PAQI TWO. The I! Of SALADA B389 Has been earned on merit only One trial will convince you. The Daily News PRINGK HUPEIVT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, excspt Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PlJLl.KN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES! City Delivery, by mail ur carrier, per month .. $1.00 By mail to all parts, nr the British Empire and the United blales, in advance, per year 10.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, .. .91.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertisinj? on Front 'Page. $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion 2"c per line uasflined Advertising, per insertion. .......... ,2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion . .lfe per .ijrnl e line Contract Rates on Application. . i j Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject In approval Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thursday, April 2S, 192 1. More Residences Needed In City. 4 More houses wilj be needed in the city. Practically every thing that is fit tu live in today is taken and with the.shipbuild insr program in hand there will have lo be more accommodation provided. We are spending money on public iustilutmns but residences are needed. There never was a time in Prince Rupert when a nice little bungalow, close in, could not be rented. Some of the older houses are scarcely fit for habitation and naturallv they are allowed to yio out of use. New bungalows would renl well and might be a paying investment. Apartments might answer the need. With the steady de velopment or the whole district there is hound to be a steady growth or the city, no matter what industries come or fail to come, hvery year will see. greater interest in things northern The jdiffkuUY is that unless, steps are taken soon-to cone with the .situation, it will be difficult to arrange ai'romnodaliou W those who will be needed at the shipyard and elsewhere. Prince Rupert Loses On Seal Rookeries.' If Hie seals were open or hunting on the high'seas. Prince t.. iii ii . . . . . . unpen wouiu siniiu io gain, as sealers would make their head (uarlers here. It would be a nice sideline for fishing. With the treaty about expiring, it would seem reasonable to make an open season every jear for a few months for the industry. The alternative would be to turn over to this port the money paid hy the United Stales to the Dominion riovernmenl as our share of Ihe profits of the industry. Of the two plans the better would be to throw the sealing open once more muh let the herd lake its CMiiiirrs. , Native Ability ' - . For Religious Music. The ability of the British Columbia natives to reproduce classic music, "specially such as is of a religions lype, is Ihe wonder of the country. People who have heard Ihe Indian bands or listened to the Indian choirs have expressed themselves as not only extremely pleased but as surprised thai such excellent results could J.e obtained. Development along this Hue is going on rapidly andis being encouraged by the clergy. Yesterday we told of the great Easter celebration at the rdouth jf the aas River in which practically all Ihe Indian of that section took part. According to repirts the musical part of Ihe 1rogram was of the highest order and reflects the greatest credit on the natives who took pari. Few people in olher nnrU or the country can realize what this means and to what an ex- lent of perfeclion. the natives have come in musical develop, ment. ... 1 Why Not Arrange 1 A Tour In South?! , Since the native people. of this part of the coast , are so ac-comp .shed and so few have had an apportunily lo hear them, it might be worth while consulering whether n tour of southern !'.', n."!ii 'W''1 f,W !1Pxt "inter. An. Indian band would l.e a noelty and if the vocalists and individual instrumentalists would prepare seleclions so that they could give a rmn . cert of high class, Ihey doubtless could mnk the toT ami . . . . . ... nay u'i'L soniH vnliiiililo jv ttnrt.rt i I... 1 I. '.M'viirin r ay nit wny. "Back was Very Painful I am now Well Again" Mrs. Wm. Walker, Webbwood. Ont. writes r m. "I I t sick ior icverai monthi with my itomach. I had paint in the back, and how I i..l i dread waih day, for my back would pain to that I couldn't lie down when night came. I alio had ti on my itomach. and my appetite wai io poor that aome-timei I did not care whether I ate of not The doctor gave me medicine, of which I took a number of bottlei without benefit. At hut I itarted to uie Dr. Chaie'i Kidney.Liver Pilli, and Ithouih I have only used three boxei. I am ouit w.ll " , in. Dr. Chase's Kldney-Uver PUls ENGLISHMEN ON THEIR BIG DAYi Celebrate Anniversary of Patron Sain With Whist Drive and Dance The lloslnn Banquet Hall was crowded to the donrs last niplit with Fnglish people and llioir friends who attended Ihe annual f4!. licorjre'. Hay celebration. It was a creat event and if there had been larger accommodation it would slill have been filled. For Ihe openjn? pari of the exeninsrs enlertauuuent a whist drive was arranged and eery I aide Hint could he secured, was pressed into service, both Ihe main hall and Ihe dininjr room helnsr well filled, nil les I ban 37 tables hcinrr In use. The prizes wVre won by Mrs. II. i. WiNon wilh "a score of 179 and C. It. Ilacon wilh Irtl for ladies and penis respectively while consola tion prizes went lo .Mrs. Smoke with IS8 ami .1. It. Mnrmiii wilh l.'lft. Highest individual ladies' score was also won hv .Mrs. Wil son who secured It and by Thomas Priest who had the same number. In presenlinsr Hie prizes Mayor Newton spoke of Ihe larVe attendance in celehrale the anniversary of Knjilanl's patron saint and of Ihe prosper! that next year Hie attendance would he even larger, ' increasing as Hie city progressed. .Mr. New! on was introduced hy W. (i. Iluzhcs, head of Ihe organization who hud charge of Ihe early pari of I lie proceedings. In Ihe drawing for five dollars. for which veryone who bought a lickel had a chance, Willie Donald oulrialcd after being Mindful. led, and he chose number 2?, which was claimed by F. arlon. the winner. Delicious refreshments were served in Ihe dining room by Ihe ladies ami following that danr- iug was indulged in lo Ihe melodious strains of the Weslhnlme orchestra, Hie enjoyment lining kepi up until a lale hour. The following was the couunil lee in charje: .Mrs, Joe Howe, .Mrs. II, II. Ilemmings, Mrs. Cox Mrs. Shaw, W. ft. Hughes. . Ilemmings, A. Silversides.- I'atlerlnn, li. Johnson It. Yale P. Cameron, F. W. Orimblc, and David illon. Ihe master of ceremonies for Ihe dance was A Silversides and in charge of the whist drive was V. fi. Hughes. f Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupart It is announced ul Hn Ciiv iinii llfal a quantity of leu and twenty five year bonds nre lo he ilis posed of at 83. Al a banquet In Ihe Cenlral Holel las) nlahl, Ihe Sons of Kngland did honor lo I heir pal rnn sainl, SI. fJeorge. T. W. Silversides was Ina-lma-lcr and Ihe speakers included Arch deacon Ilix, fieorge. IRII, J)r. W. II. Clayton, K. A. Woods, William .Manson. J . D. Pallu lo. J. II. Hlblilch, Mayor Newton, Arthur Silversides, J-'red Sjnrk, (i. S. Filziuaurice. J.C. Ilradr. A. W. F.dge. .1. H. Kelly, Frank Sailer nut li. v. .Mcllae. The Daily .News today carries a lircllire on the front n:iun i.f Henry W. Thnrnlon his wife and two small children ahonrd the steamer Liisilania Jusl before they leH .New York for Kngland where Mr. Thornion has been called lo heroine general manager or the Ureal Kanlern INFANT DAUGHTER OF TUB DAH.Y NRWa Thursday. The Mai in the Mow j SAYS:- A.N -educated person It one who knows the modem, meaning of "Fundauienlalisl." ' - WANIFD: .Viberl iser would like lo secure a pood stiff back-tione suitable for all occasions, even when wife scolds. IF anybody wants n few cheap sets of .Mali Jon?. Just wait a few moulds and they will be found on any junk heap. HONK are the day When spring conic once a year, lione are Ihe nights When Ihe moon shone bright and clear. , $ We're longing 'again I For Ihe warmth ' that April brings, I hear the people sighing sadly "ling lost spring.' It's coming, It's coming My memory lells me ., 1 hear Ihe voice of April calling Sad and low. WO.MF..N get married in order In have someone 'to Jolly, OIRI.S may' lie clothed artistically but you'd hardly think so lo look al them. - IF spring comes this year I'll go a boating And sail" my craft along so lazfly. ' If spring' mine's. ah why this doting For spring, It, seems, will never come for inc. - - TIIK favnrile recreation of Prince Ituperl people during Ihe past few weeks has heen curbig Ihe weather. , IRK Hrilish labor bogey disappeared when Hie lalmr parly came inlo power and now Ihe South African republican bogej has gone byjh hoard .and Hie Imperial ship of slale is sailing serenely on. (il.lVKR says Ihere may be no battle bhl "keep your powder orj. TIIK Olivef tiovernnienl pulling il up lo Vancouver. she relnrns (iniemmeiit support ers of the right calibre al Ihe forthcoming election, she, will gel cabinet representation. THE FIGHTING BLADE STORY OF EXPLOITS Richard Barthelmess Takes Lead ing Knight Part In Famous Picture The Fighlinsr Illadn is a rapid rushing, lirealhlesH slory of courageous soldier of fortune whose deadly sword changed Hie current of an empire, sweeping an earl from his caslle, a mon arch from his Ihrone, and casl log into his arms a lady of high degree wilh Richard Harlhel mess as Ihe iutrrpid swordsman who held his blade eer ready for fight or frolic. .Never has he been seen in a role more rcplele wilh daring exploits, liairhrealh escapes, secret amours, plot and intrigue, dash and danger than Dial of Karl Van Kerslenhroock in this picture whre recklesn youth and iinpeluous maid are Irawn by rircumslnnces inlo Ihe dramatic events leading lo the overthrow of Hie reigning mou iirch, Charles , by Oliver fimin well and Ihe establishment of Ihe Proleclorule. ''he pomp and ceremony, Hie glamor, Ihe regal Iraoniugs of Hie seventeenth cen lury. fuilhfullv reproduced, from a titling sellinir from which Har- M A!VA7nET nanT7Pnll','''n,p',M a',',',ly famcujs.will rise utniimiuii utu ULliU lo turealer heights and he nc 1 ielainied (he screen's leading on Sunday aflernoon Sonia lomanlfc slar. Misaknnvna Aivazoff. Infant i daughler of .Mr. and Mrs. Mlsak UINICTCDC TA Dili! III Y. Aivazoff. was christened at IHlnlJliinj IU RUW III St. Paul's Church, Vancouver, by! Al n rfiNTlTUFNTIP llev. Harold King, when Ihe god- vviwimwwwiw parent were Mrs. A. H. M.ijnro,' r" Mrs. Daniel Mcl.ellan and flcneral nar w,n "ol 8Mk .H-WCMon: Merkleloff. According lo the Orthodox Russian Church, of which Mr mciean ooes to ' VICTDIHA, April iMDesplle Aivnvnff lt tiiiti,lA- n l...t... firjul!, Iritis ........ -11 lr. nj.ll . p nil. u,r,;t , , lit I 'iiviiiiii.i ,, LM 1 1 II f 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 J,'ll- christened on Kasfer Sunday Is licinns and Hie prophesies of (he "thrice blessed," so the event has Provincial parly, lliut mnlslers a particular inlerest. FollowinK of the Oliver government might the ceremony the parly returned have a hard lime, finding, seals, II. I. ,...,. e r . ii i . .', . , iiic iiuiim: hi .nr. ami wrs, " is now uei n eiy anuouiiceii Aivalzoff. "Villa llimse." Shnnah iiessy Heighls, where n high lea was served, ihe taide being cen. IfH wilh while rarnallons. thai wflli the etcepllo'ii of linn j. ii. MacLraii,. provincial secretary and nihil... I nt e'ltucnlinn. every member of the cabinet will , til For Every Kind of Washing li you Uit wa.kinc mackinooaUyourclolkrt in the Rino(udtiutul. talk msrninf dd in of Riiwo olulion nJ woilt ike mchin. Tkrn tint nd dijr you will k cU.n twccl (aawtrkil WMO. run in lu present constituency. j Hon. Dr. Macl.can has been olTer-i ed several sealshut will run in Yale. Premier Oliver will run In Victoria, Hon. Dr. Sutherland in Iti'velstoke. Hon. William Sloan in Nanaimo, Hon. A. .V. Manson in Oniineca, Hon. T. D. I'allullo in Prince Rupert, Hon. K. D. Harrow in Chilliwack. Hon. John Hart, inemher "for Victoria, who is reliring, will not run In any consliluency. Which wifl mean I bat some olher riding w ilt have a minister as its representative. And while Vancouver is angling slt'ougl'y in Jills conned ion, Ihere is no reason to believe that the selection of mi up-country mem- her might no! he made hy IheJ Premier. OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS Passports secured and tickets' Issued via While Star, Cunard nnd Anrhor.Donaldson bines.! The Canadian .National Railways make direct conned ions with steamers of these lines. Full in-! formation at City Ticket Office, i Canadian National Railways, 528 Iblrd Avenue, Prince, Rupert H.C. Phono 200. tf "Ontt n yu'll Hfttr Ikmmf For thl Jull fiiurt et tprrnjt hriihtt mtJikm in illpropor. lions. Fint whilt (oulil i lius 22-44 ff7.7S The concealed WonDtircL BANDLtTlifti up and kolJt in healthful petition weakened and fallen abdominal muaclei and onam. If you auffer even (lightly- from hi caute you need a Nsmo Wonuck. urr Comet. IMJ IU Crlnrc nuirrt rirlii-Mvrly hy MBOUM BNOS. HOPS BROS. Llmlttd.Toronta WHETHER you spend Monday over the wash-tub, .or in the laundry.or simply turn on your washing machine, Rinso will simplify the work of washing to an astonishing degree. For RIno has revolutionized wath day This wonderful new soap toakt the clothe clean, doing away with all necetiity for back-bieaking rubbing. Hinio gently lootent dirt without damaging a single thread. Only where the dirt is ground in. at neckband, or curia and the like, will you need to rub lightly. A little dry (Unto rubbed on thca, spot will quickly make the dirt disappear Try Riruo nett hterday. You will bt JrtifliUJ at tA bay llit J'trt timet euL Rinso MADE BY THE MAKERS OF LUX S s-4-n Dining - room Suites HOME FROM HOMI. Range in prica from MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. 8tesm Heated Hot and Cold Water Rates hy Day or Month P.O. ox 75. Phone 86$. v $100 to $300 Many styles and finishes to suit every taste. Barrie's Home Furnishings The House of Quality. 3rd Avenue. phone 123 Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgsrion Block, PRINCE RUPERT, . 0. Off les Hours, t U l Phone .. Open Evenings Only Special Appointment. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operatlnij O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle nil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and MB.