r She The Latest In Reetau rants. FISH MARKET : . . . J ;l f BOSTON GRILL Fresh Salmon, Oollchani ii " ., Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh Meat and Poultry. Third Avenue. Home Made. Kautsago Fresh Best of Food Good Service. Dully. ii PRINCE RUPERT Private Iiojrcs for Party Dse. Phone 671. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Take Her to The Boston." VOL XIV., .NO. C8, JMUNCK IHJPEIIT, B.C., TIIUJ18DAY, MAilUIl 20, IU2J. Vmtruft Circulation 1MI ltft Sal M3 PRf.CE FIVE CENTS. TO BE LARGE REDUCTION IN EXPENDITURES LARGE SIMS OWED CANADA BV EUROPEAN COUNTRIES; ROMANIA HIGHEST Estimates for Year Reduced Nearly Twenty Seven Millions Reductions are made in Every Department of Federal Government; Total Expenditures In ho Fnnr fWr Million IV Wt m vr M f m mm (ilTAU'A .M.i.vh 20.--F.limale lor the financial li'iir it'.M-Vr wri' prcsciiled tit Parliament today In. Hon. J. A, llobb. urliiig minister of finance in I ulfii" of Hon. W. S. Fielding. They provide for loliil rxpendiliiic amounting to 100,57 1, 8."i0, a reduction liclow the loliil amount of Hie main eslimalcs of Hs:i 21 of Jl'0,y:ur.:J8r mid a reduction of $ t(),a?:t,7 IS under Hie total of the mum and supplementary estimates for IU2:i-2l. Practically every service shows . a decrease. i 1 1 'nrrT r j reduction milfc'n in nfTn1J I in amount from u few thousand to InUKtnlLL lO 'fy.335.570 ill railway, and canal. AGAIN BEATEN - Fell Btfore Conservative In one of London Constituencies Yesterday RECOUNT ORDERED LoMKlN. 'March 20. - Itlwlit Hon Winston Churchill, itland- tun u an lii.lependent and anil. socialist randl.lale lo-t Ihe Buhl in Ihe itarliatnentnry election for Ihe A Miry division of Wetluiin-' -cr o Olto Nicholson, a tU,. tiervaiae. i The fialit via a four cornered j ai' ami vra holly contested tuidj Imn liJII In! out liy 3.1 vote.; The lotnl vole wn a follow: linl-nti, Conservative . 8.1 HO I liurrhill H.I 5rt It; ii kway. foelalntl . . . . IhKkrr. I.theral 2'Ji A reroiinl of the vole lia heen ordered. IMMENSE SUMS FOR OIL LEASES Nearly Fifteen Million Dollars Bid for Indian Lands In Oklahoma I'.WN III.ShA. Oklu.. March 20. (Ml operator hid a lulal xuui of Si 1.U23.IMHI fur Ihe leaet of Indian land in Ihi year'. aiirlion. Five Mil were for over a million dollar each. The luw.-t wa Sl.ti'JO.iMM) for' a quarter rtt ton. Today I ho inemher of Ihe ne trihe meet lo consider Ihe lean', LOCAL FIRM WINS IN SMITHERS CASE Action Between D. Prltchard of Morlcelown and F. O. Dawson Dismissed by Judge Young . The coiinly court case at Xiifllher on Tuesday between I), l'hlrliari! uf ollcetown and I". t. Hiiumiii f.i, r.lil. nf Prince lluperl. In whlcli Hie um of U70.mur Salina yeslerday. nseordiim Was clal!ueil ocr a carload ship- '"'nl of poluloe. wa illnvled 'y .ludne You n jr. PluinHff wa, oresehled 1,y I, Mcfllll '-"inner nun ."union itoniaics in 1'iinee lltiperl had Ihu case for Ho? local firm. NAVY WON T'nitTKMOUTH. .March 20.-- In an Inler.servico football mime, Hnyrd. here ye.lenlay reculled in 11 uhi fur the navy over Ilia air Uis h ior btiij? l ism e "' Interest ami Hie public debt which i provided for by laluleColil lionise Co who I Just it estimated at M3t.2..u I. a rrdurtion of 3.WIUU2 under Ihe previous ear. For Hie first lime in more than Ilwenly years. nay the uffieial (summary, Ihe rMiutiite for civil Uoveriimenl. which provide for the alanf of einlii)eeii at Ot "'' reduced. The "m H"He.l to the department I"" rly '0' case been lwrra.nl helow the amounts provided for IV23-2I. JAPAN MAKES FIRST BATTLEPLANE AND IS TO TEST MACHINE SOON TOKIO. Marth 20. The firl Japaiutnadt liallli'itlaiie a rom-.l5 pleletl rei eutly ly Ihe Milulibhi Avialittu Work til NannMi anil -liorlly will be put Ihrouph it teK llrilh avialnr and enineer have uni.tci! in Ihe elalili.h-iikmiI and opentliou of Ihe, plant al Najzova. which Hie Japanee army li'ipro lo make II principal Miurce of upply for fixlitiiiK plane in Ihe fulurr. The new Imllleplane earric a t.'tu horsepower Nupier-l.bm en-Biiie, ha a winjf spread of I" reel, and I armed wilh Lew Is machine aim.. If il tesl are successful the army will order several more of the .same. AMERICAN PEOPLE LEAVING FARMS TO LIVE IN CITIES r.lllC.AUO. March 20. I Hiring Ihe pal year -a million people left tln-ir farm for Ihe cities of the Fulled Slales. Population increased I.Soo.OOO which mean 2,100,0(10 more people lo feed with a million lc producer of food. PANCHO VILLA BREAKS WRIST MOTOR ACCIDENT I.O.NIi IIKAUI, Cnl., March 20. paiu'ho Villa. Ilio world'. fly weight chauiiion hoxer, was in-Jured In an aulomohilc accident worn recrnen oeie. ins wrisi wa broken . r NEGOTIATIONS OVER LIQUOR FOR YUKON OTTAWA, March 2d. Canada i ncuotialinp wilh the United Stale, il wa announced in Hie House of Cniniutins yesterday, for Hie remowil or Ihe American em. barao on Ihiuor shipment In bond to the Yukon across Alaska 'b: kJ.vkuy I PEOPLE LOOK ! TfiUADn TAMAnA , ! lUlYAKU lANAUAi T, H. Johnson Says British Seem to Have Confidence In I Labor Government I Thul there is more- general eimfidi'iirc in the Macdunuld government today than there wa when Ihe Labor Party was re-lurned lo (tower a few months ago and I hat the yoverumeiil i Ihere lo stay for some time i Ihe opinion of T. 11. Jtlm-on, manager of Ihe Canadian Fish & back from a trip lo Ihe Old Country. Al first Ihere wa a ifeucral feeliiif of nervotisne which soon j;ae place to rral surprise when it was shown that Ihe new Premier and hi jsov-j enimenl were not a red a "had been expccled. The administru lion l mnkln? progre; and I (rlviiiit better salisfacllou' (hail had been anticipated. There i no indication of il tvlug out in Hie near fulurr. Taxes High Sp.'akiiif! of treueral rninji- lliin in Hie Old t'juntry. Mr. Johnson say that Ihe people are not satisfied wilh conditions and many are roiisideriut; cinL'ral-IIIK. Wase hae rmne down but I lie cost of living ha not de creased projiorlionalely. Taxes are hipli and Ihe price arkrd for ordinary liviir.- reiuiremeul such a fiHid and rlulhiup are urprlsinir. Many, coiuuioditle are actually ciieuper in rrlnco lluperl than they are in ('.upland. twiuada and oilier oVieas iMmiiiipii are much in the ey of Ihe oinliuary classes. Mr. Joliiisi;i atteuded Iwu lertures In Hull, under the auspice or the Canadian Pacific, and Ihe Canadian .National llailway. on Can ada and 11 attraction to emi grant. The largest halls in llir city had been eiiKaKed and they were filled lo overflowing'. Tim the Interest ill Canada is in dicated, Mr. .Iiiliusnn aver. He expect o see much iuiinipraliou lo Ihi country from Ureal llrit-aiu in Ihe near future. Qood Prospects Here Comparing llrilish Cnluuibia witli olher province a a result' of hi trip across Canada, Mr. Johnson expresses the opinion Hint Hil province Is enjoyinu more properily and ha better pro pec In than any other. Mr. Johnson went lo Hie Old Country to attend a unique ce.le-bralinu of Iho golden weddiiiK day of hi parent, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew'' Johnson of Hull, on January 5. For the first lime Ihe entire family of ten children wa assembled under one roof. Member of the family cuim from far a Held, a son, Stanley Johnun uf Vancouver beinn pre sent beside Mr. Johnson of Ihi eily hiiuseir. leieKraui were received from all purl of Hie world and included among the puests or Hie occasion were friends from .Norway. S0Y,ET ENY0Y ,s ORDERED LEAVE CHINA LONDON, March 20. 'The Chinese government Inis ordered Ihe Soviet envoy Karakhan lo quit China, says a Pekin despatch Ma Daily Mail MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING The big cuiuiou of the Third be nothing more than a iop of hoi NEW SERVICE COASTBOATS;; Twice a Week Between Prince Rupert and Vancouver on April 28 MAY CHARTER VESSEL The Canadian National llail way announces that cocci ive April 28 the company will inaugurate a double service between Vancouver and Prince Itupert, Anyox and Stewart, leaving the Terminal Clly every Monday and Thursday northbound, and from Prince Itupert every Thursday ami Sunday southbound says the Victoria Time. This schedule will remain in effect until June 2, when the company will have a boat north bound from Vancouver on Mon day. Wednesdays ami Saturdays, and from' Prince lluperl on Mon days, Thursdays and Saturday. operalimr on the sanw schedule i is i.'imi vi:ir I ii urn enmpaiiy iin.is a sllliamei hjp thai it can charter Ihe',.,.,,;.-' v inli.iu last nlulil. an scliedule will be extended to in- elude Alaskan iurls. The rcprc-' scnlalive in Ihe Old Country look- ",B "xc,r u ."! l'''"l''cllNe',wu, is leavins lonistht for Mc- nner s expecieii to no iirard mm snoruy. lines a snip can be chartered, however, Ihe com - ,.. , , H ciiicr me .viaKan ...... ney nr, wnen uie new sieamsuip prince Henry will be delivered by her conl. actor who arc to build her. EIGHTEEN WERE ALIVE IN SUB. Communication with People In Vessel Established by Tapping TOKIO, March 20. Eighteen U he paid 3.50 a day and rock men were still livin? last niglit'.and powder men will gel an exlra wiliiin Submarine 13 which sank 23c. Thl Is a slight increase on Tuesday olT Sasebo, according lo a despatch to the Tokio paper. 'The rescuers establish ed communication with those inside Ihe submarine by lapping the shell of the vessel. RUGBY FOOTBALL CUP WON BY 8nd BATTALION LONDON, March 20. lit a rugby football game played je- . . . i -.. i i tcrtiay , me unity rugby cup riual Hie 2nd Battalion Welsh rtcglmcnl won over the Welsh 'jult, y nl to 3 Parly so rar lias proved lo gun, discharged by mean air NUM3ER JAPANESE IMMIGRANTS FEW UNDER AGREEMENT OTTAWA, . March -20-Premier W. I.. Mackenzie Kitiif slated in the House of Commons yesterday thai under Ihe term of a new agreement wilh Japan for Ihe control .of ImmiL'ralion, the Japanese anticipated thai the number of domestic .servants and agricultural laborers comiii? to Canada Would not exceed ISO annually. I BOB JAMES HONORED BY WAR VETERANS Popular Member of Association Receives Presentation on Eve of Departure for Mc- Bride . . . 1 riiio llm tniilf llttVlllltkM .:.. r ,. rs Vel- i,,,,,,.,.,,,,,!,, f ... I i ......... f h,..,.,! i i,r nf It. Jume. mm. ,llar mm,or r (he associalion. irilp, (u which point he ha been i,.,.11-f..rr,.,i i ii,,, ...Pvir.. i.r n.. 1, - ,.,.,,.,:,,,. v,.!!,,,,,,! luiiwavs' Sovpn,i ,.,.(.ehes were made lc .fyiK i0 the treat asilanee , , , , ,, elation in ncany ways and lo the liluli regard in which he was held by the members a a whole. Hie honored tniest was then presented wilh a wen-lined purse. PAY FOR LABOR IS RAISED TO $3.50 VICTOHIA. March 20. Labor !er in Saauich municipality ad-1 Joining (hi city to the'norlh are over wage formvrly paid. LEFT FOR SEATTLE VA.NCOL'VKH, Wash., Mar. 20. The United States army avi ator left here this morning on Ihe fourth leg of Ihe world flight for Seal lie at 10.20. Duuwell mine share have been dropping steadily during Ihe past week going down from M.75 lo $3.50 .with a tendency down, ward. Premier Mines are quoted V 25 Nearly Fifty Millions Owing Canada by European Countries Result of Advances During War OTTAWA, .Marth 20. Most of" Britain's indeblediie.vs to Canada on war account ha been wiped out by cash payments or adjustments and credits incident to Britain's handling of Canada's commitments overseas. In February, 1021, Britain had been debited wilh 00,880,-iU. .She has been credited with 02,000,000 debt owed by other Kuropcan countries making u formidable total on which no payments have been made. The amounts include: Itoumania ?23.'JCy.720 (Ireeee . 8,171.274 Belgium 0,700,817 France 5,730,000 llussja . 55,571 Imludiuz Britain' unpaid portion, the total amount owiritf to Canada on war account is nearly! fifty million dollar. FISH ARRIVALS Fourteen Boats Sold Catches Totalling 85,200 lbs. at Exchange This Morning Fiiurteen I.alihul schooner marketed ealche tin nuirnmjr i.iniii,i!T nr. no liw 1'i.riii r.un mlinii Kiul linil T.OO llt un.l it"t.uWitan, 18,700 lttj.. Arrivals and sale: American I'rania. 5.000 lb., at 13c and oc. lo Ihe Al 1 1 ii Fisheries. Vir.-inia O nOO II. - -in. I llutol I - - " ' I 0.000 lb., al 13.8c -and Ce, to the'VIMM LL IfUL I Ml.,, Fisheries. Tyee. C.oon lbs., al 13. te and Ce, to the Canadian Fish & Cold) Slora:e Co. I Adeline. 2.700 lb., at 13c and Oe. and Brother. 20.000 lb at1 lc and Or. to the lloyal Fih Co. Canadian iHimla. 1.50,1 II... at 1 1.7c and Ce: Inrperieuse 1,000 lb., at Il.2c and Ce; P. Borreen. C.000 II. ..I lrA. A.t. t in iii i i.tir uimi ur nnuju.'tii. u,- 000 lb., al tt.5eand Cc; Volun- ...... , . teer f 6..000 ii lbs., at 11.5c p and oc, , . ... ; anil Azure, l.oun lbs., al lie and Gc, In the Canadian Fish A. Cold Stnrase Co. Hanaro. 2.000 lhM tit tic and Cc. lo the lloyal Fish Co. Annie May. 1,000 It.., nt tl.5j' ami fie. lo the Allln Fisheries BRITISH SAILOR WAS KILLED IN FRACAS AMERICAN WOUNDED VILLA FltAXCi; France. March 20.A sailor from Ihe British warship Thunderer was killed and an American bluejacket from the Holilla of L'n it ed Slate deslroy- er wa severely wounded in a clash last nliHit in which revot- kPrs were used. NORTHERN UNION RUGBY FOOTBALL Featherslone 1 1, lluddersfieldiond It is likely other charge will 13. Bailey 17. Barrow 3, Wigau 13, Leigh tt. Rugby Union Bristol 2t, Clifton 0. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL Scottish Cup Replay Airdrieonian t. Ayr I'niled 1. Scottish League Division I. Aberdeen I. Hangers 0. English League Division I. Liverpool I, Sunderland 2. Newcaslle t. 1, Nolls Couuly 2, Preston I. West Bromwich 2. Division II. Leed Culled 0, Brlslol City 0. Southern Division F.xeter 3, Swindon 1. Oilliughnm 0, Brentford 0. s njl' i" d 3. WatfonJ 0. ROBBERS SHUT MAN IN SAFE AND ESCAPED Got Away With Large Sum From Big Seattle Store Thle Morning SllTTLl March 20 Between fttnnnti un.i xir. non ,.i.iui,.o,i ,,y ,wo armej mer wll0 iav . ... m!1.i...o,ii.....h. wick's departmcul store and pounced upon Charle .la"V whn fie" ojMjm-i I ;fi e""T5fgcvau tt : ea r ly today. They felled liim, clashed and locked the doors upon him and escaped with the loot. T .III.. I LillLlll IS SWORN IN Declares His Allegiance to King and Constitution In British House n,vi-vv m....i. .... ..!.: V " ... " 7. i77 ... ui hi iioui is sin vi invito ... ir-llnr . . . I....I .'..11. ' '.. r, ' .. . Mssuuiru ins .st-.il in me nrii- , ish , ,, House . of . ()uiuons .. , today. , beinv: Ihe first Sinn Feiner to do so. Be wa given u cheering rc-'ceiilion front the Labor and Lib-.eral benches a he went lo the table between hif introducers lo swear altrciance lo the King and II, e constitution. CHARGED WITH CASHING OF WORTHLESS CHECKS Harvey D. Copp, Late of Steamer Canadian Scottish, Appeared In Police Court Today Harvey O. Copp, .who was re cently paid off Hie engineering staff of Ihe steamer Canadian Scottish, appeared in the police court before MngistraJe McCly-iiioul litis morning to answer lo a charge of obtaining (he sum of. ?10 from 11. II. Hemming, on a .,ll.l.o l. ...... !...l .... II.- lMH.iin? i.iit-i.f iuvl U.I 111(3 lloyal Bank nf Canada. Adjourn- Iment wa made until tomorrow be laid of a similar nature. He. was arrested on Mr. lleirnnliiL'' comphiut by Sergeant McHllnchy early this morning Copp I tUl in Jail, no application having been tnade for bail. JOIN UP GAPS IN ROAD THIS SEASON VICTOHIA, .Marerh 20. Bon. W. II. Sutherland ainioutices Hint he expeels by the end of this year il will be possible, lo drive a car ilKht through from .Vi hero ft to tlazrllou. 'The gaps near Hndako. and Vauderhoof are lo be Joined nnd. while Ihe road will not be Ihe very best of highways al first il will be possible to gel throiigh without grcui difficult.