'A EL 1 Mi', lac re -am semi' 7INCESS ELIZABETH- The beautiful mink u. vc presented as a wedding gift to Prln-o.i a mannequin as designer John Kast-' ion. Ninety-one pelts were used. Because secret, only the back, is permitted to be returned K. P. Harding, manager of the f Princess Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cover where ( operative, returned to the city k on ac- Monday on the Princess Adelaide s mother. ' from a business trip to v and Ottawa. Oil Co., Showing of new local moving n the lo-1 pictures will comprise the pro- wed in the gram at the weekly luncheon ' business. the program for the day being iquitltim of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club,' omvr. I arranged by Dr. R. G. Large. UBLIC MEETING ON )T UNIONS of PKIXCE RUPERT ..- AND "T UNION AND CO-OPERATIVE Til SERVICES SOCIETY ROLD DAYK1N Drpartment. University of B.C. rXRGE V1ER1CK .: Rupert Fishermen's Credit Union Y, NOVEMBER 18, 8 P.M. t Lounge CIVIC CENTRE (269) enzee LIMITED " GOOD PLACE TO BUY" urniture nstmas Suggestions IIF.STS Tennessee cedar throughout .with exterior of burl walnut 1 Got to be seen to be appreciated. 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert BROADWAY CAFE (FORMERLY BOSTON) Chinese Dishes a Specialty Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners, Parties C08 THIRD AVENUE WEST , Telephone 200 ' '-JlkIS7!nur IHf'HPIWMtl ! I up that old cloth coat with a New Fur Coll ar md them at Fowlie and. Ruttle, .vour friendly fur store. 'f dollars $1)1.95 r- .. it 1 fn ... . . .. .. l"JlS, all stvla -ill nricps. " ' j ' uiiu )auvii.) " j Local News Items S.O.N. Dance, Oddfellows Hall, Nov, 21. Everyone welcome. (272) Frank Parlette sailed on the Princess Louise Monday afternoon on a business trip to Vancouver. 32 TAXI has increased its FLEET.. Phone 32 anytime for' Fast, Reliable taxi service. (273) Miss Mary McCaffery R.N. arrived in the city Monday evening on the Princess Adelaide from Seattle to be present at the wedding of het sister, Nora, to William Bend next Monday. Miss McCaffery is on the nursing staff of a Seattle hospital. ill! Canadian Legion, Regular Monthly Meeting with Initiation of new member; Legion Hall, 8 p.m. Wed. Nov. 19. Christmas program to be discussed. (270) Customei s Patronize thaw who advertise. LU' Dally News AD columns help your Business (tf) Miss Emily Christopher, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Nick Christopher, formerlyof this city and now or Vancouver, has become engaged. She will be mar ried next month In Vancouver to Leonard E. Coombcr of Inspector Woods-Johnston of the provincial police returned Saturday night from Smlthers and Terrace where, he made an inspection of the police detach ments. He will leave tonight on the Princess Adelaide to Inspect the detachments at Ocean Falls and Bella Coola. Miss Margaret Palmer arrived on the Princess Adelaide last night from Vancouver. She Is! here in connection with her' duties as British. Columbia director of the Junior Red Cross and Is the guest while here of her mother, Mrs. P. I. Palmer, Fourth Avenue East. She expects to be here about a week. Announcements All advertisements In' this' column will be charged for a full month at 25 cents a word. Another Rotary ticket wiU"do three things give you a chance to win a car, give you ticket to Grand Rotary Dance, help thei hospital children's ward. Get one today. (289) Queen Mary I.OD.E. Bazaar, N07. 19. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 20 Eastern Star fall Uance, Masonic Temple, Nov. 21. St. Andrew Cathedral Bazaar. November 22. Salvation Army Home League Sale Nov. 25th. Catholic card party at the School Hall, Nov. 27, 8 .Pit. CCF Bazaar, Civic Centre Nov. 28th. Son J a Tea, Home Cooking, Fancy Work. Lutheran Recreation Rooms, 2:30-5:30. Nov. 29. Plays, Presbyterian Church, Dec. 3. United Church Bazaar, December 4. Orange Sale, December 5. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Dec. 11. Stanfield's unshrinkable all-wool underwear--nat Morgan's Men's Wear Ltd. (270) Moose Meeting tonight at 8 o'clock , In Moose Temple, Second Avenue. Bazaar Presbyterian Church Hall Thurs., Nov. 20 at 2:30 p.m. Sale of Home-cooking, Candy, Aprons and Fancywork. 'White Elephant and Fish Pond. Afternoon tea. (270) Ernest A. (Smoky) Smith V.C. and Joseph Mclntyre of New Wesminster, after spending a few days here on business, sailed at the end of the week by the Cardena on their return south. Booth P.T.A. regular meeting Wed. Nov. 19, 8 p.m. Speaker: Rev. Basil Prockter. Subject: "True Alms of P.T.A." Program and refreshments. (270) At an executive meeting of the National Film Council held In the Civic Centre Friday with Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton as chairman, principal business was to organize a general outline for a general meeting of the Council which will Be held In the Civic Centre this Monday. KEEP WED. CLEAR! Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.E. invite you to attend the Bazaar tomorrow, Nov. 19, at 2:30 in the I.O.D.E. Hall to do your Christmas shopping. Many delightful items to choose from. Bring your friends for a pleasant time and to enjoy the tea hour. (269) v m jmius rumuuie oiore win oe closed Nov. 10 to Jan. 3, 1948. (270) 1 PRINCE RUPERT i YEARS AGO December 18, 1912 Several rocks were hurled through the roof of the O.T.P. offices when a blast of 3,700 pounds of powder was put off in the excavation of some property. The rock was softer than expected and boulders were hurled for great distances. No one was hurt although some had narrow escapes. V ': Miss Marearet Moore and Henry Helgerson were married Both the bride and groom were well known in the city. Alderman George Kerr returned on the Prince Rupert from a brief business trip to Vancouver. DISGUISES? A cockroach gets an ejitlre new skin seven times before it matures. Men. Women Oyer 40 Feel Weak,Worn, Old? Want Normal Pep, Vim, vitality i Mhiwtl condition mk Iw. vnk rundown. Wm. H. Francks OPTOMETRIST OF VANCOUVER TO VISIT PRINCE RUPERT Announcement is made that WILLIAM H. FRANCKS, optometrist, will visit this city November 24 to December 2. Mr. Francks Is president of the Columbia . Optical Co., 605 Dunsmulr Street, Vancouver, and enjoys a wide and successful practice in Vancouver. He will bring with him to Prince Rupert a complete Ophthalmic Diognostic unit and will examine eyes and prescribe lenses If they arc needed. Mr. Francks will be at Hotel Prince Rupert. Appointment can be made at Hotel. Phone 43C. OPEN 5 AM., TO 2 AM. TRY Rex Cate FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL AMATEUR NIGHT PLANS PROCEED Executive of Kinsmen Club Considers Various Matters At a special meeting of the Kinsmen Club executive, Armlne Boas, chairman of the amateur night committee, presented a progress report. Applications have started to flow in and there Is every indication that, by making this year's show a youngster and youth night, there will be more and keener competition than last year. As well as those competing for prizes, there will be a number of Items to ensure variety In the show. S. A. Cheeseman of the Borden Street school staff will be guest speaker at the next general meeting of the Kinsmen. W. F. Manning, club historian, will also address the gathering and B. E. Eyolfson will illustrate some of the beauties and interests of this area with a showing of colored film taken by himself. "Alex BalllJe. who expects to loave shortly to take up residence in prince George, relinquished his position as editor of "The" Kinsman." last week. R. G. Moore' and W. F Manning are K 1 r Mssssmmmmmmm J v ' y " 5 E " A. E. McMaster, general agent v of the Grand Trunk Pacific, re- v turned on the Prince Rupert K from a two-weeks trip to south ern coast cities. v y V V f V u I'l pinch-hittlng In trie editorial department until another editor is appointed. ' During yesterday's' meeting President R. G. Moore indicated that plans for kiddles' Christmas treat were developing very well. It will be a movie party with two eleven-minute pictures of pure entertainment and one twenty-two-minute film depict-; ing an Interesting phase of Canadian life. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krook of Seattle arrived in the city Monday evening, on the Princess Adelaide to be present at the funeral of Mr. Krook's father, the late Michael Krook, Prince Rupert pioneer, who died on If Your Hose Fills Up -Spoils Sleep Tonight! A few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol in each nostril works right where trouble is to open nose, relieve stuffy, transient congestion. Brings quick relief from snlffly, sneezy neaa com distress. Try ltl Follow directions in package. 30 BULOVAS GRUENS ELGIN'S and DO THIS I to makt I breathing I easier-1 invite I J lltUUI VICKS VA-TRONOL SHOITING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS Many Others to Choose From DRESSER SETS FLATWEAR The Early Shopper Is Never Disappointed On Engraving ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES 5 FOR THE LATEST IN JEWELRY MANSON'S JEWELLERS "YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELER" Announcing the opening of our new CARPENTER SHOP with the very latest in WOODWORKING MACHINERY We will build your kitchen cupboards right in the shop ready for installation. Also Floor Sanding with the very latest machine. For appointment call Gunnar Selvig vPlionc Blue 610 P.O. Box 651 it's made of wood, we can do it H X s 4-Point. Tuesday, November 18, 1947' All-Wool BLANKETS from English and Canadian mills O.V. White with contrasting border. B O AA Size 64x84. per pair $17.50 $18.00 v , and Size 72x90. per pair AVERS White with contrasting border. fijf 7 CA " Size 72x84. per pair IROQUOIS Pastel shades. Size 68x84. PRIDE OF THE WEST Grey Size 56x76 $22.50 per pair $12.50 per pair HUDSON'S BAY White and pastel shades. 3Vi-Polnt and $9.9! 5ft 9Q CA per pair to v""" Make Your Choice Now While Stocks Are Complete ..ujh.ii.ju j.i j-ij 1 1 1 h mmjm iiiH.a-i-.fl .ir---M.nn-t-.n I Ladies... t ORDER NOW! Personal Christmas Greeting Cards ALSO BOXED ASSORTMENTS g Follow the new fashion trend and select your CHRISTMAS DRESS now from our new shipment of superbly styled dresses trimmed with sparkling sequins and beads. We now have a larger selection of HOODED RAINCOATS and smartly styled COATS trimmed with fur In New and Original Designs. Prices from oOcV up GIFT STATIONERY FOUNTAIN PENS D IBB PRINTING COMPANY ! BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE J INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Set R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) , HICKS FRASER HOUSE - Modem, Quiet, Comfortable y ' 114 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 Make our BUDGET PLAN your convenience for Christmas shopping and remember ... NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES To Avoid Inconvience We strongly recommend that our customers fill their coal bins as soon as possible, or at - t least order well in advance as there will be,' : unquestionably, a shortage of supply this wiir tcr. "CALL US OVER THE COALS it is going to be a burning question." FOOTHILLS LUMP EGG TELKWA LUMP NUT PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Coal Call 651 or 652 Lumber Paints Building Supplies PLACE AN AD IN THE DAILY NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS l HP 3