November n. m. THE DAILY NEW! I Knv rrrrr, Hair Grown yOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, choose "Huperl Brand" Salmon. A fw tin in the pantry arc always handy. Slock a supply on your boat that's a good Idea. 80LD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd; 7S Prince Rupert, B.C. Notice the pens In the handi of the veterans- the men who have been using fountain pens for twenty and thirty years. Usually it's a Waterman's. A lost or damaged pen, perhaps an unsatisfactory one, led them to Waterman's. They became pen-wise. With Waterman's they stsyed. It is their pen to-day. Hirtwy repeat! Itarlf. Sooner or Utrr. a Wttrrman'l wilt com your way, Ysa IU appreciate it' "fit" in tht hand; t!ttlartr Ink container. tlx unooth, Heady Bo Utt eaiy-writlnf.' ttcrlaaing tip. Asd when jrou cocnr to veteran yeaxi you J be a veteran Waterman-! uer ton. Siltdion and ScrxUf at the Bett Shopi o , a Watei man's IP Coij hps Tha frlt.i af Wnn naa'a Meal FaaMala Per vary. Itlia.. a atfietaact la aOa aaa araaiMMailan -aaef la a dlRfiaact la aanty. tr.M ss. o ..a.l.tla 4rtana at Uf ' r-rw.i. Watermaots ZJhc Ultimate In Pais Dollar Days a J nday & Saturday Study the Items listed below. Every one a true economy, and all useful every day necessities. Wlule Voile Waist. t. :.; rnrli $1.00 i I. He N lr SkirU; em h $1.00 . uilrr r.ombinaliou; suit $1.00 Wuttrr Yf1; riii'li . . '. $1.00 '." inler llrHwer(2 dirs for $1.00 Knit Bloomers. 2 mir for SI. 00 Knit BloomcC: H Mir for $1.00 U (Umole. nirelv trimmed,' values to $2.50; for $1.00 - i.iuorluienl Hearing Hue: pair si.uu i! sliolillv suited, rrir. 2.7ft: iwir $1.00 "reii Wool Mills': 2 pturs for $1.00 i '.: :-ele. (iove. vnliitj lo 11.50; mr $1.00 s L::hniere lloe, blk. k color. KnglMi rtb pr. $1.00 ir- Lahfnrri Hose. Peumnir make; pair 75c Wool Hoot. H tn tm : a nairs for $1.00 'ii' .-iiisv 1 1 iiu aw iniiiM ill .i iiiii Mir w v w . i r.:tlinur.' IIilii Tim iinlvl'2 ixiirM for $1.00 YARNS. vfi"Mmg ... Ynrim, IMark .... nnt (lorf. Il $1-00 I : oa i I'WM l,l "' rt(l IU a. i'Yoni, 8 t ui. hitlls 51.00 . 1'iti i . . a .-v sa. trnn "nuiiii' vniiiiia. its T-n itiiii v in n ii nir . i v w vhil (Dillon. Mi tnrli: T vnnl's for $1'00 "'l' ft:irk nml Light tlolors; ft ynnN for $1'00 I--" in greni vnrirty; i jiiio mm 'ICC III IT l-i'iriilni. t,,lnA il'.A It.', viirila SI. 00 C' ' f IIMH llllllti KOI ,' liullnii. ri'irnliir valiiH 5.V: '1 vards for $1.00 ""loac hoi Cli,.,.i r.lnili- 12 vrfpif for $l.ou I 1.' . . M f . 1.1111 i Miiiiiricitc ; ti ynriM ior " l,fn mark nml Oolorril;.o jrN for $1-00 J'll(1"i Mucins; ft vnrilx for 51'00 Heavy Work Mot; :l pairs for $1' iriivy 1 1 1 ii i k wnruimi nv. rt'ir. .-?!.; ulir im i.ww VHI(l0V SIiiiiImu n.n Abrli $1.00 "WfU alioMU. '1 f..- SI. 00 v.u.c uargains on oaie too numvruu vu miomhuii "n U and Suits 20 per cent Discount. Millinery at 1-3 off. H. S. Wallace Co. liana - a "o Fulton 8U We stock IMrlorinl Patterns. Phone 9. ,vuac 111 1 lie ivcmjr iivno or No Money Not lea tha Via L.i flat. I b I rubber m a a a a eap on ha battla. You rub tha bottla .r roiir haad and the rubbarnipplca fd tha hair growing mad' telna Into tha a 1 p. Ona minuta a day In your own bomawlthVan tit Liquid mw hair aoma with Scalp Mai. a i mtana an abundanca of anc nd Dt tha floaa ifl4 luatsr that tied hair haalth. A.k ui about Iba 90-day trtalmant olatt. Wa all It undar nancy back (uaiantaa. ORWES LIMITED SMITHERS The TliiinUpivinK lurkey was Hiven a proinini'nl plap mi Mori-ilay aricriKMin, when Jack Preece fonilucldl a lurki-y nhoot, at j Wtllfll lc jMJlilif! wTP invildl lo i iy iiiHr iiiarkuian!liiii for r,(c a uliot. Tli i'l liol in fach group of eMil winning a nice plurnp lurky. Tlo- wliiatlv ui IU rtHind-liouxe iwat iuiiii(il on Miiii.lay nmriiiiav j u sfjwil fw .(lie- riffm.' lo Hip two-minute !ilonc. Irira llawMin lfl fn 'l'it-.d;iy iiiorniritr for Vandiuvcr an fx-pwl lo swn. thrw whI;. in ih I'da't Hly. TrioroN of (i-ir?f'hari will le plrnoptl lo liear Hiat lio i able to arotiml oirain uftpr a rolnpl illt, iMvintr tx-cn ailmilldl lo Hie local IkihihIh1 rcral KMitlli wMrt typhoid frver. Ilic Irftilie,' A il of tln l iiinn 1'hiirrli hHtl Hour Annual Tliank?tvin? upp-r o Mitmlay nifrhl. tb lurkfy and iiuiiutihm ilfllcaftif bein? muefi njofi t,y ihoc allcinlinir. Mr. W. J. Jffrvy of Jaor a aiicat at thf 4ioo of Mr. ami Mrs. J. P. Klrkpalrlck. ft. T. 1 1 row nt who ItAH hFn in ctiarse of tht lejcif ofrtcc of tin-Pxral MiniflU rj. h Ufl for Vancouver, with tlic intniiinn laklnp i cturf in mininar pen lrgy al Ihc IM. t'nivcrmfy. A iniinrKT of itkfrlintr cnllius- iaN arc lakniK aihaiitnKC of I No nn ln-cl of ice on I lie lloiisli near licVuin farm. TERRACE NOTES K. K. Davii who hax had Ihc uh-ctwl racl fur I he Terrace IhiiIkc Icfl nn SalnnUy for Hie uiuili. The hrilifc wa oii'ti for tt'lik'iilar Iniflic tnal 'lliursilav. fimt ia-cnpcrs listtiiff fin ahlc lo ero for it coupl of week. Ferry .ervicc i now t1iconliiiu- c.. Henry Wutbwg left Salunlay niolil for WalRWriglil where he will join hl fanflly. Ted ?imonl nltepilctl the dance al t'k Salunlay nitilil. Miss May Wilson spent I In week end In TetMce, returning lo llemo for Thanksgiving. 'Conimy Watsli and son frnin llatellon were wvek-end visitors Fred Nash relurneil Wednes day niaht from I he Queen Char lolle Islands where he had heen on liusiness. Fred Dutxird luade a trip to t'sk over the week end nml wen! ilnwn lo Itupert yesterday. The Misses Mercer, Weather-head, Hnlhwell and Creinlilon who spent Thanksffivinx week-einl, ih l.'sk returned lo prince Huperl on Monday. Miss Marshall who tnught al llauall last year came up from F.ssinston lo spend Die holiday at I sk. Mrs. Hlrnie of Pinilhers passe-! Ihrough here Jfnnday en route for Prince ftuperl. Rev. Mr. Cooper of Cnlnnale spent a few days hi Terrace this week. Itrv. and Mrs. T. .f. Marsh spent Thanksgiving In Renin, Mrs .1. II. Young left for Prince Huperl on Wednesday. Y Y Noouuii of Tvlkwa spent cows SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY C0RBY3 7ic Secret oP Success fid Baklng consists very larcely of choosing a baking pow-dr whose leavening qualities are uniformly reliable. Magic Raking Powder is the powder that new fails you. This Is the reason why It is by far the most popular baking powder in Canada. MAGIC BAKING POWDER i CANAOIAifi WMI C STABLISHtO ; f J Corbs-The Quality Whisky of Canada-is found m iy Sunvlay evening. Mrs. tlo Ker- gommeaux sang " Beyond the Dawn," and Mis Andrews, Miss (ilflfer and Miss Marsh rendered "lley Father Hear Me." Miss Bullen left for Hazellon Wednesday evening. Services were tiolel in, "Memory of (he Dead" in G.W.V.A.. Halt Monday morning at which' Rev j Mr. Nash ronductetl the service ami Rev. W. J. Parsons gave the address. A dance was held In the exeninii. CROSSES ARRIVE IN CITY FOR REGIMENT Will be Suitably Preserved Memory of Men Killed In Action In Two larnc wooden regimenlal crosses or the 02nd Hatlalion C.E.F.. raised on llio battlefields or Flanders as temporary memorials lo officers, N.C.O.'s and men of the regiment killed in aellnn in Hie flreat War, have artlted in the city. The various wooden crosses erected on the battlefields by the Canadian regiments are grad uallv -being replaced with crosses or a pernfciuent nature by the Canadian W-ar OraVes Commission by whom the 1 02nd Battalion's crosses were forwarded. Most of the temporary Canadian regimenlal monuments of this nature hae now been sent to Canada and are preserved, Irt the majority of cases, in the various churches and cathedrals. Steps will be taken by; the members of Iho I02nd Battalion to suitably preserve the crosses of their reglniitut. V wherever a ood whisky is ciatcd waBti saaHaSaV?SaBBr appre- - since 1859 mm . 1 Yhis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of -British' Columbia. the week end in town reluming ''cstful sale of work and home-J enl Monday nveninp. iinaile randies on Momlay. A- Ihmatd Mr Lend is visilln? his served. iter Mrs. James llirliniontl. i itie iiointay m Prince Huperl. W. Amlewrfl spent In Prince Huperl. The Ladies' OuHd of the Presbyterian t'.liurdi had a most suc- delicious - chicken dinner was A special Thanksgiving service The Mies James of Usk spent 'was helil in I he Anwliean Oliurcli CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle Nov. 7, 21 J Dec 5, 19 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway Nov. 3, 17; Dec. 1, 15, 29 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For lutedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bells, Oceai Falls, NmUf Alert Bay, Campbell River, and ,Van-souver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for-alt. Steamship Llr.ea Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent ) Corner rf 4J S'reet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Ru6 BIG FUR ROBBERY F.arly on Thursday morning a thief took advantage of my enforced absence from the store, ami in spite of an heroic attempt by my assistant to slop him. gol away with a $ 1,000 ladies fur rape. 1 have, therefore, derided the hel thing I can do is lo sell the entire slock before the robber comes back. EVERYTHING IN FUR IN MY STORE IS ON SALE AT ONE THIRD OFF, INCLUDING THE LATEST BEAUTIFUL MODELS IN LADIES' FUR COATS. Only 2 doz. left. This offer will remain good up lo and including Monday, November 17. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED W. GOLDBLOOM Second Avenue ALL FUR GOODS GUARANTEED