Trt..ife.r I i. t; 8 Iptimt Uupett Dnilp EJcius? Thursday, October 9, 1947 Hawaiian Holiday Possible By Air HONOLULU People with only two weeks vacation no matter whether they live in New England or Florida can spend It on any one of the Hawaiian Islands and have plenty of time for rest and recreation, and at the sametime enjoy events and festivals scheduled the year round, for visitors. Air travel has made this possible. GYRO EVENTS NEXT MONTH Prince Runert Gvro Club Is nrennrlnp for the this .month of two events which nmvftH veru Tnrn1nt locf foil JWV IVl J VUUit V One is the annual Apple Day the Church Army. Rev. J. Hay-when members of the club' hurst officiated at the funeral hpnrird hv w m wnt.ts .T t Chiefs Fred Johnson, W. B Harvey, W. D. Lambie, W. J.J Morgan and George H. Moore Scott, Robert Parker and T. H.and Philip Ryan, Edward Tait Wilford, will take to the streets' and Mrs. Sarah Benson, all of. lo sell the lucsious fruit for the benefit of the club's playground vork. The other event will be the Hallowe'en Hoedown on October 31 which has long been! a well-patronized Institution oft 4he club and of which A. J. Dom- jnato is to be the chairman next year. These events were report- ifd upon among other business ,ai me weeKiy luncneon oi ineiTC nnriTrcTCn .tJub yesterday when Past President W.D. Lambie was in the jfchair in "the absence of President C. G. Ham. Classifies Advertising fiysl BOND a a m a . tayt Eddie Allen, popular a accordionist who is heard a through Friday, by many m B tl "Versatility really counts artist. Versatility uUo a choosing a mit. a "My 1 loin ted suit not a H .1 a a 3 a a a :i lien you're a radio counts xlien you're only ImiLs fmart ltit it foils comfortable ami tiiere's u colour and pattern to uit anyone'ii taste. When u llond suit is made to your measure, it really is luude lo your measure. Bond ntlUts travel the conlSnriit to find what's new and what men like. And the men xh do the uctual tailoring on your suit have leen prartisirm their craft for more years than I vjin lay claim to. ""If you're looking for a himmI-IikiVuik uit that elands up well under hard Hear, I'd Huppcst you try a Bond tailored-to-measure Mill iu lloiistcd." n ... a I ' 1 a u rl n n DELIVERY Before Christmas IF ORDERED NOW. 6 Weeks Delivery. PRICES FROM $32.25 to $42.95. a RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA , . IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" t . . and . IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JOHN VASSILOPOULOS, DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of jls Honour Judge W. o. Fultori made the 27th day of September. A.D. 1947, X was appointed Administrator ot the Estate of John Vassllopoulos. deceased. and all parties having claims egalnst tne saia uiaie are nereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before the 15th day ,of 'November, A.D. 1947. alter vhlch : claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which then had no knowledge. AND all parties Indebted to the 'Estate arc required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this '27th day of September, A.D. 1947. - GORDON F. lORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, IJ.C. (22) CHILD BURIED AT KITWANGA KITWANGA Condolences of the community were expressed here at the week-end to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sinclair at the funeral of their eight-year old daughter. Mae, who died at Wrinch Memorial Hospital, Haz- elton, on October 2. The f uner- 1 - V. 1 -J . . . i . . I iu was item auiuiuay. A farewell service was held at the Sinclair home prior to the funeral, which was held at St Paul's Anglican Church, Kit- wanga. Portions of the services i were conducted by Capt. Edward I Benson, Capt. Solomon Bryant1 'and Cant. Edward Tait. all of Kitwanga, expressed sympamy 1" speeches, as did Chief Ernest Smith of Kitwancool. Edward Benson was organist during the service. Pallbearers were Harold Dan- iels, Edward Benson, Richard Fowler and George Daniels. PENSION CUT JUNEAU Cash Cole, a former auditor and legisator, has put in a strong plea about old -... . a... 1 1 I- &Af i iigC JJCilMUIlO UClllg CUb bU a month. "It is," he says, "non- RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE The tailoring CLOTHES Canadian vocalist and every week, Monday thousands of radio listeners'1 LAND ACT , NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Land Recording District of Prince Rupert and situate at the mouth of Large Creek (Dcnme Creek) Denlse Arm, near Cloyah Bay. TAKE NOTICE that Highway Construction Company Limited of P.O. Box 171, Prince Rupert. British Columbia, occupation Contractors Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted approximately 300 feet to the Southeast of the mouth of Large Creek at approximately high water mark on Denlse Arm thence West 52' degrees North 1400 feet; thence West 38 degrees South 2800 feet; thence East 62 degrees South 1400 feet; thence East 38 degrees North 2800 feet to return to post and containing ninety acres, more or less. For the purpose of digging and producing sand and gravel. HIOHWAY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED By Leo Mlcheal Shannon, Agent. Dated September ISth, 1947, . (250) e - yu'WikP ynw"H''H' Hll!iwi'wmi uj.ji HH mii urn I )M"H I iii in lm i , Mil, ui. u i, iii in' I "' 11 '"J fl" m Wm " . If ' . 1 1 fiBB A CENTURY BEGINS TO ROLL un it .s.uim i.j ...uuircai, ix v.. vaugiian, president, Lanndian National Railway, presents to the City of Montreal an oil pa.ntinK by the well known Canadian artist. A. Sherritf Scott, R.C.A. On Mr. YaiiKhan's left are His Excellency, iscount Alewnder, Governor-General of Canada, and Mavor Catnillien Houdc. O H E The table decoration, in sharp contrast with the historic in scene the painting, is a model of a modern CNR train sense to expect our indigent pioneers to live on such payments. It is simply impossible. In the end it will so injure their health that much greater expense for hospital treatment vrrfll rnrnlf nvni TvVtnf Vm- ! Win itouiv vjth niutv wit. lators will save now," in these suits is really smooth. a a a a a a LAND ACT I NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Land Recording District of Prince Rupert and situate at the mouth ot Lurge Creek (Denlse Creek) uemse Arm, near uioyan Bay. TAKE NOTICE that Highway Con structlon Company Limited, P.O. Box 171, of Prince Rupert. British Columbia, occupation Contractors Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at post planted approximately 300 feet to the Southeast of the mouth of Largo Creek at approximately high water mark on Denlse Arm thence West 52 degrees North 2040 feet; thence East 38 degrees North 1320 feet thence East 53 degrees South 2640 feet: thence West 38 degrees South 1320 feet to re turn to post and containing eighty acres, more or less. For the purpose of digging and producing sand and gravel. HIOHWAY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED By Leo Mlcheal Shannon, Agent Dated September 15th, 1947, 'm'i '!25a) Commemorating the historic day 100 Costly Gifts Are Offered Royal Couple By NORMAN CRIBBINS Canadian Press Staff Writer i LONDON Princess Elizabeth 'has taken a firm stand against I publishing lists of wedding gifts j too far ahead of the Royal Wed ding on November 20. "Her Highness is most anxious not to embarras those who have not yet been able to offer gifts," an official at Buckingham Palace said. "She has therefore decided that no list shall bo issued until a short time before the wedding." It was also stated that no Invitations to the wedding have yet been sent out though some of the palace staff are working overtime on the guest list. As Westminster Abbey holds no more than 2,000 people, many eligible- guests will have to be eliminated. These will be enter tained by the King and Queen at an afternoon party in St Jame s Palace on November 17 when the wedding gifts will be viewed. The following evening there will be a pre-wedding party at Buckingham Palace. Meanwliile, offers of costly gifts continue to reach the Princess from all parts of the world. From Capetown she will receive a set of early Georgian Sheffield plate candelabra; from Victoria, Australia, a $2,400 jewel case made of Victorian fine gold engraved wiht the coat of arms of Victoria. OTHER GIFTS President ana Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek will present the royal couple with a 200-piece dinner service specially ordered from Klngtechen, world-famous chi-naware-produclng centre. The diplomatic corp3 numbering 48 are combining to give the Princess a fitted travelling case containing silver-gilt bottles each bearing the Initial E surmounted by a Royal crown. Costing $4,000, the set will be presented by Senor de Aragao, Brazilian ambassador. While the British Army's gift plan is still under consideration, the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force have fixed their subscriptions at half-a-crown (50 cents) for officers and sixpence for ratings. Officers and ratings of the Royal Indian and Royal Pakistan navies will share the cost of the gift with British and Australian sailors. Lancashire folk are being .skcd to donate one shilllne tach towards the purchase of a set of period furniture for a "Lancashire Room" In the Prin cess's apartments. Hucknall, UICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET i .. Prince Rupert ' year, ago when railway service was Nottinghamshire craftsmen, are making her one of their famous silk Shetland shawls. Lieut. Mountbattcn has intimated that his gifts to the eight bridesmaids will be small pieces of dlamond-sct Jewelry, but the nature of his gift to the bride Is not yet known. Ladies' Bowling October 9 Scuby's vs. Big Sis ters, Moose vs. Cosmos, Blowers vs. West View; Miller Bay vs. Rosa Lee's, Coasters vs. Sweet Sixteen. . October 14 Orange vs. Toiler, Watts & Nickerson vs. Savoy, Miller Bay vs. Cosmos; Annettes vs. Variety, Scuby's vs. Comets. October 16 Moose vs. Bankers, Blowers vs. Big Sisters, Lucky Strikes vs. Manson's; Coasters vs. West View, Sweet Sixteen vs. Rosa Lees. October 21 Watts & Nickerson vs. Orange, Miller Bay vs. Bankers, Annettes vs. Savoy; Scuby's vs. Manson's, Moose vs. Variety. NEW BLE Improved Chase & Sanborn thrills coffee overs Thousands of Canadians have felt Chase & Sanborn is "tops" . . . that it would be mighty hard to improve ! But now the makers of Chase & Sanborn have created an even finer new blend! It's even richer, mel lower and more deeply satisfying than the coffee which has made Chase & Sanborn a Dominion-wide success ! It's going fast so order a pound from your grocer right awayl Youll love itl You'll call it the finest coffee you ever tasted I You'll pass your cup for more I Margaret McLeod Optometrist AT -- MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave. Phone Green 324 for BIG GORILLA NOT POPULAR Vancouver People Did Not Kclisli Presence of Tangola Vancouver people have precious little use for gorillas and least of all for "Tangola" the big fellow that spent a while as. part of a tent show at Prince Rupert and then was shipped south. He was taken to the home of E. C. Edwards, of Carolina Street, in Vancouver, who is known In carnival circles as "Alberta Slim." "Tangola" was in a strong cage and due to be placed in the zoo at Stanley Park next day. But once the news got out j neighbors raised Cain. A 325-pound gorilla was distinctly out ; of place as a member of the lo-1 cal social set. They protested ; again and again, and stared i the burly boy from the Congo : out of countenance. He paid no attention Just kept on eating bananas. But he stayed around : until the following day although It was hard on the nerves of those next door. Ancient Jap Sabre Preserved At R.M.C. OTTAWA Too valuable to beat into a ploughshare, a Jap anese saber, captured by the United States troops, has been presented to the Royal Military L-outge at Kingston, uni. inc sword is a Samurai saber made in the Kenmu era, 614 years ago. Its water tempered steel blade was forged by Kunlmllsu, famed swordmastcr of that time. HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make a cement for pipe Joints? A. Mix 10 pounds of yellow ocher, four pounds of ground litharge, four pounds of whiting, one-half pound of hemp, cut up fine. Mix together with linseed to about the consistency of putty. Q. How can I remove a rusty screw? A. Heat a poker or spike red hot and apply it to the head of the screw that Is rusty and obstinate. When the screw has become hot It can be removed very easily. Q. How can I take away all dampness of rooms? A. Place blocks of camphor in all corners and on shelves, replacing as they evaporate. ND HERE Joiv Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SOET CHOW MEIN 7:00 am. to 11:00 pjn. SHOWS AT 7',00 - 9;17 SATURDAY HIDAY COLBERT-PIDGEON GRAND Fur Fashion Slio By rOWLIE & BUTTLE Dresses by ANNETTE M., CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM TONIGHT at 8:15 Presented nf vombincil Ch anfr nf 1 V. m. - donated io the I.O.UC. for rellrf M Erttkh European Children SEE CANADA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL FUR COA' AflU I'UK ACCESSORIES ALSO LOVQ uueojms, aims AND rORMALS MODELI1 ""ww o iviuoi utauTIFUL GIRLsl Door ITiie Lovely Silver Fox Scarf donated b; run i,u. a KUTTLE ....v. i.............. - - admission! Tickets may be obtained from all I.0.D.E, mtmbtnjJ uuuie rur More, jru Avenue, and Annette's LadiJ PRINCk RUPERT 2:00. ... mm r- I l tl-.'. Cirlooo M COTTAGE CHE New Creamed - J VALENTIN' Your caiif ALL-WEATHER I Dress balon, Stone Building, 3rd Avenue Winter Time to fill that coal bin NO SUBSTANTIAL STOCKS ARE NOW ON HANI) HUT THE SUITLY WILL SLACKEN SOON. Phone 651 or 652 for Quick Delivery PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. II "SERVING THE NORTH SINCE T Coal Lumber Paints - Uuildmtjd SINGER J Sewing Machine Repairs ? Free Estimates I All Work Guaranteed 1 PHONE 8(11 4 539 3rd Ave. W, Prince Rupert REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RW 1 ChonSuey ChowMein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIAL RUPE Open 8 am. to 2 ia PHONE 17S FAMOUS FISH PRODUCTS a Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD 0 Company Limited 1 greeT&Iri BUILDERS AND CONJJ Repairs Construct Phone RED 561 trTM