war 1 :' ',(.-. I . . -.1 ' i.iuinlf.i 1 I . ...I, ii.llrt woi 1 1 -fi ::i i . nil rni.n ';:-! ilv THIS PAGE CONTAINS INFORMATION OF SUPREME IMPORTANCE TO EVERY THRIFTY BUYER Longer Wearing G oocls For Less Money IS JOHN CHRISTIE'S SLOGAN LONG WEARING HIGH QUALITY BOX CALF BRITISH OFFICERS' BOOTS DniTICH OFFICERS' BOOTS, $4.90 fairly lu-lit. very hard fan:i boot of Hie licit llnii.h manufacture An all-leal I I aii ltd u w'U' -niii-ii iiii'ijuMlioui. BRITISH OFFICF.r.S' BOOTS, $5.90 . tliai Kablc for their wruniig qualities. Mailt for u- by out nf tin larg.si army c . . . m Hit inn i.oiiiiiry. Mailt irom calf skim of splendid tjualilv. BRITISH OFFICERS' BOOT3, $6.75 S in :i) '" I'M'. Iml absolutely I lie tiisc ltl grade it i possible to serine any- BRITISH OFFICERS' TRENCH COATS i ii Hi. iti ."i!',i for Ki'iiernl wear Mian Mice v : i I. --line. I I'lil iUilinr r.oati. Made for all -viir. with .lil aril able lleere lining fur winter ! .i .i!I-aimiI Mrwp lining, ui. ill utifr nol nibto-r, wfcirh i periltablr ''""", 525.00 Trnth Coats blue, wonderful value, GENUINE ENGLISH LEATHER COATS i . a ' hi i "'- i 'in liuy ..i : f ' 519.75 Ural for motor- $37.50 " 535.00 RIDING BREECHES Hicklnsw Rld.ng Bra .the; ! v pii-tuiily warm ' ' ' 54.75 KhAk Drill 'Riding Breeolus Heavy klmki .Inll v value-. 11 r iair -! 52.95 Wool Bedford Cord Riding Breeches Srlf- . j.-njin Yer Meplloiuil MlllH'. me ; .1 ..,.i,iiy ..! r.f.if.T.i 01M tJO.45 llf.ui :ili. Khaki Serge Ridlnq Breeches Sflf tiia- 53.95 )'. ; i.air. ..nl THESE LOVELY ALL-WOOL AUTO RUGS AILL WEAR FOR ' YEARS . ' ii Miri'i ial ll'' :v r I t ! illlll 1 . ..ui "f 1 -ilci 111 braml l. II liii tiilitl.i'' W K.I. IP A 1 ..In., oi hese Itobes f YOUNG MEN'S 1 SUITS ' $5.25 &&fr Th, $5.90 ?6.75 Vt'ry highest titalil; rollai two breast ockel. Kuril only ..... . . THE FAMOUS "UNIFORM" BRAND SOLID LEATHER SOUTH AFRICAN SUPER FIELD BOOTS WILL WEAR FOR YEARS Notwithstanding (ho larxe number ol imitations on I lie market. Ibis oriainal -oti.l leather Tniioim brand SOUTH AFRICAN FIELD BOOT t- win sold by us in It-emen limit quantities. iiuarunloiMj ab-oi n (ly wai proof h-ailier-lined Ihrouwhoul. ' ' ' 1 ' water-proof tongue. Waterproof filling between innir uml outer sole. Must "won- CC jJQ ilt iful boot value in tin Dominion. Per Pair POLICE BRACES ."iiiimii- police llraces. iiialil elastic. I'leeed-n.aly strong ami comfortable. I'l'i- pair, only 50c RAIKOA.S AT A BIG SACRIFICE . i. if ' i i r.n.ae nf lUmrtMl i ever 54.95 10 ?11.45 WET WEATHER NECES31TIES Slicker Coals, wonderful IJritisli x . 1 ami -li'tiK' mily $3.53 IimihIIi. only $5.95 mun. FhcIi .mly ... . 43c Sou'-Westers, indispensnblc fur Hit '! KHAKI ALL-WCOL FLANNEL SHIRTS lIU. :. $2.95 GABARDINE COATS We an er proml of :h'-. :...!. .. 1 iv iiniil Ol Hit' irir' li.M-a:ir wr rv ,vi ! -.lit 1I.1 a (trt'.tl "Ifal lii-lli'i' al J'.lm " " l : -1 t - - All .-!.'. I- arli only BRITISH GOVERNMENT TOWELS 519.75 Genuine British Army Towels Si.. :o im-in' ffl l. 2"i 111 hf. Vimv fin.- iniiiliix. I'.-i- pair .. t British rmy Towels Sun IJ nn-ln- l.y ,'ti inrln-.. CI in Ni-ai -iniit'il .lt'ii:n I'er pair ?' COMBINATION CAPE AND GROUND SHEETS I Combination Cape and Ground Sheet, I'.ni um-ii. Iml 1:1 l-f"ili.l ....i. .lit ion Mit.li for .i'-.ialrli n.lfrx .Iuiim-.: the Wiir. la. Ii oi ly 95o BLANKETS AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES $3.95 nr- .iniK'obleilly Ihe arealesl 1 ... i 'uitiiilii uml ll! fl till t'lt I l leM - c.,rrnl -e ttit prices are e.tst.y .. DUO 00 lii'i iim the war all clothing wiiit (Mini rolled by th" MHUsh io.ern- ineut. . Tliey'iome in iill.wl I s and ibirk shatl" anil SerireK, In plensing un-t.-dale nlyles. r-ut I"" H'ree bulloiM eiifr o PHitl. Vim ay w havp'amdl.er ttpl'-rl'ii'lO K bi,.rlss t.tllore.1 nll Tot- J525 only JO H N .- FINEST WOOL - 2-PIECE UNDERWEAR FAR BELOW MARKET VALUES You will find tins Two Piece All-Wool Underwear 1 prict'il al least $2.00 pir buil under iresenl values, ttiti eon--iiiuluig a very remarkable aving. II was inaile tu lite order of (lie lirilUh Uo eininent of I he finest loiiK-itran.J wool il was possible to secure, ami painstak-iitly inspectt'il by conipelent xovernment iii-i.ctors before being aeeeplerl. The ifinarkably long life of Ibis umlerwear. due to its high-tiualily material ami t.u;ei-workinausliip, combiuml wilh its unshrinkable iiualllies, stamps it beyoml giii'stion as the besl-huyiu? opporluiiity on the market today. .So low is the oricn that the demand at our various retail stores and mail-order department is ex. traordinary, and we would advise you to anticipate your retiuiremenis and nake your purchases early. Per suit, ffO 7t only Y'J GENUINE BRITISH GOVERNMENT SLEEPING BAGS Tijt'.e Genuine British Government Sleeping Bacs al t.'tesc ihici-s are values " very mIi.)i;i are oiTercd in wesltrn t i.i.iUa. Many of our customer ir V I'sii'i n liana.i.i who wish !o regain tin ir licallliful vigor ue these bazs and sh i ji on their porches I he whole year rmind. For Ihe prospector, the hunter, ami the traveller in the backwoods Ihev are invaluable. Absolutely new. and lined wilh natural sheepskin. Folds into very small compass. The sheepskin. can be used for a robe when bag is not 111 use. Laeh only 11 Our British Officers' White Blankets cannot ie eipialletl anywhere in ('4111a. la. and we don'l ask you to take our word fur it. either, because yon have but to compare their wwlglit ami tH4ilily, and you will find you can do belter in evt ry way by dealing with us. Weight H lb., made of lovely soft military long-staple wool. Sue 70 incite by Hl inches. The maximum of warmlli, Uic very fiuesl tpialily, all 7.7 0 fatly to Ki'iC" oiir best betlrooni. Per pair, only Y SdscIaI Grey BlinVets, mil 70 inelies by HO inches will like tl immediately yon ser it. Per pair, only .. . VYcikIiI V lbs. A beautiful blanket; vou GENUINE BRITISH ARMY BLANKETS PRICED AMAZINGLY LOW 57.95 For the borne, the ear. ititilulioiis. cuiuiiinu, pvospcoliiifi Hnntinir. e'e, liee genuine Hrltisli Army lllaukcls will give you a very long period of UMful sttrviie. Weight tbal i agntable, warmth without undue heaviness, strong, fresh ami gotidrlookiup. Where tls WW the eeoiioinically-incliued get a bUukerfor so little money. We htive sold I liiiiiswml s of litest blankets al our various retail stores aim Ihrnuuh our big mail-order department. These are specially selected hlunkels -n lypi- ffl QC 0 C1 CC ml John Christie xalue. Two tpial t'cs each Y1, a P1UJ FEATURING SELECTED BRIT ISH GOVERNMENT GOCDS & BRITISH MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS 327--3RYE. WES 57.95 tup :4 jjj r- SOCK YALUES UNAPPROACHABLE British Army Socks or the highest value. Jleautiful wool.- Less II1.111 wholesale cosl. Per pair only 550 Socks of slightly lijihler weight than Ihe above. Per pair only 45c Cashmere Socks VimJerful value at per pair, only 75o Lumbermen" Socks Full length; all wool. Per pair, only 85c PULLOVER SWEATERS Made of the purest wool, beautiful workmanship, CO 95 and are exceedingly comfortable. Kach, only ENGLISH DUBBIN The best Itool Preservative on the market. Per tin SCORES OF OTHER BARGAINS NOT MENTIONED HERE ALL-WOOL BRITISH MADE MACKINAW COATS For real waruilli this fall and winter, and Hie hardest kind of wear, ll.ese All-Wool .Mackinaw s are un-ciiialle.l value. Ileaulitul tlark shatter. Pipe seams, Nudnik style, wide storm collar, two tleei; outsbb' ioekeis and one inside pocket. Onlj 7 Sc ENGLISH TWILL SHEETS Heavy Unbleached Cotton Twill Sheets, 70 indies by no inches; weight 3',i lbs. Very special. Per pair .75 BEDSPREADS Honeycomb Bedspreads Pink or white, very best CJ 25 Hritisli manufacture. W onderful value al . V MAILORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY