Wednesday, June 18, 1024, BlueRibbon Tea I n c O' m p a r I n g BLUE RIBBON with other packet teas, do not compare It with tea offered at the same price. BLUE RIBBON claims to be the best in Canada regardless of price, and a teapot test will makegoodthisclaim. TS Lakelse Lodge Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. , . . Mow "pen lor (maht uim( r ('iil of Mrs. M. JUiumi.' I'lc.i! place l -K'inl .in- .fiiuriii'i' holiday. Iti-as- liable r.ip. (iooil hmur cooking. O.nilorlHble rooms. Fi'lnUgi Boating, Bathing in Liiki'l-i- L.ike mid Stream. . BATHS AT THe'lODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace TAXI Motors Operating Taxi mid LhiuiIi Service Iflwccii Terrace end Lodge limiting. .i-tiiiug giif-i i inn k, comfortable Irip. Alo operating laxi mtviic lo all pari- of Hit volley,. For reservation and rales, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. "VOU WANT THE FINEST CANNEP SALMON Rupert Brand Selected Skeena Sockeye Tor nic . . ImoM- "Hupert Brand" Salmon. Jl Alfrvv tin- (ii Hip ;inlry are alvviivs handy. jk Sl&rk u Mipply on your hoal lli;it' a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian -Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. STRAW HATS Light Underwear: Boys' Sweaters Reasonable Price STEVE KING ThiriJ A'vcnae Phone Green 85 m Underwood London Dry Ciii Since 1762, famous for its fine, pure mature qUality. $3.25 per bottle liritish Columbia. Tills (advertisement is not publiMicd or displayed ly the nor Control Hoard or by I no Uovermnerit or SURVEY BOAT AUDWIN STRUCK MASSETT BAR Crew Went Ashore In Skiff but Boat Thounht to be Total Loss Tin; Kelcliikau Cliruiiiclw of Friday lust tiaya: The U.S. Coast and (leodeflc Survey hoal Audwin -truck a bar at Maxell llaiJior al Graham Ik. Iandlal Holiday nijrlit at 10 o'clock, and is believed to be prac tically a lolal Unit. I Ik; crew succeeded in gelling u idiore'in skilf and in caving I lit- record us well a most or t lie rtislru incut ued by them in their work a a precise Iriangulalion parly. lb Audwin is well known around Ketchikan, belli,- in (lie use of'llie eerviee for some lime lie is a 00-foot boat, 'Willi a II foul ((iiin. Tlie place I unpro tected from tin? northwest wind, and a a result ' I lie time (here was a very fieuvy sea running. according lo member of lln rew wlm were brought to Kel-liikan .on tlie, Buckeye this morniiiir. l.ieui. Jar. Senior a in liaise of Hit; boat, and at Hie lime was on Ml. lM-i.aro on Duke Island, observing. IJeul. James Downey, in charge of the ehar- leie.l boat Huckeye, was at Tow Hill ou (iruliaiu Island at the time, s'iie 20 miles east of Mas- sell Harbor, and due lo Hie line- of communication being down lie diil not learn of Hie accident un HI Tuesday. Unable to Help At I lie Hint; Hie Auilwin wan corning in' from Dixon s hntraiice and Hie sUtriil had caused such sea as to force cannery lenders on the islam! lo slay in (be harbor. When Hie boa I struck Ibe bar the lender Waterfall and (he Buckeye endeavored in help af they could, but were not aide lo do much, Hie Waterfall going ou Hie bar itself, although no dam age was done and she was laler floated. Upon reaching Lieut. Downey, the Huckeye look the members if Hie crew on board, exceptin iCnsun' W. II. Bainbriilpe, who is slill Ml Masseill dlarhor. awaiting I lie of lite Huckeye. The taller bout proceeded lo Duke Is land lo inforiif Hieul. Senior, 'who fSiClteHyfiii? uTlrrleil over Hut de hiy or Ibe toai, flaggeal a seine tmal ami arrived in Ketchikan fast night,, searehing for the Audwin. Javing here before Hie arrival Mr Hie Hurkeye Ibis he is still ignorant of- Hi' uisnsier aim is couiiucuug a earrh for the boat. I he members of Hie crew of he Audwin who 'were on boanl are U. J 4 Olson. Jlu,ejl lladen liaOsh and I'. II. Kllis, as well as Kiisigii Hainbridge. The (loveruiiienl leleghaphs weit out of business for a lime Unlay while the system was being connected Willi (he C.N. II. be I ween llaieltou mid llaysporl. SALT LAKES SERYICE I he Launch "33" will leave Swanson's Final on Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. un til 0.3H p.m. and on other week days at 2, I mid C.45 p.m. The last hoal home each day will leave' the Salt Lakes lloat sharp al 7 p.m. unday and holiday picnic parlies specially arranged for. l aunches, rovvboals and canoes for sale and hire. l'nnco Hupert Itoalhouso. TIES Chew it after every meal It stimulates appetite and aids digestion. II makes your food do yon more aood. Note bow It relieves that slully feeling aner nearly eating. i aaaaaaa bj aiaaaaaB w i n breath and It's Ih goody that la-ot-a. B.C. TBI DAILY IIIWB. j Local and Personal Undertakers. Hayners, Undertaker. Prions 351. tf T John Jackson was fined in (he cily police court this morn. in for intoxication. Phone 41. Pattullo's Committee Rooms- Empress Theatre Phone 136. Opon from 2 tit 10 p.m. dally, tf A. C. Devinu, mauagei of I he Swansou Hay mill, and M. J. Mc Kay relumed lo Swanson Hay on Hie Cardeua yesterday uflcruooii Tug Alcedo, Capl. A. Alfredson, arrived in jorl at oiie o'clock this morning with a scow load of 381 tuns of coal, for Albert & McCaf fery, from .Naiiaiiuo. Mr. am Mrs. A. J. Colli son ar rived yesterday by Hie Cardena from Manic Hay and will spend a few days in lown. Mr. Collison now on the Oraiiby staff at Maple Hay.- The deisel boat fieorgc Junior, lad. Itamstud, which is engage in I lie carrying of Unlleil Males mails between Juneau and Petersburg Kwas in onrl las night-for fucl w. ,f Charlie "Currie and .Sydney Hunter embarked yesterday for a week's cruise down the coast on Hie former's ga-lmal, Huby Mae I'hey will visit Surf Inlcl, Uulc laic and Swanson Hay. 4 Miss Irene Arnoll, who ha been on Hie staff of I lie Prince Hupert l.eneral llopilal for al most a year, has been called I her home in Saskatchewan owing to the serious illness of her mother. (i.N.H. sleamrr Prince Hupert Capl. D. Donabl, from Vancouver and way porliv is due lo arrive on lime at 'J o'clock (his after noon. The Jraiji due from the Kasl al I o'elock is also reporlei mi lime K. Johnson anl r . . M'o were brought up in Ibe provincial police court this morning before Stipendiary Magistrate (Sale answer lo charges of stealing canoe at Port Kdward. The cases were adjouruel until tomorrow, - Jtev. Dr. J. Knox Wright of Van couver. secretary of Hie Canadian Hrauch of the Hrillsli Foreign Hible Society, is a visitor in Ibe cily and will give an addres. to night, lie arrived here from the interior and Is oii his way south. The Ketchikan molorship Hcl-lingham, Capl. Williams, Was in porl yesterday unloading .'It tierces of mild cured salmon and ajn barrels of herring oil for transshipment Kal over Hie Canadian National Hallways. The vessel arrived from Kelcliikau and returned there. Mrs. J. H. Mitchell and son (U'orge are leaving ou tonight's train for Ncmiskam, AllaH in response Ui u wire received last night lo Ibe effect dial her father, (ieorge Cowie. was fur iously Mr. and Mrs. Howie visited in the city with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell lasl Christmas. 4- Henry lleiduian, manager and owner of Ihe Onlskcish mine near inyox, was a passenger going soulh ou the Cardena yesterday irteriioon. His Irip Hi Vancou ver is in connection with the pur chase of more machinery for the mine. He will be back next week ami expects In spend a couple of ilays here. . Passengers sailing for the soulh on Hie steamer Cardeua lasl night Included F. Ilobinsou 'for Vancouver; J. Hrown for Surf Inlcl; A. C. Devine and M. J. McKay for Swanson Hay; It. Myers for Victoria; II.' Adlen'i and (!. liilchrist for Alert Hay; William Johnstone for Hiiledale and It. Young for Nainu. Miss Helen Soltowtiy H.N., graduate of the Vancouver (ien-eral Hospital, has'beon uppointed I lo succeed Miss Helen Hurnside, iH.N., Who has resigned, as operating room supervisor al Ibe Uieneral Hospital. Miss Sollovvay ciinves highly recommended hav ing served two years am operating rooui supervisor at Ihe Hute SI reel llnsnltl. , Vniwmiv..i- u.i one year In the Kidowna fler.eral Hospital, . That Home Made" Taste Ibis morning al Hie dry dock for repairs and overhaul. Frank. Hiddlccome of L'sk left by train last night bound for Kugland on a holiilay visit. He will sail by the C.P..S. Minne- dosa from Montreal On JUhe 25. Mrs. D. A. Smitheriugale of Stewart ami her neiee. Mis M Kirkwood, left on lasl nighl's rain 'for Chicago. "They arrived in Hie rliy from Slewart al Uic cud of Ihe week. Word has been received that Hon Frank Carvcll and Hon Frank Oliver are not with the railway commission, Ihe mem bers of which are expected to arrive (his afternoon.'"" " The trial Irip orlhe new palrol lMal" Hividis vvhicli took place ycslcrday proved very salisfac lory. The run lasted six hours The hoal will be delivered al Swanson Hav in a few days. James Mitchell, who lias been leaching -at the Honlen Street school for Ihe past year, has ac-eepled a position as teacher in the Anyox Iligli School and will lake over his new duties in Sep leinber. A ea-e of scarle.t fever having developed in Ihe Seal Cove dis trict and the work of Ihe school for Ihe term being practically omplejed it has been decided lo lose Ihe school. It will no re pen until after (he holidays. . i.. . i . m ving, i.imiese. was charged in ihe cily police court Ibis morning with supplying Hijuor lo an Indian, Joseph San-key, and Ihe ca e was adjourned till tomorrow. Charges of intox ication ami having liquor in pos- esslou respectively against Snukey and another Indian,. It. Cooper, were also adjourned until tomorrow. 1 tl l UA ftT KileUu'lulf jtm. "j A fine food for boys Clark's BEANS Eagle dtuaio I htf MttMissiutLr! ffJaTaTaTaVVV TPkV-ataTaTaTaTaVKUil 1 X 60c. per lb. You couldn't make such chocolates at home without long years of candy-making experience. And yet they have something about them that suggests the pure vholesomeness; the fresh piquancy, of home made' dainties. So we call them Neilson's "Home Made" Chocolates. They are boxed plainly, in order to give you this extra quality at a low price. THE CHOCOLATES THAT ARE DIFFERENT Pattullo's Committee Rooms EMPRESS THEATRE. tf - For quality and preparation. gel Hunters' Coal. Phone Green j 022 or Hlue 515. tf! I luce boats the Chief ibassa, llanaco and were docked YOU CANT MISS IT GOING OR COMING. Regent Hotel 1 was an-expert photographer in Vancouver City and am an ex-member of the Grauville Studiu. I am now re-established, at the Eagle Sludio and Hegent lintel, comer 2nd Ave. and Sixth Street. ROOMS BY THE DAY, WEEK, OR MONTH. HOT AND COLD WATER Kiddies pictures taken ami any style portraits, Sepia Brown, Coloring Paint with framing from $."i.00 per dozen up. Postcard 92.00. Passport Photos, t.2r. We show proofs or inn it them. Bring your old photos for copying to any size. We take your krianftnl fitmc fur llpwt Dtvilf in.. ing and Printing. AH work guaranteed satisfactory or your money back. Exceptionally low prices. Sittings Day or Night, Rain or Shine. Cor. Second Ave. and Sixth Street P.O. Box 594. Phone Red 69. Alexander T. Eckoff, Proprietor. SUMMER STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will sail from PRINCE. RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Fridavy JO.OO turn. S.S. PRINCE JOHN tor VANCOUVER via Queen Charlotte Islands, June 21. PASSENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Ij-v- ITInre llup-rl 5.00 pju. Tor PIU.NCE G to HOE. EDMONTON, WIN-Mrro. all polols Easirrn Canada. United suta. AOCNCr ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. ' ' Cltf Tlcktt Offlca, S2S Third A,a, Prlnca RuparU Phana ISO. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Servicei Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle June 14, 21, 25; July 2, 5, 12, 16, 23, 20 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway June 9, 16, 20, 27, 30; July 7, 11, 18, 21. 28 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For BuUdale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Octa-i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van couver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information froth W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. -i x UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OK B.C., LTD. Salllnn from Prluca nuprrt. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaan la-, ana Al.rt Ray, Tua4a. S PM rer VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Al.rt Bay. ana Sanen Ray, Saturday. 10 AM. for ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wilt lalana, Sunday, S P.M. Rot PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlttr Cannarlaa, Prlday A.M. t2S J. arnalty, AnL Print. Rup.rt, I.e.