O F- TAXI W and mdJ Ambulance Best Service Day and Night MATT VIDECK VOL, XIV , NO, 113, PACfflL . illuiiia A.l,lrplnir Mir. sltrnl rank's of, Hie lists on public A ilaiiahler i Oil Kergin and Supporters Hold . a Meeting at Alice Armband ImnNiiItt Scans ma 48 Officers meeting. Ml . - - . r- i r. ........ 1 1 . .. inlL' r, n i' rl ti 'J f Meet Criticisms of Opponents ALICK A KM, June IS. The Liberals or Alice Arm closed their campaign here lut niglit with u public meeting held in the Coliseum. The meeting was largely attended and there was no antagonism shown or personalities indulged in. The speaker being all local men, and Ihi the home town of Ihe M.uA., several iuclious or uu iiiformnlive nature were asked, which were answered .satisfactorily. ..... , - AiKoiig the speaker of the evening were II. Fowler and b. followed by II. I". Ivcrgiu. .M.U.V. wnu cioeu uic Fouler gave an in Mir ofifacl. You know Urn men. Tlll'l Il'l mill II,, r 1.IHH II". . . . .. . , . ., ,, t. i ....I. i..n.. letter sent ...ni .ml out liv by ll.e the Pro- Pro- idea plea for for Ihe Ihe return return to to oower power ol ill uie uirrei oi me u.c. imiiiic Mr. Duma, wbu described 4il lalk as hi maiilen political He minted from a cir- speech, made an impassioned rular ship Mississippi flared back on vinclal party lo all ll.e voier oi ine preeni g..ver..m. u. ii i,.. Ti. ....rri., u.,r.. r. thi riil in if in which they wei-e ed for Ihe return of Mr itiU.-.l In fori., a creal cross and told Ihal sinre only John Omwaywho had ably thousand of officer and men and the Liberal parly of Hie navy ami n val concourse to Ihe voters' list lo if rlloi-n uniK iii :illi-inl;inre llesl lllCV be left off. file ol the freight rale fight was II... I. Ail.i.lnil Prnll various i.o.l office and wereifigbling Ihe baltle of llirt lulit litu Lnoiiliit? will tfrmtl miipIi roll temntible cainpaisn HI you eternal peace." BIRTH wa born at I be cralure a that wa Ihe burden or lalk running throughout Mr. Fowler's speech. "A you have heard Ihe charge and criticism of Hie Conservative ami rrovin- Prince Ilupcrt Oeneral Hospital rial parties you have heard the on June 17 to Mr. and Mrs. V. Liberal speakers with llieir ibcu-Lewi or this rily. menlary evidence and attested A Public Meeting Will he, held in the EMPRESS THEATRE, Thursday, June 19, at 8,15 p.m. In tho Inlerest. of Hon. T. D. PATTULLO Minister of Lands. Opposition Candidate lire luvileil lo Address lh Meeting. Seats Reserved for Ladles. Everybody Welcome. PHINCK nUI'KHT, B.C., YVKDXKSDAY, JUNE 18, 108. He ana . r0rc ,1 Ii niaiuii biirflv uiol touched , fair. Me reasonable and vote for I . . ... ..... r ,.i ..iiw-niinnsltbe best inlerr?t of the district SAN PUimo. June l. Ho- which the opposition parlies were mime wa natd lu Ihe 18 dead cvelllng against Ihe present gov- I... I..-I tl.nl lli n. u I.aii llui ,.ifi iir.Oi.enl He ask-K erg in ehamvinncd the had access'eause of the north a well as ll.C lake bold As a whole lie asked for the re-Were nol turn of Premier Oliver who in his not only ll.C. but Lvcry acl or your lift has been not four distinct curl of re- or Ihe Tour western provinces as ..i.ii. i... ti.i. .'...... ii.inn in.!, I nuked Mr. Fowler. Well. "Forget petty personall- r.fien Hi. ul... I.nt Ink vimr How can you yoiirseH credit . tie, forget private jealousies, said Mr. Dumas. "Oct behind Ihe present government and pull tor a greater ll.C." H. F. Kergin Mr. Kergin. who closed Ihe meeting, made a short talk, touching upon several topics not fully covered by Ihe various speakers, lie paid bis respects to both (he Provincial parly and the Conservative opposition. He claimed the Provincial parly wa not a spontaneous uprising of the people against fancied ills of the present government." I ask any uf Ihe Provincial parly present," said Mr. Kergin, "lhat be-fore Ihe visit ot General Mcltae and parly lo Alice Arm a year ago, did Ihey ever hear ir a Pro. viiiciiil parly, did 'I Key ever entertain the thought of the third party in their mind. Ceneral Mcllae's efforts lo get Into power would be fudricous were Ihey nol alo freighted with evil,' said Mr. Keinin. "He has injured Ihe pro vince In Ihe eyes or Ihe nation. He ha Injured the people or the province us a whole, lie has in jured me, Tor he questioned the iTclllude and broadcasled Ihe rorrupllon of the supreme court Ho has caused (he people lo que, lion (he sanity and right of ex. istlng Institutions, he has (Continued on page 0) servative interests in this city if hi in I lie presenl elec tion and support Mayor .Newton. the first offer, made by a member of the Conservative parly whose name be would give publicly if Ihe Conservative parly wa willing, was (be promise of the position On the Workmen's Compensation Hoard now- held by I'arkcr William if he 'Mr. Mac- kay. would support the (Conservative candidate. 1'he second offer wa nrade by Joe Sigmund who undertook, if Mr. Mackay withdrew his no in ill ation and supported Mayor New PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper fidavil. probably on Ihe next boat. Pacific Creat Eastern Likely to be Sold in Yesterday circulation, ltd Beaten by Labor Man In Pretoria and Government Likely to Fall CAPKTOWX. June 18. luJbe general election throughout I South Africa yesterday Premier Smut was defeated in Pretoria West. The result at ten o'clock last nigbl indicated gain for Ihe Nat ionali! -Labor opposition. The defeat of (lie Premier by hi labor opponent Hay came a a distinct surprise. The prevail ing view is Ihal Hie (lovernmenl caumd hope I o secure a majority Late Despatch The standing of (be parties Ibis afternoon in South Africa wa: (iovernment Parly 3", .Na tioualisls -'7, Labor 18, lude pendents 1 and I lie re are 51 more lo bear from. The conviction is forcing it elf upon Ihe I iovernment fol- ton, lu make him. Mr. Mackay 'lowers lhat the Smuts adminis- nwiyor of Priiice Hupert. 1 1 rat ion will be overthrown. lleganling the suggestion that: be bad been associated in the iniril Uf MIT I AW TCTC campaign with F. (i. Dawson, Mr. UVuIl ITltlTllLLAW UtlJ Mackay offered, lo wenr to an affidavit that tin' only time he bad been in Mr. Dawson's com FIVE YE RS-OK ALL A pany, outside of al church and1 Hugh McMillan of Smilhers walking along the street, was on was Ibis morning found guilty of one occasion when he had called Indecent assault by Judge Itobert- Mr. Daw-son into hi office lo sou in the county court and wa confer with ui old man who de- sentenced to serve rive years at sired lo niter the Old Man' Okalla. The case was a disgusl-Hoiue. v He challenged Ihe Con- ing one. servalive to make a contrary af- Prisoner will be sent south London to Capitalists LONDON, June 18. Negotiations, which were entered into a month ago for the sale of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway of British Columbia to a powerful group of London capitalists, is likely to have favorable results. Two syndicates of British financiers are Inquiring for further particulars relating to the road and the price the B.C. Government will accept and concessions which would be made to a company taking it over. PRINCE WILL TAKE PART IN JAMBOREE To Attend Thanksgiving Service and Stay Night In Camp at Wembley LONDON, June 18 The prince ol Wales is to take an active part in the imperial jamboree organized by the boy scouts to be held ul Wembley August t to 8. The prince will not only open Ihe proceedings but slay u night in camp -ind attend Ihe thanksgiving service uu Sunday. LEAGUE BASEBALL American League Washington IS, Chicago 0. New York 7, Cleveland 5. Hoston I, Detroit 7. Phlladelphla-.l. Louis, rain. National League Cincinnati t, Hrooklyu 5, Pittsburg 5-ti, Host on 2-1. Chicago 0, Philadelphia 5. SI. Louis 3, New York 5. Jim Jones, Indian, charged In ii . .it.. ii . ... 1110 city ponce court Mils mom- ,'lng vvilh drunkenness, was rc- Hiatided uuli! tomorrow. LOOKS GOOD FOR GOVERNMENT RETURN SOUTHERN INTERIOR Hon. W. II. Sutherland wires following a lour to Ihe southern interior that il looks goisl ror Ihe return oT the Liberal candidates in every constituency in which he had been. They realize lhat Oliver's Tight for lower freight rates and general govern-mental policy are vital to the continued progress of the province. LATE TELEGRAMS Diuke al 50 to I won Hunt Cup with Weather Vane second and Twelve Pointer third. Iloth American women Miss Helen Wills and Mrs. Mai lory were defeated lo-duy by Miss Phyllis Covell and Mrs. McKane respectively. Canada's socccrleam In Aim Iralla were defeated .by Manly Metropolitans 0 to 2; Street Stle, 186 some lengtli nil o an account oil The Latest In Restaurant. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. Private Boxes for Parly Use. 'Take Her to The Boston." Ross Mackay Outlines his PRICE FIVE' CENTS. EAT EASTERN LIKELY BE! SOLD POSTAL STRIKE IS DELAYED AND NEGOTIATIONS ARE ON FOR SETTLEMENT editorial Strenuous Ftorts Stop SICMBND AS .PREMIER SMUTS WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF PRINCE RUPERT? If Hirough any slip or mis-ruinrptiou f fiic-lfi the eojlt of Pnnc,e 1 tupert hould happen lu return Mayor Newton ul the lieud of the poll on Friday to represent lliein ul Victoria, what would lite rest of the country think, ? They would my thai Prince Ilupcrt dors nol wiuil lower freight rules that Ihi city doe not nppreriale the work done hy the iiii'inlier in roiuifcUoii with labor Icgislu-Iioii, social legislation,, uml pressing the claim of the district on Olluwa ju such a way n lo bring result. Happily for the district ami its reputation Pnliullu i gelling that general siiporl which insures hi elerllon on Friday mid he will go lo Victoria lu carry on Ihe policy of northern development, to hark up Oliver in In freight rule fight, and lo carry on Ihe propaganda in favor of the north which he undertake oil the time. Pallullo i the man who i four square with hi constituent and who says what he mean and ny it with muiic force. Kolrtlin cr.diror Ihe. city and ililricl. he I Ihe man who should go to Victoria. YVhtil will Ihe people there think of ii a n cotnmtimly if we send Mr. Ncwlon? HOMAGE PAID DEAD SAILORS Cabinet Council Meeting this Afternoon considers Representations and Offer Made to Men. . .r.u.t t ft I . t At .... I I Inn I III- ..." u.Z ; , ; deler- he would agree lo withdraw ... ..' i, ....- it,,.., ri.iMUMP candidature IUIIie.1 11 Hie Civil rnicc i iiiiiiiussiuu .c ......... rale plus the IU'J-i-25 bonus, the government is willing to coil liniie Ihe bonus iiulil the salury revision for the entire service has hern couiiinmuled. Itcpresenlalives of Ihe postal workers tneel Ihe member of Ihe government ngeiu Ihi afternoon for a conference with Hon. Charles .Stewart, uctuig potmatcr general, ami lion. .lame M unlock, minister of labor following an adjournmcnl at noon. In the meantime repre-ienlalioii from I lie postal worker will be taken up al a meeting of (lie cabinet council. Mr. M unlock wa notified Ihi morning of Hie intention of Ihe postal worker (o go on strike at five o'clock (hi afternoon unless stilUfaclniy arrangements are made in (he meantime. OITAWA, June 18. The Postal Strike ha been drferrc.l 21 hour lo allow of further Mack ay Declares Offer Was Made to Htm to Withdraw From Contsst T. Hoss Muckay, the Provincial parly candidate,, told al his meet-iii lust night of two offer thai had been made 'him by the Con Policy and Criticizes Very Severely Both his Opponents T. Hoss Mackay, Provincial party candidate: Tor the Legis lature, last night addressed an audience which look, up all the iomcwhat limited accommodation of the Metropole Hall. Ih'i peaker was given an attentive but undemonstrative hearing and there was uu indication lhat a number or his listeners were actuated in their attendance more out of curiosity than from any other motive. The announcement lhat Mr. Mackay would answer to the charge of having sold out, undoubtedly offered nine attraction and in this his hearers were not disappointed for be told or two oiler that had been made turn by Conservative interest if be would agree lo support Mayor Newion. Mr. Mac-i kay attacked the reconl of the! Oliver government, pointed out tlie j necessity in thf interests or tbcj KINGS GREET ROTARIANS city of Prince llupert and the " north that Ihe Howser candidate neaos oi many uovernmenva bould be .Mealed and wenl at Hewd From at Big Conven- tlon In Toronto what Ihe Provincial party pro- ' - posed lo do ir it were return-j- TOHONTO, June 18 Itotarian ed to power. A. D. Plant pre- at the International convention ided. .received greetings yesterday rrom Happy Medium (King Ceorge, Queen Mary, the Mr. Mackay opened up in a Viceroy or India, Premier Smuts characteristic humorou vein..oi Soulli Africa, President L.00U H.s slated that he intended t.i.tdge, and the kings and presidents jdrike a Jianpy medium between one, of JJig candidates, who .while visiting the Queen charlotte Is lands, could not be started lo speak and the -id her who could not be slopped. The present campaign, lie sani, in some respects was not lo hi liking. It seemed that reason and good judgment wa being dethroned by passion ami prejudice. It was UH hi aim, however, lo appeal lo reason and good judgment. He had nol entered Ihe contest with view lo defeating one or the other of his opposing candidates but because he felt lhat the, pread. Liquor Business Slating that be did not ad- Jmire any government that was in aid IT a government, however,! did find itself saddled with suclil of many other countries. Representatives ,frun 20 countries are presenl'from 1323 clubs. The total .registration of (dele-gates and guests number 8,605. policy of the Provincial Party' NOMK. June 18 Ihe American was well adapted lo the needs ofchooner Xaunk, Capt. Pederson. Hrilsh Lolumbia at Ihi lime. Injarrived en route from" San Fran-11)16 the people had united lo cisco lo the Arctic, Ocean on .1 put the Howser government out hunting and trading I rip. Peder- or power. The Liberals bad cried son said thai in his 25 years ex- economy al Ihal time but they perienee he had never round the had been in power eisht years 'ice so heavy as fur south in and they had greatly increased Hering Sea before. He had many Ihe public debt with no cones- limes lu use dynamite and pow-pixidiug increase or assets lo der lo release Ihe Xaunk rrom the show for il. Comment on the ice. government s extravagance was wide; USED DYNAMITE TO FREE SHIP Schooner Naunk Found More Ice In Behrlng Sea Than Ever Before MANSON WILL GET MAJORITY EVERY BOOTH I the liquor business, Mr. Mackuy Roundlno Out Enthusiastic Cam a business it should be ad.iilni, VANDLIUIOOF. June 18. lered in an economical manner. ri,i. i, n.... tj , iiiuubii I, in viri null is u l"IC- ,. ... , , , Liu.rmous pri.fils U, brokers and Bone conciUl,,un, ,,0II. A M inanurac urers inight be etimiii- ManMlll aUrney peneral, is aled and the liquor produced in .,ickin!I wilh ,,, xun , Ihe province by Ihe government itself. when It was nol good busiues. a government made a (continued on page four) palgn In Omlneca Riding on election day. The minister is now roiindinir mil vvl.ul In, I retroactive Increase or pay (o a nwA p,rthlls,asi,e cau,alrfi, Ihe brewers. His own policy lh,.re ani m. ol a -u US fa.r ..Iiq!'r 9im,mM S'olMoK division, that will not cerned. Mr. Mackay said, would ,,,, a major,y. M be lo help to minimUc its con-i,e suatio ,,, Ulc indications sumj.tioii a rar a possible. hx-ar, tha, Mr .Mun!,on win ro cessive use or liquor was in tho a majority equalling f- not best interests of no one and he ..clinsinir ifie niiri.irie..i 1..- Imd no sympnlhy vvilh a system alhm 1P Was given in the 9 '0 thai made II easy to gel lcr and election. ' spirits. He would not lavor ab-l Puberih for lh DalU Nnwa. PUBLIC MEETING In Interests of 8. M. Newton. Tonight at 8.30 WE8THOLMC THEATRE; Address hy F. A. McDIARMID, or Vancouver. Henls lleserved for Ladies. a