PAUK TWO. The Popularity "SALA11A" T JEJ A. H380 has been earned on merit only One trial will convince you. The Daily. News piungi: bupebt - imrnsii Columbia. Published Every Afternoon, exospt Sunday, the lrrince- 'Hiiperl Daily News, Limited, 'Third Avenue. I!. F. PLUJ.BN, .Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Gily Delivery, liy hiail or carrier, per month . x. . By mail lo all parts nf the British Empire anil the United SlaleSJ in advance, per year To all oilier countries, in advance, per'year " Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 86 $1.00 $7.rn All advertising should he in The Daily News Office nn day preceding pulilieatinu. All advertising received subject lo approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Friday. March 21, 102 i. Putting Much Money Into Fishing Boats. Agreat deal of moncf i heing put into fishing boats. Not only are boats being built locally but in Seattle u great many new vessels declined for Ihe halibut banks are being constructed and equipped and the coming year promises to see greater production than ever in the history of the fishing industry. How long this can last no one can say, but it is not likely (hat the banks can stand the drain for many years. The boats will I lieu have to turn to other kinds of filfing. In the meantime must of the owners r'e making money and they need Ui for the outfit is expensive and the life i a hard out;. Seattle Magazine . Discusses Subject. $!: "Halibut rih.prnjeii of the Pacific have seldom if ever enjoyed a more prosperous year than 1923," says the pacific Fisherman. "Consuming demand for .the fish in practically all markets has been exceptionally strong, and prices as a result have probably averaged higher for auv previous vear. Pro duction also has been satisfactory: considerably larger than for 11)22, and above the average of the past eight years. Both owners and fishermen have -u-cordiiislv prospered.. Their orosneritv is well deservod, and has" been a matter of the highest gratifica tion lo all connected. with the indii.-try. It is accompanied, however, by an element of danger against which vessel owners will do well bi be on their guard. . "Tliis danger is the possibility, of over-development, involving a greater investment than is warranted by the nature of Ihe fishery. Vessel owners ami fishermen who have been careful of their earnings have had surplus fluids to invest, and the prospect of continued prosperity has been a strong inducement to expansion. A further inducement has lain in the increased efficiency of modern heavy-oil engines, especially when installed i in boats of up-to-date type. The result lias been the greatest impetus to new building in many years. Boats have also been diverted lo the halibut industry from other lines of fishing, and the fleet of the Pacific Coast as n whole has heu augmented by perhaps a much as fifty vessels. The shipyards are s4ill crowded with work oj this nature, and it is becoming apparent that, if the present tendency continues, lliere are likely to be more vesels fihing for halibut ifTan can makAe satisfactory returns. In fact, those who have Ihe welfare of the industry most at, heart and indeed themselves profit considerably Jiy the present building boom are begiihiiug to be alarmed, and some bluntly wonder whether the halibut people hate gone crazy. Heavy Investment In New Vessels. "One reason for ronrerif is the heavy investment represented by a nw hulihut vessel. Both material anil labor 'required for . on-irurlioii are far more expensive lhan in former years, and the new engines aUoj-un into high figures. Decidedly good roliirus mns( ,e realized if a profit is to be made on this out lay. Further, while last year's total production was large, it was very wiibdy distributed: the average trip landed at Seattle was less than pounds. Tlev nearer hanks are already depleted, ami wilh the present large ami highly efficient fleet in operation -il is uncertain how long the more dislnnt banks will 'stand the slrnin. The future of the market also is an nncerlnin factor. lender present conditions, the price of fresh halibut to Ihe consumer is often hipher than good cuts of meal. This can hardly be regarded as o normal or permanent condition. It is cerlaiu to limit consumption, wilh resulting decline 'in prices. Indications of this are already seen in the large qnaiitily of lialibnt carried over by Pacific Coast freezers. These paid' high prices last year, but will not be disposed to pav as much this season. "So Tar. there is nothing to indicate that the halibut fleet will not continue reasonably prosperous, notwithstanding the increased number of vessels: but conditions are such that Ihose who contemplate further building, should think cnrefullv before investing their money." OFFICERS ELECTED FOR fALL FAIR AT TERRACE THIS YEAR 4 TKiiftAci:, March 21. Terrace Kail. Fair .adjourned an. nual meeting look place on Friday evening when a very representative gallieriug decided that it wait essential In rarry on Hie jiioal fall fair for Hie ensuing year. The election of a hoard of directors then took place when the following were chosen: A. Kerr. K. T. Keimev. J. K. Cnrilnn I' II. (Thomas, D. A. McKiniinn. II. 'lfalliwell ami Mrs. Bleecker. I At the conclusion nf the pen- eral meeting Hie directors met and appointed Hie following officers : President, II T. Keiincy. Vice.presidenb J. K. Cordon. Secretary. Mrs. Illeecker. Auditor. V. C. Sparkes. II is the intention of the board to make nn early 'drive for inem-hers and contributions so thai Ihe prize lists can he made tip icarly in the season and it is up !to every settler and citizen lo lend assistance to make the fair J mayor's dog? Hie mosi successful yo lield. MAN WHO SHOT INDIAN POACHER ACQUITTED Shown by Evidence That He Had Been Trapoln? Foes and Had One With Him H . XF.U . Mar. 21. A coroner s jury exonerated Ole llayne caretaker of the -San Juan Fo Farm Ranch at Sisters l.laml. 8ft miles from here, for shooting and killing Billy Cray, a Ketchi kan native. II aujiears thai Cray and another jnalive Mere trapping mile nixes on ine rancti, or poaching. The shoot itig ttceurred when iray came to his eamfi carrying a blue fox. (lie llaynes. At King, Al Ithynies, ami Chris Bacer, all fox men, were wailing. When (iray was asked lo throw- up his hands he dropped the fox and ran behind the lent. Willi the other watchers llaynes then swung ins rifle, into range. shooting through the tent he hit the Indian in Ihe chesl. (iray lived for only a minute after ward. The Coast (iuard culler Cygau hvilh assistant U.S. District At torney II. I). Stabler on Iniard armed at the place I lie next morning and drought the four while men and the dead native lo this city. I'he other native has not yet been located. The while men located several Irvps set for foxes, in which three of the animals had been already caught. The BItie Fox Fanners' As-social iou represented llaynes and his associates. ENJOYABLE DANCE TELKWA MONDAY St. Patrick's Day Celebrated at Bulkley Valley Town In Proper Manner TKI.KWA, MaTch'si. In spile of Ihe fact that the roads are almost at their worst Hie. hall was crowded lo rapacity on Monday nighl. at a dance given by and in aid of 1he Telkwa Athletic Club. The hall was very gaily deroraled wilh mianljties of green, while liny shamrocks served as adniis. slop lags. The members of the Telwka Orchestra nre not nil Irish, hul they excelled them- isehes In Ihe production of pretty Irish music for the occasion. During Ihe supper Interval a pleasing number of Irish songs were sung by Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Chettlchurgh, J. P. Wheeler and Corp. T. C. price. visitors from Smithcrs. Quick, ilouiKi Lake, Woodmen'', lluherl ami Walcolt came for Hie dance. which Ihey nil voted most enjoy. aide. W ww w TOBACCO ' 1 i THE DAILY NRWa Friday. Mm The Man ii the Moon SAYSj- t . . . TERRACE NOTES a I I I I h Hung Ilia) made Ihe diers returning from France value Dial the.. world wit iniicj. like it used to .e was nolirlio. thai women's fashions in hats and things were, just as foolish as ever. IT seems a wonder how Prince Ituperi ran hope to prosper wi,lh out a slogan. t ' i TIIFIIK is no race between the British and American round I ho world fliers hut each will try to vet Jj the end of his flight ahead of Ihe oilier. The Britisher pels a week's slarl of Ihe Yanks. r- SOMK young couples marn j out of- charily. They hale t sMi another family. IF rcsirirtiiig the Intake of litpinr fails, why not restrict the output? SOMKTIMFjsJ wonder if Bill reajizes Ihe honor of being Hi WITH look demure She se hp trap In hope that soon A man mayhap May fall into Her ilkenr.nel And -he may thus A hiishand cL I. IKK a pig,' the radio outfit would not he so hail if it would stop squealing. .NOW that Ihey are using so many lie?, up nn Ihe C..V.H. whal about getting rid of a few of ih.-idd Christmas presents? TIIK best loe making i dona by amateurs. TIIKItC is a decided difference of oninioti as lo whal is a luxurj or what a uecesiiy Some men consider two automobiles a necessity while Others wouhl' consider Ihe old fashioned buggy a luxury Some, men con The regular monthly meeting of Ihe Terrare-KilsiiuigaHiiiii Parent - Teachers Association look place in progress Hall Thursday night. There was con siderable discussion a to vari oils ways ami means'- of raising funds o he expended in adding lo Ihe athletic equipment of the school. At Ihe close of Ihe husjness pari of the meeting. Mrs. (ieu. I.illle gae a most in teresiing lalk on her trip lo Honolulu. Ilefreshiiieiits verrfl served at Ihe elose of the meet ing. Mrs. and Miss lleliwe left for Ihe we tin Saturday's Irain. Mrs. A. Y. Wilson was Int. less al a most enjoyable oarlv in honor of her daughter Miss Mary Wilson in Progress Hall on Friday evening. About Ihlrly young guests were present. Dancing and various old fnshion-ed games were Hie,' order of Ihe eening. Miss Sylvia Taft recited, I here were duels by Misses Kathleen Burnett and Fannie McLaren, and Misses Kathleen Burned and Mona (Irieg. Miss Mary Wilson gave an inslru- uienlal selection and Miss Betty Anderson some . Seidell dances. Mr. (irilllu was master of ceremonies, I Kit wood Brooks made a trip up from llupcri., over Ihe week end. Mr. and Mrs. pjilen and family left for Ihe prairies on Saturday. Major Taylor wn in town on business Hlis Week, Mrs. Cook went down lo Itti-perl on Monday. Miss ll.-lle Frank and .lack Frank were in Ituperi a few days al Hie end of tills week. pen Ager was i business visitor in Hupeit rlaliinhiy. i The Progressive. Club gave a Box Soclul in their bail on ftt Patrick's flay. l s the fjrsl dance Ihey ha given for a couple of years and the proceed I, sider a bootlegger a neeesstly ' while others are content with a jure t" a look through the door ttf Ih. '(expense (ioveriiinenl tiiuior store. i rci-rni i :S"wy Bed Linen fragrantly clean , CUlktt wikti tritk Simlitkt .V 0tt mtlmrtlly (Ulli, mtl ikimictllf tlfntd. Tk fit Samliikt Uikrr xtl ikrputk tJ Ikroafk tk thlktt, Utttritf Hit mud tr-Iftn'af tmik iktraJ lorn mtltml mit - Ml. t.iward ilrfrayutg Hie of Hie iiiiprovi'iiieiils inuilc in Hie hall. It was u very joliy atTair. TELKWA Mr. Osenr Ilk man nod her children are spending a week wilh Miss (I. Banks. - Al all points along Hie line the He inspectors an' busy supervising Ihe binding nf Ihe winter's cut of lie.s. Mrs. w. B. Couhlwcll was holess ai an afternoon tea on Tuesday afternoon. After a severe attack of "flu" II. II. Phillips is again al vjvork. So fur. Ihe epidemic of moasles has only spread among Ihe grown people in one" or I wit instances. and most of Hie children are up; ami niioui again. Housekeeper -You sav you al ways feel fatigued? i-nn'l tin. lersland that. ' llolto ll's hereditary, mum. Me father was the original Tired HiuiiK-ss Man. Bosion Trans cript., MOTHERS SHOULD NOT ! NEGLECT BRONCHITIS IN THE BABIES Mrs. E. Un(lrti. UnrOon, ont.. writMr My lialijr Ix.y hd kronctiltU wimhi ! two mftk. (,ii, lm rsnitrrrni roin Ihr mark inn lor.k ,,,!, wvaral riKmlhl laiff. ami en account nf lh t verity 1 a alMKt panlc-drlikrri to know lwl li di for. him. My nw.tlwr ulrl.isl nw m try lr. W.sf. ?(ftrway Pln jrup. a r-he nal msijiI U f'" wral jcara with pl-nlll I t a tx.uic, and aftr-r I had uwil It Mihl Mm derlclrrt liiiprrivrniitnl In him: fir vral Is.uW-i I ai cum- pllly rr-llcrd. My Isty i now two ifr r.ld. and hr tia iwver had an attack r,f lirnnrhliln Klnr. , a mothff. rilOnt a faniilv. I am ury ralr-ful to know that have found rai renw-oy rnr had roldi and hron-fhlll. a It lift, nro ami amlr-ty from aTi anvloua nioilwr'a Imuldrra." Ir. Wood- .Virway fine yrnp JtC bottle: the Dry family alir AAr; put up only by Tti T Mlltmrn Co., I.lmlted, t Toronto, Ont. HOW sweet and wholesome is thut welcome sense of fragrance winch comes from well washed linen. How refreshing it a lo lie between clean sheets, to rest one's head on a snow-white pillow cose; to breathe deeply in an atmosphere of purity; to feeT and to know that the things around you artV absolutely clean. To brinfl about thii rcfrcliin tcntc in llio mind o( uc.l or family it a triumph well worth the atltnliii ot any houiuti(c. It is bct accompjbvd by uiinif Sunlight Soap. L A. Cow Bay. Tw (tt lJ cIviImi tHir utf it'll mx nimiut to Soil tkrnt of mh tmlfi na tb ntth Uxrd. Tt ur power Sttalilit Sp Hll turct tVf)' trc at mil bit U ttuxf irt toil. iff. Intb Hpm it sit cotar "trill lb Jin k4 ntf) particl l mtpj wll-hitr. bt.1 "tit. purity mmi ticaaliaoi. I.KVUR HKOTIIHHS I.1MITFU TUHONTO I K ELKAY'S STRAW HAT DYE .Make obi Straw llal look like new. am! wab'rproof. Kay lo apply and tines ing finish . II II is KTfTnn' iiuirkly to A In All The Popular Colors ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. . The Pioneer QrugQht If You Are BOAT-BUILDING We have Hardwood, Fir nipl Otlar Bnl Lumber If you ore trrnl of KahotiHne and Paper, try Fir Veneer Panelling. If you nr Ihmkiiig of building n house, wo have any lumber you require, nlo Hash, Ihxirs, Olass. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Phone 383. Where wr I FimNlSHiNasY'F.- I OUT W(w Money Buys the most bri BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 123. Mm ;.. The Houie of Quality, . Third Ave.