a JET Published Every Afternoon, exc;pt Sunday, the Prince Bupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 SUBSCRIPTION rates: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail tu all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year v. . 50.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Contract Rates on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. 'MILY FDITION EB Tuesday, October 28, 1924. Gradually Coming Into Our Own. YVe are gradually coming into our own. The Terrace bridge about which we worried for a long Unit, is praeJicully completed and will be ready for opening on November 20. That is a great Paying Hebrideans To Come To British Columbia. The British Columbia government has offered Ihe sum of $UU0 per family to Hebrideans who would like, lo come and settle in British Columbia. That is a considerable sum for the taxpayers to provide. Now, .however, Father Macdonnell, who has charge of the migration, wants the amount doubled. It is lo be assumed' that the government 'of this province will prefer to do without the settlers, rather than pay so high a price to induce litem to come. - British Columbia, welcomes .seltlej;s and. will" cpntiiipc. Ip, o m The Empire Medicine the preparation which has won the confidence of every country under the British Flag tieremedy which has brought health and happiness to millions of men and women in every part of the Empire the treatment which is resorted to everywhere for ailments such as Sick Headache, Biliousness,. Indigestion and Constipation, often considered insignificant, yet decidedly inconvenient ailments vwhich have their origin in a dyspeptic condition of, (the. stomach .and a torpid action of the liver' 11 HNS sometimes bo around cackling wil limit laying an egg, but they are not the only ones I hat do the same. THE last camp on the Island road Is set. And yet there were those who said the road job would slop just as ioou as the election was over. IT is commonly reported that a pelillrtn is to he started here asking for an immediate revision of the weather schedule. STANLEY Baldwin says constitutional rebellion is Ihe same as chilly hell. Shame, Mr. Baldwin. We don'l use such words out west. I'lVH million sopkeye eggs went up I" the liatcliery yesterday. How many wrfs that? step in the development of Ihe district. While It was delayedj THH man who tarred the house several years owing to the big expense involved, it was eveiitu-jof his neighbor in Britain bc-ally built and will be worth a lot to Ihe community. cause he ditfered from him poli- Aiiofhjfr thing wo are getting is the road across Kaien Island, tically, must have harbored black The work has begun and a good sum of money has already been spent in clearing the right of way. The next step is to have the work proceed and that will have to be in co-operation with the city ol Prince Rupert. Those who want the road built will have to support at Ihe civic election only those candidates who are to admit it, ready to put it through early in the year in tithe for it to tie j - used in connection with the new provincial rtiad. If the present IF' anyone hears a racket in council w ill not do this whrk it is up to the people to. elect a coun-lil that will see that development in this direction is not held back. The city is doing good work in connection with' the grading of roads generally, but this Kaien Island road is one that has been held back for various reasons for a long time and it would be a pity to check it now. We suggest that an Island Road Association be formed to pledge members to support only those candidates in Ihe city who will build the city end of the road and similarly to support' at the next provincial election only the candidate that will build roads. The lime lo get the Island road is right now. vjf it is delayed, we cannot tell when it will proceed. thoughts in his heart. -9 IT is all riglit to be a bridge expert, hut it is not good form Ihe I)e Luxe hall he will know it is only a badminton racquet. - Llkh tennis "love" seems to play a prominent part in the hudmintoi game. NEW HAZELTON Mrs. fl. I). Parent and her sons are expected back shortly from Montreal. Jack Burns and J. D. Sweeney came in Ia?l night from Legale Creek where they have been en craped Ibis summer in mining de velopment work. Preparations are now being made for the calling for tenders for the erection of a $10,000 nurses' home in rniineelinn with so, but lo what extent they should pay out cash to get them here the Hazeltnn Hospital. The Moth-remains a doubtful question. Most of us came here on our own 'odist Mission Board has votei without any special inducement We paid our own way in spite 5,ooo towards it. of the? fact that we were poor. If others wish lo come we should I welcome ineni, oui io pay .shoo io eacn ramiiy as an intliiccment: Dr. (J. A. Petrie will be in is doubtful economy. Give them land by all means and help'charge of medical and surgical them all we possibly can hut; it must be remembered that every work at Ihe Hazelton llosnllal uun,ir mm oui increasi's me taxes . I I Immigration Is . Dominion Problem. Immigration is a Dominion government problem. Also the issuing of licenses to fishermen is a federal matter and nothing whalever to do with Ihe provincial government. The only reason the mailer of immigration and land settlement devolves upon the province lo some extent is because in this province the crown during the absence of Dr. II. fi. Wrinch, M.L.A., who is going to Victoria lo attend the session of the legislature. Dr. II. O. Large who arrived this week from Bella Bella, will be his assistant The search party which left some wee.ks ago to locale MeKlair lands -belong to the province and not lo the Dominion and s-el-jand his partner, prospectors wh in nK i.irui uirtriuii- inrcuine ii provincial mailer as wen as oneihave Iwen missing for over a for the Dominion government. jyi.nrf r(!lurnP(l ,0 Hazelton on We should all like to see a good settlement of Hebrid established in the fisheries here, but it must be remembered JFindlay Forks but were unable lo m! samron iisi.iug nere is a caning llial is learned by purely find those whom they sought. local experience. Many white people who undertake it fail to make gocxl. TifM.d rmmey can be made by the right persons but it. Galloway, district minim not all who go into it are successful. The first year they areiengincer, left last week for Cari i.kc apprentices i uic calling, home of the fishermen that boo on ollicial business. He will came here from the. Eraser River made good the first year, but 'proceed from there lo Victoria they had xiriiict in the same class of fishing. Inhere ,,e will remain . until Ihe V? L . KVjeriimeiH win ne m-auvised ir they pay middle of December, when he will ""y .um Mgher tlian that already uffered in order lo induce jreiurn accompanied by Mrs.Gal-iHIIera of. Any-kind, to come here-Scoltish, English or Irish or loway who is at present visiting any olhec iial.onal.ly. I hey tire paying out the peoples .non relative, iii Iteglnaw and me bound lo go carefully. . ' f ' v ' v.. William Jl. Scolt of South illazellon waV sentenced lo six jmonlhs at Okalla Prison by luslice of Ihe Peace William (irant for supplying liquor lo Indians. - PRINCE GEORGE Dr. E. .1. Lyon has left on a month's vacation. He will vlsil bis former home in Ontario and also plans lo visil Mayo Clinic at Ilochesler, Minn., as well as New York hospitals. The Prince OeorRe Agricultural ik Industrial Association has decided lo purchase a permanent fair site from the provincial jjovernmenl. Found guilty of accoslinir vounir girls on the streel, Wilfrid Sciney was last week sentenced to three jnonlbs with hard labor by Police MnKislrale McLean. T. B. Taylor, teller In the Bank of Montreal at Ashcroft, has been transferred lo Prince Oeorgci taking Ihe place of Vincent Olles who is transferred to Ashcroft. Jack llohertfton, sou of .ludtfe Iloberlson, has Joined the Bank of Montreal slalf here. I Tor-May, (Vfobfi :i i-j PAGE TWO TTTH DATT.T ITEVS The Daily News I Tda Mn in tlia Mnnn Ii r i me man in uic niuuu PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. I SAYS. 6 " i ii m m m m mm m a x a k mm a j - iTs y r. .ra j j m i ill I uuuuMlllimilllliHMiuilU . l. j This advertisement is not published or displayed I.y the Liquor Control Hoard or by Ihe Ooveriunent of Hrt Columbio. ?IH Ten Years Ago in Pri nee Rupert October 28, 1914. I'rof. Alexander will give a lecture tonight in the Empress Theatre on the pauses of the (real War and the personalities and powers resrAmsible for it. The proceeds will io to the Belgian war fund. During the tiKiath of October, 925,200 ponuds of halibut wai I In MollmHul nhurnli i,t nilfiu. 1 BERtIN ELECTRIC SIQNS BHIILLN, Oct. 28. Advertisinfr by electric signs, which has been largely restricted in Berlin sine Ihe outbreak of the war, will he practically unrestricted herp-after. Only objeclioqs from tthe artistic point of view may be made, and it is hoped within a short lime lo restore Ihe pre-war night aelivilies of Be'rlin. if fit MADE IN CANADA SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE SMITHERS . II. C. De Vinney of Houston lia-1 been a buwihes visitor in jSniilhers during Ihe past three Idays. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kiikpuiin K have returned to their Iiohm- al ler an exlemled visit with "!; lives in eaxteni cities. Tii'n daughler. Miss Arleiie. i -iai: in Ihe easl-wliere she will linue her hish school -tudn s Mr. and Mrs. Ilannii u t Itnrrv v)m Iuivp lnpn flu Liicl. landed here. Its value I, placed ,,f Mr ,, MrH r Mj4l llll ,,, nl $41,300. Several days have r.-iun,. d i. " .... i Houston and fnnn there mt i William Manson, M.P.P. and!,.: i... ,. u. Mrs. Manson returned lo city last night after having the at- Ilanna Paine to llouoton nvMf I. in tfili nf aliilum ntiMit tended the General Conference of!;,,,, . (.fcNIl ,,av 11W ,,,.,.,,.,; that It Is not necessary necessary ti liave an agent al that point. The second of the daneen (riven by I he newly formed Smilhera tlenedirl Cluh was heUI on 1'ri- lay and allliough Hot qille o well attended as the first mm, those present spent a very enjoyable evening. . Arthur Gregory of Morlcelowii and J. Gowans of Burns talus were business visitors ln town on? Friday. There .vvaborifc,oni5cU Jt , fhe..Bulkley Valley DbUrjc! Hospital, Siuilhers, a daughter to Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J, Btjaidcy of prince ' ' illlipert. , John Goohl of (ou(on who i lias tieen a patient at the hospi tal forhe past week is now able to be around again and will soon be escorting home Jlnt. Gould and their newly arrived daughter. An auction sale was held on Friday and Saturday afternoons and evenings lo dispnsp of lln household goods and slook in trade of T. Aner who has conducted a gent's furnishing and tailoring establishment In Snillhers for, a number of years. A number of exceptionally good bargains were obtained by the bidders on gent's furnishings and suit lengths. One of the main at tractions of Ihe sale was the auctioning of the fancy work that1 had been done by Mrs. Anger. There was-.a large collection of very beaut i fill piepe.s and I ho bidding was very keen. John Hamlell, a former resident oT Ihe Burns Lake district, died at. the local hnspilal on Saturday, Oct. 2.1. Mr. Ilamlelt who bad been ailing for n month was in his (50th year. J. A. Bolvin of Winnipeg representing big lie operators working east and west of Fort William Is in Ihe district making an in CLARK'S r lEANS BE Every bean tender but never mushy Mutritiou and dlicto Your choice ol 54cci Tomato Chili or PUIa. - -pcclinii '.f the tie limber adjacent lo the railroad. Ileport made to date are very enurg-Ing and it in very prolmble thai operation will he started this fall on a mi of about, 200,000 lies. A mnrial' service was held at the Anglican CliMreh Sunday I vnhi!r fur Urn lute ArrtihUlion f TELKWA Iti'V J. S. Bruvfi-: ' iindy nMrntuit - f f'roice llnperl. unl noon, ilreve to l.'i. ervie tliw. - The lky Srouls itfi m the p-- i i building which i-Si i.ut Halt fr Ml- ft!tintli. The Unce In .oigl.t ill Ihe Hull . Libnity lintved I.. .f. ji.yulib- oTie. Tli- ruuddy, but hmt it.i i , people from runonii 1 inilide points TIm j very iimul, hihI i tic pli'jed with III-- i "I i Now thai the l .n Ihe trws, the pi i". itift hellrr lurk, as unorw iitly eii. .Gardener and Du Vernet. ltev. B. II. Bi.hl-ll .n-,''',n taking fi I&rVv tv .tiieflng the service. crop. One fani.. - .. .pleiidht lol of turrii Swlal service wan held nt1V'''f,l'l' iirly Uhibn flhurpii Sunda; vpnlog,'!''',''''! ihe congregation iiaving umi nlensure of bearing Itevx'A. N.I Poiidn. SI .AT. who 'hall served iwl (thina as a missionary. Several carloads of Sntltliers fidlm Journeypd to Telkwa on Friday niitlil In attend the drtnen lhre in aid of the library fund,! ftHd rrporl having n very enjoyable time. A number of clli.ens also attended the danrp al Ihe Driftwood Schonlhonse the same evening, this danre. being In old of the Clulslinas tree fund. A pood lal ol being'. done helm collies. (5 co. FlildlA 4a and Is verj- Inisy. 8o far there h.n nn, anil Ihe sligl T only ben a reminder Fall. It has been a : so far, and If it ke- i shorten Ihe winiei ,i Those .Interested i planning if possilib lots on which lo l' maneiil rink. Advertise In the Dally NE PALI. SiTEAMSHIP SERVICj S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George . O.ltl W- mm. t oauinas r rum t rinca Hiineri S.S. PRINCE RUPERT ne PRiNr.r ornnp.r fnr VANCOU- VER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Iiiterinediatt! l' " ..... . I. lnrnijpH... .-(HI cam mtuntoUHI N.UU p.m., each SATUHOT midnighL S.S. PRINCE JOHN for ANYOX nud STEWART, tyednei- day, 10.00 ,,fm. For all ports QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND8, I'iM n"'1 night, Nov. 1st, 18th. - .v. PASSENfJfcP TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY., no K.i, tu poimi Puifrn Cinirt, OhivkI Stiioi OII Tl.k.l Of. i, 2 TMr i--, fh.M M