or Brighter Xmas a . . . Third Ave. West mas Tree Lights including the new Bubble Lights available now. See them on display at r a C ..'led Ad in The ews ftMBEH SALE X42793 .i: will be rocolved by ; . Forc3fc. at Victoria, : en 11 a.m. on the Ncv?mbcr 1847. for the i Licence X42793, to cut f i.o oi spruce, cedar, and in area situated on s Cumshewa Inlet. .: Inlands Land DIs- t :r. will be allowed tor t:.:;srr j f Titulars of the Deputy "-:"-orta B.C . or District Pr: v. Kupert- B.C. (028, N4.ll.18) WBINMENT LIQUOR ACT" Z. r:tlon S0( Application for a Club I.Ufnie TIC3 Hereby given thai -en C ' November next, the . REX BOWLING CLUB fu i ' to apply to the Citr: Board for a Club r: pect of premises situ-K; O Third Avenue West, r-:rt British Columbia, F:;r upon lands described is4J :-3 40 Block 34, Section 1, SI Pr!.-.:: Hupert Land Regis-d:i C. 'sl: In the Province of C L-nbla, to entitle each t C: said Club to keep on ftr a reasonable quantity i personal consumption .--.Lie: and entitling the la :has9 liquor from a ven- H , : 1) by the glass the liquor Ifccrj to Its members Bnd t;r.:umptlon on the Club '.' o t;;ordance with the c oi the "Oovornment Ar: and the regulations 1 .-to thereunder. PTE) th: 27th day of October. B0WL1NQ CLUB LIMITED. OTERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" iSret on 281 r "I AiMiUcatlon for Iterr l.lrenre MCE 13 HEREBY QIVEN that 28th day of November, -next. "rz:ta Intends to apply i-or Control Bonrd for u u rcnect ctt nrfmlui tjrtnir Vt't ft CUIlrlln" Irnnun aa KnrlR I Huu: :ltuate on Colllson Ave- . Mr.: -jtt Queen Charlotte Brltth Columhln. unnn the I l-:rlbea sr. Lots One (1). Two Hi Thrc; 3), Block five (8), "-..- tit nicttrirt. tt. Riven rzr 940 Prince Rupert Land 'flBca Dl.ll.rlpt. In I ho PrnV. P' British Columbia, for tho sale oy th class or bv the bottle PJtUUmntt.in nn th hrnmalM nr PtO) thij 27th dav of October, HERALD O RAY Applicant. (2751 EW ROYAL HOTEL Hlne Away From Horn : water PRINCE RUPKRT, B.C A. rflH Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT IMPENDED FR0M NOVKMIM To DECEMBER 0 CLUSIVE lccunt annnni p,i,i e p. vrvcwmui P' M "Prlnp n ,oe KKumedDcccmber .8 Reserve Early for " Sailing December 18' .'"formation rail nr DPot Ticket Offices. Phone Red 400 PRIEST, 00, DEAD CLONASLEE, Eire, W Father John Murray. 90, "believed to be Eire's oldest Catholic priest, died recently In a lire at his home.. PACIFIC COAST SALMON PACK Canned salmon pack on the B. C. coast this season was 1,484,-318 cases, an increase of 150,000 cases over the 1946 season, according to ie ;atest bulletin Issued by the chief supervisor of fisheries, Vancouver. Comparison of this year's pack with the last Jive years shows the following: 1947 L414.318. 19461,831832. 19451,729,697. 1944-1,094,855. , 19431,210,008. 19421,752,314. Heaviest pack this year was pinks, which totalled 598,167 cases, followed by chums, 442,38.. cases, and sockeye, 285,811 cases. In 1946 there were 542839 cases of sockeye and 561,185 cases of nhums packed on the coast. The pink pack last jear was 110,411 cases. POLICING ROYAL W?fT!M6 ROUTE u Hlminr cf Actual Royal Wedding Ceremony LONDON S' lie 5,700 specially selected police will be on : duty in London on Thursday on i the occasion of the Royal Wed-l-riing. Fin-' -rlans approved by: i Commissioner Sir Harold Sott lnclude elaborate arrangements to ensure perfect timing for the clossing of points on the route of the procession. There Will be no filming of TO MAKE HOME IN LADYSMITH Mr. and Mrs. John Clavrin? (loinjr Into Business In Vancouver Island Town After residing in Prince Ru-oert far aeventeen vears. 'Mr. j last night on the Princess Adelaide for Ladysmith, Vancouver island, to take tip future residence. They have purchased . grocery store and confectionery business in the Island town where thfir son now lives. They have sold their home on Borden Street .to Martin Berg. Last Tuesday evening well-wishing friends of Mr. and Mrs. Clavring organized a farewell surprise party In their honor and the presentation was made by Peter Lien, on behalf of the company assembled, of a beautiful China table decoration to Mrs. Clavring while Mr. Clavring received a pipe. NATIVE CHILD PASSES AWAY Patricia Clayton, five-month ' old dau?hler of Mr. and Mrs. SHIPS AND WATERFRONT Capt. and Mrs. W. F. Robertson sailed Monday afternoon on the Princess Louise for a three and Mrs. John Clavring mailed 1 weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver following the closing oi the op-1 erating season of the government snag boat Essington of which Capt. Robertson is skip per. Cold weather has closed off the small streams which feed the Ecstall River where the Essington has been clearing channel, making the vessel unable to obtain boiler water. Completing her final voyage of the season' on the Alaska route, C.PJI. Eteamer Princess Louise, Capt. P. L. Leslie, arrived in port at 4 o'clock yeester-day afternoon from Skagway and other northern points, sailing two hours later for Vancouver. The vessel had on board a large list of passengers consisting largely of Yukoners and Alaskans going south for the winter. Delayed by extra freights for j'eter L'layton, .oi iiinconin, tueu , waypoints, C. P. R. steamer at Miller Bay Hospital Sunday Princess Adelaide did not ar-evening. The parents .are atlrrve in port until 10:30 last present living at Port Edward, i night from Vancouver and (Ocean Fall's. She sailed early the actual marriage ceremony, this morning on her return There will be news reels taken south. Immediately following. Com-) mentaries will be broadcasted . Herring fishing in British Col-throughout the world. In the umbie, which has been centred Abbey itself, 21 microphones are on the west coast of Vancouver to be set up. I Island, saw little activity prac- tlcally all of last week. This was rhiefly due to the continued rough and inclement weather. It was largely a succession of; gales and rain. I- Chum salmon fishing in British Columbia waters continues good, according to late reports. This, it Is estimated, will toe one of the best seasons recorded in vears eo far as the species is concerned. But most of the 700,' 000 fish did not stay in B.C. The catch went to the United States. There will be an appeal Crom the six months suspension of Capt. Craddock's masters' cer tlficate. This statement has been made by C -..McAlpine K.C., representing the officers of the vessel Gulf Stream, wrecked last month at Dinner Rock near Powell River. Five lives were lost. LONDON, P) British school children will be given a holiday for the Royal Wedding November 20, but because of Britain's Industrial position a national holiday will not be declared. OUR GREASE JOBS KEEP YOUR CAR IN TOP CONDITION . . . DRIVE IN TODAY! Dan's Service Station McBritle St.. Green 50G BLOND E hw& n,r ' u s. p.i.m osc. I Jj Lj?? s.V(. T sffT' r?"ip " ' " ri r HAVE NO BEEF ) rr ( HU(?W-I'V GOT I I ( N W7j ITHS k fgSffl FDC EVE, f ?;fJkV TO GET BACK J p";i;EJ ?"J t'? N BACK irTO THS 0 I'M USING Wy-WB FATHERS t-f i 9 -s ". Iir I I BBVOU'RE ALL ( SMEAR? 'EM WITH j JTT " ((Vr Y&l R BRUISES jytS IODINE.-WE y M uZOJ11 it r Br from head) :&, got to get Ya- K "l , . "ZJ. fr 1 i t I I MilO-K I F I e-ffu Orl,MVk N (we're, just TRYING to - MAM A--QUICK y I ;,m J (CjCGOODNESS) eCT GET HIS JOINTS SACK J jSrfnrciRupert Daflj? lottos Tuesday, NoYprnber IS. 1947 Terrace LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR Rough and Dressed Lumber Lumber Manufacturers TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terraca nunvic 01 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS Lots. Poles TERRACE anKrsunt Agents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd.,, Philco Radios Wllard Batteries Phil s Cafe Lakelse Avenue Terrace B.C., BREAKFAST LUNCH - DINNER AND BANQUETS Serve: ' Tasty Food Fine Pastries Quick and Courteous Service Proprietor, Phil Tet.rault SINGER Immediate delivery of new J treadle and electric sewing macliines-in Prince" Kupert 4 and district. SINGEIl I Scwinff JMachirie Co. J Phone 864 Prince HuPert J DAILY DELIVERYlfe SERVICE tyflP (Sotuj to i, I y, ghl t homtl Soft, Mtunt y Uokirg curl. Aak fofj $ 7 5 Ormes Drugs THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS' GEORGE HILL & SONS Smart for Fall See our large selection of Silk Jersey LIMITED Complete Stock of lien's Shoes and Rubbers AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Bjix 731 blouses MMm, PLAIN, CANDY STRIPED. TAILORED Twin Sweater Sets In all Newest Shades Including Biegc. Wonder lira in sizes up to 50 Nylon Hose Pencil Seam Smart! Smart! New! New! HPv Plastic Plastic Umbrellas Umbrellas W 16 16 jbokes spokes 1 1 j 3 UPSTAIRS STONE BLOCK KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE ,, COMPLETELY RENOVATED - ROOMS REDECORATED , SPRING -FILLED MATTRESSES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ' " torAr,rltnr- TnM PFSI1T STEVE VUKLAKN J