nam rowu fit DA&T SVWflF Thursday, A.ij, 1 BRINGING UP FATHER By GeorfMcManik SPECIALS I VE OOt)T THERETO Av PlCTURs. OP NEW Ui T tctt MCRt TMVf OT out oft 5 6E.EN REJOIN' HNve to wen THE. PAPCR - tr THE bOClETf TO Vrffcf. TMEiH. k COLUMN ? rrr' etTHE. ONCt i Solid Leather Boys' Shoes. Sizes II to I, at $3-25 Siies t o 5i. at S3.75 Solid Leather Men's Shoes. Suitable for work or heavy dress shoe' . Sizes C to 11. at $4.95 The mail oMer house cannot touch the above line for "QUALITY" OR "PRICE." Family SHOE Stare Mail Orders Prepaid . Everything in Rubber or Leather Footwear for nR menWn of the family. We Solicit THE MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTIES AND COL. LECTION OF RENTS The Satisfactory Services given others, Justify us In soliciting yours Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received l car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. Size cut to order. Also Kindling In Sacks. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 580. , Service arid Quality our Motto. LINDSAY'S . Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phono 58. KING fiEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. I'rices Reasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH' COST OF LIVINQ. Elimfnafe the draught around your windows and use" less coal'. SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows. Glass and Mirrors of all kinds. T. R08 MA0KAY. Phone Blue 165. , Mt,- f IK ) SMOKING CONCERT TO VISITING ELKS Enjoyable Event Arranged by -Local Organization Last Night The Elks' llome was the scene of a smoking concert last, night tendered by the local Brother 'Bills in honor of Jos. F. Morris, jthe first firand Exalted Ruler of 'F.lkdom in Canada and of fifteen i -brother Elks, who are in the city -las delegates to the Union of R.C'm Municipalities. i , A most enjoyable evening ras 1 1 spent in speech hulking, songs, jg recitations, and instrumental se lections. The Elk's orchestra dis pensed harmonious" strains dur ing the evening. Hrolher Jo. F. Morris, past grand exalted ruler, gave the ad dress of Ihe evening. Ex-Mayor C F. McHardy of Inn. Reeve Hockley of Esquinuilt, Mayor J. 'R. Colley of hamloops1 and A. Well firay of New Westminster, also gave appropriate. talks. I A splendid vocal afid musical (program was rendered by - fleo. Wad.lell. Harry Fletcher. C.ille fCouture, Harry Astoria, and J. fabourin. The success of the evening was dtif to the efforts of Harry Hreen, V. Reid and Eddie Craggs. The singing of Ool Save the of King in the early honrs brought I an enjoyable entertainment to a fitting cJosV. ' ) Bert filassey, exalted mlr. .presided. TRAP SHOOTING Dr. Tail and Joe Flood Tied For Highest Score There wa a good lum out of the lrap shooter last night at the will range of the prince Rupert Trap Shooting Club. Park Avenue and ithe scores made were very satisfactory. Ir. Tait and Joe Flood of jtied for first place with scores of zi eacn out or a posajjjiij twenly-five. ;llie individual scores werer lr. Tail 21 Joe Flood ... ... .. 21 Jo Scdtt . . . .V.V 20 H. .NewHl '19 Dr. r)ugheriy 19 Harold 'ickersnn . . 18 Jack Keefe ... ... 18 J. Shepperd ... 10 H. rci;eoil ... ... i J. Itoddie 13 J. Barnsley' .., .. . 12 W. Watts ... in Provincial confahle J. A. Wil- .liams, iif Vanderhonf, has been (transferred toSlewarl lo lake Hie place of CousMhle Scarlef Irans- rerred lo Hie Mine Recorder's oflice. Conslable William- leave for the norlh on Friday night. Mrs. J. A. Briggs. wife of the Buckley Bay dfrctor, and child, ill Hrrneu i.n n,e. pnnce d eorge I yesterday afternoon from Van- I corner where IJiey have been oh . . In' linll.l..n .1-:.. I ,.. ....i.1 ,i, 1,1, un.i mane con- neetion Willi Ihe Prince John insi nignt o return In the Is-lor ,Hm,', Wi&k. Makes Xtf2j?V -The richest Quick N-Shave Sport Chat l I Bert Morgan, iiT-iurni iii i lie; oaetiali astiaiion. is woriiug on his pnposition " hae a lhre game hase series between the Married and Single men of the city between Bow and Fair lime. If I lie organization can be completed and other arrangements made, li first game may lie staged a! Acropolis. Hill grounds on Friday evening of this week. Sydney Bazett-Jiioes, secretary of 4the association. Is out of town on holidays and some other '.layers away ami this has delayed fh connjdetion. of ar rangements. A rood deal of en-lhii-iann has been arousal among fans over- the prnsperl the sries. II will aNo gh he players the ojp.,rtunity In keejt in practice for the leatim? Ilwl- W.-H1 irttl trill. (n.w Smithers during Fair Week. . With the prosert of a rraen team of Irapshooters coniins; here from Ocean Falls during Fair Week, the local pigeon smashers are gelling quite en thusiastic and there will W a good deal of interest aMached to selection of the team ilial represent the cily. Rivenl meetings of the local r.un 'rtuh have pnneil that there is plenty material and that the Prin.v liupert nien will W able fo jmld Iheir own with any outsiders. Tonighl there will be another riieeling"' al Park Avenue and, in view of he forthcoming event, a record ertiAd of marksmen is rx- ec(e,d oul. Joe, Manila, ihe Ketchikan mid dle, welghf, will be pilled against Jarfc ' I.'orkharl of Seattle in U bout at Ketchikan on Labor Hay. Originally Manila was lo have met allor Passey for Ihe mid dleweight' chtimpionsliip of Alaska but Passey did not take on Ihe bout. Keli-hikiin funs- believe that when Manila meets Lock hnrt he will be up against Ihe slitfesl customer he ever had'and that he will be forced In extend himself . for all he is worth lo retain hi lille. I.orkharl is known as one of Ihe luinlesi-hit. ling boxers around Puget' Hound tonight s senior roottiall' game Jhe (iilliilly Cup series Ie- ween the fit-olio and Sons of England will be one'nf the mo-l inleresling nuilches of Ihe sea .. ... , . son even lliouli it may tie lln last. If ihe Sons of England lie win' the roinpelif inn will lie lover with litem in possession of BRIER jlhe trophy hut, if I Ik (indlo turn (ui victorious, all teams in t'.-! league will h lied iiet-eilslin several play-otT , games. The situation is very inleretinp and doubtless I he players of both sides will be there to put forward their best efforts. There should be a record crowd of (vialors. The Sons of England players i will ! chosen from the follow ing: II. Frinell. Dick l.amoie. Jirumie Farijiiliar. Percy linker. lieorge KeUey, HiUkinson. hd- ,'lie Lraggs, Johnson, II. K. I-ord Hill. Ilamillttn, lUmeron and indlay. The flrotlo have the follfl owing men to rhoe fntni: jlter! Morgan. Frel Hardy, Mc ! H. Hamilton. (.eorge MlliWaugh, J. Jackson, Joyce. Aler. Huv.J. flarunltell. J l l'fiodull I. MKSowan. Andrew. II. t!aw thorn. J. Sims ami T. Fraer. The directors of the Ontario Jockey Club" have decided In change the distance of the King's Plate, the premier event of the horse racing -eaoo there, from one mile and a quarter In -the shorter distance of one mile and one lurlnrig. Owner and trainers claimed ihat Ihe present dn- laore results tm'r' frequently in jeaoniizing a horse's chance for Ihe future-owing lo the riirH-ou- Training tie must receive l gel ling Iii nt fit to mil this distance Vo early in the rafn. .. Iidy iKixers" are star allrae. lions al the cheaper varn'ty honses i urlin and bring many tourists lo he'e places of amusement. There are several groups of women pugilists who spar in various- cabarets and iiiiiic Tialls ami they box with great vigor. One of Ihe les known female loxer has a noe which is badly deformed from being broken. Another has a cauliflower ear. Many of Ihe female pugilists are young and extremely, attractive. They are about n scientific a many of Ihe men who' pose a profess sional Imxers, for Ihe art of boxing is not hishly developed in Oe'rinany. SPORT STANDINGS . Senior Baseball V. I.. Pet. on of Canada .... 7 I 875 Oils 3 5 37S Orojto o ( 000 Intermediate Baseball Colls ft- 857 Whife Sox ... r 200 High' School .... - o OOn Junior Baseball Falcons 6 Cfl7 Boy Scouts 4 500 While Sox 3 W ' Stuart Shield Football W. I). I., 'PIS. S. of E :. 3 0 I 0 ' K. of C. I 2 3 Grollo r i 2 3 Ollhuly Cup Football S. of K. 2 0 4 S. of C t. 2 1 ( GroJIo 10 2 2 F. V; Delconrt Is sailing for Vancouver on Ihe Prince George , tonight. 6 I V. II II BBS w L VOU OOf ME. TH&VLLHE to ec MAvOE Or IRON Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PER- WORD IN ADVANCE, tf Ad'vwtlMitMnf Takn lor U... Ih-n 8( VVANTSV WANTEI. Men and women .to learn barberlng. Paid white learning and tools fro. Write for catalogue. Moler Harler College Vancouver, B.C. WANTF.O.-oirl with knowlclje of bookkeeping. Apply in on handwriting lo Box I to, Ooily News Otliee. WANTEI TO BUV. Three or four roomed house. Apply Hot 139 Daily News Office. 2(1 1 FOR MLB FRKSII VF.OKTAIU.ES for Sale ... The following egetnldes are for sale at Ihe following prices f.o.t. Uedarvale, B.O.-Green Pea, young and sweek, per lb. IDC Green Beans, lender and young per lb. 10e.. Beets, fine quality, per lb. 3c. Green Onimis, very good quality Cabbaue jmt lb. 8c. Xew PolatM, good quality,' per 109 lb. $1.73. A large crop of corn will be ready for shipment in "a few weeks at low price. Aleo x ucdr lurntps anil carrots. Apply John It. Cooper. Odarvale, B.C. Ask for Alt) brand and I sure of gelling quality. FOH SAl.Ew-Uunch -Xadine." 23 ft. ,t rt fl. Cabin ernUer. lloffar biylt. EalhOe I h p, I cycle. First class conliliin. Complete with dinehy. stonige battery and full equipment, frton. l. Rorle. Plume 3K7 or Red 313. If FOR' SALE. Monarch ranee. lame Brussels rug, linoleum rug. sanitary couch, eleclrie Simrer sewing muchine. baby rurriage. Apply George l.evlck. 7fl Second Avenue. FOR SAI.R-.New hull. U feet by Clfeel. Seine boat moe. Conslnicled of first class material. Bargain. Address. T. F. Johnson, P.O. Box f 78. Ketchitan, Alaska. FOR SALE. I hae for sale sev eral hoals- good for pleasure and work nt exceptional bargains. They' musl be sold. Ap-ply X. M. McLeitn, Cow Buy. IIEIXTZMAX PIANO for Quick sale. $350.00. Apply Box 137. Iiaily News Oflice. 9H FOR SALE. Lots 19 And 2t. Seal Cove Circle. Apply Alex. Smith, Merville, B.C. FOR RENT FOR RENT A I Alice Arm, pool room, barber shop and clgaf store. Living room-upstairs. AIo I.eds for rent. Apply Art Blaudin, Box 11, Alice Arm. B.C. 10'J 10 RENT. Comfortable, bedrooms, ' Suit sleady working men, Privntn family. Every convenience. Phone Blue 168. STEAM Healed Flat for rent. Besner apartments. M. M. Stephens. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms 410 Sixth Avenue East. Phone Blue 217. If MODERN four room flat for rent. Westenhnver Bros. If BOARD. BOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. If ROOM AND BOARD PALMER' HOUSE. 408 Seventh Avenue West-. Phone Red 440. Furnlrhed' itllter. i i NOTIOB i Advertiscrs are remlnd- est I hat Copy for adler- tiseiuents should be !ntUie Iaity New tftiar befnre I p.m. thday lo enure Insertion in tomorrow's ' , issue. f TAXI Taxi 47 Phooa. (Call Oeorgi or Goil) Ross Brothers. Besl Senoe m Ihe Cify. Anywliere Anytime Day or" Night Stand: Boston Qrlll Third Avenue HOLIDAY RESORTS' MASSETT. QUEEN'S MOTEL The Ideal Holiday Resort. For terms apply nmniieiress: Mrs, J C A. Dunn. AUCTION !ALTS. Conducted Irr your home or at our rooms. Good also sold ou cornniMslon. H. H. HEMMinOS, AuctlonMC, Third Avenue (Oei.ny Allen's Old Store) Phone black 13 and Orven 471. CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSII, 0.0. Chiropractor Klrd Avenue. Prince Runerl. It f! Hours. It) to 12; 2 Irt 4: 7 la 8. Phone- Blue 25. Residence; Green I3A. MAIL SCHEWJ!, For the East Mondays. Wednesday and Fridays, closes al 5J0 p.m. From the East Mondays, Thursdays and Saturday. 4:30 p.m. , From Vancouier , Sundaye , I p. M Mondays .3 P.M Wednesdays ; . 3 P.M. Fridays ..... A.M. Fridays ....,.0. 3 P.M. C.P.R. MikiiM 3, rt 13. 17. 21 and 27. To Vancoovee Mondays ...4....;. - .10 P.M. Tuesdays. Slaft.f lo'scVat 1 P.M. Thursdays 10 P.M. Saturdays ... A.M. Saturdays 10 P;M. G.P.R. Augnsi 8 M, 18, 2? and 29. To Anyoi, Alice Arm-Wednesdays ......M.a. V P.M. From Anyoi, Alice Arm Thursdays 8 p.m. To Port Simpson,, Alice Arm Anyox and Arrandate. Sundays . .7 p.m. From Port Simpson, Atleo Arm Anyox and Arrandate Tuesdays aM To- Stewart and Pramtee Fridays ..9 P.M; Sundnys 7 p j From Stewart and. Pramlarw sa'urdrtys 8 P.M. Tuesdays yr To Alaska Points. August 3, 0, 13, 17, 24 and 27. From Alaska Points August A. II t To- Queen Charlotte Island: Points August 8 and 22 5.30 P.M. Front Queen Charlott Points August ft. and' ?n To Nbas River Polntaw. - (iiiurs.iays lfl- p.; From Naar River Pblnta csiurasys ( A M ffl ' t IMS giant TArt trr in- .. I I H-al hull . . I'M l i b fi Usi; i z nkmt -i. . . Min s. x to Ulik.- lb. Uhr ti , t- -ih im 11 1 m tej 4ui i r aM Irllrr tuftlsf f : i iv r llmwrl firr tk tu imhw bin im. r 7 Tmleee .. , smmi tw n- ks t4 fit ? t a 4 st:: woTiet imr: is iiijoiii ' ' 1 Mna eHraiint) n b nw " " f rrw ifvisft U IM UrHUt "'Jt-' if tw eriMtor "union at nt Ml, rT Art ! : -- K4 tvan Hufrl tnrl itf..n v. id tltn1ii iW ' W ;t t I' Urn tax 411. brlttr I 3 : fr. fa tmfTinr Ofw Mi.r. ' c - r tiw Thuaaarvl mtlr n- -t o. W-eturrS .M rf tat u 1 i J ! ki tun riMMf mmi ; , lf M tffl 1 a fMsl tbrrflo. M ' f Ihe llf iaea u! for tfte m it - tar iHMlrr MM SrlaW i- fl lb mi Ml 1 I , iM fUnrni a h" H T -)0t- KM mttrirnw4 tr lh f-fllaftl t lb M)HUrtSll krt ami til iimiswm niXVr U4 InUiik I aaasl bm VMrUl 1 "' t-t 79 pnvtlor ll nnrU-ll-n u4 t-r lrlln lo lb dale tr-a " M MTTiit at rMiai) 4 tairm Martlllim wrned ' t f MM brliw f lo to mt I- : r. : i iWrnrri irllSI I'1 it liar nor or r- j k jm. HIS Pty J Jljr. ltd AAlkiiAr fr tb Ar. iJ MuBirtrsnty of tt it ri Wtrt. - . N 0 T I C I. n THK.MTTtlT ot n trr Ihm laau ft PrntMiOal fSfliW " Till" &fl UM mmiv ihrw 1: (laJSuL0UtlMm of t" r ";3,4i2 iiiT-air ti. tib ol Terrs' ' - stiivrttiorr .rcsvr or im r OrtlOf tie t Tlt etiwrlM lb "' btvint tern Mikltarrd ! " "I t.. .n ium an. thm .irjrttAsi a orts mth msu the nni p'-iu t, a . I'rvTtikiiMt criiri ' JlzJL Ihe tbO l$na IB In M" m 7x7,: .ttBlrlle. Th orlrtrul i..n:r. U cs J dtled IM Itlh Ar. "" ItSiLerrd ItllOI. Ltiul rtrrotrr Otrtre. W B.C. lit orut. Hti , h r jo:tj-or tlll'lvll " PBINCt BUeiBT USD DUTSICT. QUI! CHARLOTTE UlANDI "'"f.' Ttke SoW-e Ihtl lh UniMt riW PsrSlof Osnr-nr 't tarn .""IkI i,7 la apply ror (wrtWMWn 10 J", Iswini lletrnbeil foreh.r TTm It point It to rhtia r.irthifwJ" ote normwiMi rurwr tii - .i.i-. u h a: nonhwnlrrlr dirertK s J,,J1f low w iir r nurs r mi l, ' rsittiMiMr tnd mniinr , wtlee mtrr le uaina, mrr 'jrau.t. pmnl U rliln noMber fmm lrt ier lO poal OB oie " ,ubi. Ihrnre IWrlhetM tiy rbtJ? IB the point f iimrri-eneiiw ronutninr Jo arret, nwrr w iy-j lined mir fOIB nay ni 'WiUrt, LA.-snut nsiiin rAJ "pl- it, it, i inrf - tMO CT. N4I f IsUMlofl It la Skrrnt I.ib.1 I'oir'lcl, P'.'' IMci of l-rinrr Bur-rt. ."'', Cpuini Cote, fill lslao.1. ' J- y,B. Tak. flottre that W Jrff. it COtirer, wtiipUb cannery "; ' im m arily for ifniinwB i . , , a iumi' planosl en Ihe -mil" lhrn. llliu r.ive. IlK-nr Ksith ;"jJm w M' to charn-: ovnc , t ' hor; irwnr follosltif lHrf w r", rmruiiMirmrnl irnl' ftsitaminf r'" bh.It or lew. ,..B4liir: . . vv 1, '"".".fiifiat ',f,", Ntma of ...a.t .11. ..1 IBI1 I'.'-l III! ' w QUSIN CM4BLOTTS ""D,M,"vIiS TaW Mnltre Ihat W 0, " Nsiver, .Ck inlis-r. n!nd Ihn Mlnlllfr of taiwl .A nartiral i.roaoei-l fcir coal, neirol'iim. h" Ll,HhHl tt or and under ihe W ";", uaM iland.. minted on fUUi-Mif 1"-. "iltlil l.laivi. M l'..- CAmBKlirlni at r Li. K al the amiltirtu corfwr of .rt Tu1itl(iP'J, luetic 0 rhilni Tn, 'fl11 'M rtnjlna north! Ibenre '""L. nr illieiic 0 rhalnt aoulh, IB l"" " nielirBeni. .., n u,v0W!. I Dtted iiy it.