it. Triles. For Anyox A. CiU'ion, Klilerr Stewart. J. Large. P. Lancet, 0. Wnddell, J. Waddell, Xirholl Harvey fiorman, Mrs. II, Annotir, Mrs. Mackenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Iloss and II. Hob day. Advertise in the IinTTv New. MAIL CONTRACT. SEALF.n TB.mr.nS. atJreaMt to tn nml anil Ihe ine n pri re sentaiinn sen I ii I Ion oi of nrie prizes roatniaater iMjneral, will be recelveJ at, olMwt untn llooni ,m Friday, the sin fur the Heller liable Conlesl ociuber, mj. ror Ui rouvejance of lifr; MaJIJ'l Malls, on I proposed Contract; ileitw mil tni. ii.imh.ie nf iirew nui , i iaipe liunincr or for rour jears. thirteen timet ir week n mothers and children al well as ,n fu, tiwen erinee jiuwt and ,, . , ,i , ,, .Ki. " Street letter llu.ies, etc., frinn the ruit-i olbers at Ihe Fair Itnlldmp yes- miJr ntwn-$ pleasure. " I leiilay. Joe (?reer, chairman nf. Printed notices . containing further In-i .. ' ... - . .- . formation as la fundltlons f proponed Hie committee, was in clinrpe and .contract may he weir and Want forms of, 1 iiresenlei cuns to I he rlrst nriie. 'r""" " ubii a. me iwi unn 1 , m,.,or l'rince Huiiert. II .C. and at the orrice winners, spoons to Ihe seconder the tit. supt. or iostat service dis-nn.l cerllficatesvio all Ihe en- urnntendetra otntt. Vincouyer. Iranls. Theso proceedings pave J. r, MinltAY. Ihe crowd a good opportunity to ,4,h Aurust 1,fD,l.,,,,c, Superintendent. Ladies' Ready- to-Wear Store "The store where you get the most of the best for the least" PHONE 651 Opposite Bank of Montreal Boats for Safe Head down the lisL You will find the very boat you are looking' for. AH boats listed are in absolutely first class condition. Splendid Cruising or Logging Boat 38 f L x 10 ft., 0 inch beam. 20 h.p. -Heavy duty engine, . f1 t Cruising, Towing or Pleasure ft. x 11 ft., fi iiichJiiATtf Filled with 30 h.p. engine. Just been overhaflletr ami is hi splendid condition. . Pleasure Launch !M ft. x .8 ft., 0 inch beam. Fitted with 11 h.p. engine. F.xcellenl accommodation. Halibut Boat .18 ft. x 10 44. 8 inch beam. 10 h.p. Standard '"-'' engine. All 'omplele with gear, etc. Troller 28 fL x 7 fi. beam. 0 h.p. Fisherman engine. Cabin accommodation. An Ideal Hunting or Trolling Boat 20 ft. x 0 ft. 8 inch beam, "t h.p. Hegai engine. In splendid condition. A real floating home. These Boats are being sold for half their original cost; -i DON'T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. For Inspection and Trial Trips see N. M. McLEAN Boatbuilder, Cow Bay. I Beerwithoutafeer fn!B. c. I Demand "Casc8.de" A greater Order today fromany aallaBBaMaiSaaaaaMaaaaaBEa it rataaLaBl e--- 1 taaWtaMEBaViaPSiMBaiBK SI bbbbbV This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. s M B I 1 i i i , j; 8 t t 3 it 1 .. ember 13, 1023. Kv P THE DAILY .NEWS j Septemoer, like June, is a month of wedding and the ....klichment ot new hnmii At tuch times the daily rtwspFr is rgood shoppini Hvisff to inc oriue una ner fncnw.i r - w ' .1. J r found for trousseaus and Rues for the living rooms J kali ril i ir K 4 4 at III I IAI I a k'lVIUI l WWW III A AmnUt -ffirniininc nf 4ariitlAn It a ra an f a UP I11AJI A I U VII t. fc LI !, K I ' am nrflWm. Th nwtf nd best of these alwivt tw.r Tint in the diilv news - fM ika r a l aF lk -L . akin ! nmfl it : I I L li - f C TV- kr;.1a lanA rtfIM IMTtfd lift A !- .1 J.. - READ THE . . mm h. ho a w a tp ta. mmn n u v aua a v a a M avaf a v Th HouNwifi'i Fronds POULTRY PRIZES AT EXHIBITION W. H. Sharman, Qaorga Suthr land, Mr. P. J. McCormlck and Olhara Prominent In LI at Poultry awards n fonivhae been made at Hip F.xhiliilioir. Plymouth. Hocks, while Cockerel; T, Mrs. Oco. Place, pullet; l. Mrs. Oeorge Place, j Wyandolles, while Cock; I, V. II. Sherman. Hen: I. Oeo, Sutherland; 2, V. II. Sherman. jCockerel: I, W. Hnlhwell, pullet: