PA01 FGVK. THl DAtLT KIWSL friday. M! BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu SPECIALS HE. VCT CT ANYTHING DOCTOR " Wg TtO -0 I ( 111 111 1 Hi ( I JBS nse . cove TPiEO to CET wM TO -you emc Ctf-Cr Tfc MM MC C.CKEV Ladies or Growing Glrl' Velvet Slippers All ue at $2.75. Ladies' or Growing Girls. Patent v Oxfords I.nw misi'tiTi hi-c! $5.75. Family SHOE Store Third Avenue. Money Orders On Norway, 8weden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make .your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For TicleU Hates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Bread is your best food. Ilal more of it. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 1S0. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood f.'it a;iy length. HydeTrarisfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WC BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. i HOME FROM NOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser 8L Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 6t. DYBHAVN CUP WONBYELKS Pinal Game Last Night With i Oaughters of England Was j ' Very Close Score 5 to 4 I Defeating Ihe Daughter of England la-J night ly 6 to i in a (keenly contested game, the "Klk-won Ihe Dybhavn Cup. em. ;blemalir of city whist champion-' jship. This ami' all other trophies' jof Ihe season will le precnted. fat a banquet anil dani-e function which i. t lake place next Thiii --lay eveniBg in Ihe Elks" Home. The learn in lal nighi game were a fnllaws: Elk -Hen Self captain . Jack (Cobb. Harvey Kramer. Harry Lip-' 'sell. George McIlmryU ami titm-jnard Anderson, Daughter Mrs. J. Uowv captain,. Mrs." I. Wilton. Mi It. II: S meet on. Mr. II. II. H-u-ming.. Mr. V. Shaw ami M C. Whatman. Afler Ihe Elk werv liol o Ihe Daughters of t.nv- land at a upper in I lie St. It'?' Cafe. Oilier trophies In le presented nut vwk hc-iile flu- Dyhliuv Cip will be Ihe ,Xewton Cup lo the Daughter of England a opponents to the winners of l In-ejty rhampjon'ship final and cup for the player winning the tnot famp in the men's and'' TWELVE ENTERED IN 15 It 11 12 !Ple. F. Smith H Pie. S. Wri(rg!evorlh .... It i BILLIARD TOURNAMENT 'Schedule or Games Will be I Drawn up on Sunday and Rules Set ! Twelve cntrie have been re "j rv rc Y 7l . 1 wner, cue ladies eclions ilurins Ihe ea- t;i,arie Haia-no ti....... ."mien ami .Mr, ti. 11. iienmunps. Uymoyle. ". RIFLE RANGE Eighteeen Marksmen Turned Out For Shoot of North B.C. Regiment Last Night The following scores were made at Ihe weekly shool of the Xorlh ll.C Reylment Rifle Aso-riation hebl'la! ni?hl on Hie miniature range at Market Square; R.Q.S.M. M. M. Lamb ... ' S?I. V. Robinson .t. ... jPle. A. nix Lieut. D. fireen ;. Iiandmaler A. IJeale .. I'le. . 1 Wanier f'apl. R. V. f'anteron I RAM. W. M. Brown 17 Lieul. Floyd 17 Lieut. J. Barnley , If, ilMe. I). A. Robertson .' 15 jl'le. W. Bras Pie. M. Smith Spi. Major W. Ouvic T'le. A. Woolton . . . Pie ti. Cadwallader is Fred I'yle, J JZZ v a Doctor says Doiil eat Meat" Oxo Cubes are invaluable. They contain all of the vitalizing and bodybuilding, properties of good fresh meat all of the benefits without the elements to which the doctor objects. Wkle obeying tKr,octor ordrr to tbe letter, yoo can makevege. table all kind of dnlw much mere interesting by ad&cg Oxo Beel Cubes. Tbey bring the rich laeaty flavor and the satisfied feeling that so many people ibust bae. OU Ffi CJLo, mmmH Im mmmrn lit S,mJ OXO CW umti m f UHimxi, 232 f n - A OHO CUBES A CUBE TO A CUP. Ilulrliinsoii, Im-afcil at Kitchener Square, in Hie west end of the city, Tipton Square, South Edmonton. Included in Hie equipment lo be intalled at' Tipton Square, .provision i made for Ihe construction of u paildlin? pool, at a col not lo exceed 'JOd ceived for Ihe forthcoming lim- C.P.R. sleaiiwr Princess Mary, Sport Chat A i he bairuintn an Irawinjr i a .-I.., a goti many f ihe member or I lie loral club arc -loping arm. Molly H take he player in Hie eibow ianl isi ceral eae ha lie ;rone pnnHMe Dial ti ha been nereary t eive up play in?. It eeiu similar lo what i kiMmn a "inm arm." a re-!ie nf He nMtele wtiirli often l-eiie. lesMlt 4yef. I AVer of ihe Rflnitnlon Oitti ;iaie that the eaMMt lias beet: a Heeeirul ne. The Mr- inrTv Han, when two court are tn He alUMl eery cventfig. i to be vtven up at the enl of jlhi ffKwttli. mot of Ihe nhmber hams turned rbeir alleRHn tn lenni or In other oubl-Mir rtJ It i. the InlentiAfi to tart oh. aiH warty in Ihe autumn if proper aecomnwxlatton can lx eeoril. W'Hh Ihe po.eMn for Ihe eaon of the Itolser (Uthi-eron cup i'.'nifrcanl of ciy billiard etiampiofi-htn tioi yet piie lerHle.1. ihe I'rinee Rupert IU1-fianl I'arlrir at the Ureal War Veteran. will en (raze thi e-et. insr in Ihe final tnnmamefH ol he leasme rompHHion. The ame will lea rkWly watched a any lhal. tiav been lasei ince (he cofii petition oened oie uxtntti um: The Vetera. son won re.perlively by Jaek;,.!. Frank Al.lr1.l2e. ie.,re e.'lH, "OW 0f,,f,.v ft"r' !' O . . a a ?fNHl margin followintr a -Irons eaoi' " ' play. "" hae (nil o " make J. Walsh. A. A. "Vf. J T. . . . Kaon. Fred Sle, n. S?l. Jep- -""TWW'U. "wwoi 10 "J "'Iverware. Sln.uld sow ami H. II. Shockley. they o do HoJII.e (irollo, in Al a meeiinp lo. be held on Sunday the rule will be -el aHd!0"'' ,Pf ' wl 1 r:'" ,h" lro- the lime table of frame drawn ' j I millee conil of Ben Self, Bert .Murpan and It. Howe. A pool of the entry fee. will constitute Hie prize fur Ihe EDMONTON GYROS The Billiard Parlor in I bird ,.. ... 11.. : up with a view In slralinc lhel'"u'" - ,-.nn,. .i 1 -n - ,far a ebmpionhip honor are Concerned and cannot do belter I ban go in ecottd place, that is providing I hey the the Veterans such a defeat a to send them to Ihinl. How. where and when the tw leant will tin-up: " I if etm at m 1 PrtiTir ni nnniiimn ". .ie.noniie m.. . v. tUlr rLAIURUUWUj fiforte Mcllmnyl fprince Bu- jperl Billiard Parlor). real Vi KIUKIXTDX. March 21 . Con- 'Veteran tllub al 7 p.m. strut-lion and enuiPmeut of I wo I 'x- Jeon vs. XV. K. Hiilch- niore children's playjtrounds will j be proceeded with early this sprinjr, Ihe local tiyro club de cided at it reirtilar luncheon meelinjr tlii week. 'Pic sum of 15,70(1. nel reull of Ihe (tyro carnival and oilier activities of Ihe year, has been set aside for Hip purpoe mentioned, and by the middie of May, al latest, work will be commenced. The new playirrnuml will be in-n. PniH-e Itupert Billiard Parlor al V p.m. Fred 1yle vs. C. Thnmpon, Prince RiiMrl Billiard Parlor a K J. May v. F. Aldridae. Oreal War X'cleran club al H.aft p.m. .1. J. XVlh vs. B. Jelich, real XX'nr X'eteraii club a! 7.110 p. 111 With Ihe reason's competition for Irani elosing. billiard fan will have something lo occupy andhheir attention 'for a while longer malum billiard lournamn for southbound from Alaka por's tnlof imorovinK llm table on which city championship. They are n ! Vancouver, was in port from I;'.- (he games arc to be played. The lonrms: iii. . p. MCMordle. IS lo l:t: tin afternoon. annniiTiceinent nf . cnmoelltion BRIER tn the champion individual enn lel, enlrie"fr hirh cloed Ial night. Providing new cover for Ihe table arrive in the mean time. Hie conic! will open 1tl tile Klk" Home on Monday next The sum derived from entry fee will go toward paying Ihe col FOR RK.YIV-Palmer Houe for cheap rale and home comfort. If FOR RFAT. Hootti PboH- Red to I. LOST for LOST. A twenty dollar Mil and a ten dollar bill Thursday af-lerday aflerrnxm lHeeii dry dfick and iKimioion fisherie oflice. Two local account were attached. Finder return lo daily New oflice. Reward. LOST. One gold drop earrinr between 618 Fifth venue Has I arid hospital. Finder plea-e rettlrn lo Itaily News Office. Reward. tf ha- cnited a gKd deal, of gen eral comment ami (be giime will be followed with inleret because of the enlrant win. have tlernel to m in. SONS OF CANADA WON BASKETBALL by 31 to 30 In Nip and Tuck Game Last Night In a nip and tuck conic! mil. 71 Defeated Smelter Team of Anyox (it .o ce fffi jJ Lt ff fo 3 2o Anyox Ial niyhl. Hie Son ol .you Canada, champion of the Prince Rupert Senior Basketball League,' managed lo defeat Hie melter leant, Anyox rhampion, by n score of 31 lo 30. .XI no lime in the Coure of the match did any side have any decided advantage in score but it was backward ind forward all Hie way. Al hall lime, the local team was ahead II lo Hi. Eddie Cragg. former ly of Prince Rupert, referced. there was not a very large lunioiii owiifY lo - counter al-Irnrlious, of Ihe evening. O. XV. Robinson and A. 11. McLean returned () Ocean Fall on Ihe Prince (ieorge this mori'i- uthr havimf spent u couple fit dny fu lbs city. Mr. uiid Mrs, IP. N. Delnonici and faintly of Shnwnllan Lake sailed Ibis in. lining by Hie Prince Ocorge for Vancouver on a holi day Irip, Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CENTS PCX WORD IN ADVANCE. No AfWartlMirtant Taken for Loss than BOe WAJTTCB MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Fur SALK wants men and women to learn the Barber Trade liopil.-il. Paid! whfle learning-. This is your opportunity to learn a trade and get into steady employment. Graduates earn from $10.00 lo 150.00 per week. Write for free catalogue. 50 Hastings E. Vancouver. VACANCY for punfl mire at Oeneral Apply for particulars lo Ihe lady Super intendent vi. 1 rji. rumttei toue, ttr moiH. or ,:cconiftuUlin fori man ami wife and two maTI rliildren for HHh or two. Ap ply lUx tV Daily ew ollirV. WA.VrKI). Six nr eishl irhi toJ Join tionkkeepini; and teni. irraphy clas. eemnic. Write Ibu IfiH. Itaily Xew OfHce. FOR REKT OFFICE F ill IlKXT. with mooVrn liinK fjuarter. Vtenhvec nni. U w FOR SALE 11: 117; Five roonteil houoe in Secoinl Avenue. Iluildine on oi-r ti merit wharf ire as a new fanJ. Nine Ift-arrv', lol, one I -arm M al Termee.f; Prince lienrve, lo ISatpT it A Mnek. ' lit; lots IA asVl bUwk blKk Apply, nue. lot) lot SH and . MeA n.r 3'J. ISt. 1 Little. Seedntl Av the Port Simp General Jlt- Foil SAl.R Halrhlns eirps from; pilat Tratrrffisr School ri S.12. W'Ulte lgHera. Veavyj .Nurses. Tin school is f ft 7ta)ins olratn dialer afr anutation ith Hie ancouveri male! lo pclurecvl H.& lluiL Trity cockerel .j.M. Tor 16 egj. Imubatwr HtaS,W fewil prtee. HenoM Free-men, Tetrafo, 'h - m " FOR SALE. SsS-10 h.p-Slertlflg cfiaine: llosch imNibM: ami. plete to m iaclnHng rtup-f ling. itiQM U foot orwrer. 20 h.p. Jnt evrrhauerlv loitet. falley. Sl,00. M. M. Stephens. U4 i - " ... 1 FOR ,KLK or mall pleasure Hxchnni ttr bonl. lletMHt Ifsat ItiflL 31 feel C in kNig. 9 feH fi Suitable fer saimon IrnHer or batnVti PMt. Apply Box ! ItaHsH Xrws flHe. If ITOR SALK. IMirtng inhsm fm. ntrwre, gm chair. Frnnkliti slnve. bureaux, table.- MintI. He. ApfAy Mr. H. W. Took sir 115 I itlh Avetiue Vt. Phne Blue .19.1. 71 FOR SALK. Power boals of every deseriptiph including pleasure, trdlliiig and work Itoats, al reasonable prices. Apply X. MMeLean, Cow Hay. foil SXl.K. 13.15 i4tvkMty duly Buffalo marine engine; Atwater-Kent fgnilimt. Hood a new. Will demomlralc. Apply Stork's Hardware. 71 FOR eLK.--Three Heifers Hot. sleifl and Durhani cro, ri. ing 3 enr obi. Innrietltole calf, am mi 1 year ojjd dillo. A' ply W. ,.Sirn, Jap Inlet. 'OR Ixd 7. block 38, e-tion 5. 150.00 cab. M. M. Stephens & t'-o., Ltd. t,V FOR SALK. New. and used Machinery. Boals and Bnuine. BOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137, tf Hian elsewhere with See- me firs! and hM. your fnrs. It will pay W. G0LDBL0OM, The Trapper's Friend, Second Avenue. AUC'T'ON SALES. Goods Bought, Sold Exchanged or H. H. HEMMIIias, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery, Third Ave. Phones Black 138 and Red 112. TAXI Tji S7 Phone. (Call Oeorgs or' Gust) Rosa Brothers. Prompt Service and Comfort Day Or Nlghl land: Boston Grill Third Avenue HEMORRHOIDS I I P. tot suffer another day with Itching-. Ueedlnr, or Protruding rilea cr IlemorrhAlOa. No f!10" Pt'on reu rJ. Iir, Chile's ointment will relieve you at one ami Jl1? Ulnr lnfit no a box: all ?Ef.rV?r "''"". lte a r.. Wnillut, Tornnto, nmil Ikix rrr PRINCE RUPERT TI0t3 Frldtj, March 21 llurh ti, 1 i it Y Low- . . ; 1; a.-. .0 OS 1 ' 1 - Saturday, March 22 Hie .. - . 2:1 1 a. .. Mr; 1.0 Sunday, Mach 23 Irigh 2 t.'.T I , Itri L1(W . V 1ST, 1 - Si .! f. . Monday, March 24 "Hi. t,J. a .M .... ... 1 . t. lW .IV . t 'Tuesday, Marce 2S rfiati - tot " 1 lae ,. 10:3k 1 J2:t i Wednesday, March 26 Hifft t: t IH:0.i i Iew . II :ir- ' :j it', MAIL SCHEDULE For the East. Mondays, XVed' --ji ; days. We a' " ; From the East Mondajs. rhtirstT. s-urdays, 1.30 pm From Vancouver-Sundays ..... X'eJneda) Fridays C.P.R. March 7. 1 : To Vancouver Tuedays. Mail cl'-se' Fridays' Saturdays G.P.H. March To Anyoi, Premier Northern I'.nliaiiL-e if.From BOAMO. 1 1 runriMi " II V St AM Alice Arm, Stewirt. 7i;From Anyox, Alice Arm, SteirU Premier-Fridays . To Port Simpson, Allcs f Anyoi, Stewart end Premier Sundays . 1 ' Port Slmason. Hce Anyoi, Stewart ar4 premier-Tuesdays v1' To Alaska Points-March 7. T ' d From Alaska Points MR. TRAPPER STOSI lnr,-h tt m il .'T You can make more money hercfTo Queen Charlotte Island Paints Mnrcli 15 n, . : From Oueen Charlotte Point March 10 and ' To Naas River Points and Po Simpson Thursdays PM. From Naas Mlver Points fJalnrdays .. THE ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP OF PRINCE RUPERT ' Notice is bci'-by H Kmll Marie Bmi... 1 ' He llishop of Pun' Qiutily of Pi in R"i vlnce of British t-inr. adft, will atqilv i" i:" ' ttienl nf Canada. ' 1111 1 " Minn thereof, for a-J'11 In Inroriiorate !! Ciilholii) Bishop oT J'"' 41 perl'-HS a rlirpor4l"U '' Dated n! Ihe tfilyV Rupert, Gounly of I'rtliC ; Province of Briltytd thl 4th day of FebnAry XVIIIiiims, Mntison Royal Bank !"''' Irmce R " . Solicitors for Emit Mar ? H