i Seplvnner 5, 1924. rlday THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE FINAL CAMPAIGN DANCE IS HELD Lakelse Lodge Brother Bills Staned Affair Last Night In Elks' Home In Support . Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. of Carnival Queen Candidate Now open for service tinder management of Mrs. M. Haven. Meal place to spend your summer holidays. Reasonable rales. . fiood Iiome cooking. Comfortable rooms. Fishing:, Hooting, Hathing in Lakelse Lake and Streams. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace AXI Motors Operating Taxi and Launch Service between Terrace and Lodge landing, assuring guests of quick, comfortable trip. Also operating taxi service to all parts of the valley Forrjjjejvalions and rales, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. BOYS' BLACK WCOL ? Hose Special Purchase, size 7 lo 10.-' A good siiLlaiitinl Hoe, full sizes 50c Pair H. S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ae. and Fulton St! We -toek Pictorial Pattern's. Dr. Watsoh's Tonic i Phone 9. ALE and STOUT One package makes .1 gallonstof the most wholesome and nourishing daily drink. ' Easily prepared. 75c Per Package. ORMES LIMITED THE REXALL STORE. Phones 82 and 200. II My choice for aged, matuVe quality! OLD CROW I BOURBON WHISKEY j I BOTTLED UNDER FEDERAL ! I GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION This advertf Bdvertf5ement Is not published or displayed by the LiaW.;Control Rbard or by the Government of Rritlsh Columbia, A final campaign dance in support of Mi.tH Nora k'punv. I liir- candidate in tlu l-'aip Hoard's carnival atiwii ronleL was staged last night in the Klks' nnine iiy ,o Hiolher Hills. There were, about 1 in tierxnnu present, music was furnished by nasson s nrcheslruMflrul refreshments were served. O. Folsmn was master of ceremonies, I.. M. Fuller presided at the door and the committee consisted of C. Fnlsnm, A. A. Eas-snn, L. M. Fuller and J. SMITHERS FAIR WAS FINANCIAL SUCCESS Balance on Right Side Reported at Meeting of Directors Wednesday SMITIIEHS, Scot. 5. The board of directors or the Hulkley Valley Fal Fair held a meeting in the Municipal Office on Wed. nesday night. As this was the first meeting following the an nual fair there was a full turnout to greet the president, J. O. K. Sealy, who presided. I lie report of the secretary- treasurer, Ilev. M. V. Lees, was Hie clnef ilenf of interest. The report indicated that Snfllhers held its most successful fair in 1921. In spile of innumerable draw hacks such as the early dale, , a very poor growing season, and wet weather preceding and dur ing Ihe fair, entries were in ex cess of any previous year, and what is of most importance to Ihe directorate a substantial balance shows on Ihe right side of the ledger. The annual meeting of the Fair Association is called for Wednes day. October 18 next. ROAD WILL COST OVER A MILLION Legislation Will be Asked to Vote Money for TransproWnclal Road VICTORIA, Sept. 5 One of Ihe most important government pro jects ever undertaken by the Oliver administration is the com pleling of the Transprovineial Highway between, Hope, and llie inierior. lion. w. H. Sutherland, minister of public works, an nounces that tenders will he called for this work' within "four weeks; while Ihe bidders, will have October lo look over plans and prepare Iheir estimates, When Ihe legislature meets late. in October Ihe lenders will have been decided .upon ami Ihe House will be asked to vote Ihe necessary money. The link will cost about $1,000,000, with an ad ditional 8250,000 required for the big steel bridge across the Eraser river at Spuzzum. The government plans lo carry on; some of the work this winter, if unemployment condition can be relieved in this manner. TURKS BOB HAIR SAYS VISITOR FROM THERE Mother of Famous Poet Astonishes Son with News of Developments In OUa-man Empire NEW YOHK. Sept. 5. When Mrs. Fikret Hey, wife of Turkey's most famous modern poet, arrived here to visit her son, an assistant professor at the Uni versity of Cincinnati, she was greeted with Ihe news that he had married an American girl ami a bobbed hair girl. "Oh, ihat is nothing. Your reverend uunl, forty years old, has bobbed hers too," responded Ihe Turkish mother. Mrs, Fikret Hey then explained lo the astonished young man that many things had happened since the Nalionulisl Government came into power in Turkey.. "Turkey has become very European in recent years," she said. "The women wear no veils on Ihe street and Iheir cos tumes are just like those of Parisian women, save for Ihe silk scarf which (hey wear tight about Iheir heads, Young Turkish women wore decollete gowns at llu lied Crescent ball, given recently, and they danced all Ihe modern steps," A.lhnl Orange Terrace, wish to announce the engagement of Iheir youngest daughter, Cecilia Roberts to Robert Marie, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Chag At every place a bowl piled high with health-ful Kellogg's and breakfast's on the dot! 1 li No impatient JLol. waiting for breakfast when Kellogg' is handy. It' cooked and ready to fcerve. COME TO CANADA IF EDITORS REPORT GOOD rin de Kedgommeaux, also of Thrfso Minratng will be Men ..:...ti-, i..v,. mo- rn-muuK win w(th Agricultural Ex-lake place early in December. ' m.i.inr MADE IN CANADA SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WINNIPEG, ISepl. 5. Manv farmers" sons and farm laborers ' of Holland with thorough agricultural training will come to Canada as settlers, if ihe parly ! of Dutch editors i( present louring Ihe Dominion give a favor-i able reiHrl to Iheir government on conditions in Canada. I This was the opinion advanced jby M.'J. Hrusse, one of the party (during his slop in Winnipeg, j Emigration from Holland, he said was on the increase and j would continue lo grow." However. Canada could nol expect lo receive annually great numbers of immigrants from Holland because Ihat country was not over-, populated' with agriculturalists, although (he industrial field was overcrowded. There was no in-I lenlion of burdening Canada with artisans, Mr. Hrusso declared, i Settlers, sent over wxiuld be desirable farmers, who understood agriculture in all il.s phases. Many sons of farmer i In Holland found il impossible lo obtain land in Iheir native try with Ihe inevitable result thai they sought other continents in .which lo pel lie. In Iho past n largo number of these young men j had migrated lo Iho United Slales, but if Canadian condi tions were favorable, I hey would not, require much persuasion to try farming here. Advertise in the Dally News.- 2nd Oven-freth always Mr. and Mrs. II. Halliwell of nilTrtl CCTTI DD0 TA UU 11,11 OLllLLIW 1U Fine with milk or cream, but for an extra treat add a sprinkling of your favorite fruit. CORN FLAKES Say J Contains Old all the meaty-starchy nourishment of hearts of corn made easy to digest CORN FiAKES e?5S f WHY NOT TRY AN ELECTRIC BAKE POUND CAKE FROM YOUR GROCERS ? i o day i CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle September 3, 6, 16, 2G For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway September 1, 12, 22 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. BACK AGAIN! AND AT YOUR SERVICE. HIGH CLASS DENTISTRY AT MODERATE PRICES. Dr. J. F. Maguire Smith Block. Prion? 575.