~ { f Prince Rupers Member irculations Publist 1ed ws Limited F. MAGOR Y, Vice-President Per week, 2h Freedom of The Press are to live in one world, we must have a pres is free only when it can n and influence without violence or retaliation, A free press is free when the dissemination of reason, When is a newsman free to inform? He must be able t ret jntorm, entertal fear of nose in authorit welcome uth and the appeal to at the truth. Thus he records and meetings. ist have access to official He must be able without delay or excessive charges the physical means W nen i a When he to entertain, he should be able write without fear, Perhaps what he writes may pe humorous, mat of tra nsmitting news. journalist free to entertain? write even expose the prominent to ridicule, Be that as it may, he hould be able to pre- iis’ ideas and freely, When is a ney He must have the legal and historical right to icize He must have the right—and with it the responsibility—to impre ion paperman free to influence? those in power and authority. expose and oppose the government, church, busi- , or labor men when in his judgment he thereby erves public interest. For when we shackle the free, we shackle our- elves. This immutable truth is self-evident in all democracies. Without liberty of the press, there can be no free access to the public information and the public opinion to which all free men are entitled. | HERE ‘N’ NOW By LARRY STANWOOD WE COULD BENEFIT where MORE FROM TOURISTS A oad dea na friendliness and } Prince Rupert a than the American een udaaeniy ourselves visitmg Los and Hollywood a few North. While there We arrived Saturday this city has on with one good Ameri- eputation in that connection, | C4" quarter in our pockets. The visito: banks were closed. Monday was of are some * — “3 Post Office Departhent Ottawa. recalled a vi-' by , hs deine Peace Bugle Call i GULL LAKE, Alberta.— For over a quarter of a century Alberta minis ters and laymen have met at camp to consider the 2 Christian attitude toward social action. ion for action. I see a pr change in their line of thinking This year they made the follow- ing points ‘Whereas Our Lord Christ came to earth to men from their sins lead the nations earth, as there is peace in heaven, and Whereas the great nations are now engaged in an arms race and power struggie of the same kind as have previously inevitably led to war, and “Whereas another world war fought with the weapons now available, would annihilate much of the human race and srhaps destroy the itself, and ‘Whereas the CAristian Church is numerically stronger than ever before and is con- fronted amd charged with grave responsibility in this crisis WE CALL on Christians everywhere, and particularly the United Church of Canada 1. To urge all men to repent, and to think again and act anew on the whole question of war and peace, and 2. To summon men will through all help frame a program fear, hate Jesus save anid ‘so to to peace on earth of good- the earth to peace making designed to banish and want and to establish world peace, under world law, based on. justice and brotherhood, and 3. To address immediately a small selectéd group of inter- nationally respected persons, whose viewpoint may be. de- pended upon to be objective and impartial, and whose in- tegrity of purpose and intellee- tual calibre are common world und DOLLAR VALUES—By Province Willia itterfield in the Vancouver CP PHOTO) . nr oa eee eS VICTORIA REPORT by J. K. Nesbitt VICTORIA.—The Bennett government, for po- litical reasons, just had to jump in a great hurry to do something about hospital insurance. One wonders if by reducing the preiums $3 a year and making co-insurance $1 a day for as long as the patient 1s lin hospital, and as often, done very much about the basic problem. 7 One good thing comes to light that hospital insurance is here to stay, and that the gos ernment apparently has no in itention of making it voluntary But, would it not have better to keep premiums they were, and it has it’s all very awkward. To do h he must persuade two Sv- al Credit MLA’s to resign nd tradition in this respect lemands that the two resigned given nice juicy plums But if that’s done, Mr. Bennett holds himself up to the charge political patronage. Yes in- for the first 10 days, and ad deed. it’s all very awkward, Tr: vance the benefits? Everyone dition can be so troublesome knows out-patient care must t ie | y eee come. The scheme seemed to be getting to the point where that Reflects and | Reminisces | ne be been whers the: $3.50 a da} could be covered. Now, however hospital insurance, having been tampered with in manner has been seriously set back. Cer tainly out-patient care has been set back, and lack of out-patient ;eare, more than anything else is what’s been chiefly wrong this jat Port Mann Schuman Plan Pipeline Laying Across Fraser Awarded by Bechtel VANCOUVER Missouri Val ley Canadian, Winnipeg, ha been awarded the contract for laying Trans Mountain crude oll pipe line across the Fraser River The announc: ment was made today by Cana dian Beehtel Limited, agents for the owhey corporation BC. Bridge and Dredging Co Ltd., Vancouver, have the sub contract for excavating back-filling the trench the river bed Although there are about 60 rivers, streams and ereeks to eress in the 7il miles from Edmonton to Vancouver, only 26 are considered major cross- ings, and the Port Mann ¢ross- ing will be the biggest job of all, Total length of the shores and Water, | from 200 feet south of Cornwall Street, Port Mann, to the CPR tracks running into New West minster. Part of the traverses property Western and acro contract 5,700 leet Crossiig owned = by Canadian Lumber Co Ltd In order to reach the river It will be necessary to go under the CNR trackage in Poi Mann yards. This will be done without interruption to train Por a under be encased in service distance of 300 the trackage the line 30-inch an added protection Distance across the Fraser 2,250 feet. The job requires lay ing of a 24-inch diameter pipe, one half-inch wall thickness. It will have a continuous coating of extra heavy coal-tar enamel reinforced with fibre-glass, and the whole protected with asbestos felt A These wrappings will be cov- ered with a 2%-inch continuous concrete coating to aid in pro- tecting the pipe and give it su fficient ballast to keep it below the river bed. The concrete cov- ering will weigh 197 pounds pet foot The pipe wil] be buried a mini- mum of 15 feet below the river bed. Work on the approaches to the river will start this month Dredging wil] start late fail when the water is low. Job is scheduled for completion this winter feet will pipe a i Germany, Seeks Merger of Industri By ALFRED CHEVAL | restrictions ang al ¢ LUXEMBOURG (AP) West- Europe's steel-coal executive board has opened shop Neve i+ monumental task of oe down barriers that have disposal of al buyer divided the continent for cen-|**M® Conditions turies Monnet A nine-man_ high. authority, ©@l treaty—nameq endowed with unprecedented Minister Rober powers to pool the vast steel and France, who coul industries of France, West |'WO year Italy, Belgium, The | ®°U-trus: Netherlands and Luxembourg In thi under the Schuman Plan treaty, the high set up its. temporary headquar- | individua) ters here in the capital of this! but to a tiny Grend Duchy isterial « rhe free world’s statesmen see | 78-member in the merger of these industries! the natior the first link in an evéntual union Of 155,000,000 Europeans in a Federation of Europe rhe nine men on the board sever official connections with their own goveriimnetts and individual connection with jssue: separate coal and steel concerns They are the “Ministry of lndus try over an r wif and Stee] ‘ egin the They tearing leser Cesetribeq + 4W LULL membe The and le subject ) COMM OT court on will any area whict “produces almost 40,000,000 tons of steel and coal annually France’s Monnet In his inaugural addiess today Monnet pledged higher produc- tion, lower costs afid a better tandard of living for the peoples of the six member countries. He said 220,000 000 tens of Their chairman is economic Wizard, Jean We must create and maintain a Single market for coal and steel throughout the territory of the community. In afew months barriers, all quota a VY ory ) ‘When you bid the { \ GENERAL ELECTRIC Floor Polish you simply guide it! Two counter-rotat ing brushes do gy all the work, p RUPERT Ril knowledge; and that such per- sons be invited to meet to- gether, and to discuss and for- mulate any suggestions they j : ? may have to reverse the trend | he Says he’s going to study so with hospital insurayte appear to have com 3a holiday. We’lived three days = on that good American quarter king ofan 1 uldn’t sell our freak with whom we talk nadian dollars at half dis- onsiderable length B.C. Bridge and Dredging Co More rattlesnakes are appear- | Ltd. ekpect to use thef? 24~neh c ing in Saskatchewan. They come rydraulic dredge on the Praset from Alberta, where irrigation River job after completing an ; is said to be expanding. That’s/ assignment at Kitimat of gathering momentum to- |much. Every time he asked Phone 644 Box] al] right with British Columbia onli , ay. Said Mr. William Izen more service is what’ ward another world war what he’s going to do about : “sige . Com ap ee further rattlers crawl to Indiana snoulad give, came * + + liquor, the Public Utilities Com=/ 0a the east, the better we like mission the sales tax labo! ‘ on them matter he say We'll tu ould really e the breathless voice of Mr. Izen. TQ UNDERSTAND the signifi- ! ambled ric hly to his cance of the above one has to a . * takes care of the job even when you're out of the kitchen! ANADA’S FINEST CIGARETTE Some people are already scoff- ing at Premier Bennett because yep Lmericar ttle + an saw him sigh as he compare it with the findings of |!" ‘ a few seconds %t previous years. In earlier session Well, what’s wrong with that? fenders the fina] letters which went out | Mr. Bennett would be very for . were to governments, appealing ish indeed to express an opinion aeeea for such and such action on any of these matters before ivy Even year there was an|he studies them. As long as hg: appeal to our own government | 40¢S tudy them, and comes up to help China get her allotted | With an conclusion seat in the UN. But there was|In the also an appeal to the Nobel! | ment Peace Foundation in Norway and | the to such other powerful agencies | $4 h as the Ford Foundation to ‘con- | Ta50ns vene the conference mentioned | tives are in point 3 of this year’s resolu- pelea tions If Mr. Bennett doesn’t find ; : + + + llegislative seats for his Attor- Genera] Robert Bonner promises If Prince Rupert’s people feel | indifferent concerning their museum, as some charge, it Is a that visitors, chiefly tourists, are not. And plenty more are interested in what they see here without it being in 4 museum, and that goes for both Winter and summer overed an interjection to say outdoor columnist Eric isn’t the only one who write about fishing and last answel! a past too have cried matter and h many govern- We'll study then done no thing. That’s one of the Liberals and Conserva-| where they are today ‘ Sunday of Jim one » catch ting your everyone La we were guest Bacon and re- fine lesson in how Dolly Varden. If get- limit in an hour while gets skunked is Jim is an expert. We also jearned another les- From flies Sheed NO LIMITS Or Premier Bennett tells British | Columbia the new hospital insur anee dollar-a-day scheme is} “extremely fair.” And Attorney- SERVICE STINKS For eise example went | any criterion f IT'S AUTOMATIC! Slip a meal in the oven, set timer and temperature controls, Your electric cooker will cook to a nicety, turn itself off when the job’s done, it stinks raised our eyenorows en- ragingly ceeded IT'S FAST! Completely insulated @ speeds the cooking. Heat is applied din to bottom of surface utensils. while Mr. Izen pri with his admonishings Most gas stations: we would afte THE NEW note that I see is this: |ney-General, young Mr, Bonner,|to fight the applications | for | ~——_-_-—— These humble churehmen|and his .Minister/of Finance, | tretght rate increases with the y rapidly take come right back to the original |White-haired, pink-cheeked Mt en “— een and Bon We drove; evangelical note sounded by|Gunderson, he could well find | ner A rousing pal nad of course anuc ers John the Baptist, even before the public thinking hint a di¢ | “ t of gas. But Jesus Christ began His own min- | tator | A sailing craft that’s taken 7 istry. All men and nations must Not that there's anything|four and a half years to Cross | Of Korea Lift repent—think again—act anew.|wrong in having non-elected/the Pacific is at jast in British But no longer are these clergy cabinet ministers. In the U.S.A.| Columbia This is the ketch . |men turning to governments, to | hone of the cabinet is elected-—} Silver Guill, ow ler and builder in Third Year } powerful foundations They are and quite a lot of people think | Newton Scott, with himself and to—even hortly : | starting from where they are,|that the more efficient way of | wife apy — and - eel dark—would be closed. Locked , aq. | and working from the grassroots | doing government business No | length is 43 feet, six inches. They | p tightern’ a barrel. And when ga tcee aa oe Sede te through their own ehurches | one can accuse the US.A. of pat 2 Sydney in Necember, 1947 | we finally got the man up by Saee dre cue 4.300,000 ates | 200 their own presbyteries, ing a dictatorship | The captain is handy and well blowing our horn for about half | For Canada and Sie United Na- | Incidentally, the ministers; But, as to the situation he re | infor med, and ae cash to hour, you should have seen | tala in its first two years of the here make it clear that the only |CCF leader Harold Winch ie al | Bey new — ce other oe the discourtesy | airlift to prea and it’s stil | [2250 why their appeal is ad- | ready howling aloud about how | ties, may see what Kitimat has “Why, if I had five drops of]... ge | dressed particularly to the Unit-| terrible it is to have cabinet|to offer and perhaps cruise as gas left, ’'d have moved along} — ee ka ha |ed Church is because they them- | ministers who aren’t MLA’s. Mr. |fd@r as Prince Rupert Pat Terry right then—and if there had| a pn pee one | selves are United Church clergy Leh is very effective when he |{interviewec him been another gas station within | souaqren was on a one-flight-a- | men, |thus howls; such steady howl- . - 30 or 40 miles \day schedule. Now it flies the | * + ¢ ing from him for a few months | AND YET, ANOTHER You people up north are just} pacific about twice a week ana | WE HEARD here, from Rev. John| would have everyone believing} And we thought the only re- too independent, I'd say.” | does other jobs besides from ste | Swomley of New York, sharp| Mr. Bennett is defying the law,| maining eleetion in Canada this We still hadri’t got out of him| headquarters here near Mont- and clear reasons why Christians | breaking the constitution, and| year was the provincial contest how he figured we could turn| sa , ee cow — Mga ro oe et ae the pune ie oo cohen in ee. that fast—ah—make that “kill- ome 4 ; | munis ace fronts—the ulti- | ile : 4 u seems there’s a civic by- trie” the was talkine abeut ex-| yuly 7 ie ins Gee ae - ‘mate controllers of which may | So perhaps, if he knows/election in Prince Rupert, as cept that by this time we) tye squadron’s Gonadian-built | oe using such fronts for very|what’s good for him, the pre- | well, thought HE might have deserv- | four ‘engined North Stars took different purposes than peace mier had better bow to tradi-| — ed a little of it at times Laat | teuien< Seetiaed Pield near |But those arguments made the | tion and find legislative seats | Snow Still ingers on a few of ‘Well, how do you think wel tecome Wash. bound for Tokyo |ministers here all the more de-|for Messrs. Bonner and Gunde a peaks around Wark Canil could benefit more from tour | Since then the squadron has termined to call on their own/erson just as soon as he can ‘Continued on page 4) ists here?” we finally asked,| own church to sound a bugle call for pee manent while Mr. Izen was catching his | trips. — ee peace that goes right back to| breath, | CLOCKWORK NOW | the Prince of Peace himself. NOTICE | Easy, that’s how, easy. Just| Defence Minister Claxton, not- “BALMON A- shitelnaih? SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)—Peter | . . . . . Social Credit Meeting Friday Night give a little more service. When| oq the anniversary with the | SALMON A-PLENTY we tourists come around—and © ‘ we usually carry a little of the| “The operational record of 426 | a . ees or aoe good American cash—we like to Squadron during its two years ave SC ve oO 8 In view of the recent change in the political picture in the province, il is imperative that the people of thiy district be served on, pampered a little,|on the Korea airlift merits the | °°** followin, visit in 1791,| you know. Ha, ha! After ail, | highest possible praise .. .I can |showed thet &w Brunswick a become interested in the affairs of their government. To this end your local Social Credit group cordially invites we're om a holiday, With the | think of no finer tribute than to | ready was considered a fisher- all prospective members to q.meeting to be held in the right treatment, we'll spenc squadron {man's paradise jhen, “So nu-| Civic Centre, Friday, August 15, at 8 p.m. IT'S CLEAN! No combustion. No soot. No grime. And no waste heat. Kitchen walls and curtains stay cleaner. iT’s ACCURATE! Evety met gives same amount of heat every aimee fluctuation, IT’S ECONOMICAL, too, and REALLY MODERN! Average cost of electricity for medium sized family, using electric range, water heater, lights, etc. runs to about $2.00 a week. Electt¢ S cooking is modern cooking at its cleanest, easiest best. See the new models today: -- Se ES a COMPANY LIMITED Sa) that Ts re] | Nene may person \ . { more money. | nave reduced a gruelling and ex- | MeTous are salmoh that 3000 THE AMERICAN BUCK tremely demanding task to the were 7 me Ry.” he wrote. | “And that’s another thing. of | tats of a purely routine opera- | ipOR TANT Zi all the nerve you Canadians are : Farmers in E ; | The Thunderbird North Stars getting, charging us four or five have carried close to 5,000,000 150 percent cents extra for’our dollar. Why, tilizers than they did before the | there isn’t better money any- (Continued on Page 6) war.