III i ; i 2 jpcmcfcttupm Dafip rectus LtD. Tuesday, December 30, 1947 in independent dally newspaper aeTOtea to the upuuliaiug or Prince Rupert tad all --omraunltles comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published every arternoon except Sunaay by Prince Rjpert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. II. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU- Of CIRCULATION? CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES. City Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Year, 17.00; Bj Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 14.00. Thanks, John BaH I Definitions j Etiquette: Knowing which hand to use when tucking your napkin under your' collar. j Diplomacy: The art of doing j the nastiest thing in the nicest way. - I (JrltlcMan who gives the best j Jcers of 'his lile to the theatre. Gtfod Spot: One who will al- j waysiet you have your own way. Honesty: Fear of being caught. ! Pessimist: Oiie who sees things as they ore. Coach: Fellow who will gladly lay down your life for the school. Conscience: The voice that tells you not to do something after you've dene it . Courtship: Running after a woman till she catches you. -NiagSPaVaUs Revenue, Montreal Star- Saint, John Telegraph Journal. v- at Civic Centre WEDNESDAY DEC 31 Special Events P M. 10.03 New Years Eve Frolic You saw It in the Dally Newsl J jbHN HART, until yesterday premier of British J Cplumbia, is today receiving eulogies from leaders of all political parties in the province. ; Mr. Hart has shown magnificent leadership since first taking over as head of the Coalition Government in 1941. Men of less ability, personal charm and diplomacy could not have welded the Coalition inlo'a'smoothly-working unit. Mr. Hart first attracted attention in the financial fi(jld..of government administration and this intimate knowledge stood him and British Columbia in good stead, first while the white-haired parliamentarian was minister of finance under Premier T. D. Pattullo and later when heading the Coalition and at the same time fulfilling the duties of finance minister. With his rare combination of charm, shrewdness and intimate knowledge of provincial and Dominion finance, John Hart made many friends at Ottawa and brought back from the Canadian capital many benefits and concessions for British Columbia. Indeed. John Hart has been a colorful and capable premier. He will be missed at the helm, but his example should provide real inspiration for his successor, Byron I. "Boss" Johnson, a friend of many years' standing. May John Hart live long and enjoy fully the rest from public duties he has so richly earned. TIME RUNNING OUT PASSING of Al. Young, colorful Cari- RECENT boo stagecoach driver, reminds us that many of Prince Rupert's illustrious pioneers have gone to meet their Creator and scores more have moved away. One by one the links with the past have been severed until there are few left to tell us the stirring stories of early struggles and triumphs, of history as it was made. Then let us make haste while a little time remains. There are many persons in our city who aspire to write but say they lack subject material. That material abounds in this country and every oldtimer is a fount of knowledge and information. Tt remains only for writing enthuiasts to seek out the piopeers and invite them to tell of themselves and the past as they knew it. The reward will bd scores of thrilling stories. These records of our country should then be gathered together and preserved for all time. A great jcountry is always proud of its past. Why not wc? TABLES TURNED ON ST NICK Little Patsy and Peter Marx-man wondered if anyone ever gave Santa Claus a present so Uiey a.iked their father, a Now York manufacturer, to make a spei-iaJ Santa Claus pipe Here, the youngsters give Santa his pipe at a New York department store and tell hUn what they did lor Christmas. Appreciates Gifts EDITOR. Daily News; Kindly allow us space to express our thanks foi the goodness shown by cur many friends. I have enjoyed Christmas in many lands, but never so much as this year in Prince Rupert. To those in Pvince Rupert. Canada, the United States and England who sent us many pre deepest appreciation. May we. in this way, take opportunity to ex-' press to them our hope that our' friends enjoy all the best in the; coming year. Health and Happi ness to all. Mr. and Mrs. Farley. Mr. and Mrs. Gamula and children; Robert Frtinklyn: Rev. and Mrs. Wilson Childress; Paul Olsen's paper customers; J. H. Black; Ross Bras Taxi; Mr. and Mrs. Young and children; Mr. and Mrs. Youskl, Greenville: Mr. and Mrs. Youski and children. Belly Bay; Mr. and Mrs. Keneh Vancouver; Rev and Mrs. R.O.H. Durnford. and Pster, England: Ling, The Tailor; Earl Mah; Mr. and Mrs. Pettenuzzo; Mr. and Mrs. A. Evans and children; Mrs. Henderson; G. A- Hunter and Daily News; Mr. and Mrs. Olson and children; Mr. NelLson and Mrs. Jamieson. S.S. Alberni; Grand Cafe Staff. Sins and George: Mr. and Mrs. Friesen and children, Mrs. G. Mose.s; Mr. and Mrs. Traxler and children; Mr. and Mrs. G. R. S. Black-abv and children and Bank of Montreal staff; Womnn's Coordinate Council; Cambral NEW YEAR'S EVE- And a very lovely. Eve, too, is Betty Arlen as she displays her riourglass figure In an attractive bathing outfit and warns you that time is indeed marching on to 1948. Good Will Gifts to Britain i Members of the Rotary Club, assisted by the Hoy Scouts, will make a canvass of the city during the week DECEMBER 29 to JANUARY 3. Please have your parcels of clothing or grocery items ready. IF YOU PREFER A CASH DONATION, PUT SAME IN AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR NAME AND IT WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED. Prince Rupert's gifts to the needy of Poole, England (3031 Chapter. I.OJJ.E Salvation Army; B.C Clouners; Mr and Mrs. Tandy and childum. Mr. and Mrs. Blake and children; Mr. and Mrs. Boulter and crrld-len; Mrs. Parker and Staff; Mr. couver; Mr. and Mrs. Halvoraon and children; Mr. and Mrs. sents and Christmas cards go our ' Arsenault and children; Mrs. Slneert Fred Olse'n and Paul C10 Six Ave. West Editor and Staff of The Daily News-Wishing you all the beat in the New Year. Yours, Paul Olsen and Dad. (Boon old year , come to am Yl$ to the . . joyous Weill) 18. Mav it ijooil things for OPEN S A.M. TO 2 A M .1. SHIPS AND WATERFRONT The SS. Prince Rupert, with passengers, mall and general j cargo, will arrive here tomor-'tow and will leave for Ketchikan New Year's Eve. A total of 45,727 tons of has been taken this season Senator Hutler Is a Republican. A couple of Seattle firms are said to be In active opposition. There are 22 producing shipyards on the River Clyde and, in 1927. these broke all previous peacetime records In shipbuilding, engineering, ship reconversion and repairing. The yards produced 99 ships of a total tonnage of 374,743 valued at Yarrows Ltd. at Victoria has the contract to repair the Brl-' Ush freighter Sedgepool which and Mrs. Wallace; W. Raymond; Iran aground on Prevost Island Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Hansen and hts month. The contract calls son; Mr. ,and Mrs. Masten. Van- for completion in 19 worKin Laviane and childrenf Mr. and Mrs. Odell; Mr. and Mrs. days. INDIAN CURRENCY NEW DELHI O The prent curie acy portion as belwei India and Pakistan will reroaln unchanged until Marsh ?1. 1918. After, this dtf separate not" and coins will be lsued in Pakistan, Hhoufth Indian notes ao coins will be lagal tender In Pakistan up to Ootobar 1. 1948. POPULATION CFjNTRES Sydney and Melbourne hold about one third of the population of Australia. Seasons Best Ormes Drugs Reiwissinc of . ELEGANCE ... is what you will have once you slip into this lovely furred coat. You will he delighted with Ihe swirl upon swirl of luxurious fur that forms the collar. When you lay plans for that NEW (.'DAT, DRESS or SUIT, visit Sweet Sixteen anil use our convenient BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges. TRY Rex Cafe FOR TASTY 1MKALS Chop Suey Chow Mcin CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY SECOND AVENUEj OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL DANCE RAISES FUNDS FOR YULE PARTY The Sons of Norway lodge will t heat to scores of children this evening at a Christmas Tree party which will be a result of a dance held in the Civic Centre at the week-ri'd. Funds at the dance are to uo used for the enjoyment of the children of members and guosta. More than 300 persons were present at the dance enjoying from the waters of the lower .11Jtl(! bv Mrii t a mack' five- east coast. On the upper coast plcce orchestra. General con-the catch was fair. Off the west r ,. ff)r 4he iUOotlrn was Mrs. coast of Vancouver Island ltjA jiun. Knutc Slatta and amounted to 12.U54 tons and In james Taylor were in charge of I the Prince Rupert area 0,939 Ule tloor ! tons. . EXPECTS HANDLKUAR An American senator, Hugh WRLWYN GARDEN CITY Butler of Nebraska, Is pressing Hertfordshire Eng 0 -Oeor?e for permission for Canadian siar has decided to let his ships to transport passengers moustaehe, already 2 Ms Inches between ports In Alaska. He has juvg grow uuw jlf Iu, W!fe introduced a bill to this effect. Uirw children and mother-in law find a house PROFITS AMD PROGRESS Profits and prcpess lave given the of Canada and the IJttiteil Sutes the greater benefits, the higlet stand- ard of living, and the post kJkJ Mcunty of any nation in the work. Quite a statement! but its beted up by solid fact. Why, yeu ak, w this an? The answer is PROFITS. There team to I a nuiutken idea tat prohu are piled high in a great vault and allowed to aeeumw late. Tlic opposite it true. Profit in huswo are always at vymk, day and nifht; buying new equipment, pfovidtng imk wages, which in turn are spent to oU other busmen prorr. Vmu are to butincM what the engine is to the tractor or the thriMt u to an airplane. Under the direction tJ t4 management it has given m the pro-perity which is the envy of the entire world. Thi is our opportunity tyttem at wink. Tii art pfcifnird m tfm .ifuiviffr n thf fir t Ciiumhul tti'":um O) Til I Jl. If. O-t I tMvrncnrmTi from This Dale WAR ASSETS COAL Rill be: LUMP Sacked . J12.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose $11.00 per Ion No rebate lor quantity HYDE TRANSFER I'llONK 50 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. K. MOKTIAIKK ! 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) WE DOCTOR SHOES III.I.L THEM ATTEND TO TIIEIK DYEING SAVE TIII'IK SOLES MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. I The Popular PRINCE RUPERT Sails l or VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Information call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT, 11.0, Just Arrived Another Shipment of POPULAR r y 5 v y Connor Washers IN THREE MODELS Now on DUplay Rupert Radio & Electt I'llONi: (Ml C :il i. iia iiouaay wtuiw aiv on . . . . . . Step into every party m j handsome silver and gold evtl slippers beautifully designed high heels! See our new collecticl party favorites today. ''WE WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing SHOES NEW ROK HOTEL A limn f - 0 It.wit !' WaU PIHNCF RWnttl Phone 231 W Do You I law FIRE PROTECTIOI i -.- i. !- ....it r,.r finv nteA (SAS-OII-EI.E(rritlCAL or GENERAL All types all sizes o KIDDi: LUX V02 KXTI(a lSHM i.vim.'vu F0AJ"- i i nun u Ideal for Home, Office. Koal. rlc Call iu for information regarding vu f requirements. COMI'Lim: FACILITIES FOR HIXHAKOISO 0 PHILPOTT. EVITT & CO. M n....i i..:i.i:..., c lLw P.iinl l'arH W.I I itlllllllllK miiin .- l'HONKS 051 052 .txn0!HLl Fireworks! FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY 1 OK A ' WE HAVE AN INTERESTING STOCK CELEBRATION ItiRThircl Wcsl