REORGANIZATION OF . 1 PROVINCIAL POLICE ! 4 Many Reforms to be Put Into EN feet, Attorney General Man-ton Expectant Mothers should Announce send for this book , eoiifereiir helween J. II. JJ O''- i-a "Before Baby Comet" llt-nill-t,r,ii " j-- and Ms in. Tr IU. a. trltt tmi ta all h alal tfca nulk t?ia .i" I.MC.MUIlin, police, liaar. .f "fc-EI 0E AY CUMU.' ritta W ha jiiM comHioW tar. It talla IS nottwto-br So ta Ok tfasar eat ( a.r.rli' rinw ! aatioaa . af akltlna, aa tb.t tkn Baa? arrlaaa ! l Vtrtnria. and I he rernmmewda- fcf w SI a M 4 basal. aha wlakaa fc aw Mm. Thla k jlion Bmv jieinst iseenared for the a tatT nslSfal hah. Wnu far H ta-., aarlaalsa; I, bait ab-a Araata. HaraM P, ftHi-kla 4 Ca, LlaU It MrUaal C4, consMleratrWi or iw .ummev Taraata. Plaasa aaark roar antalos part-sM 4a I (ienerul. who ha nlo len in ion fen o Willi the v1ice offi- riORDFif CONDf v rial. uii'i plan ror Hie reorgan-utnlinn of Hip provincial poller (rf will he .ii Inln ferce almost The News n.i'll'.l imiiiftlialely.on tlie line of the Paily rntirOii. Il'ival Xortsi West Monnl- ST CHARLES MILK FHINflE hlJPEHT - BfUTJSH COLUMBIA li-l pdlii-p. Hie provincial police Published Kvery Afternoon1, eicept Bunday, the Prince Will -.horlly luie at its head a mPtwe Countryimikr)ith'JhcCreamj(sfJn commissioner, under wliom will Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. ! n aiiM'rinii'iidciil and a nun- II. F. PULUEN, Managing Editor. Jer of iiMiivlors. I Oder Ihe I He iinli'r i'IihT i iniaoie wii ... I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ihernme rrt.'nnl, sum oilier Heart of the In the City lielivery. by mail or carrier, per innnih. $1.00 linnk Hill ! eornoral. first. By inail lo all part; of the British Ei.ipire and the United State.Irecoiil and thri-d cbt cnnalnMe. In advance, per year . $6.00 contnlle. To all other routitries, m advance peryear liiinm.-ilin One of Hie of ntnl the reorgnni'iittnii far-reneliimr Chilliwack District South Sumas TELEPHONE 68 v i 1 1 h Hie eslablishmenl of l i-rim ilia I invfti;ntimi iletuiri transient Display Advertising ft.40 pier i -inch per Insertion Uie innla.onliliniy wliicli will aidic h" eraa wly, from although in the Fraser River Valley, noted, like the Transient Advertising on Front Page $ per inch iilfcler Hie aim exmiliw Swiss Foothills, for its rich milk that is where Local Readers, per insertion J . . 2!e per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word bltm-licd lieml. Mcndrcr lo the t of l.D.Hie wttl force.r.0.not the Borden condensary is located. Is it any Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agale line i.Mv uniformed. wonder then, that "St. Charles Milk" is the-choice Contract Hates on Application. Hon. A. M. Man-MMfc who arrival of housewives? v i Vancmner last Wetlnesilay All advertising shonld be in The Daily News Ofllre on day preceding ni?lil. stulfsl that the lai-m milk "with the cream left in" Rich, pure country publication. All advertising received subjecl to approval. proincit fort'c on n nmrf i fnieiil plaue than ever l.-foi.- it serves every milk need. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. iwaii the-nlijerl f I In- reorguniz.i- Ition. In-ail.liJkoi to llie ii" in . No longer does one depend upon the .uncertain DAILY EDITION st$$?gm Tiir.ay. .May I!... liioi of n. '..!.I). Iirani'li. iirovisi..!i milkman, for with a supply of the various T jlieienl Itccn colnpcralioii made foi ruid(M-twecn and (h St. Charles tins (four convenient sizes) one is, Mr. Bonar Law Wat ,coincial. -innnieiMil aixl It. never short, never caught with only sour milk Successful Premier. IM. I. force, and also for a roni-i in the house. Andrew Honar taw, during his few month tenure a I'lrte enforcement of Hie panic Premier of (ireal Britain, ha filled an arduous. and. jlelit-Ale law. Police dilricl Umrirfarics ' will also lie ulli-rs to suit exist Order Borden St.Charles Milk from your grocer today afl position with much Uu't and a measure of urce. Politically, ins rin-uinlaoce. whirli will tic , the situation at (he head of the Hritih Commons at the present . ... .. oinciiicni won inc rr(iririi o lime i a very diffifjiU one fraught at all times with partyjH ranks of the force ami a com-' dangers. How long Mr. Bonar'. successor run roiititiue-loifltc rNlrartin!r of poliic re'iila- pilot the Conservatives in power is a. nu'lion. In ainy ae. ition to he elrenullieiieil, when; VANCOUVER -vi K Mr. Bonar law has managed to.pul through Mime vflluahle.Iegj- In leyj.latiire meets, by ilra-lf la I ion of a moderate nature and has handled 'the many '.serious Umcndm-nU to the Police Act. 1rol'lems that now confront the Empire willi care and caution. Inspector 1'. V. S. Parsons, of lfi..relirenienL isJoJieL-regrelted aiul ifis to be hoped that 1iil'riw' tieore. who is in the riiy HMTijrjnaf i'iiTiB .' ieji-j lia iloiie. , ' j itKMolcl the recent conference. ' f ' -. Provincial Police . BURNS LAKE HAS Reformt Due. Some valuable reforms are In be enacled in ronneclioTi BRICK FACTORY with the affairs of the provincial police. Attorney fieuernl Mnn-son auiiounces. The work is In le clended where necessary" Ben Howland Sets up New Indus and put on . belter basis generally. Co-opernlion wild eily nod try at Gateway to Lakes W- iJominion police, it is iiulirated, is to be more strictly followed District The provincial police, it is adrnilled. is capable of a lot of im ci provement anil Mr. Jlaiison and Ihe new superintendent. Oil. lirjt.V I.AKi:. May lien are takihg bold of the problem. The various reforms lloulaud lia arrne.) lierc from that they have in view will be popiilar with Hie public Fort Kraair and i very enthusi astic about llie future or tin Mrs. Healy Wat town and district. Mr. Howland Valuable Citizen. ha bad lenly-lx years' ejwri- In llie death of Mrs. Mealy, Ihe rjly of Prince ltiiMrt lose ence in hrieti.making and is- now SK ' one or its most esteemed rililens for deceased has for many the proprietor of Muni I-ike I TheHanjMhe Hood ?AYWATER I I)ENTIS1I years beeji active in valuable work of a semi-public nature, both newest industry, lie i eonvincel RATES social and religious. The Daily New joins wild Ihe citizen Ihat the bsfl clay Will make an generally irr expiessingsynipalhy lo.the widower and Ihe vari excel lent quality of brick, and al City Treasurer's Dspartment Will ready Ihe preparation or I!; I IIK man wlio doe mil own n saalrd lackilara IU br rsralnrri to I ha v v nit oils trK"uizaiiofiii oi me ciiy io which tier ileum will cfiuse a lioild- IMsko an Investigation ln-lrwi l'ivalrr. I'rllw navl. H -4 t ivtnrii i under hrickxar.l way. motor boa! ha a HMr idea of deep loss. , jiai.i Own ia4i sat lla Sib a 4 Jum in:r and the kiln will be ron-sirueled llie word worry. Soma Not Been Paying I S J. tut la (Hirrlxaa ut ll'tf X j"'- M r , iif Hart a1 ijiamasl. l mi UK rra (tie first Home Establishment inupedlalely ami "i . .. lmlUl It Necessary. hatch of 50.0un bricks will short WHAT I like about a hnuoiief The eity treasurer iepnrt. i ' ' ' '' ' " . . 1 asa"S'41 1 CSff mtVWm 1 Iwuinda has heeii losing a lol of people lately because she ly lie offered for sale. i the nice flilnir the fellow say nienl will make Mil tneslitiullon : rrt IxHarulara I la- rhrf r.r. . Offlos Hours! does not bike slep In.keep them. One of Ihe inol important Ilniid made, sand rolled brick iilioul each other. to usc4rlain that all r leneesj J"; ( l " rnani miw V I .a. factors in stabilizing population i the encoiiragerueiil and n-sisling will first be manufacture,! in the eily are befllK cliure.) of home buifdiiig. In Ihe United Stales money i available hill wiJJi Ihe growth of till: tailor doe not alwaya proper water rale. A reeoiiiinen-ilalioii TIMBER SALE X 4939. I hsal and export trade, a pre make the il Ibis efbvl from llo sometime to more retierall or home establishment than il i in Canada, man Er.Lii THMbn Mill lia raatajl liV II'. Ths UUst In llfinks in Ihe ITniled Stale advance money on real estate. In will be intallel nnd cnunnerriol llie liarber. board of work WB adoplcil li v'Vlis.u-r 4 laiaU, al Vlrinru. nol !! Summsr, Canada il i Ihe prac'iee not lo do so. That i one reason why ipiunlilie made for shipment 4-r . llie city cuuiicil lust niirhl. I lha Mirfiiaa T Urais-e X lm. lo nil liiid liM-al sale. The farloey I sll- Solicitor Jone ivo.vvu rrri r llamhak. iMtir. Hal-am ' aiiii. v rpa I Toiled Stales is havln? so mucli building loiiay and wbv il 1. MANY a married man wlshe t'ily (jiieslinned ami Kir. imi an irra ailualaai im to IM-ur naled on the island adjacent thai Cupid had run short of mil-rminil if Hie cll had Ihe power to make nllrncling reop)e. people, iiiduraliy. feel more inclined lo slay Voaili .toure ut Ijiu La a a. tunra f llie southern of Ihe before he made i ha'ire for hack service for laiwl m.irlri. , Villi Hie plnce where they have n borne, paid for or not. commencement hii wu n T S irara lll Ja allit for ra Of roursr. it i iieessnrv for Canada In be more careful hridatc. At se larset for hi arrow. vhirh eouiinier had not been iiisoai irf iiiuta-r, Has Arrl-Call four will be employed in the ruiiliar paillrulara lit Urn Chi.r low- men billed. ' nboul caniinl I linn the I'nileil Stale. Proriorlioualely, there ha In nnd v w ipe;i mucji niorp nioney made in (be I'niled Stale 'of recent work. WMHX a girl call you "Ienr Aid. Sledieii insisted Dial tlie.taf) vnmr tm;-ri. rt ye;ir Jlimi- ju Canada. IJcice. more money is available for in-Vpslinenl old thing' it lime lo daek pinl- rosi eiiiiiuen in niaouiK uie in-i TIMBEft IALE X 4420. BENT'S Readf'H purposes. However thai nuiv be. it seem Dial at thb ' die. vestlKalloii iiuiiii lie rliargeii; limeCaiidJan bankers nnd olber might promo'le veueral pro j Ten Years Ago to the walerwnrk. Aid. Munro ,M TwVf, hf Third . perjfv and slal.ilii-e Ihe oomdalion somewhat by laking measure-lo In Prlncs Rupart II' a woman keen a man wall lirulerlook lo see tlial fill was , MIiii.ut ut Muda. al Vlruu-ia, m. uir .nil. mil. nun iai am uwi a in day i.sjnia. aj, riicoijroge home establishment. fng for an hour lie- Kruuildes bul jdone 'fur lis avrlMr LSniw X 4f. f ml llie same man will -ail for day Maor .M'Uloia salil Dial tins t.lHMUH f-l ,r si.nira. HalMin. Hani Tbe it.'V.t: s-leanier Prince Al- wild a salmon egg on a book wa Ju.l a step toward reducing fcVCVSJS S Z'll.:"'.7 cncnM ril hert. which left here shortly af wailintr for llie iiuprodahle' to Hie deficit of Hie wilier depart- 'soi UimI lu.irin. , Nerves ter midnight for port Simpson happen, menl. II had been found Heat J? " ""rd " So Bad That and Ihe northern pari of CJoecn noine people had jieiin gellinu! I'mHssr .m-nlar. i.r il riiiaf f.iraa She Would Sit and f'.harlolle Maud, ruel with an IiOWl.l.NTJ f an underhand their water rtr nnthinv. If Hum .,r' .f)ar, iuiurri .i: We can n :w ' Cry unfortunate accident while nl-lemplfnir con mil iiiii iniiror iiii- iiiiMllliill. EDSON to make llie wliarf at game anyway. TIMBER SALE X 4941. FAMOUS the whole ii)i'llon shoiilil In- Mrt. Mary Hocking, Mmioc, Ont, writrii Port Simpson ahoul four oVIoek in any U'-tnliU'- O.VK of Ide Idllig thai I here gone into wflh it view to increas TaiHlrr. kill ft rsraOfnl by llu "tP'' RUK' erv ' ne mt "ondWful Jot of food. lb i morning. The uleamer ran ing late. . Vliiltlaf i laiMl.. al Vlriiari. iai laiar I suffered from gtnml vy'ikacu end i no limit lo I the iHimber of , j Ilia issm mi II. llfl lm ut Slay. ISIS, Prince fiopert w i to rua down and my bert "ii a reef not inore (dan two Alii. Slepliwili fell that all the girls thai into for llv Mirrliaa "f l lrriMa X WI I,, i hi tad nerves were in such bad ihape tha I would lit down and cry linndre,! yard from Hie wliarf can grl a IS fool nlilities should e oniisnliiluleit. S.M( In-1 i.r,.Oikir .llamlia-k.. ....Halaara boat. aiul aiiruM. la. M an .1 1 u I I 1 Phon aiivw wnai 1 Wi cryiof tbOUI. I alftO ami i now renting Itigh and dry. Al the present.time de light and nii ttw 'ut l w$ use. lian . i,i uied to hve wetk spells. Trunks trl)r. Chsse's The Venture of'Ida Union Sleauir telephone dejMirlluenlM wa. now-l'. '"rlVesrs .n.i'.nd TIIKIIK .ill la, are two Ibfng in Mil ra Nervt food, however, I im rest well now. 1 dip Company, southbound from life lug ojer suridilse while Hh- liH.-al l tuiiia-r. tdal to iieml he sbsll Iwy, ktrD t Loi of tk liranby to Prince Ituperl, enlermj ii man wary walar iieparniient liu.l I an iiunuil runner rnuiar ilia iniiaf ri.rfa. of. Hie fn -i n motor hoal and r viriri. ii.i: . c u Ul,irin lurra BOSTON Nerve Food in the house, tad re-commend Ihe harbor al I'orl Simpson Just Hie aeennii deficil. lar, I'riuif Hi-ri. H i:. is a woman. them ahout Hie arne time a Ihe Aider!. Macdmiald to my friends; Aid. suirtfesteit tin.I TIMBER SALE X 5081. they tit t woodtrful medicine. The Venture made several giitir,rlli (III migdl' be biy ause the ahl for the (lailv New. (Mr.W, Vinte, Druui.t, of attempt lo poll Hie Alder' C and xiwer department roliecleii Saalad Tnnlara a III Im rrralrrd hi Utt GRILL, Mim.tar 1 uf lain!.. VlclurU, ul laur Msdoc, Ont., ssysi "1 Juve sold Hie reef tut! wjldoul suecewn. II senium a einap the HVIer lyu nvoq on in fto4 aJajr ut jua. ISIS, Mrs. (locking your Nerve Fowl, Tlie boat not leaking and it i Signs of Good Health ilepnrluleiil hail not done. in iiurruaa ii i.ii r wa aval, 'Ut I'i II1U1 I,uu) rn-l lit si.rma anil nd the medicint hsi done her erpeelml it - will float al high Sum ISaakar Oraaaa. Oal fuactiaa Hrrularlf lliafc. anil el.flitl.ueu raal ar IrllaJ aud faWT snucb good. iide (oniglil. a4 STaalir, allllatil fmiu ut Oal SCENTS Of DIRCCTION trtu-kril tliiira kd llewlurk, oa an err SIASOI.ABLE Dr. Martel's Female Pilli 'llualad ml llliiftliiiia Hay, jul lilanii, DR. - - ) l.lurMl 1alu4a tauil pl.lrni. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD J. II linger left on Hie steam VVS.Wn TMOUJANOS LT SIALf "Where if the onion counter"' Tu t aar will mi alius ril lor re ( IX I Ll W f HaabW llo aka Wily. Us iiiu val ut llmbar 1 Vat aJI daaOrra, or I Ji.iaw, Itolet A Vv., Ud Toronlo 't Venture Ihm fiinrnlnK on Hj I'arsaT Tr'siMal. ia"i Irarl.,a. i'art ut Three s n Hr In 41m rigid I llirilu-r irllruUrs 'f lb Clil.l rof uisioeM. iiiji lo KeuMIe St,sail.Tw-aslai K.. aacbuckaf Haua4 (a. 11 t. fml l.'iiusviHe r.oijrler Journul .ii-r virturia, H i . or iu tnurli l loraairr, jl'riiu liirl, a.i