r P. R. FISH : MARKET mm Fresh Fish Dally. BOSTON GRILL Beef, Mutton, Lamb, pork, Veal, Poultry. t '.'-r ft- Third Avenue. M.ide. Buusuge J-'resh Hume Best of Food Good Service. Dally. i.. PRINCE RUpERT Private Boxes for Party Use. K fhone 871. J Northern and Central Britkh Columbia's Newipaper "Take Her to The Boston." . It .' ' VOL MVh NO. H3. 'If PniNCK IIUPKIIT, B.af MONDAY, APIUL 7, 1021. Saturday! Circulation, 1523 trul Sal ISO. PRICE FIVE CENTS. AIRPLANES ARRIVE AND ONE IS DAMAGED CO-OPERATION RESULTS IN SECURING SETTLERS FOR INTERIOR COUNTRY Four United States Airmen Arrive but One Machine Badly Damaged when Alighting; utLopg o) ,Nw Vuik Lily Will be Delayed for Possibly Two Weeks SKIPPER LOSES Bind f Seattle Safely and only when MOVIE MEN ARE HIS LICENSE; ianAnLS SrlT " ; DISAPPOINTED Captain Harris or Canadian Scot-llh Suspended For Three Months enowN ooes free Migrant Csretetsness on Part of PLANES NEVER GO HIGHER THAN THOUSAND FEET ABOVE WATER C-.J mwJU ftrmt iC sf nififirifinn r Jinnin in ffvino Officers S.ys Wreck Com- UilClltilu icui ui un iiuii6unvi. u... ... .V"'6 mlsstoner under adverse conditions over 600 miles VM:0IVKH. April 7. Thej rv . .erhfleate if linptalu (.; ,, r . niolor or three 1'iiited Slate army nunul- W a r Hie CO.M.M. train- ' (..XVurtiI flying machine wmt heonl nl i.5 jclrnlav aflcriUMin . suaii Spyiii.li. lie.n,Hj .ictr, ru,e ui unUon rrtini everul hundred riltzcu who hud i ?!sr.w v.hen leaving Uin ...iin,! fur an hour or more in drenching show-cr of iillCfnule . i. 1 1 . . . i .... ........ .. .I l-niirr u wrn .. ,l iiiivv nl the riil UIVC lailll lll mare. . ir union"- Mr u.iuir damage e.li-,t,cr ,Jlc niaclsiuc Swooped into vWbilily from a Winding mhw re m .on wi.i.fiiejHled)..)...i t,..rr..i...t ii- . .Major Martin, i;onunanler n.ontn dating; fh'Pi'jjf jquadruu, came down first, swoupihg to tile vftilor near Marr.-i J. according to the'Thulinjr j,jIOyS wflh un impart which broke two .truli in his machine, . i ' u Marine Hoard itfjtiqulry. ,Mcui. Iiwell Smith and Lieu. 1. 1 - Ui' J. . McPheron. wreck min.ikuiiifr, ntate.1 in rnurl i - would have tlkrl to Iru-; a Similar penally oh the i Abu. Hrown, hut njf J ikjI because pilotage wa "iinpuNory iu Pacific roal Hi'1 finding ald: "We find 'lip stranding of the liana-1 iiu Sniiuli wn tie to nmt ":is t arrlpjiiir on Hie pari f lit ina.ler iiml pilul in the i' itt m of Ihr rM ' FIRPO KNOCKED OUT AL REICH Took Count on His Opponent In First Round of Blq Match at Buenos Aires 1H.I-.XOK AllllK. April i. 1 C kniM-knl mil VI Iteirh Sal- 'l.i.v iiiuM In tit fir!l round. '.-. riiinl flirloii-ly al lleirli m Mo- -omiil or llif Konu Ihii'IIiik 'Mi ii hciity .rlKhl l"My-It t( Ii i-liiii-liol and a tiKUiiei.it r. Kirpu latnlrd iinolher. i"h replied willi a lefl In II"' and llo liti'it rlinrlic.l iiualn. " akliiu Mwiiy l-'lrpo launelietl n fi i nti nldirlr jnenditiK n terrifie ' sill u Hip jaw IrrinliuillnR H' irh hopes. FASCIST! WINS IN ELECTION IIO.MI-L April 7 -lleliirnn from Dalian Parliamentary elee- loti lliin luiirnliiR indicale lliul fill lit il ft a liiilinitt( litii lnHlv fill' he 'uNCill hid ii if polled. The puny it i-ii 1 1 n t tiK itrotiK lltrouKit nt Hie en II re couniry und lead lK at the in. Mm in neatly every "eellon, martiaTlaw IS PROCLAIMED ALBANIA IIO.MI',. Ant-ll 7.- .Martial law 'un liecu nrorlatmetl in Allmnia "winir lo (he murder of Iwo lulled Klnles morchunU. The iiii)i'ilt'ii.il iiiimi vi i. in I.i'wU Cole man of ijun Fimieisco ami tieoiKC llrlk II. XrUon. jtfuroacliinii at collie lirinhl. cirelrd round over-lirad lo reduce altitude and made Imiir amirtuirliPK tainlinz er' (iraeefully on the water further out and Imiiil into llieir iniHir. Inu place. LieuL le?h Wade. who wj over an hour and a half later in leainy Seattle, brought hi ntueliiiie in nl 5.:.", having nude Hie riislil north in fori minute e lime llian hi coiii- pfllllOII. Major Martin look off fpotii Seattle al HM yenlenlay luom-inir mid l.leut. Smilli and l.iu'. NVI.i.ti gul a w ay al H.Sn. IuikIiiu li:rlher al LS5, Hie fir.l iliaeluue iiinde Hie llilil ui euhl hourf and thirty minute-, itltd the Iwo oilier iiiarliiin-- in eiKhl hour and fifteen minuleo. Lieul. Wade. InUun olf fnun Seal tie ill I ( :(!." and arrfinv here at r.S.". ni-i-mnilihed lh mi) use In Men ltour ami luruty intuule. In Snow Storm Hie now iiiiall. wliirh unfor tunately wan in pmurrvH while the three fh'l maeliuie weir lunililiK. wio Hie rnti!' of Major MaillnMioulde. After l lmiir or very diltlrull navisalion Willi poor llhillly owimr to idiowerH or hiiow and rain and foj:, Major Marlin, with the Iwo accompany-. Ug machine cloe heliind, cnito into I lie hurhor and ililed the tiiioy al Seal Hove. Lndere- tlmalluv the dltanee on tieeoiiin uf Hi Irk now. it a loo law when lie icrreied hi predica ment und, iiHer unueeeiuiiy ..i.kiiOiu un and atlemiilimr to re- ,M.in rniiliiil iii inler lo rife airain, he wa fureed to liut on hi nutlor and "pancake iiown to liitllnir the chore or mill htiililin)!. T he rult or I he cuil-,l..n (in unci of the ponlootiK with il... u-nler wa (he lircukltiff oT the Iwo ft rut on the outer ten hand elde of the niiiehlue wilh 1 1,,. ..on.euuenl hreakltiR of wire iiinl craeklntf or wIiiki". Commander Feels Badly Afler havltiK Hown ei)lil hour Hill tec moil uiIw'Ikc I'omlltionx rinlhiu un in a xtranjre Malor Muttin lotik hi uecldenl ery keenly lo hearl. "I hac been In inuny HkIiI corner i i.u I the fli-M nmcninn i " he alil. While he lo ueeept U I mote Ihuu ready lespoiidlhilily for the niW- II, c liuji. in- li;kf-d s Uliu " FLIERS MAY GO TOMORROW Plans For Get Away of Three Planes Soon as Possible II Is decided that weather permitting three or the U.S. planes, numbers two, three and four, will hop ofr for Sitka tomorrow morning and continue the round the world tour under Lieutenant Lowell Smith. They are being overhauled and re-tuelled. today. The other machine, number one, commanded by Flight Commander Major Martin, was hauled out on to the dock al the shipyard this morning with the big crane and this afternoon Is being thoroughly examined preparatory to deciding how to do the repairs. There Is a pair of wings at Seattle that could be obtained very similar lo these and they may be shipped north or the wings now on the machine may be iniiny eiltzen who wiineed Hie lumlliik' endeavor to point out that hi landing wa made under I In mnT dilllciitl circumstance. The damage, while not or very a real extent, may caue Hie ile- hty ol Hie llliilil lie re for ten day or u forlniKht. .New trul. will either have lit be fabricated here or lunut-'lil from the mhiUi and rejiair will ieiuire theil-miit care and precision. More over, It may i.e uiiucuii io ooiatii 1 Iiu pail Tor lliere ate only Iho Tour machine nf their kind Id existence. They were buill especially for Iho world UMit. Martin Tells Story The following wa Major Martin' account or the tlighl from Seattle lo Prince Iluperl: "Wo rose al Senltle yesterday nioi-nlnif at i o'clock us we have done for I he past Ihree day. Arier having breakful we had lo inslall a new propellor on iiiaclt-Ine No. I (Major Martin's). The nroi.cller had been taken ulT on Knlurduy and the Hoeing Aircraft Co. rulippcd it that night. Al 5.15 the propeller wan In dial led ui.tt h luiu-Ui:j- tukeu ugy'll Bad Weather Interferes With Taking of 4 Satisfactory Pictures Anv lilt lfl inn flint m.-iv Iihih been oiccd yelcrday afternoon at Mi Weather 'Man by Princ-Hupcrl citizen. ,whu yal tiered a! Seal (love in rain, !eel. Miowau.i ;wind to wilne Hip arrival of (the tuilcd Slate airmen wen I mild in comparison lo what the I movie men aid or fell like ur. i in? when the blinding miow ihowcr came iriiullaneou wilh the arrival of the ffrl -three plane. The untimely Jjurrj; undould-j roiy poiMsi ijiwrupeu"!!' ine pictorial record that Mcr. ICumphell ami Jlrrrou have been (here for the tal week aMaitin? to lake. However, both were out asaiii llii mnriiin and, anion? oilier view, yol rooJ (liclurc of .Major Marlin' machine b.-iiiff liflrd oulo (lie dry ilock pier. Tltey will "hoot" (lie lukin oiT tomorrow and art hoping to re turn to Vancouver by the Car- ilrna tomorrow evening. The pirlure laken yc-lerday and liHlay are bcin? hipil vx. pre tonight lo Toronto and New York where they will lie de veloped und ditributed forthwith In exhibitor throughout Canada and the lulled Stale. into Lake Wasliinlou. The ship was then filled with U and, ufter tuning up und finding evcryll.iut' in good working order. I look ulT at K.:i.. The other Iwo ships look olT at M.50 hut No. :i did not gel away. T his I found out forty minutes later though I did not know the cause until we urrived at Prince Hupcrl when I leal lied that (.ietit. Wmle had been unuldc lo lake olT with hi load and wa compelled! to readjust it. lie got away al IU.0.V We arrived' al Prince Ituperl 1.55 und he urrived at 5:.5. Flying Very Low "Leaving Scuttle under lowering cloud we truck good weather in Pugel Sound und this continued for 2 '4 hour out. At 11:15, some distance north or Vancouver, we struck low cloud (rogi which drove us right over the surface of Hie Water compelling u to keep further on the lookout to avoid hitting Ihc mast of uihg b'mls. Thut condition prevailed for two hour. Then we were aide to get 100 reel elevation. The weather cleared slightly passing over the north end or the Slruits oT (leorgiu and then we struck ruin making poor visibility. For two hours we Hew at 500 Teet eleva tion with clouds below the mountain Ion. Then we run Into snow squalls and the three machine drew together. The lust snow squall cuiue on Just a we were entering Prince llu-j.ert harbor und H wan responsible for the trouble. "I located the buoys but The snow was so thick that 1 underestimated the distance. It was loo lute when I perceived Unit the distance was loo short. I tried 'continued on pujro five) STRIKERS ARE Laminated Wood Firm NOT RETURNING . (o Sm ,f 0ce Vote Taken at Southampton De-cldes Against Taking Advice of Leaders LOCKOUT TO FOLLOW Neighborhood of City M, ..... tiiAMi ............ , , , 7. ' (Special to Prince Rupert Daily News) iu., April - VANCOUVER, April 7 Capital as represented by the p-H ni worker !.er me shipyard , ncorporated Skeena Laminated Wood Company $100r rejcccj ky slifjc majority (he J fmmlt fc CQncern ,f abQut tQ make advice of the.r uniut. leader- lo Qn cJonjtruction of a ,arge plant for the manufacture of resume wurk. II.. nieu.., ae- , rf cottonwood and similar products near Prince Rupert cunhn?; to the of the deci.jot. lne man ne of th. C.N.R. redcra employer that the men The , , ,a, eipendlture financed for this year on the estab-lu all the l..pyar.N of he coun- hmenl of the plJnt ,200,000 according to Frank F. Burdett, try will be locked out Ihur-day.; wc known oa umbep man and one of the directors. , the shipyard union d-cinrrd ,.f- ,,. ji.i il... C...H.......I.... i.:tA brouj:!.! to enforce a demand for j( iUnlUUn.. am, .an increase it. pay. wa .rrcvu ar , orj ,, ,anl antl and unofficial and employer de- elabn,llIirill of a mo,M re- denllal town for the.r own em- 'aban.loned Ihev will lock compaIly ,,,aI1H ..... .. ..... . ployee. . .. 'I I lie plant couiprie a o0 h.-p. ,,r 'ctcam ensine lo be coupled direct iAimnmi ..,. !lo an electric dynamo and all MONTREAL VOTING !He machinery in the mill will be MAYOR AND COUNClL:mo,orr y by e,ectric iTbreeCandldales. forWayoralty and 21 Aldermen lo De Chosen operating office of Ihc com. j 1 1 a nyvyi Ulbqi mam t ai tied h ere-ji n lit tlie ciMiipauy I in operation! On behair of the company Mr. ilitnlptl. wlm ha taken a pro- MO.VlTlKAL, J April 7. The minent part in the organization elector of Ihf. city are volitijz aid that today order had been today for the purpose of chooinr placed for the machinery with a mayor and 'il aldermen. The Plumnier A Co.. a San Francisco mayoralty candidate are Metric firirr; Martin, who ha held the orrice) The machinery and cpiipmeut since lull. Charle I)uu.uellc and onler invtdve an expenditure or T. H. PratL Out or 33 alder-'or 1 20.000 and Include a tollmen tn Iw elccled II were re- inch lathe which will be Hie sec-turned by acclamation. on.l one or lhal size In the pro- Esthonian Settlement Result of Co-operation and Quality Land in Stuart Lake Country It was Hie excellent finality if Hie laud and Hie splendid cu- oiHM-alion and Hie Canadian and provincial governments and 'K,i(ra,jn LABOR MAKES GAINS LONDON COUNCILS LONDON, April 7 Local coun cil elections in London suburban iimutcipnlilic on Sal unlay re. Milled In a number of victories for Labor cundidalc. ASHDOWN DIES WINN1PK0, April ' 7. Jiinte II. Ashdown, pioneer wholesale hardware merchant und former mayor. U'ed here Huturday Pilka urn family urn Ihetiiselv taking up u farm in Ihc country ami have already gone on lo it. ii i. .t.i t.. .. .. i.i.. Later on jr development increase al the rate the directorate, expect. Judsfin? from present foreign orders already on hand. to develop hydro electric energy for the operation of its plant and use tha steam plant for drying purposes. The company already control a fine water power site abotit fifty miles from Devil's Island. The Skceha Laminated Wood Co. lia been incorporated wilh lIefiduvv'u4du1ccri-- .. . President, lierbert'Ittngliaiiu Vice President, Charle 0. Ouig. r Secretary Treasurer Herbert (j. Hoss. Directors Frank F. Ilurdelt and C J. Bingham, . RODMAN STILL FAST ASHORE Tug Nanoose Arrived at Scene This Morning Probably Not be Floated For Several Days The steamer Admiral Hodman i slill fast ashore on (iibsoti Island according to Hie last boat arriving rrom the scene or the The tug Nanoose, railway, u.ai mane pussii.ie i ic scii.cim-.u ... r.... ....a,. - ie l,at.ifj(. K,,vnw Vm was Sluari Uke, according lu It. 12. W. Lei , general agent or olon-'eMc., trt, n.j morning and izatiott and development who ratne west wilh rir John IMIka and ,,,,1,., Hi.uiiiff by now Iho first group or nrtcen seltlers wlm have gone in U lake up T 'M. Wilkie, representative' lauds on luarl Uike; and vvto is here today. Mv. I.ell is verj- f (p uni,Prwrilers is jsu ,,erc. much pleased wilh the people and so an; tin residents or Nun- (( js atici pale.I tint it will be derhoof. The Hoard t.r Trade Ihere paws them n ban.piet und , ,,,, to rellU(i(, ,e ilulI. MAY INVITE EXTREMISTS Possibility that Gandhi and Nehru May Qo to London to Confer LONDON, April 7. A report that the British Government has Invited Mohandas Gandhi Drdas and the extremist leader, Motlla Nehru, to a conference In London, Is recorded by a news correspondent. Confirmation Is lacking but Nehru savs "There's nothing Improbable In the rumor." -'" " " - " ,mati until higher tides are pro line type or settlers they seem b-vlljjnfr ".' ., Jin.me 'niomav wlto was at the hal is belter than all ,i is .i the' r(ck Ht , we(k ,.ltj ,,a, ul laci uiai rsu- .loiin ami i.uoy her stern post is cracked and liter stem bulged in and she is resting high and dry on the rocks. me mv luring i. I"......-., inniurr nr iirn rc sawmill and will cut their ywnirKlWLt UI WALtO lumber and build their ,hous' mid farm buildings at once. Mechanics und urlisuus are en route und before long there hould Im a thriving community north of .Vanderhoi.r. Filly more settlers will be out within two mouths und pleuty iitore will com if this settlement Is ii success. The people are endued with Hie ideu thai they must become Canadian und con form to Canadian laws and customs. The land selected Tor settle- menl were examined closely by Sir John Pilka when he went there last November with Mr. I.ell. They rode all oven il and saw exactly what it would do. II; is park land' lightly wooded -wilh open etudes, so. open thut 11 wa possible to ride ujinost unywhere on horseback, The provincial government lias a man on the spot aiding und advising purllculurly In regard to selection of lands and locution. The lunds a3 from twenty In 1 forty mltc from Vutiderhoof. SAILS MAY 2 FOR HIS AFRICAN TOUR LONDON. April 7. Ollicial announcement is made thai the Prince of Wales will sail rrom Southampton on May 2 on Hie liner Arundel Cuslle for a lour of South Africa. He is due to arrive in Capetown on May TO. FREIGHT STEAMER"" ASHORE VANCOUVER IS NOW REFLOATED VANCOIJVKIt, April 7. The big freight slimmer Crosskey. which ran aground ut Berry Point in Hiirrurd Inlet Sulurday was refloated Sunday .tinilatnugeil. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wynne, and child arc sailing this after noon on Hie Princess Mary ror Sllklno where Mr. Wynne will resume hi post with (he c u iti) ins department ror Hie summer.