sday, September 3, 1924. Blue Ribbon Tea The fine Quality of BLUE RIBBON TEA Is the result of experience combined with a real desire to produce the best possible article. Now that Trade conditions are becoming mora normal, the Quality of BLUE RIBBON TEA Is better 'than ever. TRY IT. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND ' SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machini.ts, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern maker, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds uf MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. YOl WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Rupert Brand Selected Skeena Sockeye For plain s, 'Iuhim- --Rupert Brand" Salmon. A few li ns in ihp piitiln arc always handy. Stoek'a" supply on mr boat llial's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. FOR SALE Alaska Blue Eox Breeders i IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR QUALITY STOCK BLUE FOXES COMMUNICATE WITH JACO Petersburg, OTNESS Alaska Our Foxes Guaranteed to bo a Number One Stock. tri;v 'IMIBIIIUBIII III HI II l III I III I III llllll UNION STEAMSHIP COMP - UF B.C., LTD. , Soilings from r-rinro Iiupcrt. Of VANnnnuF.. ... .... . ... . t.,..h.w R P.M. I" yANCOUVEp, VICTORIA, Alort Bay, and Owamon By, Saturday, 10 A.M. NV0X, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wain liUnd, Sunday, 8 P.M. , ' 0BT IMPSON and Nan Rlvtr Cannorloi, Friday A.M. "3 nd Annua. " J. Barnalay, Agent. Prlnca Rupart, B.O. dvertise in "The Daily News"i THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK RESULTS 1 Local and Personal U.O. Undertakers. Phono 4l. llayners. Undertakers. Phono 351. Iloyal Purple Bazaar, Wednes day, December 3, Elks' Home. Mrs. Field, Ail Needlework. Agent for real silk hosiery, 213 becQnd Ave. Phone 23. If ' Towing ami freighting. Tn Towena, 50 h.p., Capt. M. Clifton. Phone llluc 100. Night phone 23. tf - Women of Mooschearl Legion Whist Drive and Dance, Tuesday, Sept. 2, 8.30 sharp. Weslholme Orchestra. 207 . .Mr. and Mrs. Olier Hesncr and family, who have been spending the pas) two months, in the East, are expected homo on the Prince George this afternoon. A local improvement, bylaw providing for the senii-nerman- ent grading of Comox Avenue was advanced to its lliii;d reading at last nights council meeting. Miss Kdith McCaul, R.N., matron of (he Prince Uuperl General Hospital, is returning to the city on f lie Prince Oeorge this afternoon from Vancouver where she has spent a month on vacation. Making her last call here this season, CP. It. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. Arthur Slater, will be in port this afternoon from 3:30 to 1:15 southbound from Mska ports to Vancouver and Victoria. ...;. The usual annual bylaw ex empting crown lands from lax sale was to have c,ome up at last night's council meeting but was laid over for a week at the request of the city solicitor. PRE-EXHIBITION DANCE. To morrow night, 9 o'clock. Elks' Homo, Easson's orchestra, admission free. Supper 25c, Everybody Invited. . Everybody will bo there. Olof Hanson returned to the city from Smithers on Monday nigjit and will he going back to the interior on this afternoon's train. . I). T. I.ules. manager of the Watun Miver cannery on Massed Inet, arrived in the city on the Prince John lhi. morning and will proceed to Vancouver tumor. row. . - A, F. Priestly, general merchant and S. C. Gordon, rancher. Dot li of Aiyaush, have been spending a week in the city ami will return north on the Venture Friday. Judging for He ler Habies con lest for babies under six months will be 'held on Saturday after noon at 1 o'clock iii Doner's old store. Third Avenue. Entries for this class will be received up to 0 p.m. Friday evening. 208 Heller Habies contest? entries close Friday and Saturday of this week. Full medical examination Diplomas and score cards of points will be given every entrant. 208 CN.ll. steamer Prince John, CanL Neil McLean, arrived at 9 o'cblck llils morning from the nortji end of Queen Charlotte Is lands and will sail this evening al 8 o'clock for the south end. The vessel brought a good list of passengers from Massed Inlet. The most of them will go south tomorrow night. Accounts to August 30 total THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREB WRIGLEYS After Every Meal It's the longest-lasting confection you can buy -and It's a heln to di gestion and a cleanser 1 lor the mouth and teeth. VVrlflley's means benefit as well as pleasure. WANTED. Hoy. age 15. want' work. Prefers to learn trade hut willing to work in store P.O. Box 10. 20Q Mrs. I). II. MdDouald and- son Angus, who huygiiliccn spending the summer 111. ova Scotia, an returning home; on the Princ George this afternoon. They came wet by way of Spokatw where they have been visiting for the past few days. Provincial Constable Arlhu Collins, is arriving from Oceai Falls on the Pny.ce George tlii afternoon bringing two prisoners G. Hall and Jack Bremer, wb have been committed for trial o charges of assault with intent They, together with Joe Mac Donald, already .committed, wil come before . Judge Young fo election tomorrow. They are. in volvcd in oonnafiUon with lb beating up of 'Uo"ilfajle Collin recently. CARNIVAL QUEEN WHIST AND DANC Affair Staacd by Moosehear' Legion in Support of Miss Grace Crate Last Evening . . iiJ .. In support of their candidal' in the Fair Board's carniva queen contest, 'Miss Grace Crale-t lie Ladies of Ihe Moosehear Legion held a whist drive am dance in the Melropole Hall las night. There were about 12? persons in attendance and tin Jiff air proved very enjoyable n (veil as reniuneralive to Mis Crate's campaign. . 1 The -winners al cards were men's first, II. J. Macon; ladies first, Mrs. W. Anderson; men' consolation, Charles, Higgarl Jadies' consolation, Mrs. Jo Prince. HefrAshiiienls were served am music for Ihe dance was provide by lire Weslholme orcheslri. special accordion numbers lein a :eaiure. Joe Maggaril vvas master o ceremonies.; Mrs. Thor Johusoi was 011 the door, and the com mittee consisted of Mrs. lid. Un ger, Mrs. Ytreberg, Mrs, J, Fieb and Mrs. II. J. l oss. SHANGHAI SHIPPING GOLD SHANGHAI, China. Declare. exports from Shanghai lo tin United Slates in the .month o May aiimuiited to $:i.G5 1,088, am for the first five months of 11)2 lo 'I5,951,D3I. ' The principal articles exported were goat and kid skins, coltoi laces and embroideries, raw sil and crude camphor. Gold ha lo the value or 81,115,50!) an gold coins lo the value of $5 IK. 702 were exported lo Ihe Unite Stales in the five-mouth period POLAND'S CONSCRIPTION LAW. ling $20,021.8!) and including WARSAW, Active military various depart mental payrolls' ! service for nil able-bodied male- were passed at last night's conn. "'"Clung their twenty-first, birth cil meeting. Inquiries were made. '', ,M" fixed by law al ........ . . . 1 . :.. ii. . . my .mii. uasey as lo commissions lu" J' "' I'rmiu's i uio eavni paid (ieoiKe Crale for road tnviry or artillery, however, have tr 'collections al the same time that ' s,'m' monlhs. In case o Twain' was engaged on Hie police1 n" ninle belween l!) ami 5f To rce. Cily Solicitor Jones rc.j'i'ars will lu drnTled, ported that Mr, Crale had been' : responsible for Ihe collecting o( V'ANO IN PHILLIPINEJ. until.Jlit,,.. I!!... J,.l I .... sviim-iiiiii line .,inil. "T-l't MANILA. , The discovery of kGZEMA L guano depo.siis in Ihe pro'vineo of Cebu which are easily aceessible 'pVimfent! b' l'"d and sea is expected' In Ing when inereuM' Ihe Use of ferliliyor not you us Dr. r ihA' otnt- (Mily un suu ar raiio nl;m I it t hih tSSl r&a?! iSSSS: '" i" "'I.e.- 1-nes of agricullure. a'!SX,.klSi'Sn,ti!i T' is 'i.nale,l -.'BO.IHHt Ions KKtf&SffW avu.lMble on one lo. um!t-i.ictoi.i cultty ol t,ebu. plete with pulp and paper. SPECIAL FASHIONS & FOIBLES by Shirley Sharon ....i.i.v.w...v.rT 5341 The petticoat flounce is at the bottom of many of the new lube frocks that have their origin on the Rue de la Paix. -Several of the great Taris dressmakers on the Rue de la Paix permit themselves In the restrained French fashion to place, two or possibly three exceedingly smart' costumes in their single street window. Worth.for example, will sometimes display a sports suit in a faultless shade of gray with just the lemon-colored blouse that should be worn with it; or, as the weather grows warmer, two or three lingerie frocks, ot exquisite workmanship. It is in the' establishment such as W orth's that one ' sees the narrow tube fnick with its petticoat flounce in crtpe d Chine or crfpe Roma trimmed with lace. It Is new to wear these dresses absolutely' bcltlcss. Health ! That priceless possession, most valued by those who have temporarily lost it, can be regained and retained by regularly taking 4X Cream Stout. It's an easy, pleasant, palatable way to encourage the system to extract the utmost nourishment from the food you cat. 4X Cream Stout is itself a valuable liquid food, prescribed and recommended by many physicians for invalids, convalescents, nursing mothers and all those whose physical condition requires gentle stimulation. It also appeals to thousands as the most acceptable meal-time ,... drink makes them eat heartily and helps digestion. Jh!$ Drink 4X BREW CREAM STOUT Brewed and bottled in Vancouver at the model brewery renowned for cleanliness and perfect brewing. It contains the very finest of malt and British Columbia hops it has the body, strength and flavor that good j'udges prefer. You'll like it, too. It will do you a world of good. Try it! On sale at all Government Vendors VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED 1 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by tiie Government of British Columbia. C.G.M.M. steamer Canadian Hover, Capt. J. J. Flood, arrived it 7 o'clock ast night from Van couver via Lagoon Day. She will load 30,000 cases of salmon here for Vancouver and should get away !y tomorrow evening for Ocean Falls where she wil com amatco PLY COTTONWOOD VENEER PANELS For panelling your rooms it rivals the most costly hardwoods. Rejuvenate your Home Quickly and Permanently. Sole Agents Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Children's Shoes OF QUALITY SPECIALLY PRICED 54.05 Tan or Black Calfskin, welted soles. Chums and llurlliiits. Button only. Sizes 11 to iVt.t Regular $0.00 and $0.50. $3.95 Tan or Black Calfskin. Welter soles. , Button only. 8 to luto. Regular $1.75. 95c Child's Patent Leather Slippers.1 Patent Leather Boots and Rubber Soled Strap Slippers. Values to $2.00 pair. Family Shoe Store ! Jr in : t ..I i