Saturday. April 20, 1025. THE DAILY NEWS. PAUB mnER Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. n ill! The Rexall Store. Dining . "7s mm i 'ft'-. -iVW ,l dhcBservJithoutaPeer A LL THE GOODNESS of the golden grain brewed into a sparkling tonic drink at B.Cs model brewery, Inthl on "Catcatlc" at the Government. Liquor Store and get tatitl action. VANCOUVER BREWERIES UMI fCD This advci'- mnf in not published or d played '-y i i.Uor Control Hoard or by i Government of British Columbia, Thc' Moit Famous Pencils In the World on Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices line tire a few of the bargain- ullereil: s iilcd, plain ... Formerly !.." .... Now S1.00 s plated, oelugun . Formerly ?5?.2.i .... Now $1.50 s r i iied Formerly :t.l .... Now $2.00 Sic : (f. plain Formerly .... Now $3.00 Sr Kg.. riaed Formerly Sl.Iio .... Now $3.50 Ik I 'Jiiled. laiu Formerly M.OO .... Now $3.00 I:: i lied, based ... Formerly l.:0 . ... Now S3. 50 T wM ooii lie over, Oct our F.versharp now. ORMES LTD. The Pioneer Druggist. -room Suites Range In price from $100 to $300 Many styles and finishes to suit every taste. Barrie's Home Furnishings The House of Quality. 3rd Avenue. Phno 123 If ,Yqu Are B OAT-BUILDING We, liniu Jlurdwooil, Fir mid Cedar Hal Lumber. If jou are lird of KnUoumie and Paper, try Fir oncer iMnetliug. , . , li Jon-Hie dunking of building a house, we have any Inin-Iier yuiL require, uImi Sash, Doors, fllass. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cow riW Phone 383. Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. 4 . Hay tiers, Uudei takers. Pboue 161. tf Fun, Wit and Wisdom at Elks' Minstrel Show, May 1. --- Cut I'luwern, l'ol Plants. Mr. McCarthy, lite Florist, Km ad Idock. tf Special Musical .Service. Angli can Church, corner Fuurlh Ave. and liuiismulr Hired, tomorrow veiiintf. Mail dressing. Marcel Waving, Almoiiieal (Clamnic Pack;. Miss A. Hurvik. Ily appointment. Phone. Itcd 5 ID. tf J. Ilrurc Jiihiislone'lcfl on last h will's train for Lakclsc Lake lie arrived in (he city from Vie. loria this week. We ecll Lnmiualcil material! alo Fir Veneer. Consult uh be fore huyiu? finUliiiu fur your house. Alhert A. .McCau"cry, l.ld her. If Sextette of ladles voices and selections by Symphony Ladles' Augmented Orchestra, Empress Theatre, Monday night at 8.30 o'clock. I). T. I. tile. iii.-niai.-iT of I hi.1 Wultiu llivi'i- runnery. (iriiliaiii jl-land. who arrived from Van ii nuvcr Ibis we-ck, will Mail for Hie jU'n'cii Charlotte on Hie I'rinee John iMtuglil. I Hnhwell liru.h Co. MAIiH IN Hi: PHOIU'G'I:. Mr. Moss i in Hip i iiy and will drinon.trale Hie menu of Iliee brushes. Mr, M'i-h will call hiii! (ireMMil you with a free brush. Ilnlley Home llazaar. Iiutia lion of lnniH rookimr will lie ttluilly reeeivetl hy Mr. J. fi Si pen. convenor for home rook nip laid, at MelroHile Hall Thurily morninz. 100 - Mm. T. V. II friii- sailed today mi !: I'roicei llealrice for Virlnria wherp will lake up her" i len(fc.' '17 Uixtcr. Mrs I.. II. Anthony, who ha Iwph here for Hie pal week, areninpanied V. Ailaui. elilef wirelPi oper atur of I lie tl.l'.O.S. .leamer Kin-nn- of llif.t. n-lurio-il Ir niK-oiiM'r .on Hie I'riiiroitK Heat, rim flii (iflprnnon after havins ienl a few day. vinilin? in I hi cily. Mi. and Mrs. Gharlen 11. Sri- h-y iiml faintly and Mix CI. I. hire nl, ,Mrs. Srlgley's ilfr. ar-rni'il from Itucklt-y I lay on Ihe Prinee Jo n lnl uislil. They er- ktI to ptmd .sonic lime in Ihe ily. A. II. I'lenn. roriiirrly of tin' Maoil Tiiuher IVi.'s ti IT al lliu klry Hay hiii) now niier ilin a ndo eamp at I'orl Hlfnienln, nr-riMl from the (Jiipoii Hharlollp Islands last niahl and Milled llii-. iiiorniiij: on Ho' Venlurc for Vuii- I'loiMiaer nrrivina from Ihe l.liieiMi Cliai Inllr UlainN oil Hie PriiK-c .lolin lal niulil and .aiU inu llu afliTiHum on tin; Prill-VPs', llealrice for Vancouver in-''liKlnl Mr. and Mrs. I.. Dcilrick- jin. M. (ilTpK. J. HtVKl'IIKIII, X. Sundli'oiu and li. Anderson. J. W. IM wan I of London. Iliip-lalid, vio has been vlsil hit' the lOueen Charlolln Islands on lic-ialf of Old Country siruce im-por'uiK iillercfl. ii'i'irui'il to the eiiy on the prince John last ihkIiI He liliois viiliiin Alaska and Swansoli Hay next week. NABOB VACUUM PACKED COFFEE 'KELLY. DOUGLAS & C6.,LTR Get a kick out of life. Elks' Minstrel Show, Westhotme, May 1. $rmce (George TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 rooms 100 with Privilt BtIN EUROPEAN PLAN I XINNf.IT THOH'IOn, MAN'S. DIR. KJOtKKKJKHKKJOnOOMHi - . All MOOSF please atlcud Memorial ncrvlce, Sunday, at 3 p.m.. Ilayuor a (.liapcl ainl (Church 'arade al ? ti.m. Mclruiiolu Hall. Union leamcr Venture, Cant. . Juhutune, ioulhhoiind from Hie Naas Jlivcr to Vancouver, was in norl from 8..'J0 to 10 tins mommx. The. new Dorroi'ii hoal. I lie Sea Maid, lias not yet brought in a catch of halibut hut a report haw been received thai (die sold a broken trip to Reward. - U. V. Hart on, travelling agent' for Hie Sao Line, Winnipeg, re turned l'.ast on last night's train aflpr having siient several days in the city on buinc Oddft-tloWK,' Ilelieceas and visit ing ltrelhren will ine-l in Ihe Loilgc room at 7 p.m.. Sunday, April 27, lo attend Divine Service in Hie Presbyterian church. Fred Slbrk ,vvas recently ap. Itoinled by Hie House of Omi- inons on a ,ieial loiiunitlee lo inquire into soldier,' pensions, insurance and ru-calahlishment. In Uie House, of Omimnns re cenlly in aiiswur to a tuction, the Minister of Marine staled that the IahhIoii (iiiarautee and Accident Couipany had not yet paid Ihe Imiid of ?8il.000 piven by Hi eon traetor--for the two ships tiuilt at Prince lluperl hut that negolialions fur a settle incut were now proceeding. steamer Ptinces-! Heat' rice, Cant. T. ClifTe, .arrJved from Vancouver ami way ports at 12 o'clock today ami reluriied south shortly after I o'clock. The following passengers sailed from here: li. Kavis, V. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Popliam iind II. Fanning for Vancouver; Mrs. T. W. Ilorne and Mrs. L. II. Anthony for Victoria. SPKCIAL MUSIl'.AL SKHVICI-: ST. ANIHIKW.S 1'IIIUtl'll. Sun day, April !J7. Aiilhem: 'Ureal ailil Marvellous" Turner, .solo ists Mrs. Culliu mid Mr. Melliar. Solo: "He Wipes the Tear from Kvery Kye" Lee, Mrs. Honney. IJiiiirlel: "Jesus Died for Us." Mrs. Ackroyd. Mrs. Culliu. Mr. Worlock and. Mr. Melliar. Solo: Vale'" llulTle. Mr. Worlock. Solo: "Still. Slill Willi Thee" t'.ouslance. .Miss A. Italhy. Aiilhem: "Hlirisl l)ur Passover" SchilliiiK. Miloisls. .Mrs. Mills. Mrs. Ackroyd. Mr. Worlock. Slainers Sevenfold. Amen. Church Notices Baptist Church Sunday services. Morning al II o'clock. Subject: "The How in the Cloud." Sunday school at 2.;i(l p.m. IN'ening service at i. .jo. .sunjeci: .ny .eignnor. Solos .and duel hy Ms,jlogcrs and Mistress .Howard Pastor: " Itev. .1. J. SinltlksOn. Presbyterian Church Morning worship at. 1 1 o'clock. Subject: 'The Meaning of Freedom," Sunday school at 2.;i0 p.m. livening service at 7.30.' Subject: "An Address to the Moose." Preacher: Itev. Dr. II. II. Grant, D.D. Lutheran Church SI. Paul's I'.nglish Lutheran Church, Melropole Hall, Third Avenue. Morning worship It a.m. loiilc: "Hie lliseu Saviours Searching Question: Lovesl Thou Me?" Sunday school 2..3U p.m. Kvenlng service 7.30 p.m. Topic: "The lllesscduess of Holleving Without Seeing." Soloist, Mr. L. O. l.arsen. Preacher: llev. P. I' Haislcr, lt:D. COLTS ATHLETIC CLUB DANCE WAS ENJOYABLE EVENT Seventy-five Couples Attended Affair In Elks' Home Last Evening Very successful and enjoyable was Hie second annual dance of the Colts' Athletic Club held last night in the Klka' Home. There were 75 couples in attendance and" dancing continued from 9 to 3. Splendid music was furnished by the Ilarnioiiy Five Orchestra consisting of S. Hazzelt-Joncs, (Jeorge Horie Jr., Jack IJarnsley, Miss Nora Pryee and Alex. Mit chell. The decorations of the hall were the subject of much favor able com merit. ltalph Smith was master of ceremonies, C. lludcnich-presided at the door and the committee in charge comprised Douglas Friz zell. Jack Kelly, J. Sims, George Hell, and Don Matheson. Jtcfrcshmcuta were served un der the ftUpervision of Mrs. Car- rail. A specially decorated "lake presented by Fred Cilhuly was auctioned by George Shaw. How ard Frizzell was the high bidder for it. CARMANIA MAKES FIRST TRIP UP ST. LAWRENCE Is Diverted from New York Trade and Will Now Ply to Canadian Ports I ATIIKII POINT, Que., April The Cunarder Carmaiiia willi a large passenger list from Liverpool and Helfasl arrived at Father Point last night ami will lie al ijuchec today on her maiden voyage up the SI. Lawrence lliver. Awaiting her. arrival at Father Point was a parly of steamship amPraihvay ollicials and news paper men. They will accompany Ihe vessel to Quebec. Lp lo Ihe present trip the Car- mania, one of the finest ships o Hie Cuuard fleet, has been a Ihree class sleamer running into New York. She now becomes a two class boat on the St. Law rence route and is the largest vessel of her type that has ever sailed Ihe river. During the war. owing to her speed, the Car mania was. used as an auxiliary cruiser by the Hrilish Admirully in addition to coitvoyiuv troop ships and carrying more than twenty' eight soldiers herself, she had the distinction of ridding Ihe seas of a German auxiliary cruiser more heavily armed than she was, when she fought and sank the Trafalgar in Ihe South Atlantic in September tail. For this feat she wa awarded by Ihe Nuvy League of r.nglaud a piece of silver plait' from Nelsons famous flagship Victory. Miss' W. Cameron arrived ir. ihe city from Scotland last nigh! She is on tier way lo Anyo? where she will visit her brother Capl. Cameron of Ihe Coastwise. Steamship A I large Co.'s coastal licet. 'I'. Wallace, manage of Clax ton cannery, and Mrs. Wallace, who arrived during Hie week from Vancouver. sailed this morning on I lie Venture for Claxlon. ANNOUNCEMENTS Concert for Anglican Church at Kmpress Theatre, April 28, by Symphony Orchestra. Tickets 50c. Catholic Church Spring Sale and Social evening, MctropoP? Hull, April 29. The Presbylerian C.G.l.T. Con cert. April 30, Fmpress Theatre. Klks' Minstrel Troupe. First show May t. Ilidley Home Bazaar, May 1. -Prince Ilupert Tennis Club An. nual Invitation Dance, May 2. tf CrMcant Ground lh.Ul.lhf.oP van lKlckni hreug kout th, cnllro 'tnvth l lk law. iKui naLinc Undlns inlhkH iriDOMibU. ClcnlGrind I, tlclu. Slroondft 'CnuntfirMii N.VCV AtOnti CWOD4 StV CO, LINITtft ir 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii ,. UmTmI Cm. Cit. v . TV r . iarmofoivcia (BULL DOG SIZE) Best Value in Canada FOR Manufactured by Central Gear Company Limilfi 7 IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY" Or CANAOA LlMITtO Sole Diilriburorj II Reach Baseball Goods WRIGHT & DITSON TENNIS SUPPLIES. These are firms with world wide reputation just their goods are belter. EASTERN PRICES ! Both lines made in Canada. Write or call for cala-i logue. Prices same as throughout Canada. You will always 1 come out ahead by buying dependable goods from a de-i pendable dealer. McRae Bros., Ltd. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Sail from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points ... Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX .... Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, April 26, May 10 and 24 PASSENQbR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince tlupert .S p.m. ror riUNCE GEoiige. tDMONTn.N. WIM NII'EU. lU polDU Eastern Canada. L'ultisl Slates. AOtNCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cll Tlcttt Offlc, B2S Third Ata, Prlnc Rup.rt. rti 280. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, March 11, 21, April 1, 11, 22 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, March 7, 17, 28, April 7, 18, 28 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bela, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all 8teamshlp Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailinrs From Prince Rupert, roe VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Ocean ralla, and Swanton Bay, TuMdaj, S PJI. Foe VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.rt Bat.Vid Swanaan Sir, Saturday Noea. Par ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Welee laland, Sunday S P.M. Far PORT SIMPSON and Naaa RUae Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. til tad Aeoue. J. Baratley, AfanL Prince Rupert. S.C 4 K "