Always Uniform in Quality Delicious "SALADA" HIM HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PACKET TEA IN NORTH AMERICA. The Daily News PRINCE HUPKHT - MUTISII COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon. exc;pt Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. . II. l PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 88 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau "NUGGET Keeps White Shoes WHITE The perfect dressing for Canvas Shoes and Belts It dors not rub elf or soil lb cloth A tubttitnt nrQl Jiutppoinl jvu. of Circulations. DAILY EDITION ss?3n Wednesday. Juno I8. ID2I. ' A Solid North Kergln of At! In, Pattullo of Prince Rupert, Manson of Omineca, Perry of Prince George and Yorston of Cariboo by co-operation and unity of action were able to accomplish a great deal for Northern and Central British Columbia. In the next House the North will be stronger by two seats, namely Skeena and Mackenzie, while Lllloet, adjoining Cariboo, seems certain to go over to the Liberal column. These eight seats cover three quarters of the area of British Columbia. By standing together, the representatives of these eight ridings can put up a strong front in the House. As matters stand, the only way this can be accomplished Is by the people electing eight Liberals, which there Is every Indication they are going to do. The slogan for the North should be "A Solid North." CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE. South Surprised Any Opposition. Visitors from the sottlh express themselves n surprised thai, considering the work done for the north ,hy Hon. T II. Pattullo, there should he any opposition to hint here. They- say (hey would have exited him to go in Iy ncelamnlion. Thii bear out Hie old saying 4t, prophet N not without honor save in his own country." In the M)ulh Mr. pattullo is appreciated and he would have found no difficulty in securing nomination at any one of half a dozen constituencies. " Prince Rupert is going to elect Mr. Pattullo, hid it is surprising that there should have IWeti opposition from cople Vvho know that it would he fatal to the cily to defeat him just now. Knockers Among Opposition Groups. The knockers are luy. They arc saying that everything has hern going had because Pattullo is in the legislature and Oliver at the head of the Uovernment. They are ready to knock their own city and district if by o doing they can gel Pattullo out and put another person in. They are saying the town is f of empty houses, yet they know this i "false. They know that it is next to impossible to gel a hone here without building- it. They know that never before In the history of the north, was mining a prosperous a it is today. Why stultify ourselves by knocking our own town. The motto of the supporters of the Oliver (lovemment is ' Pattullo and Prosperity." We have no wih to drift into the backwater with Newton Mich as was done when the hydro-eleetrie scheme was defeated. We do not want another blight to setlle on the city. Never Before Was Such Cheering News. j Never in the history of elections was Ihere sitrli a lot of cheering news coming in from every quarter as js heard today from the various parts of the province in regard to Ihe prosper! of the Oliver fioernment. The fight the premier put up for freight rate.- and the campaign which he has outlined for the future is in it-elf a sufficient recommendation . Outside of that, however, is the long record of useful and beneficent legislntion passed by the government The people, are recognizing thr go! work done and are preparing to vote for Oliver's return; " One More Day Before Election. There will he only one more day before the election. In that lime there may be efforts (o tfy to stanip"ede the electors Into oting for some other' than the government candidate. II has Wen done in days go,m by, bill that was before people tin dcrslood the wiles ir the iMilitieian. Today it is more diffirnll to stampede the electors. Hy this lime nearly everyone will have made up his mind, and il is in the air that victory will he wilh Pattullo. Manson, Perry. Kergiu, Wrinch, and Oliver and n sup. port that will idake il clear down eal that the people are wilh the government in their demands for proper treatment by the railway and the dominion government. BURNS LAKE POUND CAUSES DIVERSION FOR THE CITIZENS Pale of Mules Give Trouble and Eat Half a Sack or Oats IlUIlNS 1-KK. Juno 18. The Incorporation of a village may he n good thing in some ways liul. occasionally, it carries grief to Ihe father of Hie council. Aiiion;? oilier enactment of Ihe council of Hunts Lake was a Pound bylaw necessary in sortie ways Mil Ilie enforeing of which won lil work a liuiiMiiti on all Hi" elllers In Ihe immeiliale vicinity of town who depend on Ihe fact that the adjoining ratine is free. liy this lid sundry lacteal pro. during member of Hie bovine race may roam the slreels at will, fate into Ihe store windows during certain hours and disport themselves wilh Irne liulroM1i-lan jflee. Mill woo lielide the poor range dog thai enlnre within a mile of the town dibit for Ihe pound keeper has coin-ntandeered Ihe service of thi budding politicians of Ilnrn Lake and Ihe small hoys of Hi town are rounding up every quadruped thai can-be enticeil Ihe pound corral to lie smtaldy rewardetl areurdiriV til llirtr catch. Hot on Friday, day of ill- otnen. theyeaughl not one I'ariir but Iwo when Ihe pound keepers, hoy scouts, roumleil up a pair of. mules l.elonying lo Joek .Mitchell, a pioneer of Prince Uiieri ami now a prominent farmer within a few miles of Hums jke. i wa some job lo corrall lite mules who were not Used to cily life but il was finally arroni-j plislicd and Ihe irate. San I was duly notified. During the nivlil Ihe mules ate half a sack of oatsj anil Ihe owner refused lo pay Ihe fine or feed bill. WINNERS IN ANYOX SAFETY COMPETITION Miss Nettle Thomson Writes Best Essay In High School AXYO.V. June J8. Itereiilly lurinf an intensive Safely Vek rampai?n in Anyox alnio.l every niemtter of Ihe roiomuuity saw Ihe motion pirturivs ami heard Ihe lecture of II. II. Mallliiesou. consulting: safely enpineer. who was employed by Ihe eompany lo asii Hie local Safely men in revivifying this important part of operation. Among others all Ihe school children wen given an opportunity of seeing ihe pic tures aud liearinsr the lerlureJ Ihe' effect on these ynunz ilii-: eiples of Safely has to be seen to he .fully appreciated. Later Ihe School Hoard III Anyox offered prize for Ihe bel essay on Safely. Two prizes were to be Khen in Ihe High. School, and In Ihe Public School iw'o prizes were In, be given lo the Senior Bra.le. and two tif jimjlir sradc. AH Ihe essay and Ihe resulj wa very pralifyi. itiff indeed. , The winners jn Ihe Hitrh School were Mis ,. Thompson, first, and Miss 11. Cook eeond. In Ihe Senior srade Miss Olivei f'elfe cnpture.l firsl .md Henry tlarncy second prize. In tj Krade ihe essays of K. llarelay and Isattelle Thomson received special mention. Amnnjr Ihe Junior Faith Cameron look firvl prize, and Hie judges decided lo jiranl two' see.ind priies, one lo lite hard Owen and one lo Lawrence Leslie whose essays were equally ttood. Needless lo say Hie idea proved very popular with Ihe school children and Ihey are -now irylnjr to each other in Safely work. me prue winning .Miss .Nellie Thoiu lihe. in a ful essay hy TIIE VIAILY JIKva " .vingtda June , t ta. . .a, , A tiny scratch but It may prove danteroua If not thoroughly chanted from the lurk-in dingers of duit and dirt; Children need greater protection than is offered by ordinary iop.. Lifebuoy is pure as fine and bland as soap can possibly be. Its creamy, wholesome lather comes from rich, natural, ikLs-noumhing oils. Lifebuoy protectM The protectlvellement of Lifebuoy is indicated by the cleanly, anti-septic odour. The odour vanishes after use -but the protection of Lifebuoy remains. IV-i- Trl Hie long desired Unit fotinerling up the road leading from llaiel- and point eat of Prince tieorge and tlx' world at large. I-mui' miles .if tins mad is heavy won,, the remaining seventeen miles liein conii,iralively lishl. COMMUNITY HALL FOR BURNS LAKE Citizens' Committee Has Project In Hand Following Decision Made at Public Meeting III IIXS IaKK. June 18 Il wa decide at a r-ubltc iiieelint; held here recently to tititM a env- munily lisilf: " Tt- following eointiiillee ha tieen apMiinlet lo lake Ihe project in hand: Prel. denl. C. t Hilltner; vice-prei. dent. Mr. K. T. Calvert; Seere. lary, C. ImcMvn; treasurer. J Yod:M. F. Xonrse. A. M. Muddy and Mr. I. M. Ilerow. ALICEARM n aptrorialion of ;.tlOO ha leen made hy the, provincial e-ertmieiij for the' huildini; of a road aero Ihe Kilsauli flat h-tween Kilsauli and Illiance lliver ami 3.H0( has wei set aside for Ihe' repairing of Ihe. !olly Vanlen railway jrrade so .thai il may he t.sed for ha nil ear.. ' - 'lltVre ba een a general resumption ilnrlnjr the pas few-week tif ieeopliieul. work nil various minintr properties in the dislrk-l. r f Valler. Sliawl here from Prince Ilujer1 i(oln tlrvejopmeni work on his claims. In Ihe Illiance lliver valley. s : . , Mr. ami Mr.; O. Ilife have arrived frnfti Altylsi ih lake up I heir reldeaee henj. While K. J. Conway, Ihe Conservative nominfe, i ueillnp a coixl .deal of siiivt)rl on arrounl of his personal popularity, Ihe most or lb.- iieopW in Allin di-Irid il is expected will look he. yond that wh- n voting on Friday. The able n-pn-senlalioti Dial Ilert Kerjrin lias jjiven Atlin ridinsr flut inir hi juist term of office ha ..,,.o wi.. he pub. TONGUE COATED, BAD ' ure issue. j BURNS LAKE-ENDAKO ROAD WORK STARTING Steam Shovel of Public Works1 Lake lAMt IN MOUTH, EYES TINGED WITH YELLOW Liver Trouble the Cause Mrs. A, C. Unas, Orrrxio, Out, rlt. 1 kit ..- iMdihl.! stlh niv Department Completes ur for r yr Urk, anJ as m Overhaul at Burns UJ ' d,d ' a" T OTk- l Mo ter r(n In mr t'xiMrn, so Ud I nxiki lurdlr tuixl thnu at lluirt; jrrlJ lunpi. Ud Ul Hi Ihe BxHith, III Has I,.KI-i, June 18. The ici"r u iw.niinr; iui or rjri fcleani shov el of J lie provincial ',,nrwl 1 siwl bli a mwy iM I'uhlk. Work deparlnien., f,er ZuZt M .uh vtnr. handling lhouainls of yard of uu um i-utt na iHdsi i vnMki irr lirt In Ihe conslmclloii of ihe a ul, Colley mount road ihirlnjr Ihe past Iwo .seasons, has Jieen undergoing a thorough overhaul at Hum. Lake. I'.njflneer Held ha pro-tiounred himself ready for arllon and dipiting will commence on and tnvr utlni or thr I found I trmly Improted, and rn truitirultr J llul'l flt 11 h II id i and raa now a mr ota vnrk vtitmii nr irutiul." . Milbnra's lat IJrr I'ltl ar tit a flit at. all dettrrt, ar- wUl' t rntitd dlrrrl mi rwrlpl by The T. Mlttmra Co.. Umltrd, Toroa:o, Oat, .... H Protection of the Family Legislation affecting Women and Children . ' Passed by the Oliver Government Mothers' Pensions Deserted Wives Maintenance Act) - - , k The maintenance of parents by. their children v t Maternity protection for prospective mothers who are obliged to earn a living Protection of women and girls working In restaurants, laundries or other places where police consider it necessary; Prohibition of employment of women during the night In any Industrial undertaking; Provision for validating conveyance of land or assignment of personal property from, wife to husband, as well as husband to wife, with out Intervention of trustees; Free 'treatment of venereal diseases; A minimum wage for women; Incorporation of graduate nurses, registration of qualified nurses, and for examination of nurses; Protection of unmarried mothers and children born out of wedlock; The equal guardianship of Infants; , Has limited the employment of children and prohibited night employment of all unc?er 18 years of age; The proper care of neglected children; The establishment of Juvenile Courts so that children may not be also elated with criminals; The detention and special training of subnormal children; The employment of dental surgeons and nurses every school day at the schools. Was Anything Done in This Regard Before John Oliver Became Premier?- won luni many supporter ami thai, lojselhrr with Hie general appreciation thai is manifested for Hie Liberal government, make il appear now ihal he will be a sure winner. The district i nol cuthuiatic over what Ihe Provincial Party represented by Jloli Armour has to offer. STEWART Andrew K. Sweeney, millwright at Ihe I'reiok-r mine, died in lewarl last week of hearl fail ure. Mi M. Ve. ha nrrivd from Vancoiner lo become ma1- nn of Ihe Stewart Ceneral lln- pltal. Mr. Mnrley, former matron, has left for Los Angeles. -- Itev. Arthur W. It. Ahey ha arrived here lo take charge of SI. Mark' Anglican Church. He i accompanied by .Mr. Ashley and child. P. is. Honney. district forester, was a visitor hen lasl eek. NOTICL IT TUT. MVTtrn tt n SKltrUnn fur the Hue or Pftmxttul rtitirt ff line im w imirvrn till. T.M etvn. lra 4 ST t. Tunll r tirlkatU. Mtp ll. al.frrf-jf tirif ft th tit of Ilie rniftraie of Title rovrrtnr lh u Und MTinr urm iinainrvq IIM, 11 II air In irniMi in mrr inc ripiritmn ttt m mmih trv tt tint fublKatkMi hereof. 1 I'rutOloiMl Certlflraie of Till to Ihe boe Und In the name rf oh AlMlreat Onnbrsa. The rtnul Crnifkle of Title hrred 0lll. Und fftutrr Offlre, rrlnr Rupert. ilth rrfariMry, . it. r. vvciron. hT1lrif t TIIU. Sralrd TMKVr StVlrrtvd in- nt.i. Mined atid emt.ird fnr the OinsrurtMi MSI eHtifjBI r 4m. . . Innr.ima i ' mwimu win u. rvmtM, lit. id mom. inne ITlX tltl. ' I'Unt. rUrrtttrMlUtut aikl form .f W ntr l f'tlned il the nrfire f om Oiif rcrese. Vlriurtt. Hm ii.ri-t rr Vter. PttW Rrrt. m OVtmli-nf Mrb will t rvfnndrd m ih ... 4n jnO tcetfteatHHts. lljr srrepied. . n, a. lUir.i. Dfpntr Minltirr f Land, ' NOTHING BETTER The AnltK-ral of Ihe Handy Worhl, PURDY'S CANDY A Toolhomr Ilellghl in a lleauliful Mux, Sole Agents- PRINGE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. Bottled at the Brewery und er -Jh vBeer without uPen conditions of absolute purity, "Cascade" is brewed to perfection from the pick of Canada's famous grains. Sterilized, light-proof bottles bring "Cascade" to you in perfect condition. Sold at all Government Liquor Stores. Vv Vancouver Breweries Limited This ailvfrlNenifiit it not puhlialied or dupUyetl by L'1uor Control Hoard or by the flovrniinrnt of Hrltiih Columbia.