r A . I . The Home of Domestic Bread ,irea.i i our u"1 ,00"' , jt m r of 11. Kept by ,n ,t:,li:ij? grocer. La Casse Bakery pnont i - "... Prince Rupert B.C. At I Iq SUPPLY YOUR SPRING WANTS ill Poultry Netting Fly Cloth Garbage Cant Garbage Palls Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Spades Wteders Trowels Crass Shears Sickles Scythes Spading; Forks Garden Seeds w m a wn Hard warp i.n Laundry Phone 8. Tel. 3. at Mni-P leat r. i-iinirjna rnni . t Hrrml, Cakea. Pa.sme Imked w ,h TV iveKoses Flour The World's Best. Soft Finish-1 Itipif.T.!.ppuipp HI II I UUI IIUU Jet Wash j Tnr e Services, one of h-"h will exactly fill your tL a "-n my neeiis. I'hu: e us for particulars. anaaian bteam 'iJ i ui uuuu uunL Dllrd In Bulk. t $10.00 per ton. ' at ' I, ff ainrlor furtiace , .....f'.WvM a tlran hoi fir and k JT rr""" "". dinar M, i.-.i till,!' ''.J'f 1 , Some of ilie l.rar.i ' "'' !i rlly arn now "'lit I'Bllnly aallafartury STERUNQ STOVE COAL, Iieilver.,1 4n Sack. At $12.50 per ton. A,'nM ,"r ,h t'"""l Lar. LSDVSIVlTH.WELLINOTOM And TELKWA COALS. ft Buperl Coal Co. '"l Natal Oantral. I ha Mai 4ft 1 ( ! ( ( i i i t Movies and Movie People Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who entertain the public. WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday. Tom Mix in "Ladies In Hoard." Iiilfifialliiiiiil New. Wednesday and Thursday rum Mu in "Kofi llnilcil,' Fott .VcWH-(iil( .. Friday and Saturday Illanrlie Sweet in "Anna Christie." Comedy. I tin from IIh Press. TOM MIX SCORES IN COMEDY OF ACTION Tom Mix ha rorci ajmlher inolinii plrture comedy sitrce. till. l lh IxMir nf I ii. Jo oTIiwk In tin ilhrfi may t Iwanl on bliair of lh alwv iiiii-nliMiwd omuunir I"' an onlrr Ihal me Hi romranr w r-i"nii n i of Ji.Mit mors romnanlra uiutrr Sedl.m ' VMi TAKK .NOTICE ltil In mipporl f itbn'Mld' a..llralM-i HI , Jj 'nV'"Vff Ma Vl 'rtward . Mrilmrr iinrn nn "hi. 17ll Hay r April. Iff I, ami I'T" . ,.....i n r ihu iiir,' . day N O T I C I. -.ip ivnTirr that aflrr PuMlratlon of Ihlannllre or ' ''r r"".r "l"" ! V wrrka mat e Mull apply lo Ihe i(e;iMrar...r Joint ?lrk C...np.,l? V ir- nm U at l'rin-e nuperl, H.C, Ihla Ulh nay w VoMrANYJiMilE!... NOTICE. v.iTirr thai after P iitillratlon of .1V.:;i;. .. . a we. Mr four (4) ron leriiilta rrk. e to to llr ItrSr of MM Cnniimiilej, ! Jfl ii r in rlianae our name i 111 iVijmp. 'f X"' tux I'll at Crim e liu.xTI, Ihe V r tat of llth ,,,y "lll'IUi .NOHTIIFUN nNCII Ilia. I.AS. no iimitfii. CITY Of rRINCS BUMIIT. seventh Avenue wilt Out - i v ii.... iV"!.',!' ,0.n.T'rlvan ClrTle'" V"lMJVf..r relnita are wvrrat w re'ipIeOeMn V"",,.e Ihelr nere..ry m ply of coal. rtr. . rrnsnN. 'CJty ftillnctr. .furnished some additional IlirilU jby climbing perilously nmumJ Ihe Mruclimtl work of a hair rom- pleled ky scraper- Gertrude Olmlrd an the gjrl i winsome and display a rare Ira malm aliilily. Others jn I lie ral arc I'liil McCulloiigh, Gertrude Claire. Fay Hoblerncss ami Dolores Housse. SOFT SeMNSTORY HERE DURING MID-WEEK Tom Mx on His Famous Horse . lony Does Wonderful Trick Tonf am) hi famous horse, Tony, do it aifain. They alaae one of the most tlaril I iti tr ami beaiiii-'chanical discoveries that slimu fill races of Ihejr screen career late Hie imagination to Hie point in one of'lhc scene from Tom's "f applying those discoveries ex new William Fox exciter. "Soft Moiled." which come here at Hie "Ladles to Board" Provides Many midweek. Funny Situations at West- I A beautiful irirl on the Obscr-holme Tonight I vat ion cur of the "Flyer" (Iron hep handkerchief. Tom see (he disaster. Offing the fleel Tony mi. he ride like fury, lie wjng II i called "Ladic In Hoard" and head down in Ihe saddle ami re- will l.e shown here tonight. Jack llfysloiie, who di reeled Mix in "Soft lloilcil," hi imixl re- eol einniple of screen huriinr. irieve ilie handkerchief. Then Ilie rare lo jrive it In Hie girl en-iu'. IInre ami man train on creen. .Vol for a second does Mr. Ince in hi latest picture production permil hl audience to ecape ' rcalim l-lemenlal people it,, M.n.r f ii cninnir. Ari. iMi.f""' alwt Vllr vrni Ulios Mimna Cmpaiur lpng meal a passion of rage ami Mulcts their futile bickering with Hie con fesiou of a sordid past, lliat re duces Ihem lo gaping slnre, fdimhlcring horror and I hen imir iivtio i-rinrr iiiii-i i, .-.I- fiernus rage. jr of April, istl. r..ITn- . rrlnre niirrl, B.C.. Sollrllnr fur ivtltlowr. of thj f are the powerful "ttl? JJi,;',Vn.iJ,''lr-. ha lold il in a rising u.l.n flr.fl nt ItMl SAfll Arl. TVIiR .MI1M K tlut an iii'linllnn lll tw niaiH- w Hi riiilin inrtaf.in i.naiu- tempo thai Imrsls into a crescendo of fury in .Ihe "greal hy her father ami sweelhearl as two dogs would worry a hone, lears herself away from I hem in Clark's beans Enjoyable EESj Nourishing ! Jtf Vtva LI-... MMTMai, !- m nmu iii. ., . rt, ., a wi ii a- THI DAILY JTIWR VANCOUVER PAPER IS BEMOANING DECISION FLYERS TO GO NORTH Hcmoanfng tfie decision of the 'flyers to keep Ihe northerly route by way of Prince Rupert. ti Vancouver Hun says; If Ihe parly of Hritisli avialors, now fin a world flight, make a gencrfal policy of skipping centre of popiilalinn tike Vancou. ver, Hie most import rii! value of Iheir exploit will ho totally lost, lloth American ami Hrilish commanders have ciirphaj;.cd the fart thai the flights have not the slightest element of a race. Ob viously I hen, the saving of Ihree hours iiivolveil in passing up Vancouver in favor of a norlhern roule can Itrititr no particularly lmiorlant advantage; The real value of Hie. world fliffhl lies in Ih'e publicity ft gives lo axial ion. It i only Die speolarular ele ment in new scientific ami mo- tensively o commercial Uses. The airplane ha heen invent- el and ierfec(ed. Hut. in Ihi rounliy particularlyi. lhe airplane Idea ha not heen old" In ju-diiHlry. ' "SlunlV," like Ilie present fliliht, help malerially i inlere.l Ilie puhlic in Ihe airiil.ino a a facior in biiiiicii , v. Hul. cerlainly, if, the flight Is In he confined lo Hie world's Ihe Irnill. Tfim Ituu 'ilnuiJ .n I. lu-llileptinu nn.l ilfe IiLa Vun. add another feather jn hl capled it .when a hizh fence loom comer are lo h siiidiouly in llii priNliirllon. II i funny. "P- lavoideo". Hie puldicity value of Ihe virile ami full of Mivlan aeliiuij Willi a low pokrn wont of sn- project will he a total lo. ami prnvctl lo m a l)e of dc. couraemenl lo the hlffh-Ktrung lure admlrahly mlopled In MixVT""y. hore ami man oar with CAIVATIAM ADMV IC work. Ihrlllinff heauly over I he fence, MLiAIIUH AlVInl IJ William Umlley pelley. who niaklnp a perfect jumji ami land-. OUT AFTFR FIIN TO wrote "l.adie lo Ih.aril" ha J'ur-,'"?- 'lorn realie Ihe Irain. hull in-lied a genuinely funny llna- ffirl. her eye sparkling wilh! .Mix InheriU an old ladie" apprecialion for the inarenim home and hi effort to conduct horemanhip of llii Knight of ii gel himoelf nml ee Wee 'he llange. kie Ihe hamlker. Ilolnie into all manner of lauuli chief ami IIii-owh it In him. provoking complication. Tony., Ihe wonder l.ore. i at Tom RPA1KM PflRTDAVCH ,diMial and he make the hei jpf hi Mipcrh hoiemankhip. lie CAMCtlLATiON 0T RCSCRVC Xir it brrWiy ir-n Hul ltw I r ! IVUI1L.1L1I1 1 Wllllini llU CARRY ON ITS WORK Is Asking Prince Rupert For $800 In all; Roof For Citadel Needed The elf-deuia rampaign of IM CirMCMTAI DACCIAlI l" ''""on .vrmy ihi-i no m-Ift LLtltlLPllAL rAj-IUlljiriHhiclion In Ilie p-..ple of . jl'rince Ituperl. Hver ince the Anna Christie,'' a Stage Play Army opened il work in llii rily Shown on Screen at Week i fifteen year ago Ilie vIMcnial , fund ha een ail iiice.ie each lyear. . .. . . . . . .. i .. i.. I 111 tni Jill- r,ll ,11 Hill .111113 . .-,. in. hiu luriii-nv ,w vi uuwri niia i.urinc. wrinen iiir J.'" -... in (nada . ... We i . ..t to raie , ,lnsr ,,y ,;,.,.,. .NJII a,, n. B. 1.IDC1. i i ... II. .. i... ii. -i ?'","" Ir ilie iii.timf nan. i- . I wily Minoirr of undi. " ' ..ll.er lover of ll.e ea nn.l rli- '""''" L 1'" oOMeoMTiON or tms atv or femes'. , recne work in the wel. and nlo ITV.i: MiTMK TIUT RWIIIT .in I run -IIP" llioium II. Ills l I. ti Mimi r o- iMiraii or ii ............ tJ .. j.i,, llv nt I'nnrr kufwrf InlMMl tn nmtlnirl I fnrititr uliiAli fnmW mI Him tvrtjil 1 conlriliule lo Ihe army' world- fiijioiiary ami hospital It itrtiK-ni fifin r-i m1i-. runoiiui , ., .. ,, . .. , work in 'J cminlrie and rolonie. ra nuun of iimi-r urrr iirti ui end. Ihe Mlualmn thai wreck. ... . ; i i , Ml a Nln toina a rtrflh at lh i, .....i i.4 ,uv nro nlmii.l mn iu tnrttr niiiifil f unMi ' j.taiu ail mimI. thai imrlKM ut aiaiidenlirat Willi lhoe lliat tipfitw ra4idiirirtiir rni a fitm ai i"l, .iti , i Ifllrr nio f fib Vvrnoo. Slh (inm and,' rtillhlCil other HSe. !.!.. A Mi lie. iIvih- aih Airiiu )l Hi lmrrrivi nf In It'll lr-l imlj 'Ik V i tiur tiul IImw- ahins lli Wmiiw il a IMIII iim llt Irnr I f - -.1 m "1 nf It- 11-- innir. "iti I The plot maker find cope of invention limited . j . 1.. II.- I IK InirrM-rtlmi of Vrllrlili' Sir I mil i' ' on- ur 10 r"-.ii. in inr. !."Ti. SES .r.liT K"T: -'nlurie. a filled pru. i iw nffir- or ii cur .iiiiK-r. a mni im encouraged hypocrisy and iiTTrup.' .Willi fale m.Hlr.ly. Only in ll.i .lay ii-Nwiinn awl at rmii rnirsrijr. piciun prouurrr nan nie rour- f ti nniii'n ni w ii ":... ...,.i ...li...t.. .1... .,- fa..0, .nf hlrti S I.I47.S l l I" l" " in-fuj- rwn.i br i ik- cnnamiKA. ! tt iinuil "" nHH, t .ij,,,.,.! tj, realism iitiual -ll nio rr f.l fr.u l .... . . I Atia. ti ix-ii '"iwiii u in lethal goes into the making of a 1 in la annual mialniMil. li lite "Vim-i ClirUlip" ni-i.lepiiiee lilitierpiece like .vnn.i i.nriii i l-rrai rtrormr in prtmn aalnt ,n.vTiiinr it- tk mui . m ii r . tts isaS Ihe foolliphl and on the j.lir inf IMI il ill itn . iva. i: r. jovr.4. r.liv irk. Paint lhl fllh rtr f Vpni. Itll. in tmc surntMi count or British COLUMBIA. I'rince lluperl i .ke. lo con- I.. Ultt l II.... .....al- . .n 1 ... V I " ' IO llll WUIA I'll I " - ll'IVC ilialf of (he losl and fallen. Cap-lliHftain and Mr. Coleman who are in 'charge of Ihe local corps have every commence niai ine pcnpic leryl"' t l' w"' asa'n e"mtt ariuj orii nun imt sin! 1 1 in Hie above amount. The Salvnliou Army eilndel anil officer ijuarler in thi cily are iiuee.1 of a new roof hefore an. other winler'. rain, so Dial 13.10 i hcjiig added to Ihe ahove target a I'rince Hupeii' half of Ihe total col of Ihe new roof. The oilier half of Hie cost comes a a grant lo Ilie local corps from Ihe Army's properly hoard in Winnipeg. In round figure. the Army is asking for Hrtii in llii- campaign and ha every hope Ihe amount will he realized by Hie closing dale. May 17. SHANKS GOES NORTH TO STIR UP STEWART Was Recently Announced as Independent Candidate For Victoria but Will Shave Portland Canal J. A. Shanks of Victoria, heller known I here as "Five point Shanks," breezed into the office Saturday staling that he was on hi way north to open up n' barber shop at Slewarl. He will he remembered here ahoul two years, ago as one of Ihe barber' in Hie Fmpress llaiber Shop. .Mr. Shanks is Victoria's candidate. He ha run, for every office in the city ami is now announced as an independent candidate for Ihe Legislature. lie runs a burlier shop in Ills own block at "Five Points" at the corner of Moss Street and Fair-riebl It.md in Ihe Fairfield district of Victoria and when lie is not running for office may im heard from in Idlers lo llio press. He is a good booster for the cily nnd wherever he happen to be is sure lo make (he dust fly, .Mr. Shanks will hulp to put PROCLAMATION HYXO OF VTMV I..S. CANADA fllvOJir.K Till: FIFTH, hy the Orace of flod, of Ihe Uniled Kingdom of Great Hritain and Ireland, amf of the Hritlsh Dominions beyond the Sean, KINO, Defender of the Faith, I'mperor of India. To all lo whom these Present", ahall come, or whom Ihe same, may in anywise concern. niiF.irilNfS: A I'MOrXAMATION K. L. NF.WCOMHK, Deputy Minister of Justice, Canada VWIIKIIKAS the proleclion and perpetuation nf our forest are vital for the continued industrial welfare and national strength ot Canada ami lo its individual hallh, comfort and prosperity; And Whereas It Is shown by Ihe statistics of Ihe several forest authorities of the Dominion that Ihe forest resources have suffered enormous losses through the occurrence of forest fires oiid that the loss through .such fires has far exceeded in amount the depletion in timber wealth through legitimate cutting operations; And Whereas Our Dominion is recognized as Ihe main source of supply of coniferous limber within Our Km pi re and it is essential thai, if Canada is lo retain and develop her position as an exporter of forest products, the unnecessary losses through foret fires must be curtailed; And Whereas in many cases forest fires have resulted in disastrous loss of life, and of valuable properly other lhan timlcr wraith; And Whereas apart from direct loss through the agency of fire, Ihe vitality of the forest i Hiereby seriously impaired, thus rendering il unduly susceptible to attack by insect and fungus pests; And Whereas forest fires disturb the equilibrium of. stream flow, lower the water table, and frequently give rise lo serious erosive effects; And Whereas Hie great majority of forest fires are entirely attributable to inexcusable neslecl or ignorance, and are Iherefnre preventable, and Ihe exerrie of reasonable Prudence and proper carefulness on the part of responsible individuals would reduce the timber losses hy fire In Canada lo small proportions; And Whereas it is desirable, that the attention of the public be directed to the extent and underlying eaues of the preventable los9 of life and properly; by fire and lo the best and most practicable' means for its conlfl and that a specific period of the year be set apart and properly designated for Ihe dissemination of such information; Now Know Ye that We. by and with Ihe advice of Our Privy Council for Canada, have thought fit lo appoint and do appoint the week commencing Sunday, Ihe Iwenly-sevenlh Mewarl on the map and if he Joes not offer himelf as a can didate for the House of Commons or Ihe Provincial Legislature pretty soon, will at any rale he head of the boosters club of the thriving mining (own on Port-la iVI Canal. TERRACE NOTES Mrs. D. D. Monro who has been spending Ihe past few months in Smilhers returned lo Terrace on Ihursday. 4 The monthly whist drive and dance of the Ladies Auxiliary of the G.W.V. was cancelled on account of the meeting of lb.. Provincial Party held the same night. A son was born lo Mr. and Mrs. K. Farr of Terrace at Ihe llazellon Hotel. Henry do Fontaine losl a large liuuiber of poles, log, and shingle boll when his boom across the Little Canyon slough broke and the high water carried off the result of much of his winter's work. Little's learns have been busy hauling Ihe remainder out of Ilie danger zone as quickly as possible. . The Provincial Parly held a public Hireling Friday evening whirh was well attended. S. 'J, Tcner of Vernon, the first speaker of Ihe evening, outlined Ihe origin and organization of Ihe Provincial Parly, explained the. parly platform, and gave a des cription of the Royal commission mill Us results ns seen by member. of the Provincial Parly. His speech was supplemented by n shorl witty .pccct by John Cou ncil, driving home in detail a number of points. Mrs, Grieg met vvilh a ery unplaasanl accident ilils week when she fell and sprained tier unkle. PRIZE ESSAY ma mm. day of April and ending on Saturday, the third day of May in this present year as "Save the Forest Week," during which period the citizens of Our Dominion shall be entreated earnestly to consider the facts hereinbefore set out, to give careful heed to information disseminated by the various forest protective agencies, and In particular to act upon the following suggestions: 1 That settlers and others engage. in the clearing of land .should fully observe the fire laws of the Dominion and of the province, which laws have been enacled for their prelection, as well as for the preservation of Ourx timber resources: 2 That at this time of the year, when thous ands' are looking forward lo spending their summer vacations in Ihe woods, all should take cognizance of the fact that Ihe camp-fire, which is one of the most pleasant and valuable adjuncts to camp life, may, if neglected, easily result in disaster; and that to prevent repetition of such losses as have been annually sustained from this cause, all persons should familiarize themselves witli the proper methods of building, using and extinguishing such fires; 3 That loggers, aw-mill operators and others interesled in timher operations should see that all equipment and appliances designed to prevent the origin or spread of fires shall be overhauled and placed in a, stale of thorough repair; that such persons should review with care the fire proleclion requirements of the legislation under which they operate; and that Ihey should see that all employees working under their direction are properly instructed as lo the danger of fire. Of all which Our Loving Subjects and all others whom these presents may concern are hereby required to take notice and to govern Ihemselves accordingly. In Testimony Whereof, We have caused these Our Letters lo be made Palent and the Creat Seal of Canada lo be hereunto affixed Wilness Our Right Trtisty and Well-beloved Julian Iledworth Ceorge, Ha ron Hyng of Vimy, Cicneral on the. Retired List and in the Reserve of Officers of Our Army, Knight firand Cross of Our Most Honourable Order of the Hath, Knight C.rand Cross of Our Most Distinguished Order .of Saint Michael and Saint Oeorge, Member of Our Royal Victorian Order, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Our Dominion of Canada. At Our Gvernment House, In Our City of Ottawa, this twenly-eighlh day of February, in Ihe year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and Iwenly-four, and in the fourteenth year of Our Reign. Hy Command, THOMAS MULVKY. Under-Secretary of Stale. CONTEST PLAN Following is the complete plans for the essay competition, announcement of which was made yesterday: t Tho subject of Ihe essay is to be the proclamation designat ing Ihe week April 27 lo May 3 as "Save the Forest Week," or prevention, dealt with in such proclamation. t The essay not to exceed five hundred words in length. 3 The essay may be written either in Knglish or French. I The essay is to be in the contestant's own handwriting, and lo be written on one side or Ihe paper only. 3 The contesl is restricted to children under sixteen years of age. 6 Knch essay must be accompanied by a certificate of a school teacher or clergyman that Ihe contestant is under sixteen years of age. 7 Neither Ihe name nor any other mark of identification of the contestant shall appear on the essay, but each essay must be accompanied by a separate sheet on which is legibly written Ihe contestant's name and address in full, and school, If any. 8 No person shall be eligible to receive moro than one prize, nor to enter more than one newspaper competition. 0 The competition will closi at .twelve midnight on May 3, IU2r The Prlzea 10 The prizes for Ihe competition are as follows: (1) Radio Set A receiving outfit lo consist of . . ( I ) Regetieralive, tuner wilh . detector and two stage ' audio frequency amplifier. (2) Complete eel of tubes to work off dry baltery. (3) One pair telephones and plug. (1) A and H batteries. (5,1 Complete antenna equipment. (C; Necessary wire , connecting up set. (!) Twenty-five dollars for in cash. (3) Ten dollars in cash. Honorable mention Five prizes of five dollars cash apiece. 1 1 The essay winning first any point relating lo forest firehirize shall be forwarded, by the newspaper lo Ihe Acting Director of Ihe Dominion Forest Service, Department of the Interior, Ottawa, who will judge it in competition with other first prize essays lo be received by him from similar contests all over Canada. Central Competition 12 The Acting Director of Forestry will award Ihe grand prize for-tho best essay received from all Canada. 13 The grand prize will also be a radio set, as follows: ' Receiving. outfit to consist of (1) One tuner, detector and amplifier unit comprising no! less than two stages radio frequency amplification detector, and two stages audio frequency amplification. (2) One pair telephones and Plus- (3) One loud speaker. ' (4) Necessary A and II batteries. (5) Complete antenna equipment. - (C) Necessary wire for connecting up set. 14 The contestant winning the grand prize must return his local first prize in good condition lo Ihe newspaper which awarded it. The newspaper will thereupon deliver lo him the grand prize. 15 The local first prize so returned will be delivered by the newspaper to llio contestant winning Ihe second prize in Hie. local competition. ' -tv 3