PAOR SIX Canada Sfahdatel BRIER WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Mary Pickford Thitc Phones; Sterling Furnace GOAL Mtm4 ta Bala. At $10.00 per ton. TWt I rtrr rfr.'ir taw L n V rteaa hot fire taj Is ntlrvlr free tron kku, dmkerv tUrft and din. Sot of the Itrmt hfimt filial la Mva enr lr oow amr It ana taurety uiu!n torj mail. STERLINQ STOVE COAL, nAreJ la At $1&50 per ton. We (pi tle Ar-nu roe tlx faoaoai LA OYSM ITH-WELLI NGT0 N and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Bala emcat Natal ChuU. Fttaaa is In "Rosita" A iJiKinish ruman. f adap.ed by Edward Knobluck. The world' sweetheart her beautiful rirls or gold piled high on her head in an empire period coiffure, enters into her rightful heritage of glorious, vital, alluring womanhood in her characterization of "IluMla." Lithe and sinuous, powned in the most mwgetHis ctMumes. capricious and coquettish, beguiling and intriguing, the idol of men and women. Mtinifkent scenery and settings. HorbruoL ttlinu. Ueorge Walsh, Ueurge Perioral, Frank Leigh, Irene Rich, and large raL FOX NEWS GAZETTE Admission 50c and 25c. 4 $m GREEN STUFF ARRIVING EVERY DAY Ureen Onions. 2 for ... 5c Lar?e Head Lettuce . . . 10c Cauliflower . . 2Sc and 30c j linen nil i 2Sc I New Potato-. lbs. far 25c New tunc It Heels and Carrots. ( fur 25c Per doien ' . . 45c Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb 40c Rhubarb. 5 U.. for 25c New lUbbairc. per lt. . . 10c Hws Qterries, cr lb. . . 40c Cantetoon .... 20c and 25c Watermelon, per lb. 12Vic Strawberries, market price. RupcrtTaHeSupply Cash & Carry Imtc Hani, only a few lefl to sett, per lb. .. 16c Creamery Butter. 3 lb. $1.03 T-ulel Paper. lar?e pk?e. 5c Pure Strawberry Jam, lb. tin 75c Johnson' Fluid Iteef. 1G ot. $1.25 Spices, all kind;. per tin 10c Swirl's Premium Ham, per lb 30c ...rn iB Cob. per I in . . 30c Pra ami Corn. 3 tins . . 50c Tomatoes. 2Vj'. 3 tint 50c (ihirardrlla's Chocolate. 1 lit. liiis 50s (hirardella's Chocolate, 3 lb. tins $1.40 Sweel Pickles, 75e quart bottle 60c Fel Naplha Soap SOc Hidsway' Tea 90c Farmer' Tea vju?t a good 65c Losanbcrrie, 2"s 25c Strawberries 2. 5 for $1.00 ! Small While llean. 1 lb for 25c Best Jap Ilice. 10 lbs. .. 75c Heini Sour Pickle. 50c value 35c Jelly Powder, per doi. SOc Phor.e Blue 42$. Orders of $5.00 Delivered Farmers Market DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 13a Second Avenue, bona KM. Night or Day. WI BUY BOTTLES. THADC MARK W tl tH REGISTERED Ten Years Ago j j in Princo Rupert ll is sia'etl b-rr that Ihe feder 'at jntverniiient is to revise Ihe r- igulations of Ibe fisheries le- !parlm-iil so as o permit of Ihe Issuance of sill net license to bona file settlers on I be land whether they be British subject w not. i ne nam .vews takes i-ue with Ihe mornin Journal over Ihe appropriations obtained fri Ibis (iislne! by H. S. Clement federal mewlwr. Hay (I Heilly. tmm4 ?llHy of Ibefl aal ail KrraXia?. wa senleneed to five years at .New Yeslniiiit-r peuilentiary by Mr. Justice Mitrrisua at Ike Sopreme lCourt asstic. BURNING STOMACH i relieved in two mitiules wilk I JO -TO Jo-To reliee. jias pains, acid slomaeh. heartburn. afler-ealia? 'distress anil all forms of iodises. jtMMi tiuickly without harm. All I)ru? Store. ULJ ACT. aula L4 O ttritt. D !rtct t Cwor. Te vourr taai hrrHMM aronfc. af tUW. WmlH lllH 1 1 llmti .nr tw M)ii V- Mtriuw Or MSk Mrttd tma fjumat at a rati ptmia mt a itta r" t mm r t rAaa av Tirth Lakr. Ifar nattt lmll Uwarr int to Mrvr ws. tarare utr Mm aar to aj so The .dra f thrift ai , "a lo ra":.a . women w!j . mt helping .r.-re ih fioaJi-cial re-iuT.r of Ihe family pocketbimk. aconu BIKOC to eckope I MAKE trSOtVATIOXS SOW raoa ootatc TO CMCaaOURO-SOUTMAJKFTON- HaaBuno. Jal t. Jch J- La.; -hi 4 &mtaaJ ial It. Var M rasppr . Iraac to souTHAarro-fiuisfiow J'J M auaarter TO uvueooL Jvl ix M'xnal raou aoarrauL to uvcneooi. Inly i. Aar I Mranraha Jul! II. r. a H'MMra 4U l Aar 11 MaaHrlan- TO BCiratT-LAMOVV JU t. Jmty it , Xartur Jat n. Aar it MirVara Jal. fl r.t. if Mruraaxa TO CMtaaouaa-souTHAarrom- iul -i Sat HHiU iali . iK-r. t- . l arM ArjJj ta"ArrM m iImji er J. J. FORSTCE. Cca. Art, CPJL Staoaa. Vaacamar, M k Tdrfteat Scrnoor IU. M kv Cm. Pc Itj, Liotltrs cotrnationists an-inakmjr ue of our c lollies amp facilities. Dainty Dir.iiiy talks haie inter-rsted hr .siilers and Ihe dry rleainnfr. remolelinp and w. aniiff of !al eton'ii clothes is popular and fabi"nable PHONE 8 $sZy 60X392 TBI DAILY IflWB. Salurday. June "I o Waterfront Whiffs 1 (Continued frnm Pace 5) to behold and looks like a bear at a lurnie in a coat -f inud-coloreJ paint shot wilh a dah of oranpe crush. Alex is uudeculeil a to. what his firs exploit of Ihe ea- j son will be but he will probably j lake a prolonged trip r Seal- Cove and hunt fur seals. Tlie kipper thinks there is money in! selling sealskin walking clicks j for winler wrar bul first of alii he has to set the seaK the lickj lein? er" plentiful anMind the backyanl. The aJmiralty de-' parlnienl u.f the MMmlo fieri have devilel lu clear Cow lUy of all craft the da that titc Maee puIN out as the wab from her pniei(er is likely to. eapotte siMiicUiin,:. i The steam launch liuribil.l. under charier to Ihe Pat McCul loch aodeille lroue and wlif-tt was reeeull) sriol uiu; breaeh of eonlract tty parties m Ihe eiHilh oer tbr purchase of Ihe UmI. i shurfty lo be relcacl to Ihe truue asaiit. the mali-r bavin? been salifartonly Tww taaks are hems iMtill by the N. M. Mrl-an shipyanls ror Ihe i'.lt.a MmHs? i-o, carrying oul stdd miifinv oeralkms on the Oueen UliarMle Mal. The lanko wilt measure fee in Ota- meler and S feel deep. The Min- m: operations take Ihe fwrui of exlraeling sob frvm Ihe Mark aads uf which there are many miles tM the Island. Frank lxckw4 amerf ia lat with a ears of Jmr Molly miak. The fur fonad a Heal market. The ew Jiffs armed ia port this week fnMM the War! Canal district. ntent f salmoe. Aberher?. Thma A Co.. Ltd. are iaslatttB? a ' emi-4et-el ea- jirine in the power boat .Mreby, Capt ll. iKwsta-, to refdare her l present 36 bore power I'aion "iistne. The Morrshy will eazase n seme rishin; fw the !awe la-;lel cannery. j a The power boat Suasa i bavinjr a seine wlaeh inslallnl preparatory to workia? fir the :sa-merville eannery'. - lilineaskm lamler In the atHOunl of 3;a.iMy feet will arrive rr tbe week end lor Ihe Albert A MrCarfrry interest from Swanson Hay. Skipjter Charlie Slarr was up a rar as MilaJa lake over la-l week end on a fihin? eipoliii.Mi Hie fish bile were all that r.xjl.l le deirel anl Charlie rrlurie.r wilh a good basket uf I rout. C. A. Kirkrixlall reeitly pur-j Optician and Optometrist H troubled with EYE STRAIN or you need a CHANGE or Glasses we have the very latest consultant on Optometry with 25 years years eiperlence. Satisfaction Is positively assured. DIAMONDS Loose or Mounted. We give you one year to think it over. If not satisfied return them and get your men tr back less 10 per cenL Surely there must be value or we could not offer this Inducement. SILVERWARE A large shipment just arrived. Moderate prices, latest designs. Max Heilbroner Diamond Spsclallst Food stup urr).r, with Capt. Pete lorenen on the Urnlse. hmr in s7t and ibr alert brain of her skipper lrk in I le it- ation. The Surveyor quick ly headed toward the dury and! Ihe orders rana out front tbej brulire for Ike how man In throw ! a line Ihe pic nicker. Tbe line kinr been eauhl and made fast to Ihe bow of tbe dory Capt- Wina-o al back with a smile of sat il art ion that would! kae 4me justice to a Ckeshirei port Ibis week aboard hi perr rat itb et;ht saueer of milk.! The SurveytM- om got uiwlrrt way a 7a in with the dory in tow and Ihe happy parly were safely landed it is said that the Mo-ratio fleet admiralty ottrer kae Use matter of Petes prompt art km under review and it ia on lka nnla law ibtnsfclv atlttnor The salmon packer Chief iU-Lm ummint .knHlv lib basa. CapL llerf Haas an. aMed Lw ..f Similar ei?.,! Mw. in port m Wed e -day from Hip- ,Urr, " P Islands with a lar?e eonl?n-, rhaseal Ihe wr runalMHll Parl from J. I. Stone. Kirk made a run to Sbawallan Iike on Sunday and wa plea-ed with Ihe excellent manner in whieh tbe ten tnosqintu (tower eusine behaved. Hard Rowing Having bis "ihwI hip Sumner m Krt underoinK mhl-seaoii repairs and paiutinz, Capt. Mhiko thought it an exj-.lienl tune t. take the family and sonic frieml for a lntle jollification lu Sha-watlans on Sunday lasl. The llt-fle ld power boat lieinsr out of commission t'-ap omiiiiisHnel a dory and pileil hi?h with happy faces and good thinz to eat. a fine voyage wa made lo Hie lake. Tbe day was ?lriouly snl ami' all went exceedingly well until the return trip. .While Ihe dory did nol carry, the same gross i tonnage, the eats bavin; been demolished, the tide in Ihe nar row had pained considerable' momentum and Cap at the oar soon found that he had a lough job on hand to keep the craft headed for home. However, he stuck pluckily to his task and if, brawn and muscle could beat th-tide. Cap meant lo do it. While the boa! swirled around like aj cork in Niagara Fall, there was, nol the slightest isms of worry t or excitement on the part of Ihe! passengers while Can mile of confidence wouM have put happi-ne into the heart of a wooden idol. Jul at ihs rowing wa cetnne a Mi!e ux arduou the LEAGUE RASE3ALL American League Waohtna'ori T Philadelphia 3. Cleveland II. Iietroit t. Other ram. National League New York 6 I Cineinnali t PitUburg V. I'hiladflptiia to. Brooklyn I. Nily Ibre schlull. TIM8ER SALE X 6101. 1 1 aka Iradrp Ij. rrrHtm In the Matrari livm ! uirr ibaa mmm iai far M 47 rf Ju S, f.r UK- r. fSiair nf l r V ' !"! ligaV l.taaa. Hta'. U. tut I - ai itrM) rr4 af II mali 1 Sfwr aaal luixai Siak.. i aaaal -f im r rantwa aattcMto'- ( lar Kwr lm asr. tru w ta Ininci I '- rr Cilaii naqvri SPECIAL WEEK on No. 1 Terrace Potatoes No. I Terrace Potaloe. pei 10M lb $25 N. 1 Terrace potatoes. 50 lb $1.25 We reoommead to yu N I KeoaotHy ItuUer. One f Ihe bt butlers on the market. ive it Mie trial and you will repeat your irder No. Ifeoeamy llutter. per lb 40c No. I Keonomy Mutter, per S lbs 75c No. 1 tletmomy Hotter, per per 1 1 lb. box .... $4.75 ur Fresh Meal depart, men! at yvaur service and for your inspection. All heavr onters delivered, ''.uf us a trial ECONOMY STORE Phone 84. 417 Slh E. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgercon Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, SUA. Phone .AM. Open Evenlnga Only Far Special Appointments. Cash and Carry Specials for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday THESE SPECIALS WILL BE EFFECTIVE ALL DAY (No Deliveries) (No Telephone Ordtn) Until Further Notice this Store will Open at &30 a.m. and Close at 5-30 p.m. dally. The Quitter This is worth reading The in-ill who ti 1 1 - li. i a lirain iiud haitd A od as ii"M; but he larks the saml Thai would make lnm lirk, with n rtutuge T whatever he tarkle. ud fight it uuL He starts w ith a roh. diid a ol niH fw", Tlial hj'll ! be showing the olhhsyw; Then acunelhinp new strikes his rtHriag ee. AihI hi tdk is left for the bve anal lije. For Ihe man who quits ef hi rlnweea slip Just because he's imi laxy to keep hi grip. The man who s,rk ge ahead with a ho. While the rnau w hoipnU j.niii the "dow n Our Shoe Dept. I the b'iie-t pl.i-e m l"Wo ihee d.iv. splendid nriety .1 Men s imrn' tnl i.! S at juices lo suit eerv pure. alk in t1.iv . g ? feet i,. SPECIALS FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEONESOM Men's Brown Calf Brogues Ihxible xde. ): .f fit.' Special $7.85 Men's Golden Brown Calf Skin Bal Oxfords new piare rut toe. half rubber heels I! g ?I0.M Special $8J5 Men's Brown or Black Cilf Shin Shoes tm tt- K f lish last with Halt I lubber Heel. Her x Special $5.45 Men Hlark or HnniR Vi,t Kid Shoe Heg : Spedal $8.45 Ihe above litie are all (ieutiine Slater Shor- I COMBINATION CANNED FRUIT SPECIALS 5 Tins for $1.00 I tin e h of the l"uiwing Peat- ' - II- . Irenes 2's. (irerngige Plums 2. Sdeed 'r ' -ami AprinM l's. tails. (In -ale m Shtse sr-' THE MEASUREGRAPH We have recently ,nUlled in our lr -: iip-lo-dale runiMiting machine fr Bieaiirn ? which accural el measure -ny kimmIo which drvgoud defd. With th, machine ou an- i- -sured of correct me.isurement. BEADED BAGS Special showing of lumi'lsome Headel 11..?-53.00 $3.75 $4.50 .nl f .'I ' HANDKERCHIEFS llesl Swisa liwn. a shade ti match uv .ire-- entbnndered corner. Heg. 7m rm lL Special, 3 foe 50c GINGHAM 4 Yards SOc ?7" wnle. We have jnt recenetl a new t (tiiighini. extra fine ipmiily. and a anel of !.! w ill make this (Singham ie the talk of the lwr, ' nioulh. Canned Tomatos Solid I'ack. 2H", ier tin Victory Brand Pork and Beans Heg. 2 for 35c S( j- r tin S-v lanniwi f VVPORATt9, Pacific Milk 10c per tin Limit 0 tins to rmh customer U Men Dept. ISC 10c MEN'S WHITE OUTING SHIRTS Made of fine Kngiish Itroadetolh willi culler alL bed and 2 tuition ruff. Heg. S.V50 Special $35 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS In Tricolene Silk and Kngiish I'oplto with sepa ollar. tailors: Whde. iuh. ,Miivt. Orev ;iud Pongee. Heg. $5.50 Special $3.95 BATCHLOJAMAS Men's Pyjamas (no button) Fine quality Nainsook V neck wilh fancy lnm on neck and pockeL Sues 34 to ll. llrg 3.. Special, suit $-5 BOYS' FINE BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS Short sleeves and. knee length. Sue 22 to Special, suit 1 MEN'S TWO PIECE UNDERWEAR High grade, fine ribbed. Sues ;i2 lo U- Hfg l Special, flarment $1. Universal Trading Co. Watch for change of AdvL on Wednesday