Lie- it. ft ttuucct Daily JScUus Tuesday, December 16. 1947 CHRISTMAS ACTIVITY UNDER WAY AT MILLER BAY HOSPITAL SCHOOL i By "Teacher" t To children everywhere Christmas begins to seem near and exciting. Santa Claus is a real figure, despite the pronouncements of scientists. Children still write letters to the old fellow and think with shivers of awe of the patter on the frosted roof of his fleet reindeer ana me jingie m ms sieign oens. r,vuu uine srown-ups delight In the pros- i "lay down his .-weet head." They pect of his visit because, wheth-1 do not all know what a stable is j or one believes in him or not. he j ?s their cxperienle has been j leaves behind some useful and j more among boats and fisher-lovely gifts. I men than among farmers and Sleighs, toboggans, electric abl- They know about trap-1 that wIndP and fur-bearing animals trains, engines, toys for a brief frenzy of motion.. I &nd many of tnem express sur sometimes dying sadly for all Prlse that "Teacher" would be time, skates, skis, doll carriages, afraid to meet a bear- or even in which the Christmas doll is a wolf- oroudly perambulated, all these In teaching them the story of articles form part of the Christ- Christmas, it is disconcerting, to ( Has picture for normal children, fay the least, to find that their ; :iving an everyday life. Con-, visual memories have no pic-! structlon toys, mechano sets, toy ture of a hors? or a cow. It was : typewriters and sewing machines explained thit a manger was out of a long list the children i the feed box lor cattle, contain-' vrite with undlmmed hope at ing straw or hay. Still a blank. I the Ings. their good deeds and virtues, and will reward them accordingly. In a surprising and ratlsfying number of cases virtue is rewarded and the age-old myth -liven a rcw transfusion of energy. their world bounded for weary j children, was a haopy solution, months by the walls of the hos- By showing the "farm needs" pltal. Thev too look for Santa Images the Bsthlehem stable took Claus and listen again to' the j form with its animals and its storv of the baby Jesus whose in- j manger. fant cradle was a manger. Some of them know that story well, even though they are not sur? KAMO REQUEST rooAM rori'LAit Radio station CFPR played RUPERT PEOPLES STORE HOLIDAY EXTRA SPECIAL! 15 EVENING GOWNS Selection of all sizes. No two alike-each different. Your choice. REDUCED y-i PRICE Hollywood Care PRiNCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 4 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE C ATE IT TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST THIS vara in a setting or natural i laminar man oraer caiaiogue nome in uttawa beauty and grandeur, more than I which is the cornerstone of many radios serve three we try w glve eacn group uie alphabet. The books brought 1 1 r II f r rilir rIU Mr N M 1 h U I HI 50 children go to school in bed. ! homes beside those of the Indian 'much entertainment it s "In the Mood" EVENING WEUR at PEOPLES inanaam A 011; Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL AND,. AT B B i.. Well. I told them thev d stop rattling cans at six a.m. or I'd know the reason why two would provide in a hospital! father and mother both read and i.acK oi mougnt, not lack of writp n nttip. heart! A boy of sixteen years, who has Just learned to read to teach him :chool near his home. write, this week sent his first Rupert .gold strike. letter home, and was so proud j stantial I hope, or it he would not let teacher me story cf the mother and i request on a rt cent mornin? and ! many errors In spelling and th .Mu. j n . !. .5'?' - of the" "ogress 22 in a stable, that the "little Lord ftl'ne a thr solendid tones of of many small insects not aiwavs j Jpl!Cv TnioVlf Viqva n T5IV.-J 1. . jj .i I. n.,A1tl i -- . . . ... . gIUUI.U.5 S m n M a a ....,.. a .aic v v,juui. Miuuufu iiiruun m n siraignt line, out IHslHBBaHBBanHBHBB mm BBiHHKiitlH9HlflKHHBHHBIlMHH "FORMAL-ly Yours" Sizes twelve through forty-four . . . j style selection to please the fastidious, Holiday season formals can be made SO much more enjoyable with a new Formal. We invite your approval of our formal 'dresses of today. are limited. Sometimes th jcrhnnt TTioca tVt Air slpn or her childish .mind. It u heartehlhi tosce the kind tnte r est of one for the other as if the I flame of self-interest, always '(lowing in the adult mind, has I been dimmed by their suffering. I A kind friend from Prince iiipert sent In a record player ! Kir the hospital, with a stock of 1 excellent records, and another i friend sent some construction ! paper in gay colors and used I Christmas cards which have J been much admired by the chtld-!ien and employed as models in their own work. The hospital is little more than a year old the school Is ven younger. This Is the first M'hoo) Christmas. The school at Sardls. Coqualeetza, has been In (ration for several years, Is well-onjanlzed and well-known. Dr Oalbralth. Medical Superln- indent came from Coqualeetza nhpre he was for years on the aff The Miller Day Hospital urown into a lusty infant. Children of school age arc coming in all the time. Vancouver rcanizatlons have dealt generously with th native children of Coqualeetza. and their Christmas trees are always striking and ( beautiful. We hope that Santa Claus will wards. Afterwards they u is ;he beginning of a resoet come to Miller B.iv over tho tree. Christmas to the Jolly old saint j We use cann?d milk in this part asked that they might learn that tor his own achievement, and his ton with his sled filled for the 0 song and story, confident that j or the world and there Is not a jscng. The request programs are family will share that proud mo- children who in these crisp De-he knows each by name, and j horse, I am told. In Prince Ru- very dear to the native children. ' ment. When I consider the ar-1 cembcr davs are talking of him knows, alas, their faults and fail- pert. The catient plodding Their parents -jsc this medium of ! duous devotion of this boy to his and haDnllv m-aitim. him Tf horses of eastern cities that j communication ' also, and the j tasks I wish some of it might be there are any Christmas decora-teacher knows, bringing the daily j little bedside radios are turned j contagious in this place1 of banc-1 tions out away in trunks in bread and milk are unknown to , on at seven-thirty each morning, j lul germs. households whose children have these children. Teacher was j little ears quivering with delight- j it is thrilling to find among crown up or gone away, they stumped. She searched in hered anticipation. Not all rooms our children one now and agam'ould be received with apprrei-mlnd for some familiar assocl-have radios In them but. by who has had a 'start" at home, ation In our school ation tnrougn wnicn sne mignt, carrying around .......... radios . -of , the j o .Uw 111 Little nuuci Robert i is us seven seven, He lie knows Knows At Held... Tl T r : i 1 i oUIa iUn -.;,-.- r-. 1 V rtnMl tnff . I -. t .. 1 iuiutri any nuipiLill, CllJIil 1 1 male l- 'uir n.r uir dmiM, uuuuaia, nit- tut; omuic wu, tau, w mues on the roaa to Port Ed-pna ind the me manser. manser. The nie heftv neuv and anaia i a "iurn. "turn." Teacher Teacher remembers remembers a itn , to him him by hv w hl.s father f,n,., are ili Intel where five ngently chosen, not the repre-! . . , . " . ' . ' , ! " people. How hensible "comics" unthinkingly i R I F A IT 1 1 P the extra donated to small fry. Roberts u L L H V U V- December 19--Fish Dock vn Moose Armtt a T-Knm CKu. ,(-, ft . iney have tried Ts cantisco. co-op vs vnu Mutt as there is no!" Thomclirtcs. Stones vs Scotlans Thi. uecember 26 Co-op vs Thorn- 1 HIS 015- clllfes. Canflurn va Rrtlr, sinr-. and i eovery was nice the recent Princ? v Moone: Mutts vs -arotto ru,n mnrp snh I vr Tnom Sheet MtUI Army , v I ir. January 2 Canflsco vs Thev NhMt Vtatal KtnnMm u tf,.. A.. what n mangpr x Thpv knnw ! i.iifi- nhioi,," . tf ,,.. u.,.J "uu" 01 l"e "s"1 Klna for or -op: Thornclllfes vs Fish txci .... t. i uuut; u n ii vi n.n-i.tin ci .3 -1 tv j v ,k . 4ilTiC c P UUa ULj spare time reading are what Leafs vs. Orotto. Moose vs Scotlai January 9 Stonea vs Orotto Lr vs. FUh Dock. Thcrnellffes vs Thor:; Sheet Metal; Co-op vs Scotlai: Army vs Moose. Mutts vs Canltsc- January IS Army v Mutt C a book Is the onlv Dleasur' nos- bp vs. Thom Sh'-jt Metal Lcalo slhU ivhpn , rhllH ic i ,v, Canflseo; Fish Dock vs. Stones. Clrot ....... ouvll u Ti scot,,,,, Thornclllfes vs ! cast mat he must lie on his back : Jsnusry 23 co-op I or on his stomach. While school Moc: 1 Stones vs. Leafs. Thomcllffes Mocri nation. In., ... r" . t r , , ' Hi books In use are pleasant and vs. rishbock. orotto vs. Thom sheet I interesting they like a channe. I Me.ul- ' -j , ,' , ,7. ,! J1 Jsnuary 30 Leafi vs Scotlan and Simple Stories, well told and : Orotto vs. Moose. Armv vs Fish H illustrated With attractive pic-'0001 MutU vs. Thom Sheet Metal Canftec' Ston" " Th"rn" Itures. are very welcome. They .V" 1 , make Christmas cards, using as j February a stones vs. Thom sheet models old cards which have Metal. Co-op vs. Fish Dock. MutU vs. ecotlans: cplor ! p,hr. ...itt. .. I . . n . " J tauns or painus. oome 01 Army 'hr cards are well executed al- though some are bound to be Metal -iescr'bed as "blobs," but they: end them to their parents and grandparents with pride. INSPIRATION OP j CONRAD STREET j The children of Grade 0:.e In Ccnrad School made a colorful ' scrap-book of their own crayon ; drawings and sent It with their best wishes to our children which pleased and Interested them. It also spurred them on to emulate ThrrndlffiHi vh Can. been fent in by kind friends of: ' iats vs Moose. Army vs vx ThorncllflYM. Co-op vc Orotto. Fish Dock vs Scotiarw StoiK BASKETBALL SCHEDULES (Senior) Dec. 16 Brownwoods vs Satoy Dec. 20 Savoy vs Co-op Dec. 23 Co-op vs Brownwoods BLACK REPUBLIC One-fifth of the noDulatlon of mis acnievement and the little Liberia Is composed of Amerl- sirls are now making such a pic- can Negroes or their descend- ture book for a ward of four ants. .mall ones who are not yet do-1 ;ns school work. Of this group ZOOLIOICALLY SPEAK1NO , one little girl of four Ls on a Zoologically speaking, apes (,'ame" which means that she is are more like man than like lying rigid and has little diver- monkeys. ARE YOU A PROBLEM DIAMOND BUYER? Then we want your ear Just for a minute or two. We want to tell you that this store is fixed to suit you no riiattej how much you wish to pay. Also we handle nothing but standard stones fully tested. We want to say that our diamond stock is very carefully chosen. That it is now extra large, and that diamonds, will soon be Hard to get on account ofthe new regulations. Prices from $25.00 up MEN'S FIVE-PIN "A" LEAGUE December 22- Morgans V He vol-' lers, McMeeklns vs. Ambassadors, MaUlii vs North Bur Kilowatts vt Urownwoods. Home Oil vs. Conttn enUU. Burnt, vs. Manon. December 29 McMeeklns vs Continentals, Malklns VS. Kilowatts.1 Burns vs. Morgans: Revellers vs. I Home Oil. Mansons vs Brown-woods, North 8tsr vs. Ambassadors Januray 6 -- Malklns vs Drown-woods. Mansons vs. Home Oil, Revellers vs. Continentals; Morgans vs. Ambassadors. Burns vs. North Star. Kilowatts vs. McMeeklns. Januarj 13 Burns vs, Kilowatts, Morgans vs. Continentals. Mansons vs. McMeeklns; Malklns vs Home Oil, Brownwoodi vs Ambassadors, Revellers vs. North Star. January 19 Morgans vs. North Star. Malklns vs. Mansons. Revellers vs. Ambassadors; Burns vs McMeeklns. Kilowatts vs. Home Oil. Brownwoods vs. Continentals January 28 Mansons vs Ainbas- I sudors. Brownwoods vs. North Star, j uurns vs. Home oil; Kilowatts vs Continentals. Morgans vs McMeeklns, Malklns vs. Revellers. rcuruary d Maiaius vs. i;onun 1 entals, Morgans vs. Home Oil, Kilo-, watts vs Ambassadors; Revellers vs ; McMeeklns. Mansons vs. North Star. Burns vs. Brownwoods. ! February 9 Kilowatts vs. North ! star. Burns vs. Revellers. Morgana vs. Brownwoods; .Home Oil vs. Ambassadors. Malklns vs. McMeeklns. Mansons vs. Continentals. I i . LADIES' BOWLING NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT DC Phone 281 P.O Box 100 1 V i a? it Two Sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, l:3t pjn-Coqultlam. Fridays, 12 midnight. Catala. STEWART and A LICK ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS December 12 midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS December 14 midnight FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone SM NEWS REEL SPECIAL Are You Ready For Christmas? . . if not, let us help you 518 Third West A ROYAL WEDDING PICTURE ukuhk ruruJKN FOR MaT ruuivi i nil lAm UL PHONE m jflQfiS The National FimBaltHo 3jIui m. AL.SO rov op PA tmnnvs ursunn as- tern S2!SS32EZ2jS2SsfiSsr LEAGUE SCHEDULE1 give theatre tickets um wiA December 16 Variety- vs Coasters, Manson's vs, Miller Bay. Tollers vs. Moose: Savoy vs. Blowers Orsnge v. ScubyV: A. MacKcnzic Furniture Phone RED 5G1 LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Christmas Sumsliom CHESTER! ICED SUITES ItEDROOM SI ITB Iteauly Rest Matlrcss, lleauty Kesi l',o Sprint Walnut Tables for every purpose WATCH OUR WINDOW Fun spi a Phone 775 C tru Umk GREER 8, BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs - Construction Alteration! USE iissMma Bulkley Valley c o A AND SAVE OR WW will w ? T- .l.Vl ' HERE VOU'LE SEE TOYS, GAMES. DOLES, MINIATURE PIANOS THAT TP P.O. Hox 721 5W Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of Coal Your dealer can supph y BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES TVlUwn R r LIM1TLD NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH ion Mm NEWdPATJ f'lOssr . .. . u vol DROP IN ANVTIMi: . . . RltOWSE AROUND ' ' ()S I.IKE . . . YOU I.I, FIND JUST THE GIFT I OI! ' ' YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST. Come to Toyla Gift Wraps, Seals, Ribbon 1 FLAY, SAILING SHIPS, SLEIGHS, DOLL RUGGiES, .metal cars that wind Qay free and IIP, WIHM.KSS SETS . . ...M M.nui..- OF OTHER GUTS TO GLADDEN THE HEARTS OF CHILDREN. i4rks1JVk k Mk .s, .is. Mil Hk mvmm MT k I House Decorations "1 honc 100 4& .1,1X5 ?1