"ft tft"1 Tim IIXILT REWB FLAYS FOES OF BIRTH CONTROL Wife of Famous Novelist Object to Come State toe li Law In SMOKE HWI.WJFHF., X.Y., IM.. rt. '' ward," i Die clmrnrierlra-Mi.n Trj Tils of mm. linn.id Mroroih, wire of -the (piIihI American k! CiCAL fi 'Vi litl, of lliop N wviinen who refine HtBBUL In - approve and onnctl.ni HEALLH liirili ronlrol. GDENS FKE2! i Leader In Ihe vreent effort amend liie cvi.lliur mlnle law. hhidknownof ZanCuk j inase lilrlli control i,,.!),!,. mid nf Hip penlcr upon in nio, It would hava whom Hie Albany j,..lirp placed indescribable niliary," lln' enl f ilenrp liin llify 1 kf i li.m MHIi i-nnlpiil ulnle nfpniNH Ojpfp, Mm. MHlmlh tr v ii .J rPliiriiitl l h-r hmiiP in Mii rily t ' '! '( t I ''! l ii"all "Hint iftk", Anthony M IbW . -. q.i il. "r Wllt im ilVfii(iMk." fiilhi-r fit Hip lr-rnl CUT PLUG !,.! ,'in tluk (lnlp Imv, iiinl n iMrli (In-jilPtsI )4j i-i Uf etuftfi, ,if (I. iimi lifirnltr.n. ' ' i nti I 'Y n Reveal Aim t ih ifc Urn J I t: I' OP t,i tjPiiajrijc lh- alriK of tin-! 1 im . mr hi rlh i-iinlrnl onUra in ltii 4hIi . i ii.p pW" ft :Mr. MnMlralh .: "M'Mf unmrn, aiwl Hip piihlir. " Off. '1 anil Hip lilirHn fi lo Brnp Tl rrimi! wht f ar ulrhiiift for, v.hn 1 r 1 hh rr i Itav firej liHml Ittpfulmlf nf Hip i nli'iit i (In- ili.l i i --iiii farl that I iicIp Snm. ValPiilim- 'tiiriu1. " a more iliffii-iilt mat tr than parki I tiome. :anil yonntr Slennlanil came to l i. I 'lrrthp ami MrrTnl pffprl Hie iiiifnrliiimlf man u alr"'i'lj 'a pea-anl I'mliinii'. n ilafTmhl ami Hi' initial oiii-raliiin a Hie Wulf Family Objected 'think more nlonz Hip nnie linhy .nmn ?vnrmnpp ir(ny in wnmptt. I iiw-nrni'il. hatiiitf loi lii ridht a Siinki-I Maiil wilh h.in.N. nf hail heroine eiiracil oer Ihe im-1 lli pnlliiiiaui over the ac. the limp Monilay hart nrrived. anil . ... . . ... . .. . . . "'" mi in rvlPA, jiTniill)- krviw . i. 1: i r - 111 : i : - .1.. r i i. ill..I t - I.I . nn Tinnn. who arm in An iiPriilenl in a uliinnlc, nranneff anil li'inon. iniiiiii ii ui!i-llii. Him iiiiivm ilfllllill oi Tiiloeiiiiii(f new ill iiii uir uuiuni kiiiih. 'wn a frl.-iMl of nil iip, who took mill eeral )par aim. iwitli every on we of hi hundred jiin of ilnmelir. mI was mm. Iiie younit man will receive a hpr own llfp hi-p-au.p hp Miffpr-! The l.ielmi .i fithitr for iiiiiinl After what ei'ined aii'hnl ilanifieiieil on hi nrrival t.oiinly of M5 from the poveru- ilirniijli ii.iHraiipp I Lnnw of hriinp in Imnean ran.il. uri'l li.i l WILUNG WORKERS li rnily lo l lie younx man. h-' hnioe. Hie oilier meinlier of meiil. hei.i'. if he care lo wil a ) m ' tm -wphI uilipr wofiirn, W'in.li'rfiil larteil to nl ike a haul. I' irler GAVE SILVER TEA -in . ei'ilrrt in lriiiiiif Ihe anuiiiil 'lie Sicnxluni! family railed to the pelt. f"in tt to "in. acrorrt-ni lPll rrc4t f cit erC. w.'iiii'ii nlm ilicil IrppniiM iliyi- ni rmiiiiiiir Hip il'i-k winch with in mi neeui'e a tnniiii'T thai he innul n-i.-ral fiecies nf four- imr lo I lie sie and nualily. Till '-i'i- nnilT our law. foiihl iml Ailolpli Norlicrr mi the eiiwim-n TERRACE SATURDAY iiiinl'- a v,ti hanily tiinidle he lua-l iiMieh nion' to tie i a remarkably fine peri rife n. -iv Hipiii (fiFortimlinn vhioh kiiii. In reaching lu llirow in fhr.-wti ov.-r Hie hoii Merp mi l .i.-aireil a an ohjert of arfertion. imi" Mark and .lriclly prime. ;i mill Iihvp a. IliPlr Hp. the clutch, I'orter' pat lcec Ii i a arrral jokp. Ilu roin-f-ilp heeaiiie PltlanpiPal in Hip tingle Gave Splendid Program at Home law nf oiir lap, flhpm anil hit arm Wli ilruuu itito Ihe of Mrs. Sundal, Wis Nellie (j Aiiiliuny iViuM'H-t. wlni finit eluleli. Hie pahle eutlillB it off Tombs presiding Iiiivp tu-rn ii (rrpnl Jp liloipf, Imivp Hip ril. The cable then ill In ronpfilion nf lml in! jiiiuk.i1 off the 'Iruin illil wriliMil ri:nn.:i:. i hi. sn. The Wii- .' I ninl tihal i ntl iriH"l for aruiifiii the chiti li IibihI, criihiiiK linv Worker rla oT Hie I ninn rn-iTii iiii'ii wlni ivoiiii-ii. Hip ariu u thu t-lliovs. I'or I it Sun.lav .i-Uihil. hehl a mot cn-joyalile . Women "Weak," Too erpniinl.-atiil Xorlierjr rmllel Hm-wllt iler li-vi nl the home of iUY I "Wonipn Ikw IhrniefUM to li. liiipiiut Ihe liiaeliiiiery. Mr. O. sniiilal on Salonlsy af- YOUR In- ii wpuk o ini-n n- wool to Hail he l.een a evitnt late in lnp. lernoon. The jrlrl of lite cli ji'iniirp IIipiii mIiph Hn I"(nr. Jn IHiiB. Hip arm woul'l un-louhtelly are an unusually talenteil jtroup. utiiiil.-il for Hi pi r iliwt liipfil. liae heen putleil frAai Hip kIkmiI. anrt ifHVe a Tierfertly nlenrtiil "I WANT" ir MM-kel. I1ip otatler nl eul. oes i"iip up.. Jll4 JIip iJhPr ilay, pmtrrMiii. Mi lla.lv Kenny nl : miltipHnfr f wmiiPtt in Him ting Hie ralile wilh nil u'- ami 1h, Mi Mary "llin renitereil ffeHiMr Hie iiwiikIimI arm from ily. w wppp InlVinsr almiil hirlli Moinou." hv lieRieh, fcewiili ful Uw niachliiery Imik all of twenty from . ..fit nil uni il liOi-.ildlilli-M. I, ly. Mi Mar?arf4 Maker recite.I l.n-'w I ninl .hjyp -lpifkp1 thp nnniii'. l.ewi tirrolt "Yon Are M Tlie l.inlM al ti'MiIwi va onre Shoemaker i i-iiililnffp hi I viatanl my father W'llliaiii," i"lepipy hrtm-ins fur l'elerliurp. where 1'nrler wa- , llnlon ( Iip wmiiPti wlni out it tjinnwir. Fanny McLaren niheil to Ihe honllil. He i-. n' l-tinic jplalPil llipy th.rtlil In fradfc-p nana; "What W'noM Ymi len's Fine Qoodyear Well alrniK a- well u crii.li) ti- r. How often the individual Shot. at I. jih .-r r'oiai j of lurlh ronlrol immoml. ifl. Take for Me Pappa." in a very average lop- . ... $5.50 j "I Ip-I IIio.p who liiti) lippn pi'. -wi'i-t soprano voice anil later .T iriiiiHml hi-forp ifcpir ' iimrrhijrp laa'vp several popular nir on Ihe expresses these words without having Men's Brown Calf Brogue In olnml ii i ami a gnp rni jn ...r.lioii. ' thowinv urprli'iB .Oifords $7.60 ;iroiirii Hip pirrlr. KLU KLUX KLAN : inn -li-ry nr Hie in-irmuent for 'the least idea in the world how to j "I IHpAP H i Hip filial Ion of ''i yoiuia a irirl. Mima rtriejr (PERT SHOE REPAIRINQ. , I'liv-ician Ui eip Hvp yfiPiPVPr IS AT TERRACE -ans "Little Tallle. which wa-m go about getting that "want" lin--liiln unit unilpr it 1 1 irriim-'iatipi. mil appreciated -jpi-olally hy ;eo. hill N it not n ri"S pity. ,I lie younger porli.'ii nf Ihe au-rtiencp. gratified ilipn. Hint in lliin inallrr of I.IHIi Leah lllenker ni-ileil Picturesque Costumes of Notorious The Shoeman. li-ontro HiPir iiMMttli arp p1. "Woiihl you e the Worht Order Made v Third Ave. jlllPir kliwplP. wiiIIinI iiji, tiy n at Dance Appearance Heller." reve-alin? quHe a lalenl i. C.N.R Ticket Office. l.in. a fiMilioti, it (iniiliuli htw. for elocution. Ku lllish'on re. 'wIhpIi i fts lli"uanil of riled h liunKiroia liieee aliout TKIinACi:, Ten. SO.- Ihe fi.W. ic nn.l nnlolil mi.pry iiiinimlly "Thp Carpenter Man" and Kalh-leen V.A. Mnupraile Hanee on Weil. You want-i ;in lli iuinl. p, nvillhn? llurnetl an evoelleiit 1 iie.la niuhl mu a ureal kuc. Unmuult M. D.'s piano "lo. IteHy Antprou c. There wi a very In rye I "Wp ppk uiprly lo jwrtnll aoe n i-harmiiiu recital ion niirt turnout in niitP of Ihe w pother. ilipu'ian In ri'pal lo wompn al May lltirriwoti renrtereil "Juanila" Kindling Hip muiii wa esppllenl an.I Ihe ry f In-1 1- ili'orrtiiin, Hull which llipy ii a violin nolo. lliwir In fioil oonflilion. What Mi Kathleen Hurtiell, want . -Ii'iiil.l kimw. Mont wonipn who 'Itiere pre- you and wan a number of (rood ha' mi fliihlrpn inplirp pHliPr ponlnmet. Mm. Andy 1-ong, irtisl Mfi- cliaroiiiiiily over the lnpif-piinlMil or hirlli control. meelinit ami I tic nu U were in.i-l IUGH LUMBER ilreeil in iirHn roMunie very Ilinp who Iiiivp licit Iut arp Hip liir ?raeuui littler' h"Jile. When rlevrly ropreenll on of it want Sli- Xdlie t'oomli. in tli,. al-fenee fini'H that KiifTiT. arc n Tor Sale Cheap. -Mpii iSorn. lic on Hie fir-1 prize you Ii lunilUnit i dry irrau prii,liti, mill iojlirian arc no for lailie for the mol orifiinal of Mr. 'innin, pn i.l..l pflh. Mm. Sanr U u won. over the tea lahh . (! front 'Hit I try l ; ooiluiue. i III ll, I ll'' llll lllIT m ilcrful wonwii; hpr pflorlK arp . '1 tiei ImliPH.prixe for Ihe prel. il Hi tp inrli rough noi appriiali'il lipcauip Hiry arp Iel piiliinip went lo Mi Itcr-lia 111, dlffi'mit Wlilllm nul iiiii1pmIoii, Oip piililiran Fowler who wu ilreel a a CARRIED HOME 4o.raMpl rrfnriiii-r inl If let the other fellow know In 'rati If 1. -i raiinnr'. side-Ik anil limber jrlrl. you etc Ifiirhlir tfiiardian luko (linp'iior of our tronlilp ninrnt lo won The hy firnl Henry iirle Walherp for turn rrpre-ieivHnff wa A LIVE WOLF YOUR WANTS the odds are greatly icific Cartage, Ltd llifni-clxi' with wlral (iooil-ye.nr Tlrpx. arp IryinK In n.rromplinti. The eomie nrip went to Sam in favor of Wish ' your Phone 93. It i linio In tuy opinion thai my Kirkalrty who was ilreci a Boy of Seventeen Tied Him up ! look nl llil mailer in Hi a hejherile!. i and Packed Him on Shoulders being fulfilled lllahl f n movement for Hip puli-ilir One of the iiuiol lrikinjr feaU oo, for Ihr hPllrrniPnl of lire of the staiiil nian h mih Hie Ki:n:illKAX. Fed. JO. Wnller Ittii- hpallh nf iiioIIipm for innk- tiiiinl of Hie Kii Klin Klan who Hleu-laml. 17. won of life pro. inar our iirofrrny hcllrr inin anil iiiarrhcil in - 1 ii in n with their prii-ior of Hen-land' Hairy, The next time you want, tell the t. Regis jwiinipn ph -nloally ami f"r ulrlp-jpin? Klamlnrit hearer al Hide heart, lo'.tnd a niie-liiindreil.pounl Mack from Hie pulilir pvpoinl The l.akclii' V illey Mmtor.s were wolf in one of In trap on world about it with a Classified 'of hp relation Hip fulr ntul cini'calPil ii'lei Hiln e.itumc Cray ina ilund when he wu.s Uni.lpmlinjr ilitruli' whirh Oilier K'Kiil e.Kliimi'A were null ni: the round "f hi trap line Want Ad in The Daily News i'nlinni'li'i ami eelomlPi it for hitiiday iiioruinji. 'rlnce Rupert's Leading o many yenr atul piprrially Vniinfr Sti'iitland, who wa 2c per Word per Day Com lock anil lii inip Anthony alone al Ihe HnV. denired vrry Restaurant. kind put many foojh law liiurli lo lake Mr. Wolf liunm anil A Bakery Uneurpateed. on the ciAliite iiookK ni mi-Iklnle." fkeep him a a pel. Il' ronlderedj Third Avenue. ) Hip iulviahilily of tfuliiK for aid, .Iml feiirintt tlijil in hi absence LOST ONLY ARM WHEN 1 tlie wulf iniulil lu-eak lnoe rroni The Hie trap and ernpi'. hit ileculd Daily News FISHING FOR SHRIMP , .to make Ihe bet of Hie wituulioti ijng George Cafe Mid larkle him ulone. !Pelerburg Man Gt Limb En Weighed 100 Pound tangled In Wlncn ana oaaiy j A wolf wcislnnji one hundroil Phone 98 NEW CAFE Crushed li'iiiiul i a mean adversary o ay Ihe very 1eat, Iml you tiff keiervu the Beit CHOP KIVIVIIIKAN. I-Vli. 10. - FrH Hensland made a nonno in a rope, niuiieiivrcil about lh heast uulll 'I'Kr and NOODLKS die miceeeded in It l.iilf nuiipr of fthriiKp finally slippinK ... ... i a.. (ivrr tiis jaws, lie pulled Iliu I.leha ll lit en U' lii "i "f " ih si,..i i :id a..u. (elhow a few ilayn ao ly arci topo taut. Il'd It preurely 0"d; Thona Dlue 471 (rtenlly lielnit raiiphl in Hip winrli ' jcul II. tojue Hi reiiiiilndor in no- IcuriMH llm nriimal fret. Thin The particular feature of the ac