PAGE SIX WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, 7 and 9 p.m. "Salomy Jane9 The George Mel ford Production An adaptation of Brel JIarte's famous story. A stirring romance of Hie days when the West was a world of wild adventure. A tale of the times when the stage- coach galloped into the muzzles of guns and masks of quick trigger "stick-up" men; when the Vigilantes were the law and a rope and tree brought swift justice. Set amidst the scenic grandeur of California, the golden stale. Superb cast includes Maurice Flynn, Jacqueline Logan, fieorgc Faweett, Charles Oglf . James Neill, Louise Dresser and many others. "Felix in the Bone Age." Admission 35c and 10c. 7a!k Downstairs and SAVE MONEY White Pirkling Onions now , in; 15c lb., 7 lbs. $1.00 Medium sized Cucumbers. splendid for pickling. G for 25c Fresh Citron, first shipment now In, lb. 8c Fresh Ouldoor Tomatoes, 5 lb. basket 50c Hothouse Tomal'tes, per 5 lb. basket 75c Large Head Celery .... 15c Golden Bantam i'.nrn, dozen 50c New Carrots, 0 lbs. . . . 25c Cooking Onions, B.C., 5 lb. 25c Vegetable Marrow, lb. . . 5c Bartletl Preserving Pears, heavy pack in apple boxes per case $2.50 Ch"ice Cooking Apples, unwrapped, per box . . $2.50 RupertTableSupply Three Phones. 110,111,212 SLICKER WEATHER! Children's and Hoys' Slickers from .... $.50 to $8.50 Children's Waterproof Rain-capes with Plaid Hoods, from $3.75 to $4.75 Ladies' Knglish Rubber Coats with Velvet Collar , $14.50 H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd Cor. Fulton & 3rd Ave. Phone 9. NEXT AUDITORIUM Dance Friday Evening, Sopt 5th. Moonlight Dances During the Evening Easson's Orchestra Refreshments Served Contlemen $1.00; Ladles 50c Phono Black 449. L. F. Marren, propr.'ilor. Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Im peri til, dipt. Foole, was in , port from loco at the local tanks, night .disclim-giny refined oil from loco ul Hie 1uh1 tanks. International News. $1.00 BUYS MORE HERE 1 Tin Pure Fruit Jam, coupled with 1 lb. Fresh Ground Coffee. Total value $1.50. For $1.00 Fresh Meat Every Day Extraordinary values. Bacon Special, per lb. .. 21c Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. Orders of $5.00 Delivered. ONE YOUNG WOMAN WHO KNOWS a lot about the proper care of her wardrobe is Dainty Dorothy. She knows bow In make serviceable frocks oul of last season's dresses and believes that the science of dry cleaning is the friendliest service that ever helped a woman dress economically and well. PHONE 8 BOX392 PRINCE" R.UPERT FISH ARRIVALS Three Days Sa'e Combined In One at Exchange This Morning Three days sale combined in one took nlace at the exchange today the following boats dispos ing of their catches: American Western 33,000 to Booth Fish cries at 13.00 and C. Bonanza 25,000 to Royal Fish Co. at 12.70 and 0. Constitution 38,000 to Cold Storage at 13.20 and 0. Pelican 1K.000 to Pad Tic Fish, eries at 15 and V.20. Ona 10,000 to Atlin Fisheries at 1 1.G0 and 0. Uranus 15,000 to Pacific Fisheries 14.10 and G. Reliance 7,000 lo Atlin Fisher ies 14.30 and 8.10. Chancellor 10,000 lo Cold Slor. age at 14.20 and 9.10. Gladys 0.000 to Royal Fish Co. at 14.10 and 0. . Seilson 11,000 and Whlfe Star 10,000 lo. Cold Storage at 14.30 and G. Canadian Agnes H, 2,500 to Cold Storage at 13.30 and 6. Joe Baker 0,000 lo Cold Slor-age at 13,10 and G. Nautilus 4;700 to Royal Fish Co. at 13.10 and G. Margalice 10,000 to Atlin Fish Co. at 13.20 and G, Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best- service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In overy Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist SPECIALS ON . SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR GIRLS AND BOYS! Watch Ui' windows for School Supplies. Special fn-week of school opening only. Scribblers, per dz. . . . 40c Pencils, icr doz. 25c and 50c School Bags, each 50c, $1.00 Note Books, per doz. . . 45c Pencil Boxes, each 25c, 35c Many idher item. such as Rulers, Crayons, Compasses, Set Squares, Erasers, etc., at lowest prices. Come l us for Bargains in School Supplies. E GO 01 STQR 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. SURPRISE PARTY 1 E Sterling Furnace COAL Dll (( In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. Tills Is i very superior furnace coal. It -lv s t dean hot fire and Is eiillrc'lj frt from snot, clinker, slark and din. Some of tL.' lameM healing plants in the city are now uslnr It with entirely nUsUi lory results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered in Saeks. At $12.50 per ton. We are also Agents for tbe Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Offlcai Hottl Central. Phcna IS The home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Jackson, Second Avenue West, was the scene of a delightful surprise party on Satur day evening when some 125 per sons took the house by storm. Dancing, cards, games and music were thoroughly enjoyed. Dur ing the festivities Roi Barnes, on beJinlf of those present, present ed Mrs. Jackson with a beauti ful case of silverware. i THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, September 2. i92 DANCE AT AUDITORIUM WAS SUCCESSFUL EVENT The Labor Day dance held last night in the Auditorium was very successful. About 130 people indulged in dancing to the melodious strains of Art Easson's orchestra until the early hours. Refreshments were served at midnight under Hie direction of Mrs 1 Carroll. The moonlight dances were a feature of the evening. L. I J. Marren acted as floor man-jager. Another dance will be held .on Friday night. SUCCESSFUL SALE BY THE PYTHIAN SISTERS On Saturday the Pythian Sisters held a tea in a store building down town which proved most successful, the sum of 45 hav ing been added to the treasury through it. The following were in charge of the various depart ments: Home cooking, Mrs. T. J. Shen-ton and Mrs. F. W. Hart. Sewiiur. Mrs A Ivcrson. Tea, Mrs. Boss. Raffles, Mrs. E. Large. Fortune telling, Mrs. Clarke. Several raffles were won as follows: Cake donated by Mrs. Shenlon. won by Miss Skattebol. Camisole donated by Mrs. Hoss, won by Mrs. S. Hatcher. Jardinere doiKiled by the lodge won by Mrs. C. Taylor. Miss Myra Kinslor. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. Kinslor, who has been visiting relatives a n tli friends in Vancouver, returned home on the steamer Prince Ru pert yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Edwards and family, who have bef n residing for the past year at Hannall, are returning to the tily shortly to resume their residence her u their home on Fourth Avenue Fast. The firoj(Pp;lrlinonl responded to six alarm's during the month of August, 'fettle damage result ed. One- alarm was caused by e smoke scare, and there were Uirw calls to the garbage duufp oi Park Avenue, Rubbish near a stove and a (jigarelte stub caused Hie other two fires. MRS. OLAF HANSON ENTERTAINS VISITORS AT LAKE KATHLYN SMITH KIIS, Aug. 2'J. Tin evening after t he return, of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade visitors' excursion into the country, Mrs. Olaf Hauson entertained in their honor at her summer home at Lake Kathlyn. There were six tables of bridge, Mrs John Bostrom, of (irasy Plains winning the lady's prize and O. W. Nickerson of prince Rupert the gentleman's. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. L. S. McOill, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mason Adams. Mr. and Mrs Doodson, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Halt, from SmHhers: Mr. and Mrs. John Boslrotu from Grassy Plans; Mr. and Mrs. F. It. . Keefe from Francois Lake: O. W. j Nickerson, 1). CS. Stewart, S. J. MCL,eoo, Cyril Urme, deo. l ite Jr., Dave Thomson; E. C. bons, Joe Scott and R. li. Allen from Prince Rupert. "Mr A Nit TO. NIGHT" GRANT'S si Procurable (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MU.T Grant Son UmilMl. CUnlniHick anti Blvcnt-CInlivt OwliIlenM. Dufl. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Local News Notes A. L. Carruthers, provincial government bridge inspector, was in the city last night bound from Terrace to Ocean Falls. James Lamb, manager of Cas. siar cannery, and Mrs. Laurb sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Xels. Jeoson. the wrestler. salL ed for Ocean Falls on the Prince Rupert Monday night. Julius Johnson was fined $25 in the city police court this morning for intoxication. OFFICE FOR RENT with modern living quarters. Westcnhaver Bros, "" tf - - City Treasurer I). J. Matheson was indisposed this morninir ml was unabie to attend at his bllice in the City Hall. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Allen and family have arrived in the city from Hannall and - will lake ui their residence for the winter. - Ernie Unwin sailed last night on the Prince John for Port: Clements. He will go over the Mexican Tom trail to the south' end of the Islands and return from Skidegate at the end of the week. R. Tanka, Japanese, was fined I $300, with the option or six months, imprisonment,. in the city police court this morning for1 supplying liquor to Indians. O. (i. Maclntyre of Anyox Is in the city on his way to the smelter town after having spent several weeks at Skidegate. Ac companying him is C. M. Mcln- lyre, also of Anyox, who has established a home and left his famiiy at Skidegate. They will go north tomorrow night. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith and family, who have been residing at Oue'en Charlolle City for several years, arrived in the city at the end of the week and will leave on this evening's train foi Toronto where they will lake U their future residence, Mr. Smith having obtained a position there Constable and Mrs. S. Cline of Hazellou were In the city last night bound south with prison, ers. Kale Jackson, Indian votnan of Hazellon, will do six months at Okalla for vagrancy and Herbert Plum of Ootsa Lake Is going to a" mental hospital. Ilie theft case against H. Levin was further adjourned for charged with stealing from the person of Rose Hoffman. Milton Uianzales is prosecuting and L. W. Patmore defending. O. Hall and Jack Bremer, charged with asaull in connection with the heating up of Provincial Constable Collins at Ocean Falls recenlly, are coming up for preliminary trial before Slipendiary Magistrate Hill at Ocean Falls today. Joe Mac-Donald, already committed, wjll come up before Judge Young in this city on Thursday for elec tion. 4 C.N.R. steamer Prince John; Capt, Neil McLean, returned lo port from southern Queen Charlotte Island ports on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and sailed at 8 o'clock last evening for the northern end. The Prince John brought 4,000 cases of salmon from Lockeporl cannery for shipment of cans for Massetl In. lei from here. Archie Shields, vice-president of the Pacific American Fisheries, Bellingham, was a passenger bound for Juneau on Ihe Princess Alice yesterday. Mr. Shield's company has many canneries in Alaska including one at Port Moller. The steamer Catherine D., which took Major Martin, U.S. world-flight 'commander, til Bellingham from Alaska after his wreck, is one of the company's boats. - Archdeacon O. A.'Rix is leav ing next week for London, On lario, where he will attend the triennial general synod of the Anglican Church of Canada. He will be away about . six weeks. Canon W. F. ltusbbrook; Is also delegale bill he will he unable to attend. Cash & Carry 1 1 Specials The Labor Day dance held under the joint auspices of the Trades and Labor Council anil It.P.O. Elks, in the Elks' Home last night was a distinct success. Some 1G5 couples enjoyed dancing until the early hours of the ;norning. Hawthorn' orchestra furnished the music for the first part of the dance being relieved eighl days in the cily police M 11 o'clock by the Weslholme courl this morning. Accused istirchcslra. Refreshment were served at midnight. The dance was under the general super. vision of Ben Self assisted by Frank Derry and Murray Fuller on the door; Chas. Folsom and Aid. S. D. Macdonald, masters of ceremonies; and Harvey rraser. D. Sampson and Ceo. Kerr tn charge of refreshments. PRINCE RUPERT HAD MANY PASSENGERS C.N.R. Stearrrer Had Biggest List of Season Out of Vancouver This Trip C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. 1). Donald, arriving from the south at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, had. the largest passenger list of the year out of Vancouver. Of the 100 on board fify left the vessel at Ocean Falls. The majority of Ihe balance were teachers returning to the cily and district after having spent holidays in the south. There were several local passengers but few tourists. BALL AT SMITHERS WAS YERY SUCCESSFUL SMITHERS, Sept. 2 Rounding otr a most successful fair, Ihe hall held in the Smithers. Town Hall on Friday night was a marked success. The floor was full at every dance with 250 dancers, Cray's orchestra supplied the music which was splendid. Vlsilors from all over the valley were present. Just' before the supper waltz Ihe prize drawing was made when J. McMillan won the Ford car.; Dancing wns kept tip until m-arly 3 a.m. GUARANTEED 100 PURE 8PECIAL PER TIN 10c MALKIN'S BEST PEAS Heg. U5c value. Extra special, t tins for ji.qq CHRISTIES' ARROWROOT BISCUITS Heg. r0e lb. Special, a lbs. ... .., (This is new stock and will be sold out of the tin, ussuring crispness.) MEN'S CRAVENETTE RAINCOATS Wool lined. Made in England. Sizes 3i lo 44, Special, each ; 522.M KIMONA AND BATHROBE FLANNEL 27" wide. ID different designs to choose from. Heg. 75c yard. Special, yard 5 BOYS' SUITS In Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds and Serges. Lalesl models. Sizes 25 to 37. Specially priced, per Mut $7.50 to 519.50 Universal Trading Co. United States Consul A. E. Wakefield left on last nights irain for Bangor, Maine, on a Vacation I rip. Mrs. Wakefield and sou, Bartlett, sailed on the steamer Prince Rupert for Rel-linxham where the latter will resume his studies. LABOR DANCE WAS SUCCESS LAST NIGHT Large Attendance at Elk's Hall Under Joint Auspices TIMBER SALE X(4G4, SraM TViHj'rs will m . Mlqttr .f I j d 4 uol lit! ua: l-.-m r Mw I day of Sriilrmbrr rv 'i r- fr. pui-rhar of Mrrnre X I, ' fwl of Sorurr and ni' "'" Jalaps' Trt 011 an arra lual1 u iiw t x . n ,' rraiHf. Ijki-. orjlii - m u i. tAMtt ni.irin 1 hn 1 a 1 jr u will tw aa . t K HKital of umber. Furtltrr iiarliriUar- "f ih i . t-r, Virion. B ' i l; i f roti- "ritue Iiujwri, B.C. 1 1 "VSy III "Savage" Electrlo Withers 'Hoover" Suction Cletnirt Monarch" Malleable Rangei "Hotpolnt" Electric! Goods "Valspar" Varnlih ni Entmili "rlartln-Senour"' 10V Paint "Sanola'' Bathroom Win "Kyanlze" Floor 'Sunoco" Motor Oils k......a.vr,iiii ft! Cft How the West Moves MP Mrs. W. A. W f remember when Rn,!!t1 (, unibia product counted as brinc equml lo -ern made thing". Now she find ''2 .. . ..flier nniK aim cerium v e.jt l'e ' are better than any can produce Nature give. fjj quality milk. W. "J J the natural goodness purity of flavor- PACIFIC Wll-K Is Better Quslltf- Pacific Milk Co. Limited 328 DRAKE STREET, VANCOUVER., Factories at Abbotsford, u